《I Can't Believe I Have the Girlfriend of My Dreams! - An Unromantic Love-Comedy Light Novel》CH23: Never Gonna Give You Up!
“What’s going on with you today?”
Mary snaps me out of my daze. I can see Mary’s eyebrows peeking out over her ridiculous sunglasses.
“What if I told you every day I wake up in another world where Akane and I aren’t a couple, and where none of our group are really friends anymore.” I asked bluntly.
Mary takes off her sunglasses and looks me in the eyes. She was staring deep into my soul, wondering if there was any truth to the out-of-nowhere statement I just made. Finally, she puts her sunglasses back on and gives a long sigh.
“…You’ve been watching too many reruns of the Masked Avenger, idiot.” she blurts out.
If only.
Of course, everything I had just said was 100% true – or rather – the waking up in another world part (for now). But today I’m in a bit of a weird predicament. Mary was sitting across from me, wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses. She even had one of those white health face masks on. It was strange of her to message me this early in the morning, saying I was to come alone and to tell no one. I wasn’t sure what to expect either, except that this meeting was supposed to be a secret. So I left my house, not telling anyone anything – including Akane.
This better be worth it. Akane was cooking today…
Since the moment we sat down, Mary had been fidgeting and looking all around her surroundings. She said she was trying to be incognito, which was ironic since she caught the attention of nearly everyone the moment she walked in here with that suspicious getup. Picking the Purrfect Café was her idea, since it was the last place Daisuke or Akane would show up at.
Our drinks finally arrive, with a coffee for me, and freshly squeezed orange juice for Mary. I take a sip of the coffee.
Sweet, just how I like it.
“Why did you want to meet suddenly?” I asked.
What could she possibly say that couldn’t be said over the phone?
Mary looks around, paranoid of her surroundings. She was making sure no one was listening in on our conversation.
“Just tell me already…” I said, annoyed.
“I wan tuh sooprise…”
I couldn’t understand a word of what she just said. Her face mask was making her voice muffled and unclear. She begrudgingly pulls down the mask under her chin.
“I said I want to surprise Daisuke!”
Her sudden outburst was so loud, that the other customers shifted their attention towards us.
Please be patient with us, she can’t help it.
“Keep it down Mary.” I harshly whispered to her.
Mary relents and takes off the whole ridiculous "disguise." She rubs her eyes with her tiny little hands, as they adjust to the sudden exposure to sunlight.
“Look, Daisuke’s birthday is coming up, and I want to reward him with something special. You’re his best friend right? There’s bound to be something he secretly wants.”
Mary explains to me that for the past few days, she had been dropping “subtle” questions to Daisuke, but to no avail. If she was actually subtle and not straight up asking what he wanted for his birthday is another question, but I was thankful Mary reminded me of my best friend’s birthday. I’ve just been so preoccupied with trying to fix our friendship in World B that I completely forgot.
I better keep this in mind.
“Let’s see…uh…”
Truth be told, nothing popped into my head. Daisuke was never the type to have any desires or materialistic. I only remember that he invited me to a birthday party once when we were kids. Then his sister was admitted into the hospital and ever since then, Daisuke rarely mentioned his birthday at all.
“I’m not sure Mary.” I sigh. “Nothing’s coming up.”
Mary twirls the straw inside her orange juice.
“It’s hopeless…I’m a terrible girlfriend!” she says, burying her head into her arms.
This was probably the first time I ever saw Mary in such a defeated state.
“Don’t worry Mary! I think Daisuke would like anything you did. It’s the thought that counts.” I said, trying to comfort her.
Mary lifts her heads up, and wipes away a tear in her eye.
“What have you done with Akane, Kazuki? Maybe you can give me ideas.” she asks.
“U-Uh…hmm…” I mumbled on.
I can’t think of anything!
“Well Kazuki, have you done anything with Akane yet? I’ve read couples start to do things as soon as possible!” said Mary.
“W-What do you mean Mary?”
Suddenly I feel the urge to bury my face into my hands but I stay strong.
Nah she doesn’t mean “that,” does she…?
“I mean doing stuff with her y’know, just the two of you.” she clarified.
She does!
I motion her to come closer to me. This I definitely did not want anyone to eavesdrop.
“We’ve only kissed and held hands!” I whisper quietly to her. I didn’t want the whole café to hear about my love life.
Mary spits out her orange juice into my face. I grab a napkin and wipe my face, only to see Mary turning bright red.
“N-Not that stuff you puh-pervert!” as she points her index finger at me.
For some reason I felt relief go through my body. It was all a big misunderstanding.
Yeah of course! What was I thinking?
“I meant have you shown your appreciation for her Kazuki? Have you done anything like that?” she asks.
“We’ve been busy lately with midterms and the school festival happened…”
“Some boyfriend you are…” she sarcastically remarks.
I nearly choke on my coffee but manage to clear my throat.
I’ve had little to no time since both worlds were constantly in trouble. There was never a moment of peace and quiet that I could think of where it was just me and her. Except that one night where we saw the stars on Akane’s rooftop. Even then, Akane did act a little weird, asking me about what I liked about her and stuff. Now that things in this world were settling down, I should do something for her.
Especially after what I said to her.
“That’s it Kazuki! You need to do something for her! I can totally help you out here. You scratch my back, I scratch yours, capische?” said Mary.
Mary raises her fist into the air.
“We have to do something to show our appreciation for them Kazuki!” said Mary with determination.
“You’re right Mary!” I said in agreement.
I definitely felt the flames of passion light up inside me! We still had one problem though – what were we going to do?
Akane and I still haven’t talked since our first fight.
I slouch back down at the sad thought and bury my head into my arms. Suddenly I can feel a presence approach our booth.
“Would any of my master-nyans like to try any of the new dessert-nyans?”
I raise my head and look to see it was our usual waitress Neko-nee. Underneath that adorable frilly cat-maid hybrid outfit was actually detective-in-training Tsubasa Takemi, also known as the class president. The cute and seductive outfit of Neko-nee was a stark dichotomy to the plain and meek class president. It was the perfect disguise, since nobody would be the wiser.
I think Mary doesn’t know…
“That’s it!” as I raise my arms in satisfaction.
Our secret undercover private detective in training is shocked at my sudden outburst that she reached behind her back pocket for something, but luckily paused before a sigh of relief.
“What is it Kazuki?!?” said Mary, eyes gleaning.
“Why don’t you bake a cake for Daisuke’s birthday?”
Just then I noticed Mary was drinking orange juice while I explained to her my idea.
Oh crap!
I cover my face with my arms and brace for the sudden burst of orange juice. But nothing happens.
“That’s a great idea for once Kazuki!” she says.
I let my guard down and breathe a sigh of relief. Ignoring the smugness of her comment, it was a perfect idea for Daisuke. Mary should bake a cake for him. Only problem was that Mary was literally the worst cook ever. The Roadrunner of Kasumigaseki High was faced with her toughest challenge yet. The reality sunk in her and she was back to her mopey demeanor.
“That’s gonna be impossible…remember last time I tried baking? I burned all the chocolates.” she said as she took a sip of her orange juice.
It’s true she nearly caused the fire alarm to go off – twice. But then again, her last batch was edible. There was still some hope for her.
“Look Mary, I’ll help you, and you help me.”
Mostly me helping you though.
Mary spits out her orange juice into my face. Neko-nee grabs a small handkerchief from her pockets and wipes down my face for me. She was up close and personal. I could see the different colored contact lenses she wore as part of her costume. Her eyes were a dark ruby color. I try my best to hide my embarrassment.
I shouldn’t have let my guard down.
“R-Really?!? Thank you so much Kazuki!” as she grabs my orange juice-stained hands in appreciation.
“We’re gonna do this together, just like old times.” she smiles.
Realizing what she just did, Mary immediately lets go of my hands, hiding her blush by putting back on her face mask.
“Joost kiep it a surcet…” said a muffled Mary.
“Just keep it a secret!” as she rips off her face mask.
The whole café looks towards our booth yet again. There were faces of confusion.
“O-Okay…got it.”
Mary and I headed our separate ways. As part of her end, she had to keep it a secret from Akane too. It bothered me inside to hide something from her, but I had good intentions in the end. With Mary’s help, she’s going to love the surprise.
I’m going to make it up to her.
“Earth to Kazuki-kun? Hello?”
Dr. Mori’s sigh of frustration and insistent pen tapping on the clipboard wakes me up. She was sitting in front of me at her desk at our usual spot. I think at this point I had a good bill of health that I didn’t need these sessions anymore, but it felt like a part of my daily routine nowadays.
“You’re so aloof today. What’s going on now?”
“Sorry…just dozed off a bit.” I laugh off.
I rub my eyes, only to notice that Dr. Mori seemed a little dressed up today. Actually, she was really dressed up. Her long black hair was straightened out and shining, unlike her usual messy bedhead. She was wearing bright red lipstick, along with black eyeliner which accentuated her brown eyes. Most of all, that beauty mark near her lips she always covered up was clearly visible. Plus, she smelled like flowers today instead of alcohol. Dr. Mori was giving off an elegant vibe, something I’ve never seen before.
“Do you have something afterwards…?” I teased.
“N-No!” her face slowly turning pink. “I-It’s just getting drinks with Junpei-kun.”
Despite her age, she still blushed like a schoolgirl over these things. She’d probably fit in here at Kasumigaseki High.
It’s kinda cute actually…
“I just gotta outdrink him before he goes off on another assignment somewhere again.”
Dr. Mori lightly slaps her cheeks to compose herself.
“But enough about me loverboy, I’m supposed to be checking up on you. The school festival overall was a resounding success y’know? Your little café exceeded my expectations.”
It was a success in this world at least.
I’m sure that the other Dr. Mori would be having an entirely different conversation with me.
“Stay hydrated idiot!” she’d say.
It was starting to get difficult to keep track of events in both worlds. I just wondered if there was a way to stay in one world. At least in this world Akane and I live a happily together.
Except for me being an idiot after our first fight.
“Out with it. It’s written all over your face Kazuki.”
I look up to Dr. Mori, surprised, but somewhat glad she saw through me. It was easy for her to read the situation at this point. I sit in silence, not wanting to speak up about it. Dr. Mori takes a sip from her coffee mug.
“I know that look when I see it. You and Akane-chan just had a fight didn’t you?”
I grip my legs tightly and keep my head low.
“Kazuki…” I hear a heavy sigh from her.
Dr. Mori places her hands on top of mine.
They feel warm.
“I don’t know what exactly happened between you two, but you shouldn’t beat yourself up over it too much. Couples fight; it’s normal.”
She grasps my hands and raises them towards my face. She makes me slap myself lightly.
She lets go of my hands and begins to chuckle heartily. I rub my cheeks to ease the pain. Maybe this was the small reality check I needed.
I just need to find the right time to talk with Akane.
“Thanks Dr. Mori.”
Our “therapy” session certainly felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.
“Now get to class before I punish you with clean-up duty.” she says with a threatening grin.
She’s not joking.
Where could she be?
It was afterschool now and I’m waiting for Akane like usual.
*Beep Beep*
I feel a slight vibration in my pocket.
It must be Akane…
“Running errands for your mom, don’t wait up.” she texts.
The whole day we’ve been sort of avoiding each other. Even when we passed each other down the hallway we’d awkwardly wave to each other, pretending as if nothing happened. It was like we were both trying to put on a face for everyone, acting like we were the perfect couple. Suddenly I feel someone wrapping their arm around my neck!
“Hey Kaz, there’s my former cherry boy.”
I shrug off my knucklehead of a friend.
“Woah there, I’m just joking around dude.”
Maybe I shrugged him off a little too aggressively. I fix the collar of my white shirt.
“Sorry, it’s just been a rough day.”
Daisuke’s smile disappears.
“Really? What happened? Did someone make fun of you? Ah Kazuki you poor poor-“
“It’s not that.”
Clearly my best friend loved jumping to the wrong conclusions. He’s my best friend and has a girlfriend too, so maybe he can relate.
“I just had a fight with Akane.” I reveal.
“No. Way!” Daisuke says with sincerity.
“You two? What happened?”
Thinking about it, what we fought about was technically about Daisuke and Mary. If I told him that we fought about Mary possibly still having feelings for me, then that would kill my best friend. Plus I couldn’t imagine how to explain that knowledge came from other world where he and I aren’t exactly on the best terms right now.
It would cause more trouble than its worth. But I can’t lie to my best friend.
“What if…I said that we fought over our past relationships?”
“She was with someone before you?!? Cause there’s no way you had one.” he said bluntly.
Daisuke’s eyes lit up. Ignoring his words, that was the best way to describe it.
“Well not exactly…” I paused. “What I’m trying to say is that let’s say person A had feelings for person B, but then person B happened to get with person C. There’s no way person A would still have feelings for person B right?” I chuckled nervously.
“No. You don’t know that.” he responds. “Unless person A finds someone else, I’m not sure if they would ever give up so easily if it was genuine. I know I wouldn’t.”
Does the other Daisuke feel the same way?
I didn’t expect such an insightful comment from my partner in crime.
“How so?” I asked.
“Take Mary for example. If she was with some other guy, I’m not sure if I can live with myself if I just kept my feelings to myself forever. I’d rather be rejected outright and move on, than keep it bubbling inside me forever. At that point, all I can do is hope the other guy makes her happy.”
I understood his reasoning, but one thing bothered me.
“Wouldn’t that ruin your friendship with her? Wouldn’t you feel awkward to face her again?”
Daisuke ponders in thought.
“I don’t know. Maybe. Aren’t we supposed to be talking about you and Akane?” he reminds me.
“But what if you were that someone else and found out that person A had feelings for B in the past?”
“Who who and the what what?”
I groan bitterly.
“I’m kidding dude.” he chuckles. “To be honest, if I found out someone had a crush on Mary in the past, which to be fair, nearly all the guys did, I’d be a little concerned. Maybe even a teeny tiny little bit jealous.” he indicates with his thumb and index finger. “But, if it was someone close to me, then I wouldn’t be worried at all.”
“Why would you say that?”
Daisuke looks deeply into my eyes. His next words resonante with me.
“Because they would know Mary isn’t that type of person.”
He was right. Mary would never just ditch Daisuke like that. They’ve been through so much together. I’m sure at least one of them understood that they had their share of suitors, but they found each other in the end. Mary and Daisuke had an unspoken trust with one another, that them being together wasn’t a result of coincidence or something shallow.
“So you two haven’t fought at all?”
I’m startled by Daisuke’s sudden burst of laughter.
“Dude, we fight all the time. It’s like second nature to us now. Like she’d yell at me for being too nice to her, or I’d wish she would start studying more than she talks to me or my sister.” he smiles. “Just typical couple stuff right?”
Nope. Not at all. Can’t relate really.
“Dude, if you’re talking about you guys, I wouldn’t be worried.”
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“It’s the way you two look at each other sometimes. I don’t know what it is, but it’s like you guys were meant for each other.”
Is that…really true?
“Besides, you’re probably overthinking things again. You tend to do that a lot Kazuki.” he mentions.
Daisuke was probably right. I highly doubt that the Mary of this world had any feelings for me anymore. She was happily together with Daisuke wasn’t she? But with that said, Daisuke and Mary were genuinely together naturally, not like how Akane and I were. Suddenly one day out of the blue I had a girlfriend and I don’t even remember how it happened.
We’re not a couple out of convenience right?
Soon after our conversation, Daisuke headed off to the hospital to see his little sister Yui, who was still eagerly awaiting our chocolates. I arrive home, to see a small plate of curry already prepared for me with a note attached to it.
“Made you some curry. Not feeling well so I’ll be calling it a night early. Enjoy!”
It was Akane’s handwriting. I set my things on the table and rest for a minute.
Maybe I’ll talk to her tomorrow.
Technically when I wake up tomorrow, I’ll be back in my original World B. Who would’ve thought that I would be jumping from one problem to another? If only things could’ve gone back to how they were.
“You can’t be serious!”
I slump down onto my bed and toss the late payment notice somewhere since I just wanted it out of my sight. My place was a mess anyway, so I didn’t care. I hadn’t had any time to clean up at all. Stuff like old newspapers and empty instant noodle bowls were scattered around as if I'd decided to just throw everything around in a fit of rage. Who the hell am I kidding? That's exactly what happened.
Don’t do this to yourself Daisuke.
There was no recovering from this latest bill. I just didn’t know what to do anymore.
There’s no other choice.
Ever since high school started, Yui has been hanging on by a thread. Every moment we share together I’ve treasured, since it was clear that her condition was not going to improve. I’ve talked to the best doctors and done some research of my own, but every investigation provided the same conclusion: she’s not going to make it.
I can’t do anything!
I made a promise to her that I’d keep myself out of trouble and not make her worry like any good big brother. Every time I visited after school she would always put on a brave face for me, trying to make me not worry so much. I tried my best, but Kaz saw through.
Even Mary…
It was getting difficult to get up in the mornings. Although I wanted to admit that my knucklehead friend wasn’t really at fault, it was hard not to get pissed at him. My best friend happens to be the dumbest, most oblivious person in the world when it comes to romance. I should have known from the start that those two were meant to be together. The way she smiled at him, and only him, that look of admiration, of longing. I don't give a crap if he doesn't want her; she deserves to be with whom she loves, and he'd be more than lucky to end up with her.
I search for my phone in my dimly lit room. It was Akane.
“How are you tonight, Daisuke?”
“Fine. I’m sorry I antagonized them a little.” I texted to her.
“It could have done better. Maybe they are starting to recognize their feelings for each other.” she texted back.
Akane and I had formed a mutual partnership. We agreed not to use the word “relationship”. It just didn't feel right for either of us. We would talk to each other about Kaz and Mary, we would comfort each other in the face of this obnoxious situation, but to go any further seemed like betrayal to either of us. There was no telling what an actual relationship would do to our poor group of friends.
I’m sorry Akane, but I can’t let you know everything.
After realizing what our crushes wanted, we decided to forsake our happiness for theirs. After all, we would do anything for our friends. Still, a part of me resented my weakness. Maybe I should have told her how I felt. Maybe I should have tried harder to be the one she wanted. This is my punishment for screwing around so much.
“I will try to bring Yui one of those specialty chocolates when we visit, okay?” she texts.
I don’t really know how I feel about Akane Yuki. For my first impression of her, she kinda scared me when I first met her. She always seemed off-putting and a bit intimidating. I didn’t even speak to her once until Kaz and I found out she worked at the Purrfect Café. I didn’t see why Kaz was so crazy about her until I saw Akane in that frilly cat-maid outfit. That was so long ago, though. Before I really even knew anything about her. The “Ice Witch” wasn’t so cold after all. It turns out we have a lot in common actually, but this facade we had created was born entirely out of convenience. We only wanted our loved ones to be happy. I can't imagine falling in love with this girl, knowing that her heart belongs to Kaz. I'm not going to allow these people to cause me any more grief.
“She’d love it. Thanks.” I reply.
“Good night, Daisuke-kun.”
I wish her a good night and put down my phone. I was content living like this, so long as the people I cared about were happy. There was just one problem – there was no way I could pay the bills for Yui this month.
I pick up my phone and browse my contacts.
What am I doing?
I dial the old forgotten number, and wait with bated breath as the phone rings. Before I know it, he picks up, and that haunting gruff voice greets me, forcefully thrusting me back into times best left forgotten.
But what choice do I have?
“Well…well, if it isn’t Daisuke-kun. It's been awhile.”
I stay silent. After what seems like an eternity, I hear a heavy sigh from the other side. It seems he knows I’m still here.
“I know it’s been a while, but you know that we take care of our own. You didn't call for nothing, kid. Once a Domino Dog, always a Domino Dog.”
I finally speak up.
“I need a favor.”
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See you
au в котором Пак Чеен живет в полной темноте.
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