《A Demon Between Worlds》Chapter Twelve: Heading Out
The next morning, the five of us got dressed and gathered in front of Alexei's mansion. Standing outside were a few very conspicuous looking individuals, which I have to assume are the help that Irina was talking about yesterday. Hell, I even recognized some of them.
The group of five ladies dressed in old viking armour called themselves the Valkyries, and apparently the word on the street is that there's actually real Valkyrie blood in them. If I didn't see them in action, I might have mistaken them for a group of cosplayers or something, but those spears that they're holding are not for decoration. Nowadays, their little gang act as mercenaries, and will show up if a good fight is to be had. Their leader, if the rumours can be trusted, is said to be a bonafide Goddess, so they got that going as well, though I've never met the woman.
Further back stood a bulking individual, named Joseph Hart, but everyone knows him by his nickname, Mountain Joe. It doesn't take a genius to figure out where he got that particular name. He was a towering hulk of a man (he swears that he's actually human), reaching close to 8 feet in height with 650 pounds of hard muscle. If you wanted a bodyguard or bouncer that requires a lot of strength and little else, then Mountain Joe was the man for you.
Normally people avoid Joe, but today, there were two individuals chatting with the man. If memory serves, they would be the Marcus brothers; those two work in the same line as the Mountain. The two identical brothers looked like your classic thug, but apparently the word on the street is that they're the best bodyguards that money can buy. It's said that they have a little bit of lycan in their blood, making them fierce fighters, but once again, these are just rumours.
The last bunch worth mentioning were a group of about 11 hooded figures. They were all dressed in the same black robe, with their hoodies up to obscure their faces. One of the many guilds of magues, and from the thick aura of death, and magic coming off them, it's probably one of the many dark mage groups. They weren't much individually, but there were damned many of them, and it's because of sheer numbers that they are able to keep a steady foothold as one of this city's many powers.
I was about to dismiss that group of mages, when one figure, standing near the very back, caught my attention. It wasn't that he, or she – I couldn't tell since the robe obscured even the face of that person – stood out, but rather, I only noticed there was an faint scent of something familiar, something ancient, coming off the person.
I noticed the hooded individual jerk its head towards my direction, and for a brief instant, our eyes met. It was a weird gaze, a gaze that sent chills down my spine. And I spent near an eternity in Hell. In that instant I could tell that she – for it was unmistakably female – was older than even Alexei, and there were very few beings that were around longer than my friend.
I don't think anyone else noticed her abnormality, and I don't think that she was there to make any mischief, but I was going to keep an eye on her regardless. I didn't like having an unknown factor in play.
“Welcome, everybody.” Irina said, addressing the whole crowd, “I hope that the instructions are made clear?”
“We get in, make some trouble for Frankenstein, and get out, right?” Said one of the Marcus brothers.
“Right,” Continued Irina, “Just keep his guards busy for a while, and wait for my company and I to get back. After that, we can all leave, and you guys can get paid.”
“Nice and simple.” Said the other brother, “I like it.”
One of the valkyries added, “I've always wanted to get a chance to have a nice brawl with Frankenstein.”
“We will not fighting the man himself if we can avoid it.” Irina added, “Is that clear?”
The Valkyrie just shrugged.
“Good. Lets head out then.”
Everyone started to pack up and started to make their way into their own respected vehicles. I was lingering at the back, still keeping my eye on the strange female character.
“Boss!” Becca shouted, “Hurry up, we're all ready!”
“Just a sec, Becca.” I turned around and said, “I'll be there soon.”
I turned around, trying to find the figure again, but she was gone. I looked around, trying to make sure that she didn't just move somewhere else, but there was no mistaking it. The mysterious person simply vanished in that brief moment that I talked to Becca. I swore under my breath, cursing my own carelessness. I sighed, and started to make my way towards Becca and company.
“Looking for someone?” A sultry voice asked.
I turned around immediately, startled. I reached for the weapon at my side, but stopped short of drawing it. If whatever that thing was is capable of sneaking up behind me, then it would probably be in my best interests to not show hostility towards it.
As I suspected, the voice belonged to the hooded figure. Upon closer inspection, I could clearly tell that my previous suspicions about her gender were correct. Although the robe was very loose, there was no hiding the curves that lay beneath. Her face, however, was still obscured by that dark robe.
“Yes.” I answered, keeping my voice calm and neutral, “For you, actually.”
“I noticed that you were starring at me the whole time,” The voice said, tone playful, “It's not unusual for people to notice me, but that's usually when I have my hood down. I have been told that my appearance is... breath taking.”
“Ah, I guess you caught my eye for a different reason then.”
The figure took her hood off at that moment, and the sight underneath was certainly breath taking, as she put it, but not for the normal reasons. The left side of her face was as close to perfection as I have ever seen in my life, but that wasn't what caught my eye. No, rather, it was what I saw on the right side. It was a sight that was death and decay personified; her right eye a hollow husk that oozed a thick, yellowy pus. Her nose was flawless up until the bridge, at which point it lost its beautiful pale colour and turned a gangrenous green. Her right cheek were scarred beyond recognition; some patches of skin had raw, red blisters, while other chunks of her face were falling out completely. Worse still were the hundreds of maggots that fed on her flesh, constantly moving and pulsating around.
Yet, as horrific as her features were, there was an odd charm to her overall appearance. The contrast between beauty and abomination was so strikingly perfect, that I felt oddly charmed by it. Maybe it's from a sense of kinship, since her features matched the very existence that I lived.
She saw my reaction, and smiled an odd smile: perfect white teeth on one side, and blackened, dirty brown rot on the other.
“Oh my,” She continued, moving closer towards me. I could start to smell the scent of rot, “You're still staring, arn't you? Did my beauty take you by surprise?”
“Of course, Lady Hel.” I answered, still staying composed.
“Quite a smooth talker too.” Hel, the Norse goddess of death answered, “I do wonder what you are... You have the scent of those Christian Demons about you, yet you are clearly not one of them. And you are also no creature that I have ever encountered before. I can see the death and beginnings of every mortal under the heavens, yet your fate remains a mystery, so do tell me, good stranger, what are you?”
She shook her head and spoke before I could continue my sentence, “No, forget that I said that. It would be no fun to have all the answers. Instead, just tell me your name, kind stranger.”
“I go by Mark Bastion now.” I said, my gaze never leaving her.
“Mr. Mark Bastion...” Hel said slowly, as if testing the feel of those words, “An interesting pseudo-name. Of Christian origin. Yet that may mean nothing at all. Tell me, Mr. Mark Bastion, do you know about the current pandemonium going about within the Christian Pantheon?”
“I know something about it.” I answered evenly.
“Interesting, interesting.” Hel continued as she started to slowly rotate around me, her gaze shifting around my body as if she was inspecting a piece of fine art, “You are so very interesting. Are you not disgusted by my appearance? Should I put my hood back on?”
She smiled again, clearly testing me.
“No,” I answered honestly, “I think you're rather charming the way you are.”
“Oh, if I am not mistaken, that is not a lie. Quite the flirt you are, Mr. Mark Bastion. But my heart is not so easily moved. You must try harder next time, but it is a good start.”
“Can I ask you a question, my Lady?”
“Please.” She answered in that same playful voice, “Call me Hel when we're alone. We are close enough for that, I think. Oh, but I go by Helen otherwise.”
“Helen?” I said, a little surprised by her choice of name.
She tilted her head, and said, “Do you not like it?”
“No,” I answered, “Just surprised that you'd pick suck a similar name. And Helen's a Greek name, I'd though you'd go for something more... Norse.”
“Why, Hel is the name bestowed upon me by my father. I rather like it, so I did not want to stray too far from its origin. And I quite like the tragic figure of Helen in those old tales. Do you not like it?”
“No... I think it fits.”
She smiled again, “Good. I would have been sad if you did not approve. Oh yes, what was it that you wanted to ask me?”
“Right... Hel.” I said. She giggled when she heard me call her name. “I was wondering what you were doing here.”
“Oh, I was just enjoying the view.”
She saw that I wasn't satisfied with that answer, and giggled again. She moved closer, and placed a gentle arm – her good one – on my shoulder, and leaned in close. She whispered in my ear, “But mainly I am here because I expect things to get quite lively in a few days. Something interesting is stirring about, and I do not plan to miss it.”
“I see...” I muttered, moving myself a little further away from her. It seems that Hel must have figured out at least a small part about what was going on with Heaven and Hell, but I don't think she knows the full story.
“Perhaps that is why you are here as well?”
“Boss!” A familiar voice called out in the distance, “What the fuck is taking you so long? We'll be late at this point!”
“Oh my.” Hel said, “It seems that your little lover-to-be is calling for you. I should best get going now, but do not mourn our farewell, for I will be keeping a good eye on you, the same way that you did for me. I will be seeing you, Mr. Mark Bastion.”
And just like that, the norse goddess disapeared right before my eyes. Faded completely away. It seems that I have another thing to worry about in the future...
Still, there were more pressing concerns at hand. I checked to make sure that everything I needed was on me, and booked it to the car where Becca was waiting for me.
* * *
The limo was quite today. Everyone seemed a little more tense than before, and for good reason. We knew how strong the opposition was, and to be honest, I wasn't too sure that things will go too smoothly just because we hired some extra help.
Alexei and Irina were sitting near the front, their expressions solemn, probably thinking the same thing. I knew that Irina was making the situation seem lighter than it really was, for Becca's sake, and deep down she was nervous as well. I knew that I owed the two a huge favour; they were really going out of their way to help me out, and I knew that those two would not be willing to sacrifice so much for anyone else. The odds really wasn't that looking good for our group.
“Hey, boss?” Becca said, looking a little nervous as we drove down the street, heading ever closer to Frankenstein's manor.
“Yeah?” I answered.
“Do you think we'll be all right this time? I mean, we got our butts handed to us pretty hard last time 'round, and who's to say that shit'll get easier once we go inside the place. And if we do run into trouble, we can't get out as easily as before.”
“Worried about getting hurt out there?”
“No, that's not it.” she answered quietly, “I'm worried about you. You didn't look so good last time.”
“I'll get by.” I replied.
“I know.” she continued, “Maybe I'm just worried for nothing. But fuck, I wish I could do more... Just, promise me that you'll be safe, boss?”
“I promise, Becca.”
“Thanks, boss.”
* * *
The whole crew gathered a little off from Frankenstein's property. We all made sure that everyone's equipment was at the ready, and after a quick review of the Irina's plan, everyone quickly headed out.
The front gate was still in tatters from yesterday's battle, but there were some changes this time around. For one, those disguising mantis abominations were standing at the ready, all 15 of them. When the first one noticed our presence, they all charged at us.
“It's your time to shine!” Alexei shouted, before turning to Irina, Becca and I, “We shall go in while those things are distracted!”
At his command, the valkyries shrieked with glee as they made a mad dash forwards, acting as the vanguard of the group. The five ladies collided with the first wave of mantis-creatures, with Mountain Joe and the Marcus Brothers following quickly after. I focused my attention on moving forwards, ignoring the battle to my side.
One of the creatures near the back saw us rushing forwards, and started a mad dash towards us, desperate to stop any people from making it inside the fortress itself. I was about to summon up Banefire, but quickly realized that it was unnecessary, as a huge volley of foul magic smashed into the thing, knocking it to the side. I turned around briefly, and saw a familiar figure wink at me.
“Husband, you were right.” Irina said as she rushed past the creatures, “Those monsters are indeed very foul.”
“No kidding!” Becca answered for Alexei, “Common, they other guys can't hold them off for much longer. Let's fucking book it!”
I threw a ball of Hellfire at the last remaining creature that was blocking our path. Alexei kicked it aside, and gestured for everyone else to keep going. The four of us rushed past it, and made our in into the Frankenstein's fortress.
I just hope that we'll meet less resistance inside than out.
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