《A Demon Between Worlds》Chapter Eleven: New Plans
When we got back, the three of us stumbled warily out of the car, and slowly made our way towards the front entrance. Becca was starting to feel the exhaustion of the earlier fight, but she was putting up a brave front, struggling to hide her fatigue. But I could tell by her slight limp that she was worse off than she appeared. Hell, even Alexei was down cast, but in his case, it wasn't because of stain from the earlier battle. At this point, Alexei was physically fine, having already replenished his energy but I knew the man well enough to know that the one thing that will dampen his normally cheery mood is failure. For the most part, I was fine as well, but I still had a splitting headache from over using Banefire.
Some of the mansion's security gave me a few dirty looks when they saw the state of Alexei. Although there were no physical wounds on his body, his once pristine clothing was battered and covered with dirt and blood. Becca and I knew that most of those stains came from those monstrosities that we killed, but the human servants that worked at the mansion sure didn't.
A couple of Alexei's thugs came over, obviously thinking that Becca and I were the cause of their bosses apparent state of distress, but where quickly silence by Alexei himself. They quickly got the message, and left us alone.
“Welcome back guys, how did-” Irina said initially, but when she noticed the state that we were all in, she turned wide eyed quickly added, “Oh god! Sara, make sure that Becca's ok, I'll go get the doctor!”
“What happened?” Sara said, running towards the newly collapsed Becca. She guided the nearly collapsed girl to a couch, and inspected the wounds on her body, making sure that they weren't life threatening.
“Long story short,” I answered for her, sitting on the couch as well, “We ran into more trouble than I expected.”
“We got out asses kicked, boss.” Becca corrected, now thoroughly enjoying the comforts of the soft fabric.
“Well, even I wasn't expecting that much resistance.” Alexei added, slumping onto the couch with us, “But do not worry, young Sara, we are not defeated. We shall hunt once more!”
“Hopefully we'll go in with a plan this time.” Becca muttered, “Boss's idea wasn't exactly the best. Er, no offence, boss.”
“None taken.” I said with a sigh. This was not my best moment.
The three of us just slumped there on that couch for a good while, too tired or annoyed to do much else.
The rest of that day wasn't very eventful. Irina came back after calling for the doctor, and she went along with Becca to treat her wounds. I only found out later that she was mostly just exhausted, and that her injuries were pretty minor. Being possessed by a sword spirit is never easy for the host's body, especially the first time around. When Becca left, Alexei and I naturally went off to clean ourselves up, and after we changed out of our ruined clothing, everyone joined up together to have a nice, warm dinner.
We explained the situation to Irina and Sara over dinner, filling them in on what we wanted to do, and the resistance that we ran into as well. When Sara and Irina heard everything, they actually laughed and shook their head in pity.
“I knew that my husband is impatient whenever he hears about a good hunt,” Irina said, sipping on her wine, “and Mark has always been impulsive, even all those years back. But Becca, how could you let those two fools convince you into joining their doomed endeavour?”
“Well...” Becca answered, looking a little embarrassed, “The boss said I could come along, so I just kinda-”
“Don't tell me you tagged along just because that idiot of demon told you to!” Irina interrupted, shaking her head at me, “Tell you want, Becca. I'll teach you how to take control of your relationship, to 'wear the pants', so to speak.”
“Wait a sec, there, Irina...” I said hesitantly, not very happy about this whole idea.
“You'll thank me later, Mark.” Irina said, ignoring me and focusing her attention back on Becca, “Now I'm sure you already realized this by now, but Mark here is a little slow when it comes to his own health and safety, so you have to be the responsible one in the future.”
Becca said hesitantly, “I don't think the boss is that bad...”
“That's the love talking.” Irina replied with a warm smile.
My little assistant glowed bright red, glanced at me nervously, and quickly added, “Um, we're not, uh, I mean... I don't think the boss likes me that way...”
“Oh, I'm not too sure about that, Becca, dear.” Alexei said, giving both Becca and I a knowing smile. A small smile made its way on the girls face, and she gave me another curious glance, as if looking at me would allow her to figure out the truth behind Alexei's words.
It was true that I held quite a lot of affection towards Becca, maybe I even love her, but I'm a demon, something that is fundamentally different. I was afraid that I couldn't- no, that I can't be what she needs in her life. I don't want to disappoint her any further. But maybe I'll give it a shot once all of this is over; maybe everything will work out like Irina and Alexei thinks. And maybe I've been a pessimist for too long, always taking the easy way out even when things call for more to be done.
But for now, I couldn't allow myself to be distracted with more complications in my life: I had to stay focused or there will be no future for neither of us.
“Anyway. Back to the matter at hand.” I said with a sigh. I really didn't want to pursue down that conversation path.
Becca, realizing that I was dodging the issue, gave me me a pensive look, and I saw that the hope she held in her eyes just moments earlier turned into an expression of loneliness. I knew that she held me in high regards, and that she was desperate for some comfort in her life. She wanted someone there for her, but I didn't know if I could be that person. I was sent to Hell for a reason.
However, I really didn't want to just leave her hanging like that. But was I going to just ignore the issue like I always did, just because it was easier that way? I've done it all my life, and change is hard, but I think Becca deserves better.
“I'm sorry, Becca-” I said.
Before I could finish, Becca interrupted, her face a sad sight to see, and tears on very of leaking out, “I know, boss. You- you don't have to say it. Everyone leaves me, you don't have to-”
This time it was time for me to interrupt her. I hugged the poor girl, and said, “That's not what I was saying, Becca.”
“Ah,” Sara said, realizing the new situation, “I think we should give those two some space. Irina, Alexei?”
“Of course.” Alexei answered, grinning. He took his plate of half eaten food, and lead his wife and Sara out of the dinner room.
I continued my train of thought when the three of them left, “I know what you really want to say, I haven’t lived since the beginning of creation for nothing, and I'm not saying that I don't like you or anything...”
At that Becca straightened up a little and stared at me, her eyes filled with a whole slew of emotions. I could see fear, anxiety, sadness, happiness and some that I can’t even put into words. I knew that I should just tell her that things just can’t work out between us, as I can only see it ending poorly, but how could I? As much as I hated to admit it, I was starting to really like the girl, something that is so characteristically not me.
“But you should know that I’m not human, Becca… I’m not sure what the future holds, but I’ll be honest with you, I doubt that I’ll even make it out of this big mess alive. And even when it’s all over and we somehow make it out in one piece, I doubt that I can even feel love. I’m a demon, Becca, you can do with better. A lot better.”
“How can I do better?” Becca said, her tears freely running down her cheeks as she poured out all the emotion that was bottling up, “You’ve seen how I get along with other people! They only put up with me because you’re there! And the guys that hit on me are all douche bags that think with their fucking penises! I’m just not good with making friends and all that shit, I’ve never been good at it!”
“We talked about this, Becca. Alexei and Irina adore you, and you know that.”
“But they're not going to date me, boss.” Becca said, pushing her head into my chest, “No one will.”
“Well, I’m sure that if you changed-”
“But that’s the thing.” she interrupted, “I don’t want to change! I want to be who I am, and I want someone to like me for who I am. You’re the only one who’s not annoyed with me - fuck, for even liking me; not my parents, not my teachers, just... you.”
“That - I…”
“I know I’m not perfect, boss,” she said, her barely a whisper, “but I’ve got nobody else.”
“But you’ve had relationships before, you’ve told me.”
“Yeah, well, I’m still a fucking virgin, so guess how those turned out.”
“After a few weeks of not putting out they left me - they all leave.”
I looked at her, and wiped a tear off her cheek, “I’m not going anywhere, Becca. I've said that already.”
“Then stay with me! Be something more than… than just my boss. Mark, please…”
I couldn’t say no to that, and to be honest, I’m not even sure if I wanted to say no at that point. Looking at the broken girl I just couldn't help but cave in.
“Fine…” I sighed, “but I can’t promise you anything, Becca, and we have to wait until all of this is over. I don’t want you to be… attached to me if I won’t even be here after.”
“You’ll be fine, boss,” Becca said, her voice shaky, but it gained some of her lost vigor, and she was smiling for once, “I know you will be. I mean, you’re a fucking invincible demon!”
I ruffled her hair, and with a smile I said, “I hope you're right, Becca.”
* * *
Becca and I joined the rest of the group shortly after the little talk, and although I could tell that my assistant was trying her hardest to pretend nothing had happened, the sheer joy that radiated off her was unmistakable.
Alexei, when he saw this, couldn't help but say, “It seems my debt to you has finally been paid, eh, Mark?”
I slowly shook my head at just how persistent Alexei can be at times, and ignored his comment. I also noticed in the corner of my eye Becca mouthing a quick thank you towards Alexei and his wife.
“Like I was saying,” I continued, forcing everyone's attention to what was really important, “we need to come up with a new plan.”
“Let me handle this one.” Irina said, glaring at Alexei and I, “I can only imagine the fallout if I allowed you two to plan things again. And I'm coming along this time.”
“But what about the meeting?” Alexei said.
“I cancelled.”
“You cancelled? Our clients will not be-”
Alexei quickly closed his mouth. He realized that when Irina had her mind on things, the best course of action was to just accept it. That, and the amount of malice that radiated off my friend's wife was palpable. I just hope Irina wasn't being serious when she said that she'll teach Becca the ins and outs of relationships...
“Right,” Alexei said, quickly correcting himself, “Of course you've cancelled. We wouldn't want you to miss the fun!”
“It's good to see that you agree.” Irina said with a smile, “Now then, if what you guys have told me so far is true, then all we really have to do is keep Frankenstein's pet monsters busy while we go in and find the pass.”
“What about when we actually get in?” I asked, “What if there's more waiting for us inside?”
“I highly doubt that will be the case, Mark. If these things are as tough as you say they are, then they are no doubt difficult to create, so the forces that you saw is most all of them. And secondly, judging by how big they were, it is highly unlikely that they are meant to be deployed indoors. Most likely, Frankenstein keeps his toughest troops outside of his fortress, as a first line of defence.”
“And if you're wrong...?” I inquired.
“Then we retreat and make a new plan.” Irina stated, “But I am rarely wrong.”
“She is right, my friend.” Alexei added.
“Ok, let's assume that's the case. Even then, how do we intend to keep those creatures busy while we make it inside?”
“I already have that part covered. I called in some people that can assist us with this, and if everything goes smoothly, we can set out tomorrow morning.”
“What kind of people...?” I asked, curious now.
“Capable ones,” Irina answered, “you'll see for yourself tomorrow.”
“Right...” I muttered, before turning to the one person who didn't speak yet, “Oh yeah, Sara, are you still planning to stay here?”
“Only if Irina and Alexei doesn't mind.” She answered.
Alexei smiled and quickly answered, “Of course that is not a problem! You are free to stay as long as you like, even if we are not here!”
“Thank you.” Sara answered sincerely, “I'm not sure what I would have done if I couldn't stay. I know some self defence techniques, but I doubt those will be of much use where you guys are going.”
Alexei got off his seat, and said, “Then it is settled! Come, let us relax for the rest of the night. I will have the guest bedrooms ready.”
Irina turned to face Becca and I before asking, “Are you two sharing a room?”
Becca turned bright red, unsure as to how to answer. She turned to me for suggestions.
I told Irina to prepare two rooms. I did not miss the look of disappointment on Becca's face, but I didn't want to push the boundaries of whatever it is we had going on, especially not when I had so much left to do. I think Becca understood that as well, so she didn't let my response damper her mood too much.
And so, for the rest of that night, the five of us enjoyed ourselves in Alexei's entertainment room, playing board games. Becca screamed as she landed on one of Sara's properties for the 3rd time, which forced her to pay a hefty sum of cash. Alexei laughed at the sight, but his laughter quickly turned into despair as he rolled a 6 and his little metal shoe piece landed squarely on my largest property, which bankrupted him. Irina, being the good wife that she is, sat there and chuckled, which turned into a hearty laugh when she saw Alexei begging Becca for some extra money. Becca refused him, of course. After all, when it comes to business, she takes after me.
When it finally got to my turn, I grabbed the dice, and realized something. In the back of my mind I knew that Heaven and Hell were just days away from wreaking havoc upon the our world, but at that very moment in time, I really didn't care.
I smiled and threw the dice, leaving it up to chance to decide my fate.
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