《Power of Possibility》Chapter 19


Aleks was frozen as he held her gaze. For once in his life, he couldn’t think as she looked at him with her soul-piercing eyes. He never froze when swords cut towards him or spears attempted to skewer him. This was something else.

“There you are Natia. We have the team that's going to use Betty here.” Gert said as he slapped the ship.

“Natia?” Gert asked with his brow furrowed as he followed her gaze to Aleks.

Luke’s eyes scrunched up as he stared between them. “White hair and blue eyes,” he mumbled softly. “Just hold a minute!” he shouted abruptly. “This is the girl right?!”

“You mean the one Aleks embraced?” Horus asked innocently.

“What?!” Gert roared. The wrench dropped to the ground and he picked up a steel pipe. “Explain. Now.” he menacingly said to Aleks.

“There is nothing to explain as nothing happened,” Aleks said with his hands held up soothingly.

“Oh Aleks, you mean to say our night together meant nothing to you?” Tania pouted.

Gert’s head whipped between them. An artery pulsed along the side of his face as his skin turned to a shade of red. Aleks looked at her confused. Her face held a teasing smile as she winked at him. He smiled back at her.

“You dare smile you riff-raff. I’ll be knocking in those white teeth of yours real quick.” Gert said in a harsh tone as he moved to Aleks.

A burst of rich and hearty laughter came from the ship as Natia couldn’t hold it in. Gert turned to her confused.

“Natia, what is this?” he asked.

“I’m sorry uncle, I was only teasing him. We didn’t do anything.’ she said with a genuine smile and a twinkle in her eye.

“What is this about an embrace then?” he asked, his voice laden with suspicion.

“That’s between us uncle,” she replied with a wink.

“You’ll be the death of me someday kiddo,” Gert said with a sigh. He pointed the steel pipe at Aleks. “I’ll bash your face in if she comes crying to me.”

Aleks nodded vigorously as he held his hands up in surrender.

“Your lady friend is a piece of work,” Luke whispered to Aleks when Gert looked away.

“I had no idea,” Aleks whispered back. “I like it though.”

Luke watched his friend with an eyebrow arched. He slapped him on the back and smiled. Gert turned back to them.

“No reason to dally around, board the ship and I’ll show you how she operates,” he said gruffly.

“I can show them, uncle.” Natia beamed at them.

“Fine then, I’ll go to the control booth to fill up the dry dock,” Gert replied. He left them and moved to large steel doors where a table with all manner of knobs stood.

“Come aboard future heroes!” she said with a smile.

Luke, Horus and the rest walk past him, some clapped him on his shoulder and others punched him good-heartedly. They smiled at him while some chuckled at his expense. Aleks shook his head and followed.


A ladder bridged the gap to the hanging ship which they climbed with ease. Aleks was the last aboard and Natia was already showing the group around. ‘Betty’ the ship, was half the size of their original ship and that is where any similarities stopped. The hull of the ship was made out of metal while the deck had compact hardwood. It did not creak under his feet as he moved and felt solid when he jumped. Where the steamship that they used to scout had cylindrical objects on top of the ship, this one had it pointing backwards. It had four pipes on each side where the steam would exit. A single cabin dominated the deck where another ladder led down the ship. There were bunk rooms, a kitchen and most importantly, the engine room. That is where they found Winston and Phillip.

Winston had a cloth in his hand as he reverently wiped a silver pipe that connected to the bulky engine. Phillip rested his head on it, a content look on his face.

“Oi, Otters. Your companions are here.” Natia said.

Phillip lazily opened one eye and regarded the newcomers. “Give us a minute.” he slurred.

“I don’t know if it’s the same where you are from, but Otters here have an obsession with steam engines,” she said with a shrug. “Let’s go to the deck, uncle Gert should be finished with the calibrations.”

They were on the deck when Natia shouted. “Uncle, are you done?”

Gert looked over at them and his lips broke out into a smile.

Natia’s eyes widened and she grabbed for a railing. “Brace yourselves!” she cried out.

Gert pulled a lever and the steel doors opened. Water flooded the dry dock and with a snap, the hanging Betty splashed into the water. Aleks and his comrades held on for dear life as they were knocked to the deck. Curses resounded from inside the ship as disgruntled otters came out and shook their fists at Gert. For the first time since they met, Gert laughed.

“Excuse him. He has a sadistic side.” Natia said with a wince.

The ship rises as the water level reaches higher. Gert pulls another lever and the steel gates open entirely. Sunlight streams through and basks them in warmth.

“Do you smell that men?” Horus asked with a grin. “It’s the smell of adventure.”

Aye, they cried out. Excited smiles were on their faces as they walked on deck.

“Where to now?” Aleks asked.

“We will need supplies,” Ikaros said.

“Then we sail . . . or rather ship?” Damon said uncertainly.

“It doesn’t have sails,” Ikaros said with a laugh.

The group chuckled at Damon who sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. Natia also smiled at them and then cupped her hands.

“Winston! Phillip!” she shouted. “Start the engines.”

Excited squeals came from below and a few seconds later the ship thrummed with power as steam exited the pipes behind them. Natia moved to the cockpit and flipped a switch. The waters around them churned as the four propellers activated.


“Want to see what this lady can do?” Natia challenged, her eyes locked with Aleks.

Aleks's lips parted as he grinned from ear to ear. “Show me all she has.”

Natia smirked and punched the acceleration handle forward. Steam shot out as the ship’s nose lifted and its occupants held on for dear life. It burst past Gert leaving him wet as the waves of their passage hit him. Aleks's eyes widened at the power of the engines. The courtyard of the factory flashed by as they exited into the city canals. Buildings blurred past as they dodged the slower ships and swimming otters. Shaking fists and curses followed them as Natia laughed without care. Aleks’ eyes were drawn to her as she threw her head back.

I wish to enjoy life as much as her. To laugh without a care in the world and forget that it exists.

In record time they arrived at the jetty in front of the marketplace. The waves of their passing rocked the anchored ships.

“Let’s get those supplies, come on Aleks,” Ikaros said as he grabbed his shoulder.

“Hold that thought Ikaros.” interrupted Luke. “I was taught to negotiate by my father. Let me handle the supplies. I will need some hands to help carry though.” he said as he eyed everyone except Aleks. “Natia, do you mind showing Aleks around the marketplace. I don’t think he has ever been here.” he winked at Aleks.

Natia laughed. “I would very much like that,” she said as her eyes were crinkled.

The rest disappeared into the market leaving Aleks and Natia standing on the deck.

“I’m glad to see you again,” Aleks said softly.

Natia’s smile widened. “So am I.” she held out her arm.

They hooked arms and descended into the marketplace. With her warmth on his arm, she led him through the bustling market and showed him exotic goods and mouth-watering foods. They stop near one of the stalls and order grilled chicken sticks from one of the Draconian merchants.

“You have a beautiful voice,” he said.

Her cheeks reddened slightly. “Usually my audience consists of the mist and the stars. I was surprised to see someone listen.”

“The song you sang. . . it contained sadness followed by hope.” Aleks hesitated before adding. “What happened?”

Her smile dimmed and she looked at the floor. “That is a story for the next time we meet.”

“I apologize.” Aleks hurriedly said.

“Don’t apologize. Every person has their burdens. Especially you.” she said. Her hand touched his shoulder. “I could see the pain in your very soul. You were in desperate need of that embrace.” she smiled with kindness.

“Thank you, Natia,” Aleks said and hugged her in the middle of the marketplace. “Can I listen to you sing under the stars again?” he whispered in her ear.

“Come find me when you’re back,” she whispered back.

Aleks felt the softness of her lips on his cheek. Stunned he loosened his hold. She slipped out and walked away. His eyes followed her as she entered the crowd. Her head turned around and she looked at him. She winked and with a laugh, disappeared.

“An embrace on the first meeting and then a kiss on the second,” Luke said behind him.

Aleks whirled around and saw his friends grinning at him.

“You guys followed me?” he groaned.

“Did you think we would miss something like this?” Horus laughed.

The rest laughed with him. They had large bundles in their arms.

“Let's get back to the ship, it’s already loaded with most of the supplies,” Luke said cheerily.

They returned and packed everything away when a loud voice came from outside. Aleks went to look who it was. Vladis, the Draconian boxing leader who he met previously greeted him.

“I heard you’re going to the city of Arena,” he said as he puffed a large cloud of smoke in the air.

“Aye that’s right,” he said.

“Here take this,” Vladis said as he threw something to Aleks.

Aleks caught it and opened his hand. A medallion with a sword and spear engraved on it revealed itself.

“That’s an admittance token to the great games,” Vladis said. “If you win, tell them you’re from Canalis. Get us some glory ey.”

“I’m not going there to fight, only to get that ring,” Aleks replied, preparing to throw back the medallion.

“Keep it. It's only valid for the upcoming tournament. Since we’ll be at the mountain pass it's useless here,” Vladis said with a sigh.

“Alright then,” Aleks said.

Steam rushed out from the pipes and the ship thrummed with power as the engines started.

“Till we see each other again, otherworlder,” Vladis said.

Aleks merely waved as the marketplace became distant. The ship did not go out into the ocean as he expected, rather it turned into one of the canals. Aleks moved to the cockpit and found Winston at the steering wheel.

“Aren’t we going out to sea?” he asked.

“What’re you on about lad?” Winston laughed. “The city of Arena is inland.” He pointed to a map on a table. “Go and look there.”

Aleks moved to the map and regarded it. Canalis was situated at the coast. Three canals exited the city and moved all over the land, connecting to other towns and cities along the way. The mountains were big on the map as well as it severed the Dark kings' territory from the rest of the land, except where there was a gap between the two mountains.

“You mean to say that these canals go everywhere?” Aleks asked with surprise.

“Aye lad.” Winston looked at him with a furrowed brow. “How do you think we transport goods? By horse?” he laughed at his joke.

This is going to be a lot different than I expected it will be.

After twenty minutes of riding down the canals in the city, the walls came into view. A short while later they went past it into the open country.

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