《Power of Possibility》Chapter 18


Without the wooden trade ship to hold them back, the steamship carrying Aleks and his comrades returned to Canalis in less than three days. During that time, they nursed their burned feet and legs while they discussed what they had seen.

“How did those men return from the dead?” Aleks asked Winston. They sat on the side of the boat and watched the looming mountains.

“They are called Risen. Even after their death, the Circlet of Ambition stretches its power and calls back those that were too weak to live to complete their tasks.” He said as he scratched the back of his head.

“How do you kill them then?” Luke asked from inside.

“You can’t really kill them, in the stories they usually remove all their limbs so that they are useless even if they still live,” Winston said. He plucked a knife from his bandolier and trimmed his nails.

“Is there no other way?” Aleks asked, his brows furrowed.

“You have to remove the circlet from the one which wields it. That can only be done by a bearer of the Ring of Defiance.” Phillip said as he climbed onto the side of the ship.

“You do know that you can explain things without leaving more question with each of your answers,” Luke said with a scowl.

Winston sighed.”The Ring of Defiance allows its wearer to defy any supernatural power that came out of the Zone of Possibility. Basically, it negates the circlet, allowing it to be removed.”

“We’re getting that then?” Horus asked.

“We’ll have to hear what the elders say. They are wise and will decide what needs to be done.” Phillip said before he jumped into the water and kept pace with the ship.

After the third day, they entered Canalis. Instead of docking at the jetty, they went directly down one of the canals towards the tower where the Elders met. A short while later and they stopped at the designated jetty. Gingerly they stepped off the ship as their legs were still in pain. One of the crewmembers that guarded the ship, ascended the tower to get the elders.

“There is no way we’re climbing that with how our legs are,” Winston said with a grimace.

A few minutes passed before the elders met them. Only three of them were present. Voxsor the Rockfolk elder had some pressing business to attend to.

“What happened?” Albertus asked.

They told them everything that happened. From their journey through the forest till their escape via the river.

“Nocturne and Typhon were great Draconians. They brought honour to their race.” Koris said proudly. “We will forever remember their bravery.” he lifted his face and exhaled. Blue flame escaped into the air.


“We will need to prepare to face them, before the bearer of the circlet. . . you said his name was Odda right?” Albertus asked.

“Yes, Odda the Viking,” Horus replied.

“If this Odda moves over the land then he will gain too many Risen. We will need to block him.” Albertus said.

“We can block him at the mountain pass. It is merely a hundred meters wide and the only way out of the Dark territory. I believe they won’t have enough ships for all that Risen.” Marcillius said, his hand rubbed his chin as he pondered. “Winston, Phillip. These men you were with.” he pointed at Aleks and his comrades. “Were they skilled and trustworthy?”

“If not for them, we would not have gotten far,” Phillip said with a smile as he looked at them.

Marcillius shared a look with Albertus and Koris. “It is decided then.” he looked at Aleks and his friends. “Humans of Greece, we ask you to secure the Ring of Defiance. You will be rewarded should you choose to accept.”

Aleks and Luke made eye contact and nodded. They turned around and looked at their friends. They smiled back.

“The Vikings might not be our countrymen, but they are from our world. It would be dishonourable not to take responsibility,” Thanos said loudly as he hit his chest with his fist. The rest also hit their chest in agreement.

“There’s our answer,” Aleks said with a smile.

“Excellent! The last we heard, the ring was seen in the city of Arena. You’ll go by steamship. Since this is urgent we will allow you to use the prototype engine.” Albertus said.

“You mean the prototype that they’ve been working on for the last two years?” Winston asked with his mouth open.

“The exact one,” Marcillius said with a grin.

Koris turned around and pointed at a nearby Draconian. “You there. Fetch me a messenger hare.”

The Draconian nodded and scurried off.

Koris turned his attention back to the group. “We will ask for assistance from the nearby cities. We will hold this Odda at the mountain pass and fortify it. It should take them a month to reach that far.” he said as he crossed his arms and thought a while. “We will try to hold out for as long as possible, so please hurry.”

“We will do our best,” Aleks said and bowed his head slightly.

“For now you can rest, tomorrow you can go to the factory and get your ship,” Albertus said.


They said their goodbyes and boarded the ship again. A few minutes passed when they made it back to the main jetty in front of the Human union building. Aleks stepped off the boat and looked over the dock.

I wonder if that girl lives close. It would be great to see her again before we leave. . .

“Is it just me or is Aleks thinking of a girl?” Luke said as he poked Aleks in the cheek.

“What? No, of course not.”

“Oh wow, you really were thinking of a girl,” Luke said as his eyes widened.

“Aleks has a girl?” Horus asked as he leaned forward.

“No, I don’t. I just saw one that grabbed my interest.” Aleks mumbled the last bit.

“What?! My friend Aleksander has an interest in a girl?” Luke exclaimed, his hand went into his hair, shocked by what he just heard.

“Why is it so shocking?” Horus asked confused,

“I have known him for longer than eight years. We went through puberty together, and not once has he shown interest in anything romantic.” Luke informed Horus.

“So. . . what’s she like lad? You gotta tell us.” Horus inquired with interest.

Aleks stood still as he thought back to the night on the docks. “She has pure white hair. Her blue eyes look deep into your soul and her embrace warms your cold heart,” he said wistfully.

“Hold on. Her embrace!?” Luke shouted, his mouth hung open. “You embraced her and I only hear of her now?”

“It’s not what you think!”Aleks defended himself.

“Sure it’s not. What are friends these days anyway?” Luke looked away in mock anger.

“Come on guys, let's get some rest,” Horus said with a laugh as he walked to the building.

They entered the union building and organised rooms with the reception. This time they asked for first-floor accommodation because of their legs. The next morning arrived quickly and Aleks’ legs had recovered a lot since they received a paste from the in-house doctor of the union. After a hearty breakfast of roasted slices of meat and eggs from the prized chickens that the Draconians cultivated, they met up with Rebekka.

“It’s good to see everyone still alive,” she said with a smile. “Even you Luke.”

Luke smiled awkwardly as he ran his fingers through his hair. “Hey, Rebekka.”

“Well then, I’m to take you, fine gentlemen, to the factory. Follow me,” she said at the group.

They followed her as she led them through the union building and into the Human sector. Most of the buildings had metallic contraptions that blew steam into the air. They traversed the sparsely populated streets and arrived at a bridge connecting to a walled-off sector. Men armed with pikes stood at attention and kept watch over the bridge. Rebekka walked up to them.

“We have orders from the council to enter here,” she stated.

“We’ve been briefed. You may enter.” one of the men said.

“This will be me then,” Rebekka told the group. “I have other business to attend to so I’ll leave you to it.” she parted from them with a wave.

They walked over the bridge and passed the wall. The other side was a technological marvel. Spinning wheels with a rope attached to it dominated the area as all manner of steel and equipment moved around. They passed a few lines and entered a large steel structure. A man with spectacles met them.

“You must be the group that Albertus told me about.” He said with a gruff voice. “The name’s Gert.”

“Goodman, yes we are,” Horus said.

“Winston and Phillip are already here, they couldn’t wait. Follow me.” Gert said and walked away, not bothering to look if they followed or not.

A few twists and turns later and they arrived at a locked steel door. Gert removed a steel cylindrical object from his pocket and inserted it. A hiss came from inside as the door opened. Banging rang out in the air as they entered. Inside stood half-built steam engines and all kinds of ship skeletons. A large drydock was situated a bit further in where a work of art was suspended in the air. It was made entirely out of steel and four propellers stuck out beneath it. The banging originated from it. They walked to it and Gert cupped his hands.

“Natia!” he shouted.

The banging continued.

“Oi! Natia!” Gert shouted again.

Gert sighed and then picked up a nearby wrench. He hit the side of the ship with a twang and then shouted again. This time the banging stopped.

“What do you want uncle?” a melodious voice sounded from inside.

A brief moment later and the head of a girl popped out. She had grease stains on her cheeks, which contrasted greatly with her pure white hair. Her deep blue eyes made contact with Aleks’ blue eyes.

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