《Power of Possibility》Chapter 3


Rays of light gently lapped over Aleks’ face causing him to awaken from his slumber. It’s been three days since they threw him and the seven remaining warriors from Papadakis in the dungeons. His bandaged chest sent waves of pain crashing through his body as his thoughts drifted to what had happened.

After waking up the first time, he was enraged to find himself behind bars while his enemy was still alive and breathing. Screaming for the head of Cyril Cronis did not help the situation and only opened up his wound, forcing him to calm down. His fury eventually cooled down to a level where he could think. After learning what had happened from his fellow prisoners, he could only be shocked.

The Cronis and the Papadakis family were the closest in power behind the archons of Athens as everybody knew. The Cronis family had been in power for generations, assisting the government in warfare gave them special trade rights on certain goods and made them prosper more than any other trading family should ever have. That is until the Papadakis came into the picture. Lucius Papadakis, a man who earned his name in a skirmish against the Byzantine empire, arrived in the city. He was not quick to be intimidated and did what no other trading family had done for generations. He went head to head with Cronis.

Fast forward thirty years and the head of the Cronis household died of old age. His son, Cyril, took over. He was a despicable coward that knew how to trade, but little else. He treated lives with no regard and did not shy away from using underhanded methods to get his way. Continuing to listen to what his fellow prisoners said he heard two things of interest. Firstly, Lucius was not in prison for he was deemed too important to the country causing Aleks to sigh in relief. Lastly, the archons would give their judgement today. They were the magistrates of Athens and were mostly wise, making their judgement fair.

A few hours passed with Aleks silently musing at his situation when the dungeon gates screeched open, admitting commander Leon and Lucius. Surprised that their head of house were present as well the warriors rushed to stand at attention. Aleks painfully got up and walked towards the bars of his cell. Lucius was sporting some new scars on his arms and face and his right leg was bandaged.

“At ease men.” Lucius said.

“Lucius,” Aleks softly spoke, his voice carrying in the confines of the dungeon.

Lucius walked towards him, a conflicted emotion on his face. He stopped in front of Aleks and collected himself.

“Aleks, I . . . ” he began. His lips quivered, an action unusual from a man of his stature. He forced himself to calm and continued. “Any words I speak now concerning my regret and sorrow will never be enough, and fall short of the emotion I feel.”

Aleks’ eyes were downcast, hiding the emotion his eyes portrayed. His hands reached out to the bars of his cell, steadying him from the emotional and physical pain. Lucius stood back and addressed all his warriors in the dungeon.

“Men, you made me proud. You fought a righteous battle and they paid a blood price.”

“Cyril still lives.” Aleks hissed.

“The full price was not paid, I agree.” he glanced at Aleks with a sorrowful expression. “Commander Leon here gave us a good word in front of the archons, saving us from execution.”

“Execution?” the shocked voices rang out.

“The archons saw the fight as a direct threat to the kingdom. Even though the Cronis antagonized you, they are still one of the biggest suppliers of weapons and armour for the king’s armies. An attack on them is an attack on the kingdom.” commander Leon said, his words creating a silence in the tense room.


The warriors gazed at him with incredulous expressions. They knew what had happened as it reeked of corruption.

“What will happen to us now?” one of the warriors asked, a bull of a man with dark hair and a piercing gaze.

With a sigh, commander Leon clasped his arms behind his back and intoned. “You are to be exiled from the city for no less than five years. You have ‘till the sun sets to gather your belongings and say your goodbyes.”

Shouts filled the air. Aleks slumped onto the ground, the energy leaving his body.

“What will happen to Cyril?” he whispered, almost unheard in the loud confines of the prison.

“The Cronis family will be taxed doubly for five years and a fifth of their assets will be seized. A hefty price for such a large family.” commander Leon replied.

“Tax and some assets seized?” Aleks screamed out in rage.”They tortured my mother and then beheaded her! Have you ever held your own mother’s head against your chest?”

The commander could only grimace at his outburst. He knew it was an injustice but he was powerless to do anything about it.

“What are the names of the archons involved?” Aleks said in a low voice.

“There are three of them, though only one of them was the cause for this sentence. It’s Pherecles, the polemarch of Athens.” Lucius said, drawing a gasp from the warriors.

The polemarch was the war leader of their nation. An honourable man that had led them to great victories in his last fifteen years of power. For someone of his stature to do this to them was unthinkable. Aleks turned to commander Leon. His very being committed everything he heard to memory, for when he returned to Athens, heads would roll.

“Why did you stop me?” he asked.

“If I let you kill him, then not only would you be executed, but the Papadakis household as well,” he replied. “Believe me, if that wasn’t the case, then Cyril would have entered Hades without his head.”

Aleks nodded. Even though he wanted revenge, he did not want his friend’s family to die for it.

“Time is passing quickly, let’s get you out of these cells so that everyone can say their farewells,” Lucius announced.

A short while later Aleks found himself in the sun outside the prison. Previously the city gave off an air of joy and prosperity, but now all that remained was a subdued atmosphere. Most of its citizens had heard of what had transpired as rumours and gossip spread quicker than fire. Sitting on a nearby bench, his master waited for him. Noticing him, Aleks once again found his eyes welling up with tears.

Almost out of thin air, his master appeared in front of him and embraced him. Aleks let out his sadness, anger and frustration on his shoulder.

“Aleks-san,” master Takashi softly murmured. “I am angered and have power to kill this Cyril,” he steps back and looks Aleks in the eye. “But this will only soothe my anger, and not all that you feel.”

“He must pay, master!” Aleks said.

“Then become strong and get justice for family. But remember, wound of heart can only heal from inside, not outside.” Takashi softly said as his hand touched Aleks’ chest.

Aleks nodded. At that moment he felt anything but fine. He wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out again while at the same time he wanted to march to the Cronis estate and slaughter every last member. Before he started spiralling into an emotional mess, his master’s arm reached around his shoulders in a caring hold. Guiding him, they walked down the streets passing the numerous street vendors and travellers. Aleks went into a trance-like state of walking, only waking up when they arrived in front of his home.


The house was the same as when he left that one fateful morning. As he went through the door he could see the benches, thrown on the ground and the table with two of its legs broken, evidence of the fight his mother put up before she gave in. Clenching his fists and grinding his teeth he continued, entering the kitchen. Standing on the kitchen counter was a plate with some of the previous nights’ dinner, waiting for him. Emotional, he went through the house and packed his personal belongings before he walked out of the door, locking it behind him. With one last glance at his home, he walked away, only to see it again half a decade later.

With master Takashi keeping a respectful distance behind him, they made it to the docks. The afternoon rays of the sun crept over the blue ocean, his hour of exile nearing. A crowd had formed, composed of the Papadakis family, old acquaintances and some of his mother’s friends.

Arriving at the crowd they parted as a squad of Hoplites created a path through it. These were the soldiers that were there three days ago and witnessed the whole scene. Some of them gazed at him with respect, others with pity. With cries of familiar people wishing him well and giving their condolences he walked on the path laid out before him. Each step was more emotional than the last. This was his home, the city he grew up in. Everyone present had a role in his life. His master placed his hand on his shoulder, a kind gesture to reassure him as they walked forward towards his unexpected future.

Arriving at the gangplank he was met by a friendly face. Luke stood there with a pack over his shoulder, the bruises on his face healed to a green colour. He walked to Aleks, standing in front of him as his expression turned sombre.

“My friend. . .” he began before he was stopped by a hand resting on his shoulder.

“I do not blame you Luke, nor will I blame your family. Losing our friendship would give the Cronis scum even more pleasure.” Aleks said.

“I’m glad Aleks. I willfully follow you into exile,” Luke replied, before continuing. “An action you obviously noticed with the packed bag on my shoulder.”

Joy warms his cold heart after hearing his friend’s declaration.

“I also willfully follow Aleks-san into exile,” came master Takashi’s voice from behind him.

“Master!” Aleks exclaimed whirling around. “You do not need to do this.”

“I have taught you how to fight with body,” he explained. “ Now I teach you how to fight with mind. Remember, heart only heal inside. Mind also inside.”

“Harrumph” a voice can be heard from behind them. Turning around they see the archon of civil duties, followed by a contingent of bodyguards. The archon’s robes were decorated with silver lines, dictating his rank and office and his face was unremarkable except for the permanent scowl adorning it.

“I am here to sentence the following men to five years of exile in accordance with the judgement passed by the polemarch in the high courts.” he cleared his throat. “ First we have Aleksander, son of Alejandro,” he looked up and made eye contact with Aleks, double-checking if he was there. “Then we have the warriors from the household of Papadakis.” he glanced around noting a few people moving through the crowd. Next, he made eye contact with Lucius standing at the front of the crowd.

Lucius was gnashing his teeth and clenching his fists.

The archon continued. ”We have seven men from the Papadakis; Charon, Damon, Horus, Ikaros, Kastor, Nike and lastly Thanos.” Turning a page he cleared his throat.”If any of you set foot on Greek soil, your lives will be forfeit.”

“What is this! Are they not only banned from Athens?” Lucius cried out, enraged.

“After listening to the concerns of Cyril Cronis, the other archons decided that it would be best if the exiled ones do not cause harm to any other Cronis establishments for the duration,” the archon smartly replied, smacking his book shut.”That will be all.”

Loud gasps rose from the crowd as the archon stepped to the side, his contingent of bodyguards following him. The warriors accept their fate with dignity, greeting their loved ones and promising to return after their forced exile. Lucius, followed by his wife Amara, walked up to Luke and embraced him, wishing him well. While Lucius gave Luke some words of wisdom, Amara went to Aleks embracing him.

“Your mother was a fine woman and if she were here, she would tell you how proud she is of you.” she ruffled his hair. “Be strong Aleks, the gods be with you.”

She moved to the side and Lucius took her place with a wooden box in his hands. “ Aleks, we will continue to wage a silent war against these fools,” he said in a low voice. “Here is a small gift to help you on your journey.” opening the box, a pair of plain polished armguards glint in the setting sun.” Since you like hitting people more than stabbing them, I thought this might help.”

“Thank you, Lucius, for everything.” Aleks said, taking the wooden box.” Send the scumbags down to Hades without their limbs.”

“That is my very intention,” Lucius replied. “The ship you will be sailing with is one of our own. She is loaded with wine vats and Phoenician purple dyes from the city Tyre. It is bound for the coast of Brittania, where you will make a great profit to help your time abroad. Sail with fortune, friend of my family.”

He looked up at the trading ship and saw the mast reaching up to at least ten meters with eight oars jutting out from each side. The hull was painted red, the colour of the Papadakis household.

“The next time you see me will be the day that Cyril dies.” With these parting words, Aleks walked up the gangplank followed by Takashi, Luke and the seven brave warriors. A party of ten, exiled from Greek soil for five years.

The ships’ crew rushed about their tasks as the ship readied to depart, the captain barking orders at the sailors moving too slow. With the exiled group on board, the number of men on board reached twenty-five, a good amount for the size of their ship. The crew occupied the oars readying themselves. With a heave they began rowing, launching from the docks. The exiled men waved at their loved ones, promising to return.

“Aleks-san.” master Takashi spoke in a low voice to Aleks. “Here is something from your mother.” He extended his closed hand and dropped a necklace in Aleks’ palm.”It was on your mother’s body.”

Aleks grasped it tightly in the setting sun as he looked back at the city, specifically where his house was. A man surrounded by soldiers waved in the distance. The man’s face was one that he would never forget, a face that would keep him awake in the future.

The visage of Cyril Cronis smiled at them as they left Athens.

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