《Westward Soul: Duskwood Online》Chapter 4 - Starting Town


Sam found himself standing on a wooden platform of a train station. A packed dirt street stretched out in front of him. Brick and wood buildings lined both sides of the road. Even from a distance he could see signs for a barber, inn, doctor, general store, and a saloon.

A wide, squat building made of thick white bricks sat at the end of the street. Its windows had ornate iron bars. The sign above the door said 'bank', not that it needed it. Either side of the building had been cleared away. A memory stirred in the back of his mind.

It wasn't nearly as formidable as they tried to make it. The windows blocked off a clear line of sight, which would cost precious reaction time. Open space along the sides made for a quick escape. All he needed was a scan of the street layout and a few days to learn the patterns. It would take at least four men, one on lookout, another at the door, and two inside.

Sam smiled. His brain was sold by the New York State Prison Network which made him wonder what other memories like that would pop up. This world was based on the Wild West, meaning robbing banks was a viable career option. The downside being that he would become a wanted criminal.

"Banks, trains, and stagecoaches," he whispered.

The warm air felt nice on his skin, but he couldn't hang around all day basking in the sun. He had two hundred and thirty dollars to his name. The first thing he needed to do was securing some sort of lodging and then figure out where he was in the world. Once that was done he needed to decide what he was going to do in this new life. Exploring was a good start. Like most things, it required funding. Two hundred and thirty dollars was a decent start, he hoped, but it wasn't enough to maintain traveling.

Standing around wasn't going to get anything done.

Quest Started: Taking Stock Discover the Town Name Find a minimum of 5 Essential Townsfolk Optional: Procure Lodging Optional: Gain Employment Reward: Updated Area Map

"That's a start," he muttered.

The townsfolk moved around without a glance in his direction. They went about their business. Sam'uel check to make sure the coast was clear and stepped into the street. He crossed to a raised wooden walkway in front of the general store. The name on the window labeled it Swoons Market. Sam looked through the open door to see a dumpy man in an almost clean shirt moved along the shelves loading up items. In front of the counter stood a dwarf with shiny auburn hair and a downy beard that was lined with delicate braids.


"Hello there, stranger," the dwarf said. Their voice was a melodic tenor. "Welcome to Swoons Market. I am Delphine Swoon, the proprietor of this fine establishment. We don't see many elves out this way. What brings you to Carson Bridge?"

Quest Update: Town Name: Carson Bridge Delphine Swoon - Essential Townsfolk - 1/5

Sam stepped into the store.

"Sam'uel Willowthorn," he said. "Please, call me Sam. Right now I'm just passing through."

"Good to meet you, Sam," the dwarf woman replied. "The oaf over there is my husband, Trevor. He's not much of a talker, but he's a sweetie."

The man nodded in his direction without stopping his work.

"I didn't hear the train," Delphine said.

Sam shrugged. "I don't know what to tell you."

"You should see the sheriff," Delphine said. "He likes to talk to newcomers."

"Where's the office?" He asked.

"Head down to the end of the street," replied. "Take a left when you get to the bank. It's the red brick building, can't miss it."

"Thank you," Sam'uel said.

He stepped back out into the walkway. A human man stood nearby. He wore a tidy brown suit and a matching bowler hat. His posture was ram-rod straight, one hand rested on the revolver at his hip and the other arm was tucked behind his back. Even with immaculate posture the man stood five foot two at the very most. The Silver Star on his chest marked him as part of the law. Sharp eyes sized Sam up.

"My name is Sheriff McGuire," he said. "And you are?"

Quest Update: Sheriff McGuire - Essential Townsfolk - 2/5

"Sam'uel Willowthorn," Sam replied. "I was on my way to see you."

"You look like the able sort," McGuire said. "Are you going to be trouble?"

"I'm not looking to cause anything of the sort," he replied. "My plans for the day are to rent a room and take a look around town."

"The next town over is Santa Rio to the East. It does not have the luxury of a train station," the sheriff said. "It takes the better part of a day by saddle or stage. Between Carson Bridge and Santa Rio is the Bar-T Ranch. You would not want to travel that way on foot."

Sheriff McGuire stared at him, stopping short of an actual threat.


"Thank you," Sam said. "Would you be able to point me to somewhere I could get some food?"

"Take a right at the bank," the sheriff replied. "Widow Easterly has a shingle up for her boarding house."

Sam'uel gave the sheriff a nod. Swoons Market had an attached barn with a door wide enough to fit a wagon. The edge of the walkway had a ramp fashioned on it to provide access. A small alley separated the extended market and a bright white wooden building. The sign above the door marked it as the doctors' office. He paused, knocked on the door, and opened it.

A man with a wide face framed by mutton-chops looked up. He had hunched shoulders and beady eyes that darted from one thing to the next. The man wore a butcher's apron over a white shirt with its sleeves rolled up. Faded splotches of crimson dotted the stretch of white fabric. The man was standing behind a chair that would fit in a back alley dentist office, or a sanitarium.

"Are you injured?" The man asked.

"No," Sam'uel replied quickly. "I'm introducing myself. Sam'uel."

"Doctor Martin Harris," the man replied. "You're an elf."

Quest Update: Martin Harris - Essential Townsfolk - 3/5

"Yes," Sam said. "Good eyes."

"Moon Elf?" the doctor mumbled. "Musculature does not lend itself to magical discipline. Wood Elf."

Sam backed away without further conversation. He made a mental note not to see Martin Harris again. Following the directions the sheriff gave led him to a stretch of dirt packed road that hadn't been visible from the train station. A sign marked an Inn, gunsmith, and finally the boarding house. His short conversation with the doctor didn't inspire him to maintain social encounters.

Still, he only needed two more people to finish the quest. Sam stopped before the double doors that led to the inn someone had taken the time to paint thin swirls of ivy along the side. He took a deep breath and opened the door.

They opened smoothly without the hint of a squeak. A man with bushy beard waited behind a polished counter watching as Sam stepped inside. There was a doorway to the right that led to a dining room and a set of stairs to the left.

"Welcome to Jacksons' Rest, I'm Hank," the man spoke in a vibrant tenor. "You're in luck if you're looking for a room. Lunch is almost ready. Today we're having chicken with grits and gravy."

Quest Update: Hank Jackson - Essential Townsfolk - 4/5

"A room is three dollars a day," the man replied shaking the hand with a steady grip. "Five if you add a shave and two meals. We can talk price if you're planning on staying longer."

"Sam'uel Willowthorn," he replied.

He ran a hand along his chin. It felt smooth without the hint of stubble. Most elves he had read about didn't grow facial hair.

"I don't think I'll need the shave," Sam said.

"Ah," Hank said. The man stood, but hit height didn't change much. "We don't get many elves in these parts. It's humans and my folk mostly."

"I didn't realize you were a dwarf," Sam said.

"It's the chair," Hank said. "Makes people think I'm human. Don't see how."

"The price sounds fair," Sam said. "The sheriff directed me to a boarding house."

"Widow Easterly," the dwarf said the words like the left a bad taste in his mouth. "Her cooking is middling and she loves to snoop around her guests rooms."

"So he was trying to keep an eye on me, Sam'uel said mostly to himself.

The dwarf laughed.

"You must have left an impression," Hank said.

"He might have caught me studying the bank a little too close," Sam admitted.

"Are you looking to cause trouble?" Hank asked.

"Not anymore," Sam'uel replied.

"Good enough for me," a voice said from his right.

He turned to see a dwarf woman holding a cleaver.

"Margie," she said. "Dinner will be ready in a couple hours. Hank will show you to your room."

Quest Update: Complete Margie Jackson - Essential Townsfolk - 5/5 Optional: Procure Lodging Reward: Area Map Updated

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