《Westward Soul: Duskwood Online》Chapter 3 - Gearing Up


"How do I access my menus?" Sam asked.

The stats and name shifted to the background. Another block of text slid into view.

"You're basically integrated into the system," Erica replied. "The commands work on a mental level. Simply think 'menu' or something more specific and it will pop up. Don't get too far ahead of yourself. Skills are important."

The text arranged itself into a list.

"These are the skills that the system assigned you according to your life experiences," she said.

Brawling – Lock Pick – Sleight of Hand – Small Arms – Sneak

"That seems fair," he said. "How does that work exactly?"

"Skills operate on a level system that ranks from zero to one hundred," Erica explained. "These skills will start at fifteen. That will allow for a greater chance of success and aptitude."

The five skills adjusted to fit into a larger list.

Arcane: Elemental – Health – Knowledge Combat: Blunt Weapons – Edged Weapons – Firearms – Ranged Weapons – Unarmed Physical: Acrobatics – Climb – Jump – Ride – Run – Swim Social: Animal Handling – Bluff – Charm – Diplomacy – Intimidate – Perform – Sense Motive Stealth: Disable Device – Disguise – Lock Picking – Pick Pocket – Sleight of Hand – Sneak

"These are the basic skills," she said. "They have specializations that are unlocked once you qualify. Small Arms would be a progression of Firearms. Brawling is associated with Unarmed. These will increase as you use them. Advanced skills are purchased with experience."

"Do I get to see the advanced skills?" Sam asked.

Erica smiled.

"Not yet," she replied. "They will unlock once you settle in," Erica continued. "Are you ready to move on to the equipment?"


Sam'uel nodded. The skill list faded to the background and was replaced by a store front.

"You have some options," Erica said. "You have five hundred dollars to spend. It is up to you if you want to take one of the premade packages or buy the items individually. Some people choose to just take the money and get started. I suggest look at the bundles first."

Doctor - Explorer – Gambler – Gunslinger – Healer Hunter – Merchant – Naturalist – Ranger – Scout – Warrior

"What's the difference between a Doctor and a Healer?" Sam'uel asked.

"Healers have a more traditional approach their practices," she replied. "There are a number of cultures that inspire the people who inhabit the parts of the world."

Sam'uel turned his attention back to the list. Explorer and Hunter appealed the most. Going with a Gunslinger out of the gate sounded like a bad idea. It would be asking for trouble and he had no idea what he was going to do in the long term. He didn't want to waste this second chance at life. This new world would hold secrets that he was eager to discover. His choice became clear.

Explorer Pack $40 Backpack – Bed Roll – Boots – Canteen – Gun belt - Hatchet Lantern - Meal Kit – Shirt – Stockings - Tent

"No weapons?" He asked.

"Weapons are separate," Erica answered. "We found people like to make their own choices."

Bow - Carbines – Dynamite - Revolvers – Rifles – Shotguns

"That's a detailed list," he deadpanned.

"Select one to get more information," Erica countered. "Just like the other menus."

There was an incredible temptation to grab a couple revolvers and wear them in a two-gun rig then finish the loadout off with a nice lever-action rifle. That way he'd really look the part. Sam'uel took a deep breath to calm down. His current plans didn't involve a constant string of gunfights.


Revolvers Pepperbox –Single Action

He selected Single Action and picked a model called Peacemaker. It was an obvious nod to the Colt Peacemaker that was iconic through the Wild West. The weapons didn't have a manufacturer name, simply the one for the gun.

"You guys couldn't get the okay to use the official names?" Sam asked.

"They are protected under the Historical Preservation Act," Erica replied. "As a fictional world, the reference isn't allowed."

Peacemaker $200 Caliber – .45 Capacity – 6 Condition – 20/20 Damage – 18 Range – Close to Medium 20 Rounds $30

All together it came out to two hundred and seventy dollars. It left him with almost three hundred left.

Equip Clothing? Yes/No

The clothing appeared on his body. He wore black cotton trousers, a white button shirt, and long boots that reached up almost to his knees. The gun belt was strapped on securely while still being comfortable. It put the grip of the revolver at just the right height for his right hand to comfortably rest on it. Fourteen rounds were threaded along the leather. The backpack and other gear were missing.

"I don't see the other stuff," he said.

"Think 'inventory'," Erica instructed.

He did. A ten-by-five grid appeared before him. Each of the remaining seven items filled a spot.

"That's handy," he said.

"Your backpack will give you more inventory space," Erica explained. "You have to equip it, which has the option to be visible or hidden. The limit is two equipped bags at a time, excluding a wallet."

"Thank you," Sam'uel said. "I think I'm ready to go out into the world."

Erica smiled.

"Just about," she said. "There are some mechanics you need know. First, you will get hungry, thirsty, and tired. Players have the option to change the settings, but as a part of the system you are bound to standard limitations. There are options that can be purchased that can suspend these needs, which reminds me, the in-game store is accessed through any bank."

"What happens if I die?" Sam'uel asked.

"Under most circumstances you will respawn," she replied. "You will pop up at the nearest train station if you don't have a location set. Any unspent experience is lost and equipped items take a hit to their durability. A portion of any money you had on your person will also be reduced. You have an account at the bank, put money in it whenever you can."

"Thank you," he said. "Is there anything else?"

"Don't get shot," she replied. "It hurts."

The wall before him slid shut.

"I'll keep that in mind," he said. "What happens now?"

"Go through the door," Erica said.

Sam scanned the room. The only door was the one that he had entered through. He pointed to it. Erica nodded.

"This will take some adjustment," he muttered.

The door opened as he approached.

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