《The One and Only》15. Burying Flowers with the Sword


Down the valley was a vast territory.

All kinds of flowers were in full bloom, stretching as far as the eyes could reach. It was called Flower Valley. With one glance, Lin Yun thought there might be over a hundred kinds of exotic flowers and plants.

The Blood Lily!

Where could it be?

Lin Yun slightly frowned. If he had to walk through the valley, it might take him at least half a month.

No wonder few disciples would like to take over tasks about spiritual stones. It was really hard.

Once the task failed, it was nothing of the loss. The point was if time was wasted, he would miss the mid-year assessment.

The once-a-year mid-term assessment of Qingyun Sect would decide the ranks of all disciples. And their ranks would directly be related to the wages. And the top ten outer disciples would be promoted as the inner disciples.

“I should look around and get familiar with the environment here first.”

Without much thinking, Lin Yun entered into the flowers.

A whole day soon passed, but Lin Yun hadn’t got a clue.

But he was very patient. After it was dawn, he set out again, trying to keep everything in Flower Valley in his mind.

Seven a little bit boring days passed.

For an ordinary person, one would have already been perplexed by those flowers, and the patience would have been worn out. But Lin Yun didn’t give up.

“This is…”

One day while Lin Yun was wandering deep in the flowers, he sniffed something and stopped.

Among the fragrance of the flowers, he nosed a light bloody smell, very light. But having been familiarized with the Flower Valley for a couple of days, Lin Yun immediately sensed it.

All of a sudden, Lin Yun’s eyes shined!

He walked carefully along the light bloody smell. But the breeze never stopped in the valley, and also it was also mixed with the fragrance of all kinds of flowers.

It was really not an easy thing.

For a few times he lost the bloody smell and was even guided to the wrong direction.

Finally having got a clue, how would Lin Yun give up so easily?

All of sudden, Lin Yun who was looking for the Bloody Lily shivered.

A stream of coldness spread from the ground, making him shaking.

With a glance, Lin Yun saw a giant rock deep in the flowers.

“It is here!!”

The light bloody smell should be sent out from here.

With a jump, Lin Yun came to the back of the rock, and then saw a red lily blooming in the shadow.


The spooky Blood Lilly was sending out a smell mixed with fragrance and blood.

“That’s it. Bloody Lily prefers shady and cool places, and blossoms in places with no light. And there’s kind of bloody smell mixed with its fragrance. It’s the main ingredient of the Blood Activating Elixirs, which was valuable and rare.

Lin Yun stepped forward carefully after making sure it was safe.

With a kind of joy on the face, he bent over to pick it.

Lin Yun didn’t notice that the moment he bent over, the shadow hanging over the Blood Lily was stretching on and on.

And when his hand nearly touched the Blood Lily, he suddenly felt kind of unprecedented danger.

The moment he raised his head, he saw a serpent with its mouth widely open trying to attack like the lightening.

Lin Yun immediately turned pale.

Without thinking more, he turned over on the ground and avoided its attack.


But his body got hit by its tail. He felt as if all his bones falling apart. With a grunt, he was thrown in the air.

After landing on the ground, Lin Yun saw clearly what the serpent looked like.

On its grey back, there was a long blood line, like the burning flame.

It was a Bloody Flame Snake, a real evil beast, with the fifth level of Martial Practice.

Now Lin Yun understood that the giant rock before the Blood Lily was this snake in disguise.

That was close, really close, he almost got swallowed.


The Bloody Flame Snake fizzed, with the evil spirit being released from its body. Lin Yun could clearly feel the pressure, no less than when facing Zhou Yun.

The shadow of a sacred tiger was forming gradually in his head, overwhelming the evil spirit little by little.

Invisibly, it was neutralized.

After pulling out the old sword, the fear in Lin Yun’s heart faded away. He couldn’t get the Blood Lilly only if he killed that Bloody Flame Snake.

So he had no way back.

Gathering Water to Form Streams, Flowing Streams like Winds!

Lin Yun launched the attack first. He was using his Flowing Wind Swordplay smoothly.

The moment their shadows crossed, the sword light chopped on the snake’s body.

To Lin’s surprise, with thick scales, his Flowing Wind Swordplay couldn’t hurt the Bloody Flame Snake at all.

After all the wood sword in his hand was not sharp enough.

For ordinary beasts or practitioners, it might be enough. But for the Bloody Flame Snake with thick scales, it didn’t work at all.

However powerful his swordplay was, it was useless if the sword was not sharp enough.



Lin Yun inserted the sword into the ground. He tried to use his Tiger Fist instead.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Bloody Flame Snake that was irritated by Lin Yun started to attack fiercely without giving him time to response.

After initiating the Pure Yang martial arts, Lin Yun could feel the strong inner power flowing inside his body.

When dodging, Lin Yun stayed quite calm. He tried to fight back with his Tiger Fist motivated by his Pure Yang martial arts.

A person and a snake were chasing each other among the flowers.

Lin Yun, who fought with his fist, was consuming his inner power constantly, but he could not hurt the Bloody Flame Snake at all.

During their fight, Lin Yun found out the weak point of the snake. It was a blood spot on its back.

His Tiger Fist was powerful, but it still couldn’t break its scales. And he had consumed large part of his inner power.

Two hours later, Lin Yun got drenched in sweat, and his inner power was nearly burnt out.

The Tiger Fist was in great need of inner power. Even with his Pure Yang martial arts as the foundation, it was still not enough.

If things went on like this, he would be consumed to death by the Bloody Flame Snake.

Although he was not reconciled, he could only run away before he glanced at the bloody flame on the back of the snake.

That was his only option.

Lin Yun was not stupid enough to confront with it. The evil beast had too much more potential than he had.

Lin Yun, who ran away, felt much relieved now.

Even so, the Bloody Flame Snake ran after him over 25 km. He was nearly exhausted to death.

On seeing that Lin Yun had run far away, the snake fizzed and stopped chasing.


After making sure the Bloody Flame Snake gave up, Lin Yun let out a long breath, and then threw himself on the ground. He had injuries all over his body. Mixed with juice of all kinds of plants, he looked really awkward.

Spiritual stone task was really not easy.

No wonder there were still tasks left for him to pick. All the other outer disciples knew the danger.

During that fight, he’d have lost his life if he hadn’t been careful enough.

With a hot sun over the head, Lin Yun had no regrets, but still he felt rather frustrated.

He tried, having looked for the Bloody Lily among the immense Flower Valley for seven whole days like a fool.

He also fought, having tried to stand till the end when facing an evil beast a realm higher than him.

He tried his best and nearly died, but pity that he was not its rival.

With the evil beast Bloody Flame Snake one realm higher than him there, he couldn’t accomplish the spiritual stone task of collecting the Bloody Lilies.

He tried to cover his eyes with his right hand from the dazzling sunlight.

Feeling both tired and painful, Lin Yun closed his eyes feebly.

After an hour later, Lin Yun almost regained his strength. He opened his eyes and looked into the sky.

A slice of stubbornness flashed on his delicate face. And in the blue sky appeared the faces of three people.

On the left was Zhou Yun, looking ruthless, “You think you can challenge me in two months?”

In the middle was Wang Ning, with a scorning smile on his face, “Little sword slave, watch your own identity. Stop daydreaming.”

On the right was Su Ziyao. Her cold but beautiful face always wore an arrogant expression. And the words coming out of her mouth were even more indifferent and chilling than her face.

Conduct yourself well!

“Conduct yourself well. Conduct yourself well…”murmured Lin Yun, with a slice of anger flashing on his face, “what did I do wrong? Why would you ask me to conduct myself well?”

The former master had feelings for you, but he never complained, and never daydreamed to get you.

He just hid that feeling inside his humble body, forever!

He had feelings for her all his life and never asked for anything, but finally he only got the words “conduct yourself well”?!

As the three faces disappeared in the sky, the fury on Lin Yun’s face was also gone. But his feeble hands were clenched tight now full of power.

Lin Yun got up, without saying a word, and walked towards the direction where the Blood Lily was at.

A few minutes later, he arrived at the place where he abandoned his sword.

And the moment he tried to pull out the sword, there appeared kind of confused expression on his face.

The wood sword became heavier.

He pulled it out after operating his inner power.

After putting the wood sword on his hands, Lin Yun noticed that the sword lines became different. It was like the face of a woman waving on the body of the sword.

“Flower Burial?”

The vague ancient words on the hilt became clear now. It was engraved with the words “Flower Burial”.

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