《The One and Only》1. Qingyun Sword Slave


"Am I not dead?"

Lin Yun opened his eyes and looked at his plain chest. The first thought occurring to him was that he survived.

He recalled that he climbed the Mount Tai at a seldom leisure day.

However, he was pierced by a sword light in the chest unexpectedly at the moment he reached the top of the mountain.

He lost consciousness before he could react. "Ouch!" Lin Yun covered his head with a struggling expression.

Severe headache brought the memories back compulsively. Various pictures flashed quickly in his mind like watching a movie.

Although the fusion of memories happened not long time ago, Lin Yun felt it had already been a decade.

When he opened his eyes again, his face was relaxed and his eyes were calm.

Actually, he transmitted instead of died.

Lin Yun's spirit came to the land called Xuanhuang, and was reborn into an ordinary sword slave living in the border of Skywater Kingdom.

It was somehow God's plan, for the sword slave had the same name, Lin Yun.

Because of the fusion of memories, he knew that he was fifteen years old. Besides, he had joined Qingyun Sect three years ago. But he was still not qualified to be a Qingyun disciple.

Lin Yun could only be a sword slave working in the Sword-washing Chamber. He was in charge of maintaining the swords of fellow disciples and elders.

Luckily, Qingyun Sect was not based on sword. He got a lot of leisure time to cultivate. In Xuanhuang Land, the ability was a top priority.

It was a golden rare chance for a sword slave to cultivate.

There was a rule in Qingyun Sect that factotums could also be official disciple as long as his cultivation reached a certain level.

The rule provided an emotional anchor for him. Though being a slave, Lin Yun didn't leave the sect.

Unfortunately, although Lin Yun was a man of perseverance, he had poor understanding. Through three years of cultivation, he had only arrived at the second level of martial practice and tried so hard for the third level but failed.

The principle of being an outer disciple of Qingyun Sect was to reach the third level of martial practice. And Lin Yun was always one level away from a true disciple.

He thought to himself that despite the obstacle of time and resource, the previous owner's understanding was so mediocre that he couldn't achieve level three for three years.

"Since I got another chance of living, I would work harder to let Lin Yun's name be well-known in this world."

Curiously, he got used to his transmigration quickly and set a goal immediately.


It might relate to the occupation of his previous incarnation. Thus he could keep calm no matter in what circumstances.

His previous life was a genius lawyer, who knew the law very well with excellent memory and was known for cool-headed character.

He had never lost any case since his debut.

"Let me find out the aptitude of this body first." Lin Yun murmured. Pushing the door of his cabin open, he came to a yard.

He made a stand of Tiger Fist and started to practice.

Only hearing the name of Tiger Fist, you could know that it was mediocre. In fact, it was. In all of the basic martial arts, Qingyun Sect had so many better than this one.

But for a sword slave, instead of an official disciple, Lin Yun could only practice this one. He couldn't get any other various resources from Qingyun Sect yet.

What was the basic martial arts?

There were ten levels of martial cultivation: the first three levels aimed to strengthen skin, bones and meridian vessels; the medium three levels aimed to refine flesh, blood and viscera; the last three levels aimed to connect the veins, melt the bones and change the marrow so as to reach the highest tenth level.

Basic boxing was dedicated to forging the body and strengthening the physique, which could lay a foundation for the long road of cultivation in the future.

Hah hu.

His fist movements were so impressive that the fallen leaves were blown up. He felt so unlabored and immersed in an amazing strange feeling. Why was today's practice so smooth?

In his memory, the fist movements used to be difficult for him to understand so he only followed it stiffly.

But today, Lin Yun felt that his mind became lucidum and knew all about the fist. When he was practicing, he felt that each punch had a stream of heat flowing in his body and he understood the substance of it suddenly.

There were eighteen moves of the Tiger Fist, and the first

fifteen ones could only be used for body-forging and health-maintenances. The latter three moves--Tiger Roars in Mountains, Tiger Dashing and All Beasts Worshiping, which required higher savvy to practice, were used to fight battles.

The essence of the Tiger Fist was all about these three moves which Lin Yun had never succeeded before. With only a smattering knowledge of the first fifteen moves, how could he ever think about the last three moves?

On a second thought, he finished the first 15 moves. He felt a rush of heat fleeting everywhere in his body.

Lin Yun looked firm and calm in his eyes, the crucial methods of Tiger Fist skimmed over his mind. Taking advantage of this feeling, he practiced the sixteenth move--Tiger Roars in Mountains with a slight shout.



With one blow, the heat in his body boiled and rushed to his right hand as if a shadow of a tiger appeared behind him and roared.

Then the skeleton of the whole body burst a hundred sounds, just like a tiger roaring angrily.

The crazy wind was blowing, and the fallen leaves dancing in the air broke into countless pieces and then fell down.

The hot current flowed throughout his body, which made him feel warm and comfortable.

"It's the inner power! A hundred cracks of bones produce the inner power which indicates the breakthrough of the second level of martial practice. I have reached the third level!"

Lin Yun stood at ease and his face beamed with slight delight. He had no idea that practicing the Tiger Roars in Mountains would help him reach the third level of martial practice.

He wondered why his comprehension changed so suddenly.

After all Lin Yun had accumulated more than one year at the second level of martial practice, which was a good reason for his unexpected success.

He considered over and over, coming up with one reasonable explanation: the fusion of souls. He was super intelligent in his previous life.

As a talented lawyer with retentive memory, he was worthy of the name.

Taking this advantage and in addition to the fusion of another Lin Yun's soul, he had a higher level of understanding, which totally made sense.

"It seems that this world is the place where my talents and wisdom should be displayed. Reaching the third level of martial practice, I am qualified to be an outer disciple of Qingyun Sect. I will not be a sword slave any more from now on."

Lin Yun whispered. Abruptly, he remembered something important. His facial expression greatly changed, and he hurried back to the cabin, searching everywhere.

In the dark corner of the cabin, he found a sword soaking in the icy water.

"There it is."

He took out the sword without hesitation, and suddenly his right hand was pale because of the cold.

And in the water his comely face reflected, upon which a purple diamond mark between the eyebrows showed.

Seeing this mark, he felt so odd.

Since he was a slave, the mark would follow him forever.

He ran straight to the Sword-cleaning Chamber with the sword.

The sword certainly didn't belong to him. He was maintaining it for one disciple of Qingyun Sect. Each sword should be maintained after a long time, which could extend its life. Especially for the brilliant swords. These years being sword slave, he could own an independent residence, which totally depended on his excellent sword-maintenance skills.

Too late! It should have been delivered two hours ago, but he was delayed for his immersion in Tiger Fist.

Lin Yun was so annoyed. He was a nobody in this place with strict hierarchy. If he detained the important thing of greater men, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Or more seriously, his life would be in danger.

"Sister Su, he's here."

Three people gathered together in front of the Sword-washing Chamber at the foot of the hill. A thin man talked quickly when he saw Lin Yun coming. Opposite him there stood a young girl and boy with extraordinary and excellent bearing, making a striking contrast with the man who talked.

That girl dressed in cyan long dress was particularly gentle, graceful, and pretty, which made Lin Yun so self-abased that he dared not to look her in the eyes. And he had an unexplainable good feeling when he saw the girl through the crowd.

Lin Yun recalled the previous owner's memory and was not surprised to find out that he secretly fell in love with the inner disciple - Su Ziyao. That thin man cursed while Lin Yun was approaching, "Sister Su has been waiting for you for 15 minutes, how dare you be so late?"

Su Ziyao said insipidly without any expression, "Give me the sword."

Lin Yun felt relieved that she didn't blame him, so he handed the sword to her.

Su Ziyao took out her handkerchief and cleaned every inch of the sword. Lin Yun frowned, the good impression from the previous owner disappeared completely.


She pulled the sword out a bit, a cold wind sweeping out. Then she placed the sword back into sheath swiftly, but it was so fast that all of them only could see a cold light.

"Not bad," she was satisfied and threw a jade bottle to the feet of Lin Yun.

What was that? Treated him as a beggar?

Lin Xun was slightly furious.

The handsome man sneered, "Sister Su, how kind you are! The slave is late, but you still give him reward. Pick it up and thank her!" Seeing Lin Yun stand still without any reaction, the man became angry and frowned.

The previous Lin Yun would immediately pick up the bottle without any other words.

But right now, should he pick it up or not?

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