《The One and Only》2. The Third Level of Martial Practice


Lin Yun hesitated while Su Ziyao didn’t care much, she turned around with the sword and left.

The charming male disciple stared at Lin Yun angrily and immediately followed up.

“Fuck, how lucky he is. Lin Yun is rewarded by Sister Su again. There must be at least three Body Nourishing Elixirs.”

“Sister Su has rewarded him so many times these two years. If I were him, I would reach the third level of martial practice long ago. He completely wastes it.”

“Haha, so you don’t have to envy him. I think he is extremely depressed about it too.”

“That’s right. Once a slave, always a slave. He is no one but a slave forever.”

The factotums in front of the Sword-cleaning Chamber mocked at Lin Yun jealously.

They could stay at Qingyun Sect as factotum only for two years and they would be forced out unless they reached the third level of martial practice or agreed to sell themselves as slaves just like Lin Yun did.

But only few people were as persistent as Lin Yun.

Not everyone was willing to give up liberty to be a slave, gambling for a promising future.

Thus those factotums felt superior and looked down upon Lin Yun all the time. Cynicism and racism were always in their tones.

Lin Yun had lived for two lifetimes, so he didn’t care about it but watched the jade bottle thoughtfully.

“What’s wrong with you? It’s Sister Su’s award. If you don’t want it, I will have it.”

The thin man stood beside Lin Yun said with a smile and bent down to pick the jade bottle up.

At that moment, a foot carrying wind kicked upon his wrist and then tapped downed precisely on the jade bottle.


The jade bottle bounced up to the air. Lin Yun put his foot down and abruptly stretched out his hand to catch it. The whole movements were totally as smooth as the floating clouds and flowing rivers without any pause.

The thin man almost fell down. After standing up, he burst into anger and pointed at Lin Yun, "You little bastard how dare you fool me! You wanna die?"


He was Zhou Ping, an outer disciple with the fourth level of martial practice.

He was not highly qualified. But given that his father was an Outer Elder, he was assigned to be in charge of the Sword-Washing Chamber.

Although Sword-Washing Chamber was much less profitable than Elixir Pharmacy, Sect Affairs Administration, Treasure Palace, etc., but it was also benefited from no competitors which helped him to get all the advantages.

In the daily life, he usually bullied Lin Yun. More than half of the reward from Su Ziyao would be despoiled by him.

“Forget it, I will not be mean to you. It will lose my face. Take two out of three Body Nourishing Elixirs for me as usual, then I’ll let you off the hook,” said Zhou Ping while dusting his clothes with his hands.

Because these elixirs were from Su Ziyao, he didn’t dare to take all away. But the better part of them was a must. The previous Lin Yun was reluctant but would stoop to compromise.

However, time was different now, so was Lin Yun. Reaching the third level of martial practice, he was unafraid of Zhou Ping at all.

He cast a glimpse at the jade bottle, and complication loomed in his eyes. Then he put it away, turned and left, walking towards the Sword-washing Chamber.

“Stop!” Zhou Ping said angrily when he saw Lin Yun ignore him.

In front of these factotums, this guy did not give him face. It must affect his authority. However, Lin Yun didn’t stop.


Zhou Ping flew up and spread out his arms just like a furious goshawk and dived for Lin Yun. His bones rattled, which led to the straggling of air-flow and the wind ran wild.

The blood in his body flowed with bangs like the rolls of thunder. His momentum became stronger.

The inner energy was produced from blood. The inner energy and blood moved at will and were powerful like thunder, which was the symbol of the fourth level of martial practice.

Zhou Ping swooped on Lin Yun like a goshawk, and the martial art he used was Eagle Palm. Unlike Tiger Boxing, Eagle Palm was more powerful. In the higher level, it could become a claw, which could tear a tiger into pieces.


“Ha- ha, this guy is so unlucky. What’s wrong with him today? How dare he offend Bro Zhou!”

“Bro Zhou has achieved the fourth level of material arts and his palm alone has strong power of nearly 500 kilograms. Moreover, Brother Zhou has reached the Slight Achievement of Eagle Palm. With one palm, he can severely injure Lin Yun who would have to suffer in bed for at least half a month.”

“I guess that he burst into a nasty temper again. He did it last year. After three months on the bed, he became obedient immediately.”

These factotums all stopped their work to watch the scene of bustle with full expectation and gloat.

Lin Yun felt the wind as soon as it came up. It immediately reminded him of instructions of Tiger Boxing. Then, he turned around and hit by one fist. It seemed that a shadow of tiger appeared behind him and roared.

Turning around, throwing a punch...it all came out smoothly without obstruction.

But when he saw Zhou Ping, a strong vigor rushed at him. Zhou Ping was overlooking him like a goshawk, with scaring and sharp eyes. Lin was supposed to break all the inner bones to increase his own vigor while witnessing all that scared him and he failed. He didn’t stimulate the power of Tiger Fist.


Fist bumped against palm and exploded. Lin Yun staggered three steps back and refrained his inner energy and blood with difficulty.

“What happened? Lin Yun withstood Zhou’s attack.”

Most factotums were shocked. After this hit, however, Lin Yun had not been whacked to be disabled as they expected, but just retreated three steps back.

Zhou Ping was also surprised and said in a lowered voice, “You bloke has made some progress lately, no wonder you are not afraid.”

Lin Yun analyzed in his mind that he had the opportunity to take it all at that time.

But he had just achieved the third level of martial practice and had not practiced his inner strength. Besides, he had no battle experience at all. So, he was not in the state.

He became more confident after this fight because Zhou Ping was just so-so.

“But you are too naive to believe that you could beat me by your present cultivation.”

Zhou Ping roared and rushed to Lin Yun again with outspread arms, just like a goshawk, stirring up the wild wind.

The vigor was so strong that it forced Lin Yun to step back.

But Lin Yun retreated calmly with rules and he found that Zhou Ping’s moves had many defects.

It did prove that the more a man exposed himself, then more bugs would be found.

Except for the few attacks in the beginning which were formidable to him, Lin Yun became more unhurried and even fought back sometimes, which was beyond Zhou Ping’s expectation.

“What’s happened to Lin Yun? How could he become stronger in such a short time? It seemed that he is using me to practice his own skills. I have to finish it sooner,” thought by Zhou Ping while he felt shocked and anxious. “If I could not beat Lin Yun, how can I go strut about in Sword-washing Chamber?”

“Good chance.”

Lin Yun found Zhou Ping was distracted so he concentrated his spirit. Suddenly, there came the sound of breaking bones like roars in mountains.

Then, the sound continued. He showed the most disruptive move—Tiger Roars in Mountains of Tiger Fist.

“A hundred sounds of bone cracking! He succeeded!”

Zhou Ping was shocked. It was beyond his expectation. This sword slave had achieved the third level of martial practice.

Lin Yun didn’t distract but punched with the sound of breaking bones as if roaring through the mountain forests.

The fist, just like a fierce swooping tiger, hit Zhou Ping’s chest with irresistible force while he was stunned.

Bang! Zhou Ping was knocked to the air then fell down to the ground with his ribs broken, feeling extremely painful.

All factotums were stunned totally.

“Lin Yun has reached the third level of martial practice! The third level of martial practice!”

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