《Passing Onto Fog》Chapter 2 - Melancholy


Davion let Hogwarts guide him after his talk with the Headmaster. Perhaps it was responding to his melancholy, but that's how he found himself in his, assumed, room. He laid with his hands behind his head, just letting his thoughts take him. He didn't really want to get heavily involved, but his weakness got the better of him. The abused. The manipulated. All past experiences he wished remained in the past. It's funny how things that happened possibly thousands of years ago still hurt, but he's always been that kind of person, no matter the chemical fixes the rebirths provided. Always living in the past, always struggling to escape from it. Humans… Can't live with them, but can't be seperate from them. There's truly some beautiful people in the world, he knows, but even those with kindness can hurt. His thoughts were interrupted by the door to his room opening. He took a glance over, calming when seeing who it was.

The figure moved across the room, sitting on the bed across from Davion.

"I couldn't find you." Harry said nervously.

"Sorry. Wanted to be away from people."

"Aw, I can go." Harry said, while standing. Davion quickly motioned him back.

"Naw, it's alright... Come here." Davion said, sitting up and patting the spot beside him. Harry nodded hesitantly and followed the request. They sat motionless, just Harry peeking at Davion from the corner of his eyes. Harry had no idea how to comfort someone and his mind was a mess. His thoughts cut short when he felt arms envelop him. The sudden contact caused him to tense, fight or flight kicking in.

"I'm not going to hurt you. Jeez, calm it." Davion said in amusement. They sat like that for a while, Harry slowly taking warmth from the hug. He calmed before returning the contact, pulling Davion closer. Davion let out a giggle.

"You know, sometimes the only thing a person needs is the precense of another. Not words. Like myself. I fully understand the problem, and, maybe not how to fix, but manage it." Davion said in Harry's ear. "Thank you, Harry." Davion said, pulling away.

Harry couldn't help the smile that came. A genuine one. One caused by words he's never heard before, words to look forward to.

"Alright, Harry, serious time. Tomorrow we're sneaking out to take you to Gringotts to take control from your mysterious magical guardian, then we're buying you stuff. What stuff? No idea. Whatever you want. You do need books though. You're the Boy-Who-Lived, so I'm sure we can expect lots of trouble. Better safe than sorry." Davion crossed his arms, smirking. Harry could tell he was feeling better so focused on what was said.

"Can I ask you something, Davion?"

"Yea, what's up?"

"Why are you helping me? Why… did you approach me?" Harry asked, before panicing. "I don't think you're like the other people I've met in the school… I just was wondering." He finished lamely.


"Easy… we're now friends, or atleast I think we are. Ask me what that is when I fully realize it myself. But more than anything, I'm a fool who can't leave well enough alone." Davion stated confidently despite his words proving otherwise. Harry's eyes widened, a small smile and nod and he left the 'why' alone.

"I'm not going to lie to you Harry, you're fame is going to get you in trouble, not your fault, but no one's going to take your feelings into account. It won't be fun, but just maybe you can get by with some preparation. That's what we're going to do tomorrow, atleast part of it." Davion laid back down while saying that, subtlely positioning room for another. Harry took the cue and laid next to him. Harry stayed silent considering what Davion said. He saw it today, so how could he not understand. He may be glad to finally be socializing, but he's not blind. The fake smiles, the attempts to get close for something not entirely pure. Perhaps he should of expected that in Slytherin, Davion did tell him the House values afterall. He took a glance at Davion once again and decided he would be fine. He had something now, what it was he wasn't sure, but he didn't want to let go. Harry was starting to get tired, until Davion felt the need to make another comment.

"But just think of the all the girls. Maybe the fame isn't all bad."


The following morning Davion woke Harry up early, almost two hours early from classes. Thankfully, Gringotts is constantly open. They proceeded to get ready, Davion letting Harry borrow one of his more expensive robes. Of course Harry tried to protest, but was denied with a glare. The shuffle was short with Harry deciding to ask questions once they were out of the room. He remembered a question he had for last night that was now bugging him. It was the first question he asked once they reached the common room.

"Hey Davion, why did you want me to avoid the Headmaster's eyes?" The question caused Davion to pause, Harry almost knocking into him.

"I had forgotten, sorry. That old man, don't trust him. If my suspicion is right, he's your magical guardian, and after talking to him, he's quite manipulative. Whatever his plans for you are, they're not good, not for you atleast." He replied before moving forward. Harry got lost in thoughts, so he had to run to catch up.

"And, the reason to not look into his eyes, he's a master legilimencer. Meaning he can see your thoughts, usually through your eyes. We're going to fix that in time, but it'll take a while." Davion said while walking. Harry didn't like the sound of that, but decided to change topics to something more pleasant.

"How are we going to sneak out?" Harry asked as he noticed Davion stop infront of a wall. Davion turned towards him and smile.


"Hogwarts, if you would please?" Davion said aloud. Sounds of stone shifting occured behind him and he watched Harry's face light up. "I'm technically the owner of this school, Harry. Hogwarts has been rather helpful so far." He then patted the wall to the entrance.

Harry would swear he heard the school purring as they entered.


The conversations turned personal while walking through the tunnel, if only for Harry to ignore the spider webs and darkness of it. Davion ended up telling his personal history, well the body's history. To say Harry was surprised would be an understatement. Harry felt compelled to share his life so far also, although it wasn't easy. Many times he was on the verge of tears, only for a comforting hand to land on his shoulder. Davion could have had them out of the tunnel much sooner, but decided to spend some time to talk things out. He never was a believer that talking helps, certainly for specific people, but he found having affectionate contact helped. Well, not for him, but he was a special case.

Soon they found themselves just outside of Hogsmeade. They kept talk light when entering the sparsely crowded roads, shops getting ready for the day. Davion stopped infront of the white building of Gringotts to let Harry collect himself. Once he was ready, they entered, walking to seemingly the only teller.

"Good day. We'd like an inheritance test for Harry Potter here." The goblin simply nodded before leading them to a back room. The same process as last time occurred with Harry needing to tell the goblin Davion was serving an advisory role. Soon the parchment lit up with Harry's inheritance.

Harry Potter

Heir to House Potter

Heir to House Black

Davion nodded, confirming his suspicions. He wasn't sure if Sirius had done a blood pact, but it seems he had, making Harry the legitimate Heir to House Black. He'd have to warn him about possible dangers from the Malfoys. Well, they were a danger anyway.

"Can you please also get his will? If possible we want to get him emancipated, but that can wait if not possible." Davion said. The Goblin looked torwards Harry for comfirmation, after getting a nod, the goblin left. He returned with another goblin that turned out to be the Potter manager. Harry had to sign quite a bit of stuff for them to be able to see the will. They were also informed that the bank had been sending Harry letters which, of course, haven't been recieved. A quick detection spell found the wards on Harry's person. Davion had to calm Harry down from that, before an idea came to him.

"Can you detect magical core blocks?" He asked the goblins.

"Yes. For a price." The goblin, Griphook, said. Davion expected it and took out his galleon pouch. "Well, do it, and remove it."

The process was quite a bit longer then either Harry or Davion thought it would be and they could already see they were going to be late for class. Davion had a solution, but didn't want to be in the presence of the goblins to do it. When the Will finally came up, Davion attempted to excuse himself, but noticed Harry's look.

"Can we hold off on this for five minutes, I'll be right back. Harry stay here for a moment." Davion said then exited the room, then the building itself. He snuck into an alleyway and made sure the coast was clear. He had to adjust the spell to the mana of this world but it worked and soon enough he had two clones of himself. Making one take the image of Harry, he sent them on their way.

When he made it back the goblins were taking their impatience on Harry. A threat later, the Will was being read. Davion placed a hand on his shoulder. Soon, Harry's parents voices were coming out of the runed parchment, a projection of them above it.

This is the Shared Will of James and Lily Potter. To all those that it may concern, the Will was witnessed by:

Headmaster Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

Siruis Black of House Black.

Peter Pettigrew.

Remus Lupin.

First, we'd like to state the obvious and say the entirety of the Potter fortune is to go to our son, Harry Potter. -James Lilly

If not responsible for our death, 10,000 Galleons to go to Peter Pettigrew. If we have died to the Dark Lord while in Godric's Hollow, arrest Peter Pettigrew. After all, he was our Secret Keeper. -Lily

Don't worry, he's a friend, honey. Also, 30,000 Galleon to our son's Godfather, Sirius Black. Raise him well, Padfoot. 10,000 Galleons to Remus Lupin, hopefully to help you out of your funk. -James

Families Harry Potter is to go to should we perish:

Sirius Black, first and foremost.

Should something happen to Sirius, the Longbottom family. Please take care of him Alice and Frank.

Should something happen to the Longbottoms, Amelia Bones. I have faith that you can take care of him and sorry for the burden. Hopefully, Sirius will be with you.

Under no circumstance is Harry Potter to go to my sister, Pertunia Dursley (Evans). -Lily

Harry, we love you. Sorry, we couldn't be there to watch you grow, but just know we'll be proud of you. Whatever path you choose. Don't give your caretakers too hard a time, I know some of James blood runs in you, but be more like your mother if you can help it. -Lily

Hey! Don't listen to her Harry. You show them hell. *Smack* Alright, alright, keep it to a minimum. I love you son. -James

-The Official Shared Will of James and Lily Potter

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