《Passing Onto Fog》Chapter 1 - Beginnings
It all started with my, slightly unfortunate, first death. Yes, first, there's many more to follow, I assure you. Lung failure was what started this choatic cycle. The cycle of dying and being reborn. It started shortly after my first death where I found myself in a world of shining marble floors and sun ray pierced clouds. It was only missing a crowd of naked angels to greet me and it would of been an image of classical heaven. Ofcourse, at the time, I had my understandable freak out before a man came to explain what was happening. The man was regal in appearance and I believed him to be some sort of god… Up until he started speaking. He spoke in clipped sentences and an air of impatience.
He spoke his whole speel in a single breath then proceeded to just disappear. It took me awhile to organize the information he gave me, but even then it didn't make much sense. It seems I'm to travel through multiple worlds, for the sole purpose of regulating energies. Even now, I don't fully believe that, but it's the best explanation I have.
After, I had my first taste of a quasi-character creator. Where I was able to choose my destination, where I was born, and appearance, along with a plethora of other details that are both tedious and boring to hash out. So, I set out on my first grand adventure, with hope to shed my cowardly self and refine into something to be proud of.
It took awhile, but I decided on the world of Narutoverse as my first destination. That turned out to be a bad choice because I died again before even reaching teenage years. It left me scarred, more scarred than before atleast. Dying hurts, the kind of hurt that carries over to other lives in this case. I played it safe after that. Going to relatively modern worlds, where I could have some comfort knowing it's somewhat safe. I relived the same world twenty-three times before I built my courage back up. Those lives were in no way wasted though. The skills and knowledge I learned in them would serve me for many years to come.
I took the plunge back into Naruto, with new knowledge and better confidence. This time I didn't pick an orphan because the media counterpart didn't exactly explain how bad they actually got it. The meat shields was what they were for all intensive purpose. I chose the Nara clan, taking care not to choose a known character. It wasn't obvious to me at that point, but I was basically body snatching. When I found out that speculation, I made sure that they were a character destined to die. It didn't assuage the guilt, but I got by with promises of living a fulfilling life for them.
This life I lived substantially longer. Sadly, my aspiration of being a hero didn't exactly come true. I was undoubtedly powerful, but I always lacked the spark the main character seemed to have. He was always one step ahead, although I was objectively more powerful. It took me having a family to figure out what I was missing and to this day, thousands of years passed, I look fondly on that moment. My son being born and my heart melting all the regret and frustration.
Leaving behind loved ones easily became the most painful thing about the power. Even those few instances of being immortal, something always seems to happen. Being a god in one universe was an experience, for sure. I tried to use the divinity to counter act my own and found out my power was the top dog. I never took the role of god again. Too boring largely.
I avoided worlds I knew for this entire time. One part for genuine exploration and another for fear of meeting the characters I had a connection with. The largest part from trauma how living in Naruto went.
So, I set off on the next great adventure. This time a world I once read.
The, as I've dubbed, character creator, like everything else, is a finicky but powerful tool. It operates off what it calls Parameters, which works largely like filters on a search engine. It's a drawn out process because if you slack on it, you could end up in something you don't want. It can be like a monkey paw in design at times. Setup to be immortal and somehow be born as an undead. That's why I'm being extra careful with this life. I'm wanting a body that has the blood of the four founders of Hogwarts and can go to school with Harry himself. It took a lot of fiddling but I found one. There's only the problem that it's in a stasis seal.
Davion Slytherin is certainly of interesting heritage and it's a wonder he even survived in the first place. Born from a great-great-great granddaughter of Ravenclaw and a direct son of Salazar himself, who contracted a minor case of vampirism, it was thought he would die before even reaching twelve. The grief of this led them to putting the child in a set of highly powered stasis runes. It was done in the hopes that the future would hold the cure to the toxicity of the childs blood. Unfortunately, the family they setup to monitor Davion after their passing, soon forgot their entire purpose. Generations passing muddied their duty until they eventually moved on, leaving poor Davion to be in stasis forever. Fortunately, I have experience with all kinds of energy and should be able to avoid these problems. So, I changed the appearance and setup when I'd like to take over before diving in. (There are hidden Parameters where you have the body operate off a piece of your soul until you wish to takeover.)
A flash of light woke me, even piercing through my closed eyelids. Ignoring the weakness of the body, I bolted upright, only for my forehead to collide with something. I groaned in pain and attempted to open my eyes. Spots were in my vision but I could make out glass surrounding me at all sides. Wafts of mist filling in the space the release of power removed them from. I blinked away the spots to get a better view. The room, from what I could see, reminded me of an Egyptian tomb. Refocusing on my entrapment, I look at the runes that cover the glass coffin I find myself in. They're largely written in Tamil, but I can see several other languages, mostly religious in origin. I got to work.
It took possibly days to remove the runes so I could exit. The runes were largely correct but there was a lot of unnecessary portions to it. With a flash of light, the glass coffin collapsed on itself and I had to angle my body so the top part slid off, instead of crushing me. That done, I shakily brought myself to a sitting position, getting ready to explore this body before setting out. I looked inwards, noting with surprise the way too large magical core. I didn't even have to search, it was just there. Blazing with power Merlin would be jealous of. Shaking away from those thoughts, I kept on the search. The major risk with runes like these, I soon found. Cell mutation. When a body is saturated with magic for as long as this one has, it's bound to bring problems. Ironically it seems the stasis itself fixed the body's toxic blood problem by magic mutation. I would need more research to know what other changes this brought, but it doesn't seem to be dangerous. Magic is all intent based and my parents intent when putting me in stasis probably brought quite a bit of power to me.
Exploration finished, I took a visual inspection. The only change to the adjustments I made is the grayish hue my skin has. I can only guess because I'm not so human anymore. Vampirism plus magic saturation plus hundreds of years was bound to change some core physiology. Ignoring that for now, I glanced around the room in search of clothes. The mist was making it mighty hard to even see though. I called up my magic, only to jolt in pain. Confused, I looked back inwards. Not seeing anything, I tried calling it again, ignoring the pain and tracing its movement. I facepalmed. This body is atrophied and it will take some time to get it in working order. I started making my way out of the tomb, hoping there's some kind of civilization around. My body appearing to be around eight years old, which was when I was put in stasis, will hopefully get me some sympathy. Only other problem is if Hogwarts determines my age as eight or in the hundreds, but I'll work something out on that.
It took a while, but I finally made it out. Sadly, there's only forest around and the memories of this body point out this area being heavily warded. Well, I have three years to get this body in shape, this environment is as good as any for it.
(I'm going to attempt third person, but my writing is bad enough as it is. We'll see how it works out.)
It was a long three years for Davion. Problems just seemed to keep springing up and most of them had to do with his mutations. There's always some risk when you have too many specifics for a body and, thankfully, these were somewhat manageable. As he found out, Hogwarts didn't even register him as human anymore, much less eight years old. Apparantly he's some sort of fae hybrid that's never been seen before. His founders blood allowed him to have control over Hogwarts, though, so he sent his own invitation. (Hiding it so it can be a surprise when his name is called.) With that taken care of, he spent the rest of his time testing the limits of his abilities.
Now, he's keeping a sedate pace following the hero himself. Harry Potter is a small child and you could see the malnutrition at first glance. It makes one wonder if everyone truly missed it or just didn't care. Even from the distance Davion was, he could hear Hagrid's boisterous voice. He couldn't exactly make out what was being said, but the fact he could hear it over the crowd was impressive to say the least. Harry didn't seem to be listening, his attention all on what the magical world had to offer. Davion continued following and making his own purchases until they arrived at Gringotts. Deciding it was enough observation for now, he split off and made his way to his own teller.
"What can I do for you?" The goblin said, making clear his impatience. Davion just raised an eyebrow, but decided not to comment.
"Yes, I would like to take an inheritance test, please." Davion kept it to the point, like he's read in many of a fanfiction. He wished he spent some time before coming here to research more of how this world worked, but his body was a pile of mysteries itself. He saw it a better idea to know himself before venturing onwards. Sadly, that took way too much time. The goblin stood and without a word turned. Davion hesitated briefly before following along. It was a short walk that led to a small room. Davion took a seat, while the goblin went behind the desk and retrieved some items. He came back shortly after with a piece of parchment and a blood red quill.
"Just write your name on the dotted line. The quill will pull a small amount of blood, but it'll heal immediately after." The goblin said, shoving the quill in Davion's face. Davion ignored the urge to hurry and took his time writing his name. Just like the goblin said, there was a pinch of pain from his index finger when he started. When he finished, he sat back, legs crossed and arms folded. Davion was already aware of his heritage, but it should be fun to see the waves this could create. He silently observed the goblins face as the parchment displayed his Heir statuses. Davion had to commend the goblins for their poker faces, but soon enough he noticed the shifts of surprise.
Davion Slytherin.
Heir of House Slytherin.
Heir of House Gryffindor.
Heir of House Ravenclaw.
Heir of House Hufflepuff.
The goblin stared at the parchment for quite a while, not exactly believing what it was seeing. Soon, with a grunt, he shook from the shock. He raised the parchment and threw it into the fireplace. Davion raised an eyebrow, but let the silence stay. He watched the goblin go grab another, slamming it down on the table.
"Again." The goblin demanded with a grunt. Davion shrugged and went through the process again. Once finished, he watched the goblin pick up the parchment and leave with out comment. Davion waited for almost an hour, only for two goblins to come in when he was picking his nose. He let the embarrassment pass before continuing on with the task.
"Heir Slytherin, may I ask you to follow me? Your vaults no longer have an account manager, and only two have anything other than artifacts in them. Sadly, your houses time ended before Gringott was established, and the vaults only hold what was found to be yours. You may find your other belongings in the many museums around the world." The new goblin said with a bow. "You may ask me for more information if needed. My name is Graggilywood." He finished, raising himself.
"To be honest, I didn't even expect to have vaults. Is there any money in them?" Davion asked with slight surprise.
"That would of been true, but you have many branch families, sir. Your vaults hold a percentage from their many businesses. Well, except for Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Those two are now extinct… until now that is. I will take you down to see them, then we can setup a goblin to manage them. I heard the king himself wishes to take on that task." Graggilywood said, handing Davion the Heir rings. Putting the rings on, Davion nodded before standing and following. They took a cart and it kept going until the rails stopped. Davion could only guess they were at the furthest the bank went down. Six doors were held here. Four of them the Hogwart houses, and the other two being similarly old houses. Gaunt he recognized, the other, Myndir, he did not. Graggilywood noticed Davion's questioning gaze.
"The Gaunts and Myndirs were the ones to bring about this bank when we lost the war, sir. They would be the only two down here if they didn't wish to honor your houses with their own vaults. The Myndirs seemed to have believed your houses would make a return. I guess they were right." Gragillywood said with a shrug. So, they began to explore the vaults.
Slytherin was first and it was mildy disappointing. No money and barely any artifacts. Only bookshelfs of old books and potion ingredients. "The Gaunts took most things out of this vault into their own. They were the closest in blood relations." The goblin explained. Davion nodded before they moved on.
Gryffindor was next and it was better than the last. There was a mountain of Galleons and artifacts. Davion marked this to be his main source of spending money. "The Gryffindor branch families saw it fit to keep the vault filled should an Heir ever be announced. These are mostly donations."
Ravenclaw only held books, which should of been expected, but still was disappointing. Hufflepuff didn't have a thing inside. Only a singular statue in the center of the lady herself. They soon were on their way out, but Davion had some questions.
"The Myndirs… Who are they descendants of?" He asked.
"Aw, Gryffindor, sir."
"Should I not have Heir status for those two vaults also?" He sent another question. Graggilywood seemed to struggle for a second before answering.
"Those vaults are closed, sir, and mainly empty. We could ask for them to be reinstated, but the only advantage it would give is if you're looking for two more wives. I don't believe they have Wizengamot seats." Graggilywood stated. Davion bristled. Of course… he had to have multiple wives.
"Is there no laws against that out dated practice?" Davion asked, clutching his head.
Graggilywood laughed before answering. "It will be seen an insult to the other families if you do not take a wife for each House. If you wish to be in politics, it would be wise to atleast pretend to consider it. Plus inheritance becomes a problem." Graggilywood couldn't keep the giggle out of his voice. "You wizards and your stupid customs. Goblin's have no need for marriage... when young… mate…"
Davion pointingly ignored the ramblings. When they finally made it out of the undergrounds Davion was ready to leave.
"Graggilywood, tell your king…" "Ragnock. It's King Ragnock." "Yes, King Ragnock. Tell him I would appreciate any help he can offer and if he wants the management position, it's his to take." Not giving the talkative goblin a chance to reply, he respectfully bowed before vanishing in the middle of the lobby. Graggilywood stared at the spot where the young wizard just was before letting out a bellowing laugh.
Davion stood in front of a mirror, tidying up his appearance for his first time reveal. His piercing violet eyes reflected a small bit of excitement. Black hair and pale skin made him seem ethereal in nature. Which, all things considered may be true. He had power in spades and knows how to use it. He hasn't made any solid plans just yet, other than to enjoy his time. Honestly, he could probably track down Voldemort and kill him early, but he decided to let things play out until lives are more at risk. He will help Harry though. Whether that's training him or showing him to be more careful.
Davion cast one last look at his appearance, shifting his tie. With a turn, he disappeared, reappearing in an alley just off King's Cross. Making his way through the crowds, he stopped in an open space to check his surroundings. He saw off at the entrance a family of red heads making their way in, but decided to ignore them. He wasn't sure how to feel about the Weasleys, so he decided to hold judgement for now. Finding his target, he made his way over. Putting on his best smile.
"Searching for something?" Davion asked, shocking the already confused looking boy. Harry stared before finally snapping out of it.
"Aw, no. I should be able to find it on my own." Harry said, drifting his eyes down before casting a glance at the 9 3/4 platform. Davion leaned in close, just casting a look behind to check on the red heads.
"Just jog through, if you're nervous about it. Nothing will happen to you, I promise." Davion said, causing Harry's eyes to light up in recognition. "Oh, and if you could wait for me on the other side. To be honest, I'm more nervous about finding friends."
Harry nodded with a small smile, before turning. He took a deep breathe then jogged through the wall.
"Huh… Quiet kid." Davion mumbled before following. He was momentarily surprised by the lack of feeling anything before almost tripping on a down Harry. Davion steadied himself before letting out a chuckle.
"Here." Davion said, helping Harry up.
"Oh, by the way, I'm Davion Slytherin."
"I'm Harry Potter." Harry said quietly. Davion looked him up and down, causing Harry to shuffle nervously.
"Huh, thought you'd be taller." Davion stated.
"You know me?"
"I do. I'd say most of Wizarding Britian does. They have children books on you." Harry's eyes widened to that. Looking mighty concerned. Davion chuckled to his expression.
"I'm going to guess you don't know about those?" Davion said, making a thoughtful expression. "Well, I'd suggest sueing if I were you. They're making a lot of money off your name without your knowledge. No offence, but you don't look like you have a lot of capital. You should be able to make a pretty penny off court cases with how many books there are."
Harry just stared, making Davion smile. Davion just let him process stuff for a while, taking his hand and dragging him onto the train. It looked like Harry would take a bit to reboot.
Harry didn't snap out of it, until they reached a compartment and sat.
"You said they're children books right?" Davion nodded in response.
"Is it such a bad idea to leave them up? I'm sure children must love them, if they're popular." Harry asked.
"Well, if you don't mind the publicity it's going to cause then sure. They could just as easily used another name for those stories, but since your name carries more weight they sold more. Did you really kill a dragon, Harry?" Harry rapidly shook his head.
"Get used to those kind of questions then. If you leave them up anyway." Davion stated. Harry looked down, face scrunching up in concentration.
"How do I do it? Take them down that is." Harry asked.
"I'm... not entirely sure. I'm sure we can ask a teacher when we get to Hogwarts or find a law firm." Davion said slowly. He wasn't entirely sure how wizarding laws worked, but he was sure some kind of copyright had to exist.
After that conversations went into more lighthearted topics. Davion got Harry to open up more by time their compartment door opened. A red headed boy walked slightly in taking a glance around.
"Hey, do you guys have space for one more? All the other compartments were full." The red head asked, his eyes obviously on Harry's forehead. Davin frowned and couldn't help the suspicion. It was atleast fifteen minutes into the ride and he didn't find a single compartment?
"It looks to me like you were searching for a certain compartment." Davion said, cutting off Harry from accepting. "And you could be less obvious with your staring." Davion turned away from the red head, looking into Harry's eyes, communicating his intention.
"What's your problem, mate? If you don't want me here, then just say so." The red head not-quite yelled. Harry shrunk back from the noise, while Davion kept up a mask of indifference.
"Aw, I see. You're one of those bloody Slytherin that's trying to take advantage of The-Boy-Who-Lived, artcha'?" The red head said. Davion let a smirk grace his lips.
"I imagine I'll get all the fame I don't want during Sorting. If you could please either sit down and introduce yourself, or leave." Davion said. Harry alternated looking between the two, confused… Again. The red head clamped his mouth shut, somehow realizing his mistake. He gave a slight nod before sitting next to Harry.
"I'm Ron Weasley." Ron said, holding a hand out to Harry.
"Harry Potter." Harry shot a nervous glance at Davion, shaking Ron's hand. Ron either didn't notice or was oblivious because he started to prattle on about how much he wanted to meet Harry and other such bull. Davion gave a slight cough, interrupting Ron. He just got a stink eye in return.
"Alright then. I'm Davion Slytherin. If you could give Harry some space, I'm sure he'd appreciate it." Davion said. Harry sent a thankful look.
"Ha! I knew you were a Slytherin… Wait… You're lying." Ron said in excitement before it tapered off.
Davion lightly scoffed. "Believe what you want then." He said simply, letting silence descend in the room. Ron's excitement still didn't cease, though, and he was soon babbling about anything and everything. Thankfully, Harry relaxed after a while and let small smiles play on his lips. Davion lightly contributed to the conversation, correcting misconceptions. When allowed anyway, Ron seemed to already have a vendetta against him.
Things were cut off once again by a toad search. Davion immediately found it, followed by inviting the quest givers to join him in the compartment. Sadly, it wasn't to be, because Hermoine would have to move her heavy trunk for the trip. Davion left a blushing Hermione and smiling Neville with a promise to hang out during school. When he rejoined his compatriots back in the compartment, Ron was immediate in his displeasure of him being back. Harry just looked glad not to be alone with Ron anymore. Davion had enough.
"Alright, Ron. Shut up or leave. Those are the only choices you have." Davion stated, ice in his voice. Ron felt a shiver run up his spine, but his nerve came back shortly after.
"Oh? And if I don't want to do either?" As soon as he said that he felt himself lift, he squeaked in surprise before being promptly moved out of the compartment. The door immediately slammed in his face and when he tried to open it, it didn't budge. He yelled himself hoarse trying to get them to open the door, before giving up when no reply came.
Meanwhile, in the compartment, conversations continued with both boys pretending the whole episode didn't happen. Harry was honestly curious by the show but with his inexperience with magic, he didn't know just how odd it was.
"Firs' yers! Firs' yers! Gather 'round!" Hagrid's voice sounded out immediately when they were stepping out of the train. Davion took a quick glance at Harry before making his way forward. Harry followed, a smile on his lips. He was glad to see Hagrid again. The giant had known his parents and was his first source of information on them. He couldn't be more thankful for that fact alone. Harry stayed close to Davion as Hagrid told them to get on boats on the shore near them. He was, like always, flabbergasted and decided following his newly minted and, more importantly, knowledgeable friend was a good idea. Harry let his thoughts take over while the boats started to move. He wasn't sure what to make of Davion. Only knowing him for about three hours, he already feels closer to him than any he's met before. He wasn't sure how to explain it, but it felt like Davion knew him. Not some sappy connection thing, but like Davion could read his thoughts. He decided to put those thoughts to the side when Hogwarts came into view.
"Wooah…" Harry accidently exclaimed. Davion turned to him with a raised brow. Harry noticed the look and coughed in embarrassment.
"Aw, no. It's definitely impressive in a way. My ancestors built it afterall. As did yours, in a way." Davion said. Sometimes he forgets what it feels like to find something marvel. It takes a lot to surprise him after so long.
"My ancestors?" Harry asked. He knew he was famous, but hasn't heard much in regards to his family.
"You haven't been told? Who is your magical guardian, Harry? They have some serious explaining to do. Not only have they allowed anyone to use your name, they haven't even explained your heritage. If I had to hazard a guess, they don't have your best intentions at heart with what I've heard from you." Davion said. Of course, he already knew, but it would give the boy something to work towards. Davion wasn't going to be Dumbledore and manipulate what knowledge he could have, but he wouldn't just give it away. Point in the right direction, sure.
"Um... it wouldn't be the Dursleys would it? If not, I have no idea. What is a magical guardian, by the way?" Harry asked. He tried to keep the concern out of his voice. He didn't fully understand the ramifications, but felt that he had been wronged in some way. What that way was, hopefully Davion could explain it.
"No, the Dursleys are muggle, so they would have no chance there. Your magical guardian would act as your House Regent, kind of, until you become of age. Just for context before I explain what that entails, let me tell you about your house, from what I know. The Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter is a really old house, that's where the Most Ancient part comes from. They also have a lot of money, that's where the Noble part comes from. They also have quite a bit a political pull in the government, in particular to the Light houses. Light just being an alignment in ideals and morals. So they basically stand for the same things. So, back to the magical guardian thing, they are able to manage your finances, fortunately only from your trust fund. They won't be able to enter the main vault, but I want you to think on this. If your family has a lot of money and you have a trust fund to spend, with limited interference from a magical guardian, where has that money been until now? You told me you lived with your muggle relatives, but I can just look at you and see they haven't spent any money on you." Harry made to reply, but Davion held up his hand. Davion could tell Harry was confused, but he also knows he's smart. He could figure it out. "Now, and this is more important than the possibility of someone stealing your money. Your magical guardian can make votes in your Houses name at the Wizengamot. The Wizengamot being where laws and bills are passed. I've already told you that your house has political pull, which means the Light families will follow your Houses vote. What do you think your magical guardian could do with that?"
"Pass any laws he… Or she wants?" Harry hazarded a guess. Davion nodded, making Harry feel strangely proud.
"Well, maybe not any, but a good amount. Now, the most damndest evidence that they don't have your best interest at heart, and should tell you how much you should trust this person, who you do not know. Who do you think placed you with the Dursleys? You could deny this, Harry, but my eyes see it all. I can see the abuse without even looking under your robes to see the bruises. It's in your demeanor, those sunken cheeks of not getting enough to eat. In those eyes of distrust." Davion steeled voice said. Harry could hear the anger in it, but knew it wasn't directed at him. Actually, he felt touched in a way. He fought off the tears and looked down.
"How could you tell?" Harry couldn't help but ask. No ones noticed before. When he didn't hear an answer, he looked back up. He saw Davion looking back out to the water, his eyes glazed over. At that moment, he knew. He was someone similar, a comrade in misery in a way.
"Aw, sorry. You don't have to answer that." Harry quickly said, afraid of hurting his first friend. Davion looked back at him, a sad smile adorn his face. Harry looked away, the smile hurting in a way. Then he noticed the other occupants on the boat. They weren't exactly being quiet. He sent a paniced look to Davion.
"They can't hear us. I put a silencing charm around us." Davion said, returning his gaze to the water as they closed in on the castle. "Aw, just a thought, but how did you purchase your school supplies?" Harry looked confused for a second before remembering his trust fund.
"Hagrid gave me a key when we were in Gringotts, so I could take out money. So… Hagrid is my magical guardian?" Harry said slowly, his face turning pale. Davion raised his eyebrow in surprise to Harry making that connection so fast, but shook his head.
"Hagrid is a convict, they wouldn't allow him to be one, especially to the Boy-Who-Lived. That means he received it from someone, and the only people he would be in contact with, considering his past, would be the staff here." Davion said, letting Harry puzzle it.
"Why is Hagrid a convict? Like a person convicted of a crime right?" Harry asked, wanting to know that first before tackling the complicated stuff. Unfortunately, before they could continue the conversation, they arrived at the school. Hagrid rounded up the first years again before handing them off to one Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall. Harry stuck close to Davion again, only feeling slightly guilty for using him as a shield. He had almost immediately noticed the Professor's eyes narrow when landing on him and Davion had him paranoid about the adults here. The idea that anyone of them could be his guardian scared him.
Soon, they were herded to the Great Hall. All matter of people were there and the roof had the first years gaping. After a short explanation, the sorting started. Davion kept half a ear to the sorting, but mainly kept his focus on Dumbledore. The man was looking at each first year individually and that had Davion worried. Just to be sure, but hoping he was wrong, he leaned close to Harry, casting a small silencing charm to be sure.
"Harry, the headmaster, the old man in the center. Try to avoid looking into his eyes. For today anyways. I'll explain later." Harry subtly nodded, noticing the need for stealth. Harry spent the time thinking for a possible explanation before hearing his name called. He flinched at all the gazes that locked on him, the silence deafening. He gathered himself and pulled the confidence he didn't have to make his way to the stool. He sat and unceremoniously plopped the hat on.
'Huh, interesting, interesting… You certainly have traits from a good amount of houses. Aw! That friend of yours… Where did he come from? I haven't met a Slytherin for almost 900 years. Alright, Dumbledore wants me to put you in Gryffindor, but where do you want to go, little one?'
Harry squirmed from the voice in his head. It took him a second to realize it was the hat itself, but didn't get overly surprised. 'I just want to be where Davion will be.' Harry tried to project. He heard the hat grumble, before finally yelling out. "Slytherin!"
Davion facepalmed. The sorting had messed up some things, for sure. Davion wasn't keen to joining the House, but now had little choice. Davion traced Harry move to the Slytherin table, the outcries of the other houses ignored. The Slytherins seemed to be silently gloating. Davion shook his head looking at Harry's smile. Naivety at it's finest. The sorting continued like normal, until the Great Hall received its second big surprise.
"Davion..." *Cough* McGonagall reread the listing, confusion showing through. The book is the most charmed and runed artifact in Hogwarts, so she doubted there to be foul play, but she couldn't help but double take. She cast a discreet glance at the Headmaster, but he looked at her with confusion. Sighing, she spoke again. "Davion Slytherin."
Silence filled the room before the whole room was looking at Davion. Davion, for his part, confidently strolled to the front of the hall, hands grasped behind his back. He stopped short of the Professor herself, instead of the hat.
"Well, as one of the houses carries my name, it would be wierd to go to any other." He said before shrugging and going to the stool. Almost immediately after placing the hat on it yelled "Slytherin." Davion let the smirk show when walking to the house table, taking a place next to Harry. Harry looked confused, glancing at all the whispering going on around the tables. He saw all the looks they were receiving and wasn't sure what to make of it. He sent a question to Davion with his eyes.
"Aw, you see Harry, we're now the most famous wizards in Britain. Harry Potter, a boy from a Light family and the Boy-Who-Lived, in the house mostly known for Dark or Neutral wizards. Oh the scandal. And the long lost Slytherin family making a return. From the main family itself. Especially scary when you consider an upstart wannabe-dark lord claiming to be the Heir." Davion said, intentionally making it loud enough for everyone to hear in the quietness of the hall.
"Oh, I wonder if I should make this more interesting." Davion turned to the headmaster, a smirk on his lips. The picture of mischief. Davion blocked the view from everyone else but the headmaster and let his rings appear. The Headmaster looked surprised before frowning and looking into Davion's eyes. He felt the probe, but shoved him out and turning back to the table.
"I'm quite hungry." Davion said with a clap. Food appeared on all the tables, even though the Sorting wasn't quite finished yet. It was silent chaos, everyone confused and afraid of doing anything. It was understandable, the Slytherin name is associated with Dark Lords, ergo fear. Even the other Slytherins weren't sure how to act. Davion ignored them all, collecting food. He took a bite, before faux realizing. "Oh, do continue. Please pardon my interruption." Davion said, though everyone could see the fake reaction for what it was. Mocking. Silence still stayed until everyone heard the beginning of a laugh. Everyones eyes moved to Harry, and he couldn't hold it any longer, he burst out laughing, tears forming. "Harry, please." Davion said, before laughing with him, though more subdued.
The atmosphere returned somewhat normal after that and the ceremony continued. The only ones that seemed somewhat comfortable with Harry and Davion were the first year girls. Well, not all of them, but certainly those that had the intelligence to recognize the importance. The good looks played a part, too, which had older girls thinking about moving in also. Harry didn't even attempt to understand the fluttering eyelashes and compliments. He was just having fun talking, though he was sure he sounded like an idiot. He had his first real friend and felt like he could take anything. Davion was more reserved and had the charm full throttle. He already selected targets from the older years for broom closet escapades, when his hormones kicked in ofcourse.
After the sorting, speeches on all kinds of forbidden stuff proceeded. Dumbledore decided to follow through with his act from the book even though the food was already out, so the random words didn't have quite the same effect. After the meal, before letting the Prefects take the first years, the Headmaster had one more thing to say. "Mr. Slytherin, if I could have a talk with you and I'll show you to your house afterwards." He said, motioning for the Prefects to move ahead. Davion calmly watched them leave, lingering on Harry, before making his way to the Headmaster.
"What can I do for you, Headmaster?" Davion said with a bow, keeping his face indifferent. Again, he felt the probe on his mind, but ignored it.
"Mr. Slytherin… Just where did you come from? I must say it's a surprise, only how it is, is somewhat a mystery. That book there…" The Headmaster pointed towards a book on a podium. "…it tells us who will be getting invitations well before the student arrives. So I'm left wondering how your name just today appeared."
"I believe it's a Stasis rune of some kind. Purely in years, I should be 948. Plus…" Davion let this Heir rings show. "…I technically own this school, despite your position." Davion let the not-quite-a-threat simmer, sure the Headmaster would catch it. The Headmaster narrowing his eyes was the proof it was.
"What do you want?" The Headmaster asked, irritation evident.
"Oh, I want nothing from you. I'm just observing for now. I'm still trying to decide. Tell me, Dumbledore, are you an aspiring Dark Lord, or just an idiot?" Davion asked, letting the pretense of cordiality drop. The legilimency pissed him off. The Headmaster guffawed at the question, but didn't let anything else show.
"What makes you believe that, Mr.- Lord Slytherin?"
"A lot of things, but mostly the way you've been using the Potter and Black votes. Maybe people should be less scared of Voldemort, because wooo… You sure are scary, Headmaster. Atleast Voldemort showed his face, well name." Davion quipped, eyes narrowing. The Headmaster's mind was running in overdrive. His first instinct was to simply kill the kid, but his new found fame would make that difficult, unless he wanted to obliviate the entire school. Which had too many holes to be possible. He would just obliviate the kid, if he didn't suspect it wouldn't work. He had to make plans, get more information before doing anything. The kid was dangerous, that was for sure. Letting out a breathe, he replied. "Very well, you made your point. But I ask again, what do you want?"
"Like I said, nothing. I'm just observing. Ofcourse, if things get out of hand, I'll have to step in, but you're a smart man. You'll limit yourself, I'm sure. Well, I'm getting tired, Headmaster. I'll see you in the morning." Davion said before turning and leaving. The Headmaster watched him leave. He didn't feel angry or relieved, just strangely tired. He could see how he could be perceived as evil, but he likes to think he keeps the balance. His self made duty after killing his best friend. The thought brought heartbreak to his lethargy and all he could do was sigh.
"Perhaps, I am an idiot." He mumbled in self-deprecation.
- In Serial219 Chapters
Deathworld Commando: Reborn
What happens when humanity's greatest weapon gets a second chance at life? Commander Kronos wasn't even considered to be a human but rather a weapon to be used for the greater good of his species. He was grown in a tube to be the perfect weapon so he lacked many emotions/experiences most people take for granted. Upon experiencing some emotions for the first time he was quickly eliminated by humanity and was reborn into a world of swords and sorcery, getting a second lease on life.Of course, he didn't see it that way at the start and thought he was being fooled. It took a near-death experience and a lot of growing up but he finally decided to keep his promise to his former comrades and give his new life an honest try.Embark on the story of the former Commander of Hades Squad as he settles into his new life as the Dark Elf Kaladin Shadowheart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello and welcome to my story, this is my first attempt at a fiction so feel free to leave suggestions/comments if you see anything. Thanks for clicking on my story and I hope you give it a try. I post every Monday and Thursday mornings PST. Join the Discord- https://discord.com/invite/YGSUeuTTwH You can also find me on Reddit at the HFY subreddit. Artwork done by blacklaplz on Fiverr.
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Rebirth of the Sword Emperor(Original version)
This story is being rewritten. Check the new version here. --------------------------------- Mark has reached the epitome of martial greatness, reaching level 400 and attaining the title Tier 6 Sword God. However, due to unknown circumstances, he is forcibly sent back into the past. Entering the "New Reality", Ashes of Gods, once again, Mark vows to reclaim his former glory and strives to reach unimaginable heights. Armed with mysterious battle techniques, advanced knowledge of gathering qi, and sophisticated dungeon conquering strategies, he sets out to accomplish legendary and unique quests. In this lifetime, he will serve no one, and he will never be underneath anybody. And thus begins the legend of a single man who defies fate and goes against the heavens. ***** I found the cover in google, if the art is yours and you want to be credited, or want it to be removed, just pm me.
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(And by profanity I mean curse words!) Albert and Linus have known each other since they could walk. They were best of friends, and lived through the ups and downs of their school life together. But one day, they are plunged into an underlying society, unlike their own, where humanity, represented by the Descendants — A lineage of men and women blessed in ancient times — and the Gods of Nature — Manifestations of the power that flows through the world — fight over every inch of the planet. As most of humanity remains in ignorance, a man tries to disrupt the balance and tip the scales in his favor. Will the two outsiders survive the dangers of the powers that rule the earth, and stay together through the catastrophe?
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