《Adventuring In A Unique Xianxia Universe》Spiritual World


"My name's Luke, it's a pleasure to meet you and your brother, we've heard a lot of good things from Lingxi and Yun, and I can already tell reality is far better than I ever imagine." Luke started off with warm praise causing Yunaba to smile sheepishly while Xia Qingyue kept her calm gaze on him.

'I thought she would be a bit more cold? Emotionless?' Luke thought to himself since Xia Qingyue right now seems a bit more calm and curious than he expected. His glowing blue eyes bore into her crystal clear eyes as for a split second, Luke's eyes flashed blue.

It felt like Luke's words spoke directly in her mind and appeal to her.

This was odd?

Never before any other male youth could capture her eyes, yet she couldn't take her eyes away as it felt like her body tingle a bit. Of course, the tingling feeling was Spooky. She directed the effect of her curse a bit more on to her, although Luke's words and confident stride made for a perfect combination.

However, her eyes did tear away from his as a voice that sounded sinister made her soul shutter a bit. And she wasn't the only feeling it since Yuanba felt that daunting feeling spring up as well.

"I suppose they are quite special, eh? It's Andrea." Andrea smirk unintentionally came off as a bit intimidating, plus it didn't help that conveniently; her dark glowing eyes dimmed even a bit more.

Furthermore, her words and tone left a lot to be desire.

Honestly, aren't you getting a bit too comfortable with your curse?

Luke thought as he senses the slight hesitation in Xia Qingyue and Yuanba while Andrea was talking. Which is why immediately once Andrea finish talking before anyone else could say anything Luke simultaneously spoke out loud and heard Spooky in his mind,

'Nascent Origin level 7th, white color energy, and peak level above the nascent realm.'

"Indeed, to think we would meet not only a white cloak World Spiritists but you're also at the seventh level! And Xia Qingyue, despite your cultivation getting suppressed, I can sense you're at the peak level of the True Profound Realm! My mind is blown away." Luke saw the various surprise reactions knowing he got his intended effect. Luke's only hope was that the third realm in the universe would be the same as the original, and his guess was spot on.

'Spooky, describe what's in the pot.'

"Eh?? Brother Yuanba, you broke through?! And sister Qingyue you're already at peak True Profound realm?!" Xiao Lingxi shouted in amazement. Of course, she didn't doubt Luke's senses since he already proved himself before, and Andrea had even sensed Xiao Lie realm.

And because the Nascent Origin realm spirit sense is so low, this came as a massive shock to her! Even now, the Xia siblings are far beyond than what they initially thought.

"How did you two advance so quickly!?" Xiao Yun shouted at the same time as Xiao Lingxi, firmly believing what Luke told for the same reasons.

"H-How did you sense that?!" Simultaneously Yuanba shouted to Luke in amazement, and even Xia Qingyue couldn't believe her ears of Luke casually sensing her suppressed cultivation.


After all, this was all the more mind-blowing considering Luke was only in the Elementary realm! A realm where spirit sense only begins to develop, and one would have very little off.

From what they've got told, only geniuses with high talents and an extraordinary birth could control their spirit sense to a high degree even at low realms, unless...

Already Luke became a bit of an enigma to the Xia siblings, and Xia Qingyue became even more curious. How could he possibly even sense pass my artifact? Although all trains of thoughts got interrupted when Andrea said,

"Is he quite shocking? Well, don't get too surprised, I can also sense fifteen sky spirit grass, and a Profound crystal bead in that cauldron of yours along with..."

"Kongtong grass and a high-level beast pellet as well in the cauldron. I can sense this is getting used for an excellent pill, eh?" Luke knew Andrea wouldn't be able to identify everything, so his quick thinking and Spooky words connected the description with his memory.

"You guys did it again! Does this all come from your Spirit Sense?!" Xia Yuanba got stunned. This feat was even higher than sensing their levels since he was already in the middle of his refinement process. To still be able to identify the ingredients was on a scale at someone at an extremely high realm, or they were a powerful World Spiritists.

Yet neither cousins were at a high realm, nor did the Xia siblings sense spirit power coming from them!

"Hehe~! See what we mean, brother Yuanba. Luke and Andrea helped sense out all the herbs for us to get to at the mountain range and! They helped us sense any monster coming to attack us or so we could plan out our attack." Xiao Lingxi held nothing but praise for the cousin as she talks proudly of them.

It was as well a bit satisfying for her and even Xiao Yun to see two top talents get so stunned by Elementary realm youths. Rapidly shaking his head, Yuanba walked up to Luke with a huge friendly smile holding his hand saying,

"Ah, I'm sorry if I was a bit skeptical before. But you guys really are special!"

Giving Yuanba a charming smile of his own, Luke grasped and shook his large rough hands.

"Oh, don't worry, I live with walking skeptic every day. Though I have a request about your spirit power, can you show it to Andy and me? We were taught spirit power, spirit sense, and the soul are all connected in some way, so I thought it would be good to see it up close." Luke smoothly asked. He loosely remembers some information about World Spiritists and assumes everything is connected with the soul.

"Sure, I don't know much it'll help but this white cloak spirit power." Yuanba readily agrees since it was an easy request. Plus, given the cousins' Spirit Sense abilities, they might actually be able to gain something.

Under their gazes, Yuanba took a step back, and his body began to glow.


Instantaneously white energy formed on Yuanba hands. Looking at it immediately Spooky and Yurei sense this energy delving into where it comes from as Yuanba said,


"Here it is! As far as I can tell, your spirit sense would need to break past a boundary to reach the Spirit World and link Spirit power into your body. My body was luckily sturdy enough to hold it, but...I'm not sure if you two can?"

'Close your eyes for a bit we'll take you to a magical place.' Spooky said, getting Luke pumped up.

'It's time to check out this Spirit power.' Yurei told, igniting Andrea's curiosity.

"What if I told you, we can now breakthrough to become a World Spiritists this very second." Luke boldly stated, causing the other youths' eyes to widen.

"C-Can you really do that? I mean you have to have a strong enough body, high comprehension talent, and a strong soul and sp-"

"Just watch us."

Andrea cut of Yuanba and immediately closed her eyes, along with Luke becoming completely still. Instantly for the cousins, they couldn't hear the outside world anymore as they felt getting dragged by the ghost girls.

'Connect with your soul and open your eyes that way.' Spooky said and complying Luke recalled how he used soul lightning. In the same process, he touched upon an incredibly warm sensation that he remarked as his soul.

In this sensation, he opened his eyes and got astounded by the current sight.

All around him, he saw the sky above was of a frightening deep dark black color. It spewed out the aura of death as if countless souls were trapped in it.

The ground he stood on was a mix of gray and black, but he notices everything was disconnected in this place. What floated in the air like the place he was on, was vast mountain plains painted in a gray color holding all different kinds of flashy items Luke couldn't identify.

He could spot black water flowing from mountain plains, and in the air, he also spots small wisp of black gas swimming through the space. To any average person, just stepping in this place would cause a body to implode among the immense pressure it was exuding.

Yet Luke felt none of it and was only taking in this deadly sight.

"W-where are Spooky?" He called out, but once he looked over to his right, he notices the familiar blue ghost girl floating beside him. And as well a blue line that connected to his now all blue body!

"This is what the Xia guy refers to as the Spirit world. From my senses, I found the locations of this place, and using a tiny portion of our soul crossed us over here." Spooky told him so lightly, but Luke was immensely shocked!

Not even Chu Feng broke into the Spirit World as he could remember only his immensely powerful mother did. A person that was far or possibly even higher than a true god, once again, Spooky proved just how tremendously powerful she was, being able to use such little power and still achieve feat fit for a God!

Still, the ranging questions he still has about Spooky is, just how did she come to be? And why did my soul connect with her? Although he knew he wouldn't get any answer and turned his attention back to the dark world.

And going off the appearance of this place and the dread feeling he got, he assumes this was the Asura Spirit World!

The strongest Spirit World out of all seven of them!

"Well, now, this place isn't exactly the most inviting. But the atmosphere is quite nice here."

To his right, Luke heard Andrea's daunting voice. Glancing over, he saw her walked up to him with a black line connecting Yurei to her all-black body. Looking over once more, he finds a bit strange on this vast mountain plain they were on; only he and his cousin were the only people in the general vicinity.

"So? How should we start this Spirit power process?" Andrea asked antsy to achieve this form of power.

"Well...from what I remember, we either need to form a contract with a world spirit or have a strong enough body to infuse with Spirit power, but I'm not sure on the process to form a contract, and we're basically a soul form here so any ideas Spooky?"

Both ghost girls took a double-take at each other before lifting a single finger.

"Our souls are far beyond whatever standard this universe has. With this, we should be able to make spirit power into a special soul spirit power."


Instantly the Asura Spirit World violently tremble!

Everything fell into chaos as the ghost girls were gathering a particular type of Spirit Power. White energy surged to their fingers as all four of them felt an incredible power fuse with them.

This was white cloak Spirit Power!

Luke and Andrea felt everything about themselves become significantly stronger. And despite Luke guessing they quickly gather enough to be considered a white cloak World Spiritists, the white color soon started to change...


"Honestly, these two are too amazing, such cultivation speed and Spirit Sense! Do you guys think they can actually become a World Spiritists?" During the few minutes, Luke and Andrea closed their eyes; the other four talked among themselves.

Xiao Lingxi and Xiao Yun laid everything that happens in the Mountain Range, only cutting out the part with the bear beast. Even until now, that encounter was too unbelievable ever to imagine, they also didn't tell Xiao Lie about either.

"If it's Luke or Andrea then I'm s-"


In a split second, Xiao Lingxi choked on her words while the other became gobsmacked at blue energy crazily spewing out of the cousins. They heard of only true talents and legends gaining this kind of power.

It was the realm of blue cloak World Spiritists!

However, this wasn't the only phenomenon as they only sense essence energy frantically surge inside the cousin's body.

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