《Adventuring In A Unique Xianxia Universe》Calm & Even


"Ah, in about three days from now, the examination will start. I'm sure you two are prepared for it, right?" Xiao Lie asked the two in a somewhat upbeat voice. Compared to the original, Luke could see why he was happier in this universe. Not only does he have one, but two top talents in the clan, which should elevate his status.

Although from the looks of it, it seems like Xiao Ying, his wife, and Xiao Lingxi's mother are still dead here. But with things being so radically different, the questions now are how, who, and why?

"We sure are, father! Especially after this trip, we'll easily gain the Xiao sect favor for their various rewards." Xiao Lingxi carried an unwavering confident stride in her voice. Ever since the battle with the bear, she felt her body become lighter and more vibrant.

It fueled her with, and whenever she was with Luke, the feeling of lightness increased around him. This caused small tingles in her stomach, thinking that Luke was some sort of good luck charm, but her confidence nevertheless improved.

Although Xiao Lingxi could never guess it had something to do with a small soul connection, she had with Luke.

"Hoh, where did this burst of confidence come from? Have you two experience any great battle during this outing." Xiao Lie asked with an intrigued tone. He had never seen his daughter this pumped up about something cultivation related.

"Because of Luke and Andrea, we were able to work together and hone our combat skills. They sensed out any beasts for us to fight effectively." Xiao Yun explains once again, making Xiao Lie take another look at the cousins.

Both of them still seemed rather calm amidst their praise, and he liked that feature of the cousins.

"You two are quite talented in Spirit sense, I see. And from the way you two carry your weapons, you're quite accustomed to battle also."

"It's nothing really. We've always had this ability of Spirit Sense, but honestly. Lingxi and Yun still deserve the most credit here; we barely fought at all." Luke said, which was the honest truth; Andrea didn't react much, her eyes lost in thought.

"Ah! Luke is playing down his and Andrea's role, but they were fantastic! You see father..."

Suddenly while all three of the Xiao's were happily chatting away, Spooky called out to Luke.

'Hey, do you want to know about a cool technique?' This came as a bit random for Luke. Nothing in his mind really prompted this, but who was Luke to give up a chance to learn from the powerful ghost girl.

'Ok? What is it?'

'Soul clones or duplicates. I can tell you're nearing the point where you could learn this technique and that Spirit power or whatever will greatly help you.' Luke was thankful he did listen. Having a clone, whether be in battle or for general help, will be tremendously helpful!

'Really? What's the catch at first then? I doubt I'll be able to make hundreds of clones and have them all be the same prowess as me.'

'Pretty much. At first, you'll struggle to create even one clone, but it'll get easier with time. The same goes for their prowess, which can get worked up to go to your original combat level. And later on, I'll show you an exclusive way to use this technique.' Spooky ended with a bit of wonder in her voice. It was almost like she was teasing him about this way.

Mentally shrugging since he knew he couldn't make Spooky speak any more than she wants, he glances over to Andrea, who also looked to be in a conversation with Yurei.


'You know I think Yurei is talking about it too. I didn't mention it because you didn't talk about it, but there is a third signature that is far more powerful than every person you met so far.' Spooky talked to him again, getting Luke a little confused.

'Huh? Where could that person be? Lingxi still says her father is the strongest here...unless are they in the Xia manor?' Luke's mind had suddenly turned once thinking about the possibility.

'Yea it's a woman that I sense has awakened special powers similar to the Xia siblings. But for some reason, she is desperately hiding her power, nearly making herself seem mortal. Well, nothing can hide from my senses, you know.' Spooky told him, and the only woman who he can think of being so much more powerful than Xiao Lie is the mother of Xia Qingyue.

But even then, her power is high in the divine realm of cultivation! Maybe it's someone else instead, but Luke couldn't point any other woman in this city that stood above even Xiao Lie.

'I guess I'll just see for myself then.'

Turning back to Xiao Lie talking to his kids, Luke made up his mind to once again be the representative for the both of them this meeting. All the while, his mind still couldn't help but wonder about soon becoming a World Spiritists and that woman identity.


After a lengthy discussion with Xiao Lie, the four had headed off to the Xia manor. As he guessed, Luke spoke the most out of him, and Andrea though she had spoken up a few times. Overall he was assured the two made a lasting first impression on him.

Currently, after Xiao Lingxi announced herself to the guards of the Xia manor, they were let through as she guided them where Yuanba usually worked. Because of her and Xiao Yun's status, nobody dares to stop them as they would frequently visit the manor, and Xiao Lie was their direct backer.

"I'm telling you Andrea; sister Qingyue has the most absolutely beautiful appearance in this city! Your mind will be at a loss for words, surely!" Xiao Lingxi was pursing an argument with Andrea as they walked through the manor. Andrea didn't believe any hype about Xia Qingyue supposed top-notch appearance shooting down Xiao Lingxi quickly.

"Beauty has a limit. A beauty that transcends beauty will only be a curse no one can handle." Andrea stated with cynicism.

"Hmph! Seeing it will be much easier to believe it."

"Honestly, don't mind her much; her mind is wired to be an immediate skeptic of everything." Luke sighed out, shaking his head a bit.

"Well, isn't it quite good to be a skeptic of things? At least it'll your mind more sharpen." Xiao Yun tried to see the good in Andrea mindset with a wry small

Abruptly though, Luke had stopped and turned his attention to a lone spot of the massive corridor they walked in. Spooky directed his senses to a lone woman silently roaming the halls.

If it weren't Spooky, he wouldn't have noticed this woman at all!


He didn't pay attention to Xiao Yun as his mind got hugely shocked by what he saw. A stunning woman that caused minds to get enchanted and souls to become engrossed with her. Long black translucent black hair stylized with royal garments swayed down her back like a perfect painting. Her clear like crystal pupils carried a calming tranquil while her gorgeous sculpture face carried a hint of hidden deep sadness.


Her beautiful azure red dress showed her graceful body. Magnificent towering twin peaks that moved all eyes and a large lascivious bottom that turned heads. All accompanied by charming slender legs that walked methodically.

Her beauty was marvelous! But in a split second blue flash ignited from Luke's soul, jolting his mind and body from getting caught under her looks.

The gorgeous woman's eyes went a bit wide, and her movement stopped. Her eyes bore into his even blue, glowing one feeling her soul become slightly enamored.

How did this boy notice me? And what is this overwhelming soul!

The woman's mind ranged with questions, but seeing he was with the Xiao children did give her a piece of mind. Although immediately, her senses got assaulted with a slight daunting feeling once noticing a deep black glow.

Andrea's eyes confuse her soul a bit, but her composure never changed as she gave the youths a warm smile.

"Ah! Senior Dongxue! We didn't see you there, hello." Xiao Lingxi had bowed her head in respect to the woman.

"This junior greets Senior Dongxue!" Xiao Yun had also bowed in respect to her.

And the huge reason for Luke's shock had just been revealed. This indeed was Xia Qingyue's mother!

Now isn't this a bit complicated?

A world-renown figure from the God realms is still living in the mortal realm. Although Luke could innately sense something was odd about her soul.

"There's no need for that. Have you two brought along friends to meet with Qingyue and Yuanba?" Dongxue gently asked them. Her curiosity for the first time in a long while peaked when she felt a mix of charm and daunting, staring at the cousins.

She met a lot of youths in her time, but never could any of their presence match what she felt from only gazing upon the cousins. Her divine realm in cultivation or powerful soul didn't matter in the slightest against the ghost girls' curses.

"Yes, we recently just got back from gathering herbs that brother Yuanba needed, and our friends here help immensely." Xiao Lingxi explained to her.

"Hello, Senior, I'm Luke." Luke's tone and stride conveyed confidence, and no hint of nervousness could be heard from him.

"Hm? I see I'm Andrea." Andrea stated with a bit of curiosity. While her eyes did see the beauty, her mind didn't think much of it. If it's only this much, then what the big hype over beauty anyways?

Xiao Lingxi and Xiao Yun were honestly surprised by the cousins' reactions. Especially with Xiao Lingxi regarding Luke. Neither he nor Andrea shows any monumental reaction upon seeing Senior Dongxue beauty.

Even when they first saw her and still now feel enamored by it yet the cousins acted like it was just another person! It helped Luke go up several notches in Xiao Lingxi's eyes since he didn't have any typical hot-blooded young man's reaction.

Then again, there was nothing ordinary about the cousins.

"I see. Then I must thank you in advance for helping my dear son out. Yuanba and Qingyue are in his usual working place, I'm sure he'll be delighted with your results." Senior Dongxue warmly smiled at the youths and continued walking the opposite way.

Unlike Xiao Lie, she felt her soul affected by merely talking with the cousins. Spooky and Andrei didn't bother with Xiao Lie as he was far too weak for them to care, but Senior Dongxue did get them to take one eye open to them.

Moreover, even without that, just Luke being able to spot her told something extraordinary about him.

'She's quite powerful, but her soul is in a disarrayed state...you know this could be advantageous for us. I'll tell you later.' Spooky informed Luke.

'She would do quite good for you in the future. Just wait until Luke and Spooky fix her up a bit.' Yurei planned in their mind getting Andrea to crack a smirk.

"Excuse us, Senior Dongxue." Xiao Yun nodded to her back with the others doing the same. As they all walked back, Dongxue turned her head around and watched the cousins again, still feeling the effect on her soul.

'What are those two?'

"Brother Yuanba it's us! We got the herbs you needed." Xiao Lingxi knocked on a life-like green door. Beyond the door, all four of the youths could smell a pleasant aroma exuding from there. Their senses as well picked up on fresh medical scent coming from there.

"Oh! Sister Lingxi, I'll be right there!" It didn't take long before the towering figure of Xia Yuanba greeted them all. It wasn't a joke; this guy really is huge! Luke remarked in his mind upon seeing strong muscles broad shoulders and astonishingly tall height.

Adding on too was the dark tan metallic luster of his muscle, further adding to his muscle charm. Luke's eyes picked up on the unique white cloak Yuanba was wearing that held elegant designs running over it.

Yuanba's eyes met with Xiao Lingxi and Xiao Yun, but immediately he got drawn into the two youths behind them.

Slight awe and slight intimidation clashed together in a violent mix. Luke, bright glowing eyes exuded his charming presence while Andrea's dark black glow spewed a threatening one.

"Ah-who are they?" Xia Yuanba asked with slight wonder. Usually, for him, it was kids his age being stun by his massive figure, not the other way around!

"These are our friends who helped us pick out your herbs." Xiao Lingxi prompted them to give their introduction as Luke said,

"My name Luke, a pleasure to meet you." Luke greeted with respect seeing how in this universe, Yuanba was already quite capable.

"Interesting, Andrea." Andrea shortly said, finding this guy taller and more muscular than nearly every male in her first world.

"Eh? They really helped? But how?" Xia Yuanba asked in a genuine, curious tone. After all, he didn't have a powerful soul like his mother, and the cousins were only in the Elementary realm.

"Let's just go in, and they'll demonstrate then. Sister Qingyue is here as well, right?" Xiao Yun told him and smiling Xia Yuanba open the door entirely saying,

"Yep, she's here. Big sis! Sister Lingxi and brother Yun are back! They also brought along friends who helped them!" The Xiao's and the cousin got lead by Yuanba into a relaxing calming place.

The walls was a soothing green color along with various elegant designs of herbs and other plants. At the center was a single green beautifully design and cauldron, and next to it was an astonishing gorgeous girl.

This girl looked exceedingly similar to the woman the cousins just saw only she retained a younger youthful appearance. Tranquil crystal clear ears, beautiful long black hair decorated with vibrant jewelry, and a soul stopping angelic face that is one to die for.

Her stunning azure red dress was the same as her mother's only slightly a bit big for her. Her lovely breasts weren't as big as her mother's, but it still carried an elegant charm alongside her bewitching curvy waist and sleek behind. The girl was sitting beside the cauldron, turning her head to see Yuanba with his guests.

Here she was one of the beautiful significant characters of Against The God Xia Qingyue!

Like last time Luke experienced a blue spark that made his eyes even and minds calm while Andrea's eyes did slightly widen but went to their sinister self.

On the other hand, Xia Qingyue's eyes got instantly captured by the cousin duo. The irresistible unbeatable blue glow of Luke's eyes struck her mind and body unknowingly affecting her soul, while Andrea's dark black light disturbs her body.

From the outside, her gaze was kept calm and even. But on the inside, she was a bit startle like everyone else to the cousin's presence. As well she had noticed the only calming gaze the youths would give her instead of being in awe of her beauty.

"Who are you?"

Xia Qingyue directly asks, staring into Luke's eyes, being one of the few people who could accomplish this. Charmingly smiling, Luke ready himself as the first impression is everything!

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