《Ghost World Academia》22-Creation Of Hope


“Bleeds has gone inside…Mayumi had no chance against that thing, so I guess Bleeds won’t last either. It’s like the perfect defense against blood.” Clayton was explaining to everyone outside Ryuga’s room about the situation. At that moment, Kaori was talking to Ryuga.

Inside Ryuga’s room, Jau was still sleeping on Ryuga’s hand. “You two look like the perfect couple. Just get married already.” Kaori teased Ryuga. Ryuga gave Kaori death stares. “Still, never thought I would see a day where my boy would be in the hospital. I definitely thought that Hiro would be in the hospital but never thought that I would see my sweetie in the hospital.” Kaori sighed. Ryuga felt as if something inside him had broken at this point.

Kaori looked at the television where Bleeds and Akuma were talking to each other, “So, that robot thingy defeated you?” Kaori asked Ryuga. Ryuga looked at the television as well. “He doesn’t seem all that powerful.” Kaori felt disappointed. “Anyways, you know that Bleeds, he needs your help Ryuga.” Kaori says to Ryuga. “You still have to repay his debts for helping you with the Ryan Arkwet case, right?” Kaori asks Ryuga. In Ryuga mind, it was shocking. He never thought that Kaori knew about it. “Bleeds will be defeated here and if he is defeated the whole Ghost system will crumble and Illuminati will take over.” Kaori says to Ryuga. “Bleeds is the link keeping the Ghost world and Illuminati world different…If something were to happen to him, this world will turn upside down.” Kaori says. “Ryuga…I know you will have a lot of questions, so I am about to tell you, your mother’s biggest secret, so please consider if you want to help Bleeds or not after you hear me out. I will respect whichever choice you pick. After all, a mother should respect their son’s choices.” Kaori smiles. Ryuga nods.


Kaori left Ryuga’s room. “Ellie, Ryuga is calling for you.” Kaori says with a smile. “Hmm? For me?” Ellie looks confused. Ellie went inside to check on Ryuga and Ryuga was standing with just a pant on exposing his well-built body. “R-R-R-R-“ Before Ellie could scream Ryuga closed her mouth, “Listen, we need to sneak out of here. You know transportation magic, right? So, can you transport me to Ghost World Academy’s lab?” Ryuga asked Ellie. Ellie nodded. Ryuga put on a hoodie that his mother left him and both Ryuga and Ellie transported themselves in front of Slips. “WAHHHH!!!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!” Slips looked quite surprised as she saw Ryuga and Ellie arrive. “Ryuga, I thought that you were injured!” Slips looked even more surprised after finding out Ryuga was fine. “Mother healed me.” Ryuga replied to Slips astonished look. “Eh? What is your mother, an SSS-Ranked healer or something?!” Slips looked quite confused. “Slips, I remember that you Elves had the strongest metal called Argion, do you still have it here?” Ryuga asked Slips. Slips nodded, “I bought it because you had asked me the other day. You said that you needed this to make that robot you are creating even stronger.” Slips showed Ryuga the stack she had bought with her. Ryuga looked at the metal and said, “Nice!”


“I will need both your help here. We don’t have much time and I need to make an armor in less than 30 minutes.” Ryuga said. “Huh?! Why do you want to make an armor?!” Slips questioned Ryuga but Ellie didn’t. She started to bring the Argion near the smelting table at the lab. “That’s because I will defeat Akuma Jin. That is why I will make an armor that is even stronger than him and defeat him.” Ryuga said and he looked quite committed. Slips understood Ryuga’s intentions. She didn’t deny his orders and started working as well.

Everyone started making parts, Ryuga started to make a hand as well as body armor, Ellie started making the mask and Slips started making the boots. “Don’t lose concentration or else we will take more time than usual.” Ryuga kept on giving everyone instructions.

It took them all about 10 minutes with magic but all the parts were well made. “The parts are completed but you can’t wear them.” Slips said. “Why?” Ryuga asks. “Idiot! Argion armor needs a lot of mana capacity to control, unlike normal metallic armor where you need strong physical strength. That’s why even us Elves don’t wear it because even we can’t control it.” Slips explains. “How much mana capacity do you need?” Ryuga asks Slips. “At least 2000 or more. Even some S-ranks don’t have that kind of mana capacity. So I don’t know-“

Ryuga interrupts Slips, “Ellie, wasn’t there a forbidden technique to increase mana capacity in one of your vampire books?” Ryuga asked Ellie. “Ryuga! Where did you hear that from?!” Ellie asks Ryuga. “So, there is one…I just wanted to make sure there was one so I just asked you the trick question.” Ryuga teased Ellie. “JEEZ! I AM NEVER HELPING YOU EVER AGAIN RYUGA!” Ellie pouted angrily.

“Anyways, let me ask you Ellie. Does this forbidden technique really increase mana capacity?” Ryuga asked Ellie. Ellie nods, “It does but I don’t recommend it. It might put your life in danger-“ Before Ellie could complete talking, “Let’s do it!” Ryuga said. “RYUGA!” Ellie looked quite angry. “Trust me, Ellie. Everything will be fine.” Ryuga said and smiled. Ellie’s heart melted from that smile. Slips facepalmed herself, “She’s such a simp!”


“Basically, both me and Slips will release our mana at the same time and break your mana nodes in each part of your body. This will let the mana within your body flow freely. We need to break the mana nodes of the brain first. After that, the hand, the chest, the stomach, the back, the thighs and finally the legs. Once all the nodes are broken, this will release your true potential mana capacity. If it’s below 2000, you will die. If it’s below 3000, you will feel immense body pain and won’t move for at least a week and finally, if it’s above 3000, your body will experience a calm pain but you will pull it through and you will be able to do anything you want.” Ellie explains. “Oi, if he will not move for a week how will he wear the body armor?!” Slips asks Ellie. “I will heal him, he will back to normal.” Ellie says. Slips sighs, “Fine!”


“Check the mana capacity right now, Slips.” Ellie says. Slips uses red-colored glasses to check Ryuga’s mana capacity, “Right now, it’s 104.” Slips says. “Not good…If anything is below 2000…You might die.” Ellie says. Ryuga pats Ellie on her head, “It’s alright, just do it.” Ryuga says. Ellie sighs, “I am an even bigger idiot to do as he says.” Ellie whispers. “In other words, you admit you are a simp …” Slips looks at Ellie in quite a disgusting way.

Ryuga takes off his hoodie. “Damn, he's hot!” Ellie whispers as she gets a nosebleed. “The fuck!” Slips looked quite disgusted at Ellie once again. “Alright, all we have to do is insert our mana through his back.” Ellie says. Slips sighs. “Fine…”

Both Ellie and Slips keep their hands on Ryuga’s bareback. “Slips insert your mana with me, alright?” Ellie says to Slips. Slips nods. “In 3, 2, 1…NOW!” Both Slips and Ellie insert their mana into Ryuga’s bareback. A few minutes passed, it seems that Ellie and Slips have burnt out their mana. “Hey, you two alright? It doesn’t seem that this power boost thingy is working. I mean I don’t feel any different.” Ryuga says. “No, it should have worked, it’s quite strange that it is-“

“WHAT THE FUCK?!!!!” Slips screamed. “What’s wrong?!” Slips starts shaking Ellie and asking, “WHAT THE FUCK IS 8000 MANA CAPACITY?!! IS THIS GLASS BROKEN OR WHAT?!” Slips kept on shaking Ellie. “Wait! I wasn’t the one who created these glasses, you were the one who created it!” Ellie pointed out. “Oh right…” Slips remembered. “STILL HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET TO 8000 MANA CAPACITY?!” Slips screamed and questioned Ryuga. “That’s your true potential…No wonder you didn’t feel any pain” Ellie said. “You have a potential of 8000 Mana Capacity…No, maybe it’s the cap that our energies we can give him. If someone stronger than us gave you mana, I am sure you would have gotten even stronger…But I am sure you can win with this.” Ellie explained.

Ryuga looked at his palm, “I don’t feel any stronger but if you say so.” Ryuga says. “Ryuga, you better save Professor Jin.” Slips hands Ryuga the armor. “It’s a request. Please do save him. He has been waiting all these years…To be saved.” Slips says to Ryuga. Ryuga inserts his hands into the massive gloves made of Argion, “I will save him. No matter what happens because he is my teacher as well.” Ryuga says as he picks up and wears the boots. He also wears body armor over his body and over it, he wears his hoodie. “Ellie, can you transport me outside Bingo Station?” Ryuga asks Ellie. “Yeah, I have been to Bingo Station so I can easily transport you there.” Ellie says. “Then let’s get going.” Ryuga says as he wears the mask. “I am ready.” Ryuga says as Ellie touches him. “Let’s get going then.” Ellie nods. “Ryuga! Do your best!” Slips says to Ryuga. Ryuga nods, “I will.” His voice echoes under the mask.


Ryuga and Ellie arrived outside Bingo Station. Ellie suddenly felt a massive pressure. “What’s this mana?! Is this Ryuga?!” Not only Ellie but everyone else in the vicinity felt this sudden surge of power.

“What the hell…?! Is that crazy energy coming from that guy?!” Eron felt quite scared as he stared at Ryuga who was wearing the purple Argion armor. “Ellie, let me handle this.” Ryuga says.

Ryuga just vanished from everyone’s vision in a flash. Everyone blinked and suddenly, Ryuga was already on the same floor as Akuma, Bleeds, and Mayumi.

“That purple color…That’s the most powerful metal in the world…Argion…You are wearing a suit made out of Argion! Who in the world are…You?” Akuma asked the person wearing the purple metallic armor who is Ryuga. A voice echoed which was familiar to Ryuga and said, “I am…Hope.”

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