《Ghost World Academia》23-Hope


“You are hope?” Akuma started to laugh, “So am I despair?” Akuma laughed at Ryuga’s comment. “Since a Ghost, this strong has come here, I guess I will help you.” Bleeds says as he tries to get up but Ryuga said with his echoing voice, “Stay down and let me handle this.” Ryuga looked at Akuma. “You are in no shape to fight and even if you were, you would have just gotten in my way.” Ryuga started to walk towards Akuma. “You can’t win against him alone…Or maybe…You can…” Bleeds sits back down and falls unconscious.

“SUCH A COCKY LITTLE BASTARD!” Akuma tries to hit Ryuga but blocks with ease. “What?! You could see that punch?! That shouldn’t be possible! Even Bleeds had a hard time seeing those punches!” Akuma was in disarray. “You are slow…I would have said that you are as slow as a turtle but that would be an insult to turtles.” Ryuga’s voice echoes. “Fucking hell! Fine! Hundred Arms!” There were about a hundred weapons that popped out of the robot’s back. “Shit! Bleeds!” Ryuga realized that Bleeds would be attacks as well. So, he vanished out of Akuma’s sight and picked up Bleeds. “So fast!” Mayumi thought. Akuma started firing at Ryuga who picked up Bleeds. “I have to take him to the open fields!” Ryuga jumps out of the windows and falls to the ground. “Ryu-“ Ryuga hands Bleeds over to Ellie, “Take him.” Ryuga gave Bleeds to Ellie and vanished from everyone’s sight again.

“Where is he?” Akuma tried to find Ryuga. He is trying to scout the crowd while using the robot’s jet packs. “I wonder where he is as well.” Ryuga acts as if he is trying to find himself as well. “Wha-“ Akuma tries to land a punch on Ryuga, instead, Ryuga jumps and stands on the robot’s hand, “Rude! I was just trying to help you!” Ryuga says as Akuma points all his guns at Ryuga. “I got you now!” Akuma smirks. “Even ruder!” Ryuga’s voice echoes as he is being childish while fighting Akuma.


“YOU KNOW WHAT’S RUDE?! TRYING TO STOP MY PLANS!” Akuma screams and attacks Ryuga with all the arsenal of weapons he has on the robot's back. It caused a huge smokescreen but after the smokescreen was clear, Ryuga wasn’t there.

“Your plans to destroy the Ghost system because it caused you to become a lonely person?” Ryuga asks Akuma. Akuma turned around to punch Ryuga, “YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT IT’S LIKE TO BE LOOKED DOWN BY PEOPLE!” Akuma screams at Ryuga who dodges the punch. “I know, I know better than anyone what it means to be looked down on. Those eyes always staring at you almost as if you are a monster. That’s why…I love Ghost World Academy.” Suddenly, Akuma felt a sense of regret. “I have friends there. Friends who care for me. Friends who don’t want to use me…Friends who genuinely care for me. Friends whom I can call friends and also a great professor who is just crazy as I am. Don’t you have a student who's just as crazy as you are, crazy scientist?” Ryuga smiled under his mask as he asked Akuma his question with that echoing voice of his.

Akuma starts to chuckle, “I see…I should’ve known. Who else could it be who can make armor out of Argion but you?” Akuma smirked. “I know you can defeat me but here I still want to try.” Akuma says. “If I win, I proceed with my plan but if you win, I give up.” Akuma puts a condition in front of Ryuga. “Is that so? I agree.” Ryuga says. “Let’s finish this in one hit.” Akuma says. Ryuga nods. “I will put everything in this final attack to defeat my student! THIS IS YOUR FINAL EXAMS RYUGA! IF YOU PASS, YOU WILL BECOME A GREAT SCIENTIST JUST LIKE ME!” Akuma announces. “Of course, I will pass Professor. After all, you are the one who has trained me in the last three months.” Ryuga says. “Good! Good! So, let’s end this!” Akuma rushes Ryuga. “I agree!” Ryuga rushes Akuma as well.


Ryuga punches the robot’s core and starts crashing it right into the ground. “EVERYONE! GET AWAY FROM HERE!!!! THAT ROBOT IS GOING TO FALL DOWN!!!!!” Eron screams as everyone else clears out. The robot falls to the ground due to Ryuga’s force and causes a massive impact throughout the city. It almost felt as if an earthquake had occurred.

“Did he…Defeat that robot?” One of the civilians asks. “I think so he did.” The other civilian answers. “What’s his name?” “He defeated the robot that even Bleeds couldn’t defeat.” “Maybe he's from another city.” “Maybe but if that’s the case, other cities have much stronger Ghosts, don’t they?” The civilians began to gossip.


Ryuga stands next to Akuma whose robot is all broken and he is inside it. “Man Ryuga…You really have grown strong. You took me down with just a single punch and I bet you, you didn’t even use half your power to take me down.” Akuma says to Ryuga. “I guess, I did use about 10% of my power in that punch.” Ryuga says in a childish tone. “Ryuga, you are stronger but if you want to fight Ryan Arkwet, you will need to get stronger. Gather allies to fight him and when you do have the opportunity, take it. Right now, you might be stronger than Bleeds but Ryan is even stronger than both you and Bleeds. So, if you ever go head-to-head against him, you will not be able to fight him properly. Also, it’s a good name.” Akuma says. Ryuga looks confused, “What name?” Ryuga asks. “Hope…You definitely are a new hope for us. So, keep that name and shine brighter than everyone else. Become everyone’s hope, Nah, instead of becoming a dragon’s fang become everyone’s fang, Ryuga.” Ryuga realized that Akuma told him to become everyone’s fang because his name is Ryuga which meant Dragon’s fang.

“Right, everyone! Move aside, we are about to take Akuma Jin in the custody for questioning.” Ryuga looked at Ryan Arkwet arrival along with a few bodyguards. “You really have caused quite a mess, Akuma Jin, Crazy Scientist.” Ryan looks at Akuma with quite a disappointed face. “Thanks umm…What’s your name Ghost?” Ryan asks Ryuga. “Hope and I am not a Ghost. I am with the Illuminati.” Ryuga smirks. Ryan looks confused. “Yeah, like someone from Illuminati would help people.” Ryan says with a nervous face. “Who knows, maybe the Illuminati are the good people here.” Ryuga shrugs his shoulder. “Your going too far with your jokes, Hope or whatever your name is.” Ryan says to Ryuga. “Anyways, I gotta go, take care!” Ryuga suddenly vanishes from Ryan’s sight.

“Should we go after him, Sir Ryan?” One of the bodyguards asks. “No, if you go after him, he will defeat you guys. I will have to be the one to personally deal with him if he becomes trouble.” Ryan smirks. Akuma chuckles, “What’s so funny?!” Ryan asks Akuma. “Nothing, it’s just that by the time you try to deal with that Ghost, he will be way too strong for you to handle.” Akuma says. Ryan gave Akuma a death stare. “Didn’t you realize, he doesn’t know magic yet. If he starts learning magic, even you know that you can’t win against him. Plus, his mana capacity is over 5000, I would say nearing 9000. Which means, he can learn a lot of advance level magic spells.” Akuma smirks. “We will see.” Ryan says as he leaves. “Take him away to the custody!” In an angry tone said Ryan Arkwet as he left the scene. “Things are in a safe hand with him out there. So, I didn’t need to worry about a thing at all. If we ever meet again Ryuga, let’s make sure that we create something more fun, just like this project.” Akuma’s thoughts were directed to Ryuga as he finally left along with the police officers with a smile.


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