《Strongest Tree》Chapter 23


The seedling shape soul came out from Calter's body, the pure white light enveloped it and the seedling grew rapidly until it become a tree as big as Kence's original body

Calter felt some sort of feeling emerging deep within him and he instinctively knew how to perform as certain magic skill

This was different from using a Skill Ticket where in the information on how to use the skill will directly enter your mind or how he learned a new skill by watching the memory he saw when he consumed the Bloodline Fruit

He just instinctively knew to use this certain skill and he felt that this will help save his master

Looking at the 5 meters tall tree phantom behind him Calter muttered the name of the skill

"[Angelic Magic: Holy Tree of Diligence Transformation!!]

Angelic Magic! Another new attribute of Magic that seems opposite to Sun's Demonic Magic

The Soul Tree Phantom behind him tranformed into specks of light that gathered around his body

Calter's body undergo a transformation

His hair turned into leaf like things but its color was pure white, on his back two angelic looking like wings grew. The color of his eyes turned into the combination of white and green color. While the tree features on his body become even more prominent

His whole arm, leg, thigh and feet all transformed into a humanoid shape wood while a white with green hoodless cloak appeared around his body. Also, some vine like things coiled around his arm

King, Cesar and the people around can't believe the shocking transformation that happened to Calter

"[Tree of Dilligence Magic: Holy Flower Beam!]" Just like before, the process of using this skill was engraved on Calter's instincts

On his arm a white flower bloomed, in the middle of the flower a green hole can be seen

The hole glowed with intense holy aura and a beam of light was shot out from it

As no one thought that an eight year old kid would suddenly transform and attack, everyone was caught off guard including Sun!

The beam hit Sun on his back and he spat a mouthful of blood that landed on Kence's wood body

The Flaming Lance of Envy slowly vanished while Sun hatefully look towards the kid who sneak attack him as if the kid was his hateful enemy and nemesis

If it was a normal attack he can close the wound on his back with energy immediately but the kid's attack was like a kryptonite to superman

He was finding it hard to even just use his black energy to stop the bleeding

Taking this chance, Kence back away immediately and used hs energy to disperse the black flame on his body without caring about the energy cost

"[Innate Skill: Absorb!" His arm transformed into a root with a sharp end on it, the situation before was just too dangerous and he wants to end this quickly

Seeing the in coming attack despite his wound, Sun flew to the air while blood are leaking out on his back

However, when Kence activated a skill the flame still left on his body started burning his wood body again


"Shit! To think that I actually need to completely focus on removing this flame" Kence shouted that King and the other heard

Once again, that feeling of envy resurfaced. Now, the person he envied is the kid Calter. He thought of how that kid can easily become powerful while he needs to experienced an unimaginable pain

"[Ultimate Skill: Burning Sun of Hell!]"

An Ultimate Skill! When Sun was just in the early stage he managed to kill a mid-stage fallen in one shot using this skill but now he is already a peak-stage! The power of his Ultimate Skill was bound to become even more powerful

Everyone's face paled, how can Kence take this attack? Just the aura of that pitch black sun was enough to feel them helpless. Even Calter can only think that if nothing unexpected happened that will turn the tables around he will sacrifice himself to block this attack for Kence!

The sun instead of bringing light to the surrounding it does the opposite. Darkness blanketed the surroundings as the oppressive feeling they felt intensifies

Sun waved his hand and the Black Sun descended towards Kence

Cesar seeing this tried to saved Kence

"[Bloodline Ignition Activate!] Cesar muttered then he felt like his blood was boiling and a green with red intense aura surrounded him. The boiling feeling made him feel pain but at the same time amplify his own power

Bloodline Ignition! If Mages have Ultimate Skills as their trump card, Bloodline holders on the other hand has Bloodline Ignition!. By burning their Bloodline it will temporarily give them a boost of power but if the Bloodline was burned too much it will either lower the user's Bloodline purity and lessening the percentage of Bloodline that the user has on his body or in severe cases it will directly burn all the Bloodline causing the death to the user

Cesar bit his thumb and draw a rune in the air

"[Super Rune Magic: Counter Trap!]" The Rune successful formed and it flew in front of the Burning Sun

Super Rune Magic! Another trump card! It was the Rune Master's trump card

This magic will strengthen a normal rune a few times but with the cost ranging from high energy expenditure or even the burning of life force. If used too much will even cause death

To think that Cesar will actually burn his Bloodline while also using a Super Rune! The cost of this was bound to be too high that death was almost certain

The black sun landed on the Rune, the Rune trembled but it managed to last for a few seconds

A chunk of energy was used up by the sun before it managed to shatter the Rune

After the Rune shattered Cesar cough out a moutful of blood and he lay unconscious on the ground

Although the Rune lessen the sun's energy it still continued descending down but now its power was not that threatening

Sun's face immediately darkened, another one destroyed his plan! Seeing Cesar as a Bloodline Holder and a Rune Master at the same time the always envious Sun feel his envy resurfacing again

"Die you all!" Sun position his palm towards the Black Sun as black energy particles flowed out from his palm towards the sun


Everyone can feel the vitality of Sun was lessening, he was actually using his life force to strenghten the power of his magic!

The Black Sun once again regained its top condition that filled everyone with despair

This time Calter flapped his wings and flew towards the sun

"[Tree of Diligence Magic: Holy Wood Palm!]" Multiple arms made of of wood formed from Calter's palm that tried to push back the sun

The sun burned the palms but the palms managed to resist for a couple of seconds before being fully burned. Just like Cesar's skills, the wood palms made the sun lose quite a huge chunk of energy before it continued to descend down towards Calter's body

Seeing this King's eyes constricted in fear

"[Bloodline Ignition Activate!]" Intense green and red aura surrounded King and he felt that his blood was boiling

Just like in Cesar's case, the feeling of his blood boiling made him feel some pain while also amplifying his power

"[Magic Skill: Harden!]"

"[Magic Skill: Harden!]"

"[Magic Skill: Harden!]"

"[Magic Skill: Harden!]"

Casting harden multiple times, King's body gained a metallic luster

He run towards his son. King leapt on the air, and kick out Calter's body that was being burned by the sun. Unfortunately, the sun made him its new target as his body was being burned by the sun too

The sun's remaining energy was fully used up on King's body leaving grave injuries on all of Kence' teammates

Sun landed on the ground gasping for air as all of his energy was already used up

It was only now that Kence managed to extinguish all the flames on his body

Seeing the bad situation of his teammates he immediately panic. He plucked all of his Red and Blue Fruits amd crushed it to let the juice enter the mouths of his unconscious teammates

However despite using all of his fruits the injuries on his teammates was still too severe and life threatening

"N-no! I cannot let this happen. I need to make Life Fruits!"

Life Fruits are one of the fruits he can make, this fruit will boost the Life Force of anyone who ate it. It was good in treating fatal and grave injuries

If he was on his top condition he can at least make three of these fruits as this fruit's energy requirement was way too higher than making Red, Blue and Yellow fruits

Unfortunately, he used up almost all of his energy to extinguish the flame while all of his Blue Fruits were given to his teammates for them to recover their energy that will somehow boost their recovery rate

Kence never felt himself this stupid before, if only he ate the Blue Fruits he will be able to create Life Fruits

Kence's panic intensifies as he tried racking his brain to get some idea

Suddenly, Kence looked towards the supernaturals around him. The supernaturals felt shiver of Kence's gaze as if a demon was staring at them hungrily

Without a choice Kence gritted his teeth

"[Innate Skill: Absorb!]" Roots emerged from his tree body that attacked the surrounding supernaturals and drained them of their energy and life force until they were reduced into ashes

Even Kence's arms tranformed into roots that also absorbed every people he went to

"N-no! My Lord what are you doing?" The supernaturals around felt fear at Kence. The lucky ones managed to flee while the unlucky omes can only plead to Kence not to kill them

Unfortunately, Kence turned a deaf ear on them and continued absorbing the supernaturals

He never felt the desire to devour and absorb something this intense before. However, he didn't care. As long as this was something that will prevent the people who sacrificed their lives to saved him die

After all the supernaturals either fled or was absorbed by Kence, Kence fell into a panic attack again

Although he managed to absorb some supernaturals but it was still not enough to make three Life Fruits as its energy requirement was simply too high for the current him

Kence gaze landed on the Mage General who was still gasping for breath. The Mage sensing his gaze turned too look at Kence

"What do you want?" Sun asked angrily

"This is all your fault! Be my sacrifice!" Consumed by insanity, Kence launched himself towards the Mage who was currently in a weakened state

Kence felt like he was willing to sacrifice everything just to devour this man in front of him and used Sun as his energy source for Life Fruits

Anger, insanity, wanting to save his teammates clouded his mind. Without him knowing a seed of darkness was planted deep inside him waiting to bloom some day

"[Innate Skill: Absorb!]" Kence root arm flew to Sun who can only try dodging by flying, however as he was simply too weak now the root managed to pierce his legs

His legs, foot and thigh immediately withered and transformed into ash. Sun decisively used his arms to ripped his lower part to break free from Kence's attack

After losing his leg he hatefully looked towards Kence but he knew he does not have a chance to kill Kence today. Even though he felt unwilling, Sun flew away to flee from this city. Him getting away will be Kence's nightmare in the future

Kence felt that it was a pity that he didn't managed to fully absorb Sun and let him flee. Sun has real wings that can help him effortlessly fly but he can only float and levitate in air. Far away from really the concept of flying

Still, the energy he got from Sun barely passed the required energy to create three Life Fruits

On his tree body four green colored fruits grew rapidly. After the fruits fully grew, Kence immediately plucked those and crushed the fruits to let his unconscious teammates drink the juice

The fruit was really deserving of its name 'Life Fruit' the three immediately regained some vitality and their breating turned back to normal

Fortunately, they recovered from the life threatening state and will only need some time to fully recover

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