《How I became op.》what to do with the trash?


( I don't want her to push herself, especially since she is in that state.) Adam thought as he dodged the overhead swing by a small amount as he chanted slow time with heal on the Amazon chief and overclock (Overclock is a spell that makes your body speed up for a short amount of time. like your muscles move faster and your senses are increased as well.) on himself, all in the same instance. Adam's vision was covered by translucent windows telling him that he had gained a new skill. He then grabbed her wrist and pinned her as he transformed into his dragon transformation. "Chief I am in a bot of a rush and need to hurry up and get back to the castle for there are a few more things that I need to take care of. Also, I wouldn't want to face you when you aren't at 100 percent," Adam said as he let her go and got ready to leave via teleportation. "Thank you for saving my child," the chief said as she got emotional and started to cover her face. "don't worry about it, I'm sure anyone would have done the same if they were in my position" James then left after watching his the chief's daughter hug her mother and tear up as well.

"Aaaaaaah!" Tom has woken up from his 'nap' and was currently trying to heal his broken jaw. It would seem that the pain was beginning to be too much for him as he stopped and took a breather so that he could adjust to the pain. Adam was currently right behind him and had a blank look on his face as he watched Tom try his best to mend his wounds. (Are you fucking serious he can't even handle this level of pain?!) Adam thought as he decided to help Tom out with his 'big' problem. "heal" Adam said as he grabbed Tom by the back of his neck and healed his broken Jaw. Tom's eyes rolled to the back of his head as the pain was once again to much for him. Adam couldn't help but let out a chuckle as he saw the man that had single-handedly ruin his country in his past life in such pain.


Adam then stopped himself as he realized that he was doing it again. "Time to end this," he said as he put a soul collar on Tom as well and left him on the throne room floor. " I want to kill you," Adam said before he moved through the void and appearing in his room. "Let me go!" the witch said as she tried to use her magic to kill Adam. "silence," Was all Adam said as he moved over to his bed and asked her a series of questions after commanding her to only answer. "Do you know how to summon monsters from a different realm? "No," "Do you know anyone that could do something like that?" "No," "finally if you knew of such a method would you use it to destroy humanity?" "Yes," the witch said as she stared right into Adam's eyes with a look of absolute hate.

Adam then gave the witch a bunch of commands that guaranteed that she couldn't even hurt a fly. "Now that this is done I think it's about time that the queen sees the mastermind behind all of this." Adam then told the witch to follow and made his way to his downstairs with the witch right behind him. "Adam where have you been and who is that woman behind you?" Adam's mother said as she saw him walking done the stairs, right behind her were the rest of the people he was looking for. "It's a long story mom, just know that I was able to stop a coup, and this is the person behind it all," when he said the last part he pointed toward the witch. "oh, yeah and Tom is currently unconscious in the throne room. I made sure that he wouldn't be awake for at least a few days." Adam said as he remembered the command that he had placed on Tom.


Adam's mother could only look confused as she heard what her son said as he tried his best to sum it all up. "Wait you did what?

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