《How I became op.》Saving the Amazon chiefs daughter and fighting the witch


"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Adam couldn't help but curse as he felt the pressure from having to manipulate the Amazon's KI. Though she was unconscious her Ki was fighting him every step of the way. The other Amazons stood by Adam and the chief's daughter as he worked and started to sweat bullets while continuing to control her Ki. "Almost there! Almost!" Adams Ki was starting to reach the end of its rope as he poured every last bit of into getting ahold of the girl's Ki. "Aaaaaah!" Adam screamed as he collapsed on the bare chest of the girl. "thank the god of handsomeness, if not for my mana constantly regenerating I would have died. I catch my breath as a few of the amazons shove me off of the girl that they called the chieftain's daughter. "Oh wow and I don't even get a thank you," I say as I finally gather up the strength to stand up properly, jeez I was cutting it close. The Amazons ignored me as they checked the girl's pulse and placed their mana into her body. "Kula her mana is now flowing properly, I think the kid was telling the truth." Adam figured that he had enough of this shit as he wasn't very fond of being ignored so he started to walk out of the room. "Wait where are you going?" The woman acting as the leader of the Amazons and the person currently giving me an aneurysm asked as she walked in front of me to block my path. "I'm going home I have to recuperate my mana and make sure that the Queen is safe," I said with anger visible on my face, what he was saying was bullshit though he just wanted some peace before he fought the mastermind behind all of this.

The Amazon looked at me with an apologetic look as she then explained why she was doing this. "I'm sorry to say this after you saved Mia, but the witch has ordered us through the collar to not let you leave the throne room. We cannot disobey the orders or the collars will kill us." Fucking great now I have to break all of their collars before I can leave. Adam checked his mana reserves and saw that he had about 30% (wow that technique that the god gave me is coming in clutch,) Adam then got to work freeing the Amazons one by one, he then walked out of the room and sat meditating in silence as he waited for the witch. "I can't wait to get my hands on this bitch," Adam said as he was getting close to capping off his mana reserve. As I continued to meditate I could suddenly hear footsteps. (Finally) "What is a little kid doing here," Said a woman that looked to be in her mid-twenties while holding a staff that came up to her shoulders.


"So you're the witch that messed the kingdom up for just a single staff." Adam didn't bother trying to act and catch her off guard. The witch was instantly on the defensive since the child told her exactly what her plans were. "Who are you!" The witch said in a commanding tone as she prepared a spell. I couldn't help but laugh as I knew I was going to enjoy this next part. "Your worst fucking nightmare," I said before I teleported behind her and slapped the staff out of her hand making all of her spells lose about 50% of their power without it. "How did you get into my barrier?!" The witch said now in complete terror as she finally realized what situation she was in. I couldn't help but laugh at how the great witch that had tormented so many people was currently cowering before a child. "Are you fucking stupid I teleported beside you," I said as I walked closer to her, each step making her face contort more into a look of fear. "What do you want!" The witch said as she curled up into a ball, in the next instance I used my mana too form a collar that acted just like a slave collar, but this one was special. When attached to someone's neck they were bound to the creator of the collar, but this collar was there for the rest of their life.

"It's very simple, I'm going to make you suffer the same fate that you had brought onto so many people before you," I said as I slapped it onto her neck. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" The witch screamed as the collar burned itself into her very soul, she soon passed out afterward. "Hmmm welp with that I'm done saving the Queen and the kingdom." Adam then picked the witch up and teleported back home, he then tossed her onto his bed before going back to the kingdom.

I made my way back to the Amazons, which by the way looked at me with looks of... is that worship. Whatever I just have to get them back home before the chieftain goes on a rampage. I went up to their would-be leader and told her that I had a way to bring them back home. "You want me to imagine the place where the chief is right now?" "Yeah, as long as the image is strong enough I can bring you there." Though I said that I was merely going off intuition on this idea.


I held her hand as she closed her eyes and the rest of the woman there held her other hand. I then teleported and found myself in a camp full of women that were 18 years old or older. "By the gods how did you do this." The Amazon, her name I didn't even bother to learn asked as she looked at all of her fellow sisters from her tribe. "Magic" Is all I said since my skills were too strong to disclose with anyone, especially someone I just meet. Soon after that, we were surrounded as the Amazons were trying to figure out how we got into the middle of their tribe without alerting anyone. The Amazons that I helped quickly explained what had happened while I looked around and made note of the place that I was in. Many men talked about the Amazons and their hideout as the one place they would like to visit before they died. Though those men were usually perverts I couldn't help but share these feelings as I looked around. Everywhere I looked there were beautiful women, they all wore clothing that left very little to the imagination. (Ah I've landed in paradise!) Though I would never let these emotions show on my face, I still admired the heaven that all men worshiped.

Suddenly a woman that had the highest level of power that I had seen from that was in the camp walked up to him. "So this is the child that saved you, girls?" The chief said as she took a look at me from all angles. The chief toward over me at the height of 6'3 and hade a glare on her face the entire time. "Hi my name is Adam and yours is...?" She stared at my outstretched hand for a couple of seconds before shaking it and smiled. "How did you win against the witch?" she asked after seeming to have finished probing me, and this was a really good question since I'm a kid that beat a witch that has been alive for 500 years. "She let her guard down which let me take away her staff and I made it a fistfight by staying close. It does help that I have a skill that lets me teleport." The chief listened closely and nodded her head... suddenly she let out a lot of blood lust as she picked up her weapon. "Now it's time for the test." She said with a big smile on her face. "Time for the what!" Was all that could escape my mouth before she swung her greatsword that looked way to big to hold let alone swing.

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