《The Cranium Chronicles》Interlude- Spirits supernatural


"As the memelords wake, and the tombs of Ascarath rumble, the Inheritor will awaken in his earthly grave, seeking out the being that has claimed his soul. Insert more bullshit lore here>" -the Skeltal Scripts

Minard lowered his pen once more, carefully finishing the letter, only to fall over when the ground below him trembled, heralding a new era. His face, now in firm contact with the floor, was sheet white, and as he pulled himself up from his prone position, a nervous smile decorated it.

"So it has begun", he whispered, his mind giddy with fearful excitement. "SHALLON, GET OVER HERE!!!".

In response to his shouting, the door in the end of the small stone room he currently used as his quarters opened, and a thin, young woman rushed in, with an equally excited look on her face.

"Professor, it has finally awoken! what now?", she asked, the excitement in her voice showing through her exhausted panting.

"Now girl, we wait", he responded. "It might take a few days to activate all functions, perhaps even a week".

Shallon hovered in the doorframe for a few more seconds, then left as suddenly as she'd appeared. Minard wouldn't admit it, not even to himself, but the ghosts scared him, even though he knew they were just like him, only without a body. It was the whole dissapearing thing, he thought. It made no sense, and even Shallon couldn't explain where she went when she wasn't corporeal. As an archmage, he had to work with the ghosts though, and he had to admit that they did their job well.

Minard shook his head, clearing his mind of unnecessary thoughts, and walked out of his quarters, leaving the small barrack, and entering the outside world. Large mountainpeaks surrounded the vale in which he found himself, obscuring the sun with their great masses, keeping the valley in a constant state of night, only lit by the various pools of lava that littered the scorched ground. in the distance, a large tower could be seen, many hundred meters tall, and yet dwared by the surrounding mountainpeaks. This tower marked the tombs of Ascarath, a legendary dungeon long thought to be lost to the world. It was here that the first signs of the Awakening Of Skeltal would appear, and where his research team had been living for the past two years. He went back inside, incinerated the half-written letter with a thought, and started writing a new one.


'weekly report from the Ascarath research team:

It has begun...'


"Wait guys if she's a ghost why is she panting after sprinting?!?!"1qdi1=!!" -smart-ass reader that thinks they've found a flaw in my FINE work!!

Well, dear reader, my ghosts feed on spookyness, which means they quickly gets exhausted when away from humans that can fear them.

//Lazy cunt of an author

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