《The Cranium Chronicles》Humerus Conversations


Femur stared at the spot where the dragon had been only moments earlier. He knew that he had fucked up, but didn't have time to chastise himself.

His wife had been stolen from him right before his eyes! and all he'd done was to stare at the very man who took her.

Femur furiously turned around, staring the only other surviving adventurers in the eyes, an impressive feat, considering the fact that his own hadn't been attached for a while now.


The elf was standing only meters behind him, frozen midstep with a fearful expression. Behind her the apprentice could be seen in a similar position.

"H-haha! if we tell you, oh great lich, will you let us go?" the elf finally managed to say.

"well no", Femur replied, his confusion masked by the fact that he technically didn't have a face.

This seemed to greatly unnerve the elf, as her eyes began to fill up with liquid, and her lip started quivering. She unexpectedly got down in a kneeling position on the ground,

"P-please, my lord! i'll do anything! I-if you wish i can even assist in various rituals needing a virgin elf...Just...at least let my diciple go", she pleaded, carefully avoiding her apprentices' gaze at the last part.

The apprentices' expression shifted from fear to surprise in less than a heartbeat, and Femur guessed that he wasn't used to his teacher showing this much affection for him.


Femur quickly revised his conclusion. It seemed that the man just had his mental image of the elf shattered in less than a second, which couldn't have been good for his heart. After further thought, Femur also realized that the elf had gravely misunderstood his message, and was thinking of sacrificial rituals.


Being a good samaritian, whatever that meant, Femur decided to immediately correct this grave misunderstanding, and thus spoke up again.

"NO! NO NO NO! i only want you to help me enter a city. As you can see, i'm more than a little suspicious with this appearance. If you do that for me, i'll gladly let you go, although i'm not going to force you to do anything. I apologize for my hideous visage, lady necromancer."

In the face of the skeletons apology, the mage duos' brains were going haywire. The apprentice had it worse than the elf, as he now had to reconsider both his teachers' and supposed enemies' positions in his mind. Finally, after several minutes of silence, the elf rose up from her position on the ground, and bowed deeply towards him.

"I am so sorry! I'm sure that you are weary of being mistaken for an evil undead. We both apologize for this heinous act of discrimination."

Femur just stood there, jawbone agape, unable to believe that there really was someone in the world willing to accept him as a person, despite his skeletal form.

"allow me to introduce myself", the elf continued,"My name is Elevar, high necromancer of the Academy, and this is AAlvar, my diciple".

The elf rose from her bowing position, and gestured for her apprentice to do the same. She took a deep breath, and finished her sentence

"-and the man you just saw, the one who burned this village to the ground....was the great and terrible Demon Lord, Asmodeus!"


And with that, chapter 3 is finished. You didn't think i was dead, did ya?

I believe that i might be able to post more frequently now when summervacation is coming up, and i won't have to stuy for a while. (although i failed miserably at several tests ): )


Anyhow, if anyone is still reading my fiction at this point, i'd like to thank you for dedicating a small part of your life to reading my work. DO comment if you liked what you read, and please refrain from just leaving a "thanks for the chapter".....

Say "Thank mr skeltal" instead.

Praise the Bone God, and cheers

EDIT: So almost half of summer vacation has gone by, and no more chapters have been posted. This is because i've had very limited access to my computer, and have chosen to play Ark with the little time i could afford to spend online. Again, if anyone still cares, i apologize for letting you down, and will do my best to make up for it.

I won't promise anything, because i'm not positive i'll be able to keep one, but i can atleast inform you that this story won't be dropped. If i should decide to drop this story at any point, i'll post a new "chapter" discussing it.

That is all, gentry! i hope your vacation will be more entertaining than mine.

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