《Disciple.》4. The end of the beginning.
The day after, the 24th of June (by the way in Earth Ψ’s Spain school ends and begins earlier) was the day I finally finished Santiago’s introduction and started his training, something I was looking forward to.
But before that I must say a little thing, I, by my nature, am more bound by the laws than most. This means that gods such as Zeus are more free to act than me. But even then if you recall his myths he doesn’t act as much as a human that has lived as long as he has done. A weird tangent, but I wanted to explain this possible discordance in my tale.
That aside Santiago slept through the evening and night until 10:06. It should come to no surprise that the first thing he did was eat a hearty breakfast, since he had skipped dinner and had fought against Skol for hours. Since I had not given him an hour when we’d meet he entertained himself by reading until I called for him. As for why I didn’t get him when he woke up? I wanted to let him rest, the last few days had been taxing. Learning his sister was alive, getting a Guardian, becoming a Primordial…
So I only came for him at 17:00, when he was mostly relaxed.
“Let us continue our lessons.” I said before shifting him to my office.
It disappointed me a little that he just nodded and stood ready.
“I hope you placed the book I was reading somewhere safe.”
Aw, he had grown accustomed to me, is what I thought. Well, even if I couldn’t surprise him anymore at least I’d be able to have decent conversations with him. Oh right, you couldn’t know, Santiago deals with surprises, nervousness, and suspicion by becoming stoic. Normally he isn’t as inexpressive as I’ve shown you. Even in the meal he was uncomfortable, too many acquaintances that he didn’t know that well to be relaxed.
So yeah, if he is standing there silently he is either nervous, suspicious, annoyed, surprised, thinking, overwhelmed… he does react to many things with stoicism.
“Of course I did. I was there when the first book was written, I know the value of books.” Then I corrected myself. “Of many books. There are things that…”
I shivered, a life as long as mine has its disadvantages. If you thought some human books were bad I don’t want to show you Ares’ “literature”. Or worse, Aphrodite’s. I need brain bleach, but unfortunately I never forget. I may not think of something but I always have memories of it.
“I know.” You didn’t Santiago, you didn’t. “So I uh, don’t remember much of what happened after we returned from the Graveyard. Oh, is that where the Dawn is buried?”
“No, the Dawn was quartered and processed, nothing remained to be buried. As for what we spoke about, I will abridge it. Please sit.
A Guardian grows by absorbing SINQUM, a process that can be made faster by completing missions for the Bulwark. This is because the Bulwark will directly inject SINQUM to improve your Guardian. A Guardian’s growth is nearly unpredictable but being given a Path by the Bulwark will limit it to certain parameters.”
“How do they do that?”
“Guardians and True Daemons are more or less the same. As such it is possible to sort of impose the growth patterns of a True Daemon on a Guardian.”
“Sort of?”
“Reversing a certain saying, it’s rocket science. It’d take years for me to explain exactly how it works to you. Even with your enhanced mind.”
“I understand. What should I study to understand it?”
“Fayd studies, third year course Daemon patterns. Normally.”
“You said something about the Path of the Ghost?” He asked after mulling over the information I gave him.
“We determined last day that your powers make curses far more effective than they usually are. We also determined that the best way to apply them is through direct contact. With those two factors, plus the fact you need to finish your foes off, I believe it is best to give you curses and self-enhancement powers so you can apply your swordsmanship.”
“Couldn’t magic give me that?” I waited for a few seconds. “Never mind, magic relies on finite resources, powers don’t. Not a good idea to make your main fighting style rely on such a thing.”
“Particularly since your SINQUM pool is of average size.” I pointed out. “That said I will teach you magical curses and self-enhancement spell, but I think you will be better served by more standard magic.”
“Remember that part of my plans include your reunification with Adam?”
“And he has the role of Adam Kadmon…” he reflected a second, “Does he have my powers but with producing Ohr freely?”
“I can’t guarantee anything, but his powers as the vessel of Keter should be opposite to yours as the ruler of Thaumiel. So when you get it back it should have Ohr and Sephiroth related powers.”
“And I’m guessing that Ohr can increase the number of blessings one can have? And magic?”
“Yours can, I can’t yet tell what Adam will become when he returns.”
“So once Ohr isn’t a valuable resource I will need something to enhance and blessings for the same reason I need curses now.” He frowned and whined. “Because learning two fields of magic isn’t enough, I need to learn at least three.”
“Correct. Now, let’s get you a Path and then we start teaching you magic.”
I again shifted us to the ICP.
I just realised that I haven’t been exactly descriptive of Santiago surroundings. My apologies, but I do not exactly pay attention to such things, for me they are simply unimportant. I will try to make an effort and describe things a little. My office is just like it was, and Santiago had sit in the same chair that was there last day. But this isn’t very important and can be deduced.
No, what I haven’t described is people’s appearances, meaningless as they are, so I will start with me. I actually have been showing myself to Santiago in different shapes. The first one I described already. Over the second day I alternatively took seven forms, each one being a transparent humanoid silhouette filled with something. These somethings were fire, storms, stars, jungles, light, ocean depths and shifting darkness. Today I was showing something slightly, being a white humanoid made of twisting shapes filled with holes that went through my body.
Funnily enough I am not a shapeshifter at all. What I was doing was emphasise aspects of my being, making it so mortals, who are unable to fully comprehend my existence, perceive me in different ways. The best way I have to describe it is that I am a sculpted jewel with carvings within that look different depending on which facet you are looking from. The reason why that happens is that I am weird, physically speaking. Humans see through light, and unless I want I do not interact with the electromagnetic spectrum. Or anything at all, I am normally a spiritual being. Thus, depending on what part of myself I allow to interact with the universe I will look different.
Basically every form I take is a piece of the jigsaw puzzle that I am. As for what would happen if a human saw the totality of my being… it is bad. I am a being that exists beyond human logic, which means that a human would never be able to explain me since their brains can’t handle the information. Let me put it this way, a human would have to at least understand the sum of human knowledge in order for me to consider them toddlers in mental faculties. Bluntly put? Humans are too dumb to comprehend me. Rulers and Primordials, much less Eternals, can be said to have brains the size of universes in which information travels faster than light.
And yes, this whole tangent was so I could deflect a possible misunderstanding. I may think like a human, but I am not one. That doesn’t make me superior to you guys though, I do not judge worth based on what people can do.
Anyway, leaving my weirdness aside the process of getting a Path is simple, so I will just note what Santiago did.
Santiago touched the ICP and thought that he wanted a Path. The response he received was something like this:
Option 1: Path of the Type-A-a-a-a-a-1.
Option 20 Path of the Type-A-a-a-a-a-20>
The number of registered daemons in the Bulwark should be apparent. Keep in mind that most daemons while fitting an archetype tend to be unique and they have been recorded for over 12,000 years. We run out of good names millennia ago. And from now on I will show Santiago’s thoughts.
‘Show me the Paths that hold curse type and self enhancement type powers’
Why did you think I recommended a Path? It would take an immense amount of time to go through all the choices.
‘The Paths must hold many types of curses, primarily weakening ones, as well as self enhancing powers fit for swordsmanship.’
Of course by increasing the amount of restrictions you can greatly decrease the amount of information to shift through. You can also…
‘Eliminate archetypally similar daemons that fulfill previous requirements’
Why yes my current feeling is schadenfreude. Little guy thinks he can know better than me? Okay, fine, I know he is just curious but still. Eventually he reached the correct method of finding what he wanted. Let me just say that the Ancient Clans of the Covenant weren’t the best at making AIs.
‘Find Path suggestions based on my Guardian, adjusted for better efficiency in combat’
Except when it comes to making combat assessments and strategies. The combat AI of the ICP is by far the most advanced AI in the Fayd, much better than the Framework.
At that point Santiago decided that over two thousands Paths could be read in brought easily. I will admit that some of the Paths in the list sounded more impressive than Ghost, such as Balor, Mot, Nergal, Plague, Famine, Gu, Skol, Reaper and many others. Key word sounded, Ghost-Archetype daemons are some of the most dangerous in the Fayd.
Think of it, many people are scared of ghosts, even among mages, since the fear comes from the fact that they’re dead that have remained on this world normally due to grudges. How do you fight something that is dead? I am the closest you will find to that in the Fayd and let me tell you, it’d take skill. No amount of power can help a human defeat me, even if I lowered my power to ordinary human standards.
This primal fear reflects on ghost daemons, making them a nightmare to fight. They have some of the most esoteric, ridiculous powers. Reaper, Famine and the various death gods would be good substitutes, but Ghost fits Santiago’s Satan more for many reasons.
Oh, by the way, I actually don’t change shape when I come to the public parts of the Bulwark since most people would think I’m a Daemon anyway. While Santiago was looking through his options a man approached me.
“He didn’t trust your choice huh?”
He wasn’t actually English, but Finnish. I simply translated.
“I think he does, he is just curious.”
He snorted. “I wish my apprentice had such drive. How many fits did he get?”
“Phew, not bad. My kid only got about six hundred and he took forever choosing. Are you going to enroll him in classes or teach you yourself?”
“You are promoting your own lessons.” That wasn’t a question.
“Can you blame me? I know you aren’t a teacher and I need the prestige. Anyone that gets over a thousand fits has a good Guardian. If I get someone that can go over stage 800 in my lessons it will be good.”
“Unfortunately he has a mythical Guardian, Kabbalah related. I already have plans for him.”
“Mythical huh? Lucky kid, I was stuck with my Candle Flame Guardian.” He looked at me by the side of his eyes. “Actually do you know why some get Guardians related to myths and some others just random ones? I’ve always wondered and nobody answered me.”
“If your Guardian resembles an Archetype it will get called that. But that is not the answer you want. The reason is actually that Santiago over there is a Mystic, they are the ones that get powers related to myths for some reason.”
“He doesn’t have a bonded daemon?!” The man, Ukkonen Anterovipunen (yeah, some mage families don’t have a great naming sense), was impressed. “That is cool, but won’t he get a handicap?”
“No. Do you not know of them.”
“True, them! Those that only people without bonded daemons can use.”
Meanwhile Santiago had finished looking over his choices and selected Ghost. It truly was his best choice.
“Why are you saying them? And while I trust your decision the Path of the Reaper looked better.”
“We don’t want to spoil the surprise.” Said Ukkonen.
“And trust me, Satan gets better powers from ghosts than from reapers.”
“Satan?! You are a chest of surprises kid. A pity I don’t teach anything related to Kabbalah.”
Santiago frowned, confusion clear on his face.
“I don’t remember magic working that way? I mean didn’t it work by visualising the outcome and believing hard enough?”
Ukkonen, who by the way has little more role in Santiago’s tale, entered teacher role.
“At its base that is true. It is also true that magic can be enhanced by belief, and not only your own. Most powerful standard spells were created by following ancient mystic practices or concepts that are powerful in humanity’s collective belief.
For example, spells related to the Sun, Moon, stars, divinity, lightning and, more recently, nuclear power, will be enhanced by human awe.”
Santiago had understood by then but Ukkonen continued, not being able to read him.
“As such there are many spells based on systems of belief. Christian spells, Russian curses, Finnish mythical magic, Taoism, Buddhism…”
“Since Kabbalah is… Does it need to be currently believed in?”
Kabbalah has lost a lot of adherents in the past century, true.
“No, belief always influences the Fayd, even if it is no longer held. It takes a long time for one belief to supplant another, so the boost remains for a long time. Finally, since your Guardian is built of Kabbalah faith you will have synergy with Kabbalistic magic, making it even stronger. Since you chose the ghost that means you are good with curses and self-enhancement. All Kabbalistic traditions is ridiculously good at self-enhancement, but for curses you will have to go to occultist Kabbalah since black magic was forbidden in Jewish Kabbalah.”
“And master didn’t tell me all of this because?
The accusing stare hurts.
“I would have told you later, and anyway even for you the boost will be minimal. About 12% stronger mutable effect spells and 7% cheaper fixed effect spells.”
It was a good coincidence that a teacher had approached us of his own will. I would have to watch my every word in order to avoid breaking the rules, and would probably be unable to say some things. Yes, a nice “coincidence”. I couldn’t have predicted and schemed this, no. And that is my answer to everyone.
Santiago took the opportunity to ask some questions, and since you guys can’t use this knowledge I will summarise it. Standard Magic effects can be divided in mutable and fixed. Mutable are less rigid, allowing for more customisation and effect strength variation. Fixed effects are more rigid, for safety issues, but for the same tend to be far more dangerous. The power output of fixed effects tends to be uniform, and if it varies a lot it normally is considered a new spell.
Ukkonen was obviously glad that he had an attentive student, and Santiago that he had his questions answered. Unfortunately Ukkonen was here to fish new students, and eventually he departed to try and meet more.
“So after this convenient coincidence-“
“Coincidence, sure. Are you allowed to tell me what you can’t tell me?”
“No.” Though I was glad he discerned that. “But for today we only have one thing left.”
“The thing.”
“Yes, the thing. But since adapting to the thing will take some time, I will tell you your schedule. This summer you will come all days to my office to get magic lessons and combat classes from 17:00 to 20:00. The rest of your day is for you to do as you please.”
“When do I get to get some action?”
“Once I have judged you worthy. Anyway, let’s get you to the Armoury.”
“So my clan is responsible for the thing. What is it? Daemonic power armour? It has to be an artificial Object of Power if only Mystics can get them.”
As we headed to the Armoury, first floor room 1.0009, Santiago kept trying to guess what the thing was. I gave him a hint on the way, it was what had caused Aesop to become the head of the Kyrioi.
“A mecha?”
We arrived at the Armoury as Santiago was recalling what Aesop was famous for. Once there we went to a certain room with several vats. The kind that you see in science fiction, those tubes filled with liquid. To get into it I had to input a special password.
“This is looking mightily suspicious.”
Nonchalance masking nervousness, that was Santiago’s response to the thing.
“So, uh. Super soldier serum? No, that is the domain of the Alaktu clan.” He thought hard for a few seconds. “I surrender, what is it?”
Santiago was stunned. He looked at me in disbelief, before he began to crack up.
“Pffff. Ancient, haha, Iberian-Greek nanomachines! Hahahahahaha! The conspiracy theorists were right! Hahahahahahahahaha!”
It took a while until he calmed down.
“What, pfff, what do they do?”
“Primarily they enhance regeneration and defence. But they are also modular and you can include many functions. Do not worry, they are Objects of Power, they won’t take your SINQUM.”
The process of injecting the nanomachines is simple. The vats are actually there to conserve and reproduce the nanomachines. I simply needed to take one of the containers and syringes and inject the vat serum into Santiago’s veins. From then on the nanomachines would bond with Santiago’s cells and reproduce.
Since this process is highly discomforting I sent Santiago home.
(Nanomachines rule.)
I will not bore you with the details of Santiago’s training, so imagine a training montage if you will. Santiago listening to me, Santiago reading books, Santiago getting blown up, Santiago cursing his legs together, Santiago smashing into the ceiling, Santiago smashing into the ceiling with his legs cursed together, me pulling Santiago’s pants down…
Wacky montage gone by it was the 9th of August when I decided to take the training to the next level.
“It is time.”
“Finally!” Santiago threw up his arms and whooped, more than ready to see some action.
“For the next phase of your training you will have to find a group and begin exploring some area of the Fayd.”
“Do I have to decide that?”
But you will find out soon enough that there is only one option.
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