《Of Life and Light》Chapter 59 [Sarah]


The Lizardfolk, some forty or so beings, were brought before Karastak as he was chanting a familiar spell. One that conjured up a shroud of mist to conceal them from the outside world, as well as summon the all too familiar Skeletons with their sickles and the intent to harvest the essences of the living before them. Of which went as smoothly as one would expect, when confronting the glass-eyed creatures that would willingly put themselves to death if given the order.

And afterwards? Their essences were once against collected and deposited into the maw of the bestial skull that was a cross between a Basilisk and an Ogre with many a jagged horn jutting around it. Once they were deposited, after draining some of them as payment for the summons, the Skeletons did vanish along with the mist. Thus, revealing the mummified husks of the Lizardfolk. Many of which stood in the same place where they had been harvested like corn, whilst the rest had crumpled to the ground.

The Devil King, on the other hand, was undergoing a change in body and mind. Here, his form contorted as his facial features revealed the awakening of the final pair of crimson orbs. The rest of his body, however, shifted and twisted as jagged and spiral horns sprouted up and down his spine. Upon his head was another crown of such, but twisted themselves around until forming a circlet of endarkened bone. From four corners of the circlet, more of the bone stretched itself upwards until it formed short spires of twisted bone.

Whilst this occurred, the rest of his body continued with their twists and contortions as the wings upon his back fell away, leaving gaping holes which many were able to view inside. Unfortunately for those who did, they would only view the faces of those who were consumed, howling for a release from their pain and anguish whilst a dark ichor-like void kept them contained. For such was the consequence of those who had their essences devoured by he who claimed to be the Devil King.

These holes then closed in on themselves in a slow manner, one that was viewed as his flesh knitting itself until nothing was visible. That is, until area around the shoulder blades burst forth to reveal a pair of leathered wings which stretched themselves to three metres in length and two metres in height. These new appendages then laid themselves down flat, as the body of the Fallen God did fall upon his clawed hands and feet, gritting his imaginary teeth as the lesser claws did retract themselves inwards whilst the primaries grew in bulk. For the muscles did grow to one and a half times their size, and yes, even the claws were grown as well.


His clawed feet, on the other hand, had their toes merged into three; two faced forward, one in the back, and dug into the earth as his clawed hands were performing. Lying between the pair, and flowing from the lower back, was a spined tail which dragged itself through the dirt in a furious manner befitting one who was in a constant pain.

However, such pains soon ended after the formation of Karastak's lower body, and he stood tall whilst the shadows that wreathed his body fell away. Thus, it did reveal his endarkened flesh to the world, but also left a parting gift to his person. For hanging betwixt his legs and upon his rear was a rectangular piece of loincloth which concealed that which made a male a male.

Here, he did howl a long and rage filled howl containing a proclamation to the world of Asha'ruun. One that echoes throughout the trees, mountain ranges, and was carried across the plains. For a Devil King had arisen, and had claimed the world for his own.

"You know," droned Melephas who rubbed the inside of his right ear slowly, "that's all good and all, but now I just got something that said I have to slay the 'Devil King of Asha'ruun'. Is that you?"

"You should know it to be true, Melephas," hissed Karastak as he pat the heads of all his underlings, "and you do not have the strength to oppose my person."

"No," he agreed slowly, interlocking his hands behind his head, "but now the whole world knows you're here. So what are you going to do about that?"

"We shall burn it to the ground."

"And then?"

The Fallen God chuckled with great mirth as he pointed towards the north, "If it has not regenerated once we are through, then I shall rebuild it all in mine own image." To which he then turned to his Undying, his eight crimson orbs casting a baleful glow over each of them, "So let us begin with the conquest of our new home."


All across the world of Asha'ruun, notifications appeared before those who were summoned. Each of whom were issued a Call To Arms, forcing them all to abandon their desire for conquest over one another, and instead band together to face off against he who was called the "Devil King". However, none present knew of such a creature, but had heard tales from those of the world they fought upon. For such a creature was a myth amongst Demon Lords, in that a Devil King was the pinnacle of their evolution, and one they all sought to become.


Unfortunately for them, a Hero normally slays them before they are able to obtain such a feat, especially if they are quite close to reaching said evolution. Here, many speculated that the Gods and Goddesses of such a world did not tolerate any competition beyond their own. Therefore, such Lords are removed before they had a chance to become a threat.

To have one appear upon Asha'ruun, however, caused many to wonder if the constant battle between Beast and Lizard allowed such a Lord to arise into that of a King. On the other hand, it did not matter to such people, as those summoned were forced to come together to slay this so called Devil. And afterwards? Afterwards, their war may continue, if they survive that is.


To the north of where the Devil King howled his proclamation to the world, however, lied the outlier town of Forthnotch. One that was a bastion against the cold and unforgiving tundra that bred many a hardy beast and monster for its hunters to trap, skin, and consume. Unfortunately for they, they were the first step towards conquest of the world of Asha'ruun, but would not know it until it was too late.

For upon the midnight hour, did the bells of the town ring in alarm as their walls of hardy wood and cracked stone were set ablaze with emerald flames. Thus, alighting like a beacon to the world as spectral Skeletons riding atop their wolves galloped through the streets and through the walls and doors of homes. Here, they slaughtered those who were alive indiscriminately. Be it babes in swaddling clothes, or sickened elders upon their deathbeds. Even those that were meant to protect the living from harm were sent to Charon and his ferry. Such as those that were quadruped felines, canines, and unintelligent avians; each of their lives were brought to a swift end.

Whereas the ones who orchestrated such a venture stood atop a lone hill to the south of the town, watching with unblinking nor caring eyes as they listened to the screams of pain and horror echoing throughout the night's air. These beings, by the by, were Karastak, his Undying, and his supposed brother Melephas.

"You should have warned me it was going to be so cold," the Human spoke after sneezing several times. His nose had been leaking since they had entered the frigid temperature, and his fragile body shook and shivered in a desperate attempt to stay warm.

In response to this, the pelt of a freshly killed and skinned bear was dropped upon his shoulders. Of which still contained much of the fat and blood it had once kept warm, causing him to become a little more sickened, but wrapped it around his body. For although it squished and spoke aloud such sounds, he did not throw it away due to the rapid chill of the endarkened land.

"You refused to wear anything warmer than your robes, Melephas," commented Shauu with a shrug. She then turned towards Brutus who was in the middle of concentrating on his minions which were sent into the town. For it was ordered by their Lord that none must survive. Therefore, the Lich was to use as much of his strength as he could to ensure such a command. Once it has been confirmed that none had survived, or at least almost everyone had perished, then they would move on.

Thus, leaving the rest of the Undying the freedom of roaming around, or else be forced to watch as the town before them was removed of life. Though some of them were drafted into helping Rojaahn in procuring flora and some fauna to further his desire in expanding his alchemical research, the rest stayed near their master.

"Thanks," grumbled the Mage, who pulled the pelt tighter against himself whilst some of the fat trickled down the back of his neck. To which the Bear Beastwoman smirked to herself as she continued to watch the events which unfolded before her own eyes.

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