《World of Warcraft: The Beholder》Chapter 10


“On your formation!”

His words were short but all the troops knew what he meant on those three words, a hundred formed ranks behind him and two hundred formed a long line on the walls with their bows and arrows.

The area was foggy because of the magic the blood elves has and the trenches cannot be seen by any ordinary eyes if you were to charge on the fog.

“We will flank the undeads when they are on disarray!”

He and his men begun marching towards the forest to flank the enemy while they are in a disarray, the archers were being led by Maria while Magroth accompanied Elijah in the ambush, some were still not quite sure if the plan will work or not, but all of them puts all their trust towards their leader.


It was currently night time, the field were silent, no voices can be heard, but soon afterwards heavy steps shook the ground, sounds of meat wagons moving can be heard, horrifying voices of the dead can be heard. It was not hundreds of voices it was thousands, fast marches, heavy armored undead units, but what would happen once they enter the fog? No one knows.


A figure in front of those undeads shouted after getting near the fog, he was a cautious man yet dead, he is a genius knight, yet with a rotten brain. The heavy steps stopped as if the figure is their leader.

The archers began to go frantic and some were about to shoot their arrows at the undeads without any order, but the plan stopped them from doing it.

“Hear me fools! Surrender or suffer in the hands of the mighty scourge!” The figure howled pointing his blade towards the fog.


“We Done Waiting!”

Countless of roars can be heard from the rotten army of the scourge as they reacted to what the figure said, they bash the tilt of their swords against their shields to make a large clang. The figure grew tired of waiting, his face darkened and a large smile appeared on his face.

“Begin the slaughter!”

The Large undead horde begun to ran heavily, the stench they gives off, lingers on every step they take, The figure stood outside the fog with a remaining four hundred undeads while two thousands charged.

Then the mass slaughter began, the undeads fell onto the long trench that was heavily poured with oil. They were confused why there was a trench in the camps, soon a flaming arrow hits the trench.


As soon as the arrow hits the oil, a small sound rung, fiery flames begun to grow, burning the undeads in just an instant, the ones in the outside cannot see through it, but the large voices can be heard, the fog thought it was the voices of those being slaughtered, or is it?

The remaining undeads who did not fell upon the fiery tactics of Elijah were about to flee but one by one arrows hits their heads, they begun to fall on to the ground, it was a one sided battle or you can say it was a massacre.


The truth is the archers too cannot see through the fog, they just shoot whenever or wherever they want to. Elijah gave them the will to shoot anywhere they want to.


A large horn blew from the camp, it was loud and it was a sign to the ambush troops being led by Elijah.

He was on a horse, holding a sword in both of his hands. “Charge!” A large howl came from him as he charged towards the remaining undead troops led by the figure.

Four hundred against a hundred, what was he planning, what is on his mind. He is not powerful, he is not overpowered, is he tough? Is it because of stupidity? Or does he have something on his sleeves.

Seeing this, the figure and the remaining undead were in a confused state, they were about to retreat but the figure shouted “Stop, it’s just a hundred man army!” They’re confused state turned into killing intent, the undead army were giving off killing intent as they charged towards the ambush team.

In front of the undead army is the figure known to the World Of Warcraft as a death knight, his rune blade emits a cold aura as he was about to strike the man who was leading the hundred army, Elijah jumped out of his horse when it jumped, holding his two swords in a X like position of his arms.

He was now on the middle of the charging undead army, who greatly shocked both sides, his men thought he was suicidal, but it all changed when a bright light emits all over his body.

“Holy Light!” Magroth shouted in amazement with a hint of being shocked as he saw the bright light all over Elijah’s body.

The undead around Elijah were about to strike him, the abomination swung all of their weapon towards Elijah which will turn him into pieces, but it was not what they expected. The bright light all over his body became much brighter and brighter.


A fwuush sound can be heard in just a single second, it all blinded everybody, even the undeads who does not have eyes, wondering why the undeads were blinded? Because they died, the light exploded all around Elijah, burning hundreds of undeads in just a second. "I see, I can channel the light all over my body" He said in amazement as he began attacking.

The ambush team was deeply shocked at the power of the holy light, Magroth were in amazement, a powerful paladin that matches Alonsus faol or the other high ranking paladins can achieve this feat but they need to deplete all of the light inside their body. Then they began to wonder “Where did he come from?” “If he is this powerful shouldn’t he be a high ranking paladin in the silver hand?”

Then they remembered what he said “I am the nephew of Uther the light bringer!” that words were stuck on their heads, and they began to believed him completely, “He really is the nephew of Lord Uther!” They said to their selves.


“For Lord Elijah!”

“For the future of Lordaeron!”

Their morale rose to greater heights, and their body grew hotter and hungry for justice in a passionate way. Elijah then begun swinging his blade against the undeads, the men were deeply shocked, it felt like he changed, his sword styles were advanced it was on par with the powerful and agile elven Swordsman in Quel’thalas.

"Maybe, I can channel the light in my swords!" Elijah said as he stared at his swords.

Elijah then channeled light in both of his hands, then his swords begun to emit light, it was like the ashbringer. As he slash a undead in half or just hits it, the undead turns into nothingness, A much more powerful weapon to those of the ashbringer, but he just channeled light into it? Magroth eyes opened wide as he saw the power Elijah holds.

The undead army were losing, but the death knight still kills the soldiers in just one slash, but Magroth clashed against him, they’re weapons emits a large clang on the battlefield, Magroths heavy swings against his fast slashes. He opened his left hand and a dark ball appeared “time to rest, and serve me old paladin!” He threw the dark ball in his hands towards Magroth, Magroth channeled all his energies on both of his hands knowing that the dark ball is powerful. He threw outside his hammer onto the ground and slammed both of his hands against the dark ball, his power weren’t enough to purge the dark ball, “Die, Paladin!” Hearing this Magroth slammed the ball against the ground and channeled all the light into his right hand.

"For honor!" a large explosion happened in the ground and Magroth was thrown away by it, “Hmph, Congratulations old fool, you still have the strength to resist my power” The death knight praised Magroth but channeled another dark energy onto his left hands, “But this time, you will fall and serve me!”

Behind him is Elijah who jumped from afar, readying to slash the death knight mercilessly “Die!”

The death knight knowing that Elijah is behind him, parried Elijah’s attacks just using his rune blade.

“I guess you are far more deserving to be my servant!” The death knight throws the ball towards Elijah, the ball were much more bigger and darker than the other one.

“Splendid!” Elijah sheated his swords and channeled light into both of his hands, He slammed the ball against his hands and tried what magroth did. “waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!” The ball slowly turned in to yellow and suddenly it emitted a much brighter light around it but there was one thing that he did not know, a small dark shadow entered his hands using the dark ball. Elijah who was holding the ball of light puts it in his pockets and un-sheathes both of his sword and charged towards The death knight showed a smile and begun laughing.

"In Lightbringer's name, have at thee!"

The soldiers who were clashing the remaining undead that numbers fourty were awestruck at the sight of the battle of the Elijah and the Death knight. "Feel my wrath!" The death knight roared as he swung his runic blade.

But it was all ended when Elijah wounded the Death knight in his arms, “Rest in peace!” the death knight’s body begun to bubble and ear piercing sounds came from all over his body, holes that emits light were all over his body.

“uwaaaah! You will pay for this!” The death knight fell from his horse and onto the grand, he tried to stood up but before he were about to hold his sword, a large swish can be heard. The sword pierced through his body and his body begun to vanish, leaving only his armor and sword.

The remaining undeads were easily killed by the ambush troops and Elijah picked up the death knight’s weapon and armor.


Elijah offered his help to help Magroth stand up who was deeply wounded in the battle against the Death knight. Magroth kneed as he was deeply moved on Elijah’s feat and his attitude “"I want to be your sledge hammer! I shall serve you until death My’Lord!"

“Stand up, let us celebrate for our victory!” Elijah rode his horse and the remaining troops they fled back to the base camp with loots from the fiery hell of battlefield.

Elijah stared at the scene in front of him, his vision was blurry, and his head was a bit dizzy. "Awaken in the eternal darkness" A devilish voice rung in his mind and his vision has completely darken.

Then his eyes changed completely it turned into the color of blood, and fiery flames can be seen within.


Hi I'm the paper!

My writing might be bad (yep it really is you paper!) Sorry it just seems that i still feel that i am being resented!

Fuckers ganged up against me on group chat! two people simultaneously calls me gay(I'm not really affected because they're just low words and i don't go against low people :D i just go with the flow) But the side comments of the other guy is far more irritating that it makes you want to punch that shit ass mothafucka!


I just learned chicken language and just made cash from selling their eggs! (Not really, still poor after buying one book of the warcraft which cost me a thousand pesos TT^TT)

Just want to share, so don't hate and behave XD and thanks for reading the chapter! Hope you enjoy *thumbs up* XD

I added some lines and completely change chapter 11 which something i failed to freaking complete XD

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