《World of Warcraft: The Beholder》Chapter 11


The men did not celebrate nor rested after their battle against the undead horde on the southern side of the camp Elijah received news from Prince Kael’s messenger that about five hundred undeads have slip through their line and are currently charging towards the camp. Elijah then took fifty dwarves to aid Prince Kael’s army against the northern undead horde, leaving his two commanders in charge of defending the camp.

“Hurry dwarves!” He shouted as his horse ran as fast as it can, behind him is a long line composed of fifty mounted dwarves.

As soon as they reached a forest, Elijah felt something strange inside it but he still continued their march. Soon as they enter the forest, ten dwarves fell out of their horses, and their body begun to morph into a fish like creature.

“aaaaaaah!” The fish like creatures begun attacking the dwarves and Elijah but Elijah killed all of them with his swords “My’Lord It seems the Nagas are against us” the captain of the dwarves named Belly Bullship said as he held a fish like creature in his hands "Interesting." Elijah said as he smiled, they all knew that something has changed within Elijah after the battle.

Soon afterwards footsteps can be heard all around the forest “It seems they have come!” Elijah un-sheathed his sword, it was brimming light all around it.

"Die, land-walker." A naga appeared behind Elijah and was about to swung his trident, but Elijah slashed the naga behind him using his right sword. “ Such a weakling, ant” He said as he stared at the dead naga.

“Nagas! Prepare to clash!”

“Shit they outnumber us!”

The mounted dwarves said as they fought the hundred naga myrmidons, One by one the Dwarves fell in battle and their cold body lying down on the floor, Sad death.

*clang* *clang*

Metal clashing against metal can be heard in the forest, it was a sad fate for those drops who fell mercilessly on the ground as their bodies were cut in half. Elijah did not gave any mind to the dwarves who fell one by one on the ground.

The nagas who attacked Elijah died as their bodies burned to ashes from the power of the holy sword.


The nagas did not talked, they just mercilessly slaughtered his men. Veins on his forehead were bulging in anger.

"By land or sea you will still fall in the hands of the nagas!" A Naga said with a loud voice, he began to charge in fast paced manner towards Elijah with his trident.

The naga is powerful, but is stupid. He has strength, yet no brain. They chose the wrong man to fight, the man that will change the course of azeroth, the man that will slay thousands of undeads with his two holy swords, the man that will kill thousands bare handed. But he is still not that man.

the remaining hundreds of Nagas begun to attack him in the same time, he parried some tridents and killed ten nagas in just one swing of his swords.


He wildy swings his hands and countless of nagas died, but like they say no strong man can survive the attacks of a hundred man army(I Made this up). He looked at his stomach with wide eyes and blood begun to spit out of his mouth, his whole stomach were completely soaked by blood. He channeled the light on his hands to begin healing his stomach.

“Hahahaha, Fools!” He laughed at the nagas as he forced himself to stand up and when he was about to heal his stomach, his feet was pierced by a trident and soon afterwards another trident pierced his two arms.

His cold body fell on to the ground, his arms fell down on the ground lifeless.

His body parts were still working but his lower body stopped moving. His mind still works but it doesn’t give any signals that guides the body for it to move.

He smiled as he was lying cold in the hard grassy ground, his swords were looted by the nagas to offer it to their leader, he was staring at the nagas and his smile grew bigger, then his wounds were slowly healing itself. Minutes later he stood up unscathed, his wounds have completely healed as if there was none in the first place. "Hahahaha, Weaklings you do not deserve to kill me!" He laughed as he stared at them with fiery eyes.


“Let’s kill him!” A naga shouted at his fellow kin to begun chopping in half Elijah’s body.

“I shall kill you! Before you become an obstacle to our victory!”

“For queen Azshara!”

Elijah without any weapons can only use his hands to kill, fiery flames began to appear on his hands, he was walking slowly towards the charging nagas. Then he begun to charge completely, piercing a naga in his stomach with just his hands, blood splattered all around the ground and he smiled.


Sound of body blowing into pieces can be heard in the forest, the nagas did not have the chance to hit or pierce Elijah’s body, their heads just blew into pieces as they were about to hit Elijah.

After that,

Elijah licked the blood around his lips, and his smile were a bit devilish, his smile has changed as if someone has took over his body.

He marched back in to the camp, in his mind is that the blood elves must have already formed an alliance with those Vile Nagas. "hahaha goodwork, Illidan" He said while smiling.


A day has passed and Kael’thas and his men entered the camp and behind them were the nagas.

They did not received a warm welcome, but they received wooden bows being aimed at them.

“Traitors! We shall execute you for siding with this vile sea creatures!”

Behind the archers was Garithos and his three hundred knights, his forehead were bulging in anger and stared at an naga as if he wanted to smash its head into pieces. Kael stared at Elijah and his men who have surrounded the nagas.

“My friend, you are the traitor!” Kael treated Elijah as his own friend but now he found out that Elijah was ready to kill his brethren and the ones who saved his army.

“Shut up” Elijah shouted as his cape was blown by the hard harsh wind. “For you to side with the nagas is a crime!”

Actually Lady Vashj and her remaining naga troops that numbered a thousand were currently hiding while watching the scene from afar. The nagas who accompanied Kael were only numbered of a hundred.

Kael was confused as to what happened that changed Elijah, but he will not let his saviors be killed just by that

"It was needed for my men to surv----“ Garithos Interrupted "So, Kael, you've shown your true colors at last. I knew you were in league with those serpents. Now I have all the proof I need to execute every traitorous one of you!"

Kael’thas face ashen as soon as he heard Garithos’s words "Please, milord, spare my men! It was my decision to--" Again the moustache bastard interrupted "Save your breath. I never trusted you vainglorious elves. It was a mistake to accept you into the Alliance in the first place. Now, at long last, you'll be dealt with appropriately. Take them away!"

The knights took the Kael and his men in to the dalaran dungeons which they will be jailed while waiting for execution, however the nagas who accompanied Kael suffered a vile fate.

“Fire!” Garithos shouted as he swing his axe.

The one hundred archers shoots the nagas, they did not stopped until all the nagas fell in the ground.

“You did well, Lord Elijah” Garithos said in a humble manner, he knew that if he offended Elijah, he will suffer. It was all because news came to his army that Elijah destroyed a undead horde with just five hundred troops, and rumors spreads throughout the land that he is now the new Light bringer.


"Who am I? Where am I?" A loud voice rung in the eternal darkness who is he? And why is he in the darkness?


Hays! companion Arc ends! And a new Arc shall rise!

Hi it’s me ThePaper.

Hope you enjoy :3

I uploaded 2 chapters this day, so I might not upload tomorrow. my brain's really tired.(If you have one!) “Burn!!!”

Please help me, by correcting the wrong grammars :( I hurriedly made this chapter to start a new arc :D

Anyways please support me by rating my fiction, don’t hate just rate :D

Anyways thank you for reading, hope you enjoy.

And thousands of changes will happen because of this chapter LOL xD

I freaking changed this freaking chapter hahahahahahahhahah! Damn a large void has been filled!

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