《Quinn's Game: Leveling of the Outcast Alchemist》018 Skeleton Run


"Waht could be the worst case scenario?" Yuya grinned taking a one last glance at the barrier before preparing to battle. "Is everyone ready in their position?" he spoked through the system shared communicator.

"Yeah," Rai replied. "Don't get so fired up Yuya." he chuckled.

Yuya was standing beside Sena. Only the two of them will fight side by side. But for some reasons, Yuya was assigned together with her in the back line very far away from the main force. "What the hell is up with this ridiculous position?"

"Shut up brat, guildmaster Ryuga is the one who planned this. And besides, your job is to protect me." Sena replied in annoyance.

"Protect you, huh?" Yuya murmured.

Rai on the other hand was waiting on the other side as a main damage dealer together with Gojou and his ally Hayato. Their goal was to wipe out the first wave in one push.

"This is bullsh*t, why the hell I'm on the main force. Shun is not here, I'm gonna die at this rate." Rai whined his complain. "Hey Gojou-san, you look strong, you should take responsibility for dragging me here." He steadily looked up at him.

"Don't worry, I'm the one in charge with you." Hayato pointed at himself and smiled.

Not too far away from Gojou's group was the front line that consist of tanks and close combat fighters. Taiga is the team leader, their job is to protect the whole back line.

"The barrier is taking so long to open. I've been standing here for a couple of minutes." Taiga complained. "Should I leave?"

"Don't even think about it." Rena spoked from the communicator.

"Calm down everyone." Ryuga began speaking from his position. He was the final team and was assigned to the perimeter line together with Rein, Haru and Ao. Their job was to secure the monsters who'll try to escape outside the barrier, and to rescue wounded players.



"9... 8... 7... 6..."

"Everyone, get ready." Gojou screamed in the communicator.

"5... 4... 3... 2... 1"




The front line where Taiga was assigned is the first one to charge inside the opened barrier. Various screams can be heard everywhere as they saw countless number of skeletons inhabiting the area.



HP: 50/50

"Lemme handle this creatures," Rai stands in the middle of the main force. "Lightning magic: heavenly retribution," he chanted. Dark clouds started to be form in the sky above as they saw a giant magic circle drawn on the ground. "Strike!" Rai finished his chant and a large amount of electricity strikes the ground with a loud zapping sound.



The front line almost got caught by the attack but luckily Rai's aim was perfect. He managed to wipe out a large number of skeletons and almost nothing left. They looked around them only to see an abandoned city with almost nothing but ruins. The Saitama prefecture was worn out.

"Nice job, Rai." Gojou complimented Rai, putting a hang at his shoulder.


"Those are the small fries, don't let your guard down." Rai warned them. He was worried that something unexpected might happen again.


Yuya on the other hand was still following Sena going somewhere too far away from the main force. "Umm, what are we doing in here?" Yuya confusingly scratched his head, looking up at a tall worn-out building.

"Just be quiet brat," Sena angrily glares at Yuya. "I don't want complaints, you have one job, nothing more." They quarrelled until they reached the higher grounds by climbing up the building.

"What the view over there?" Gojou spoked from the other side of the communicator. "Any idea where the dungeon is?"

"Nothing special," Rena replied. "Summon weapon, [Velio-maxima]!" Sena suddenly chanted. Yuya was surprised after hearing her chant.

"A weapon?" Yuya stared in amazement as he saw the long glowing weapon Sena was holding. "Now that I think about it, she did mention something obout being a long ranged wizard from our guild. Now I know why. She was a marksman-wizard." Yuya freeze and stare with wide eyes at the very long magic weapon she was holding.

"A sniper?" Yuya uttered. "With one and a half meter long barrel." he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"This is my magic weapon," Sena grinned. "Velio-maxima, with this and my ultra perception. I can snipe anything from 2 miles distance with 98% guaranteed hit and 85% critical chance." She explained with a grin on her face.

"98% guaranteed hit, at this distance? That's... no matter how I think about it that's impossible." Yuya stared in amazement with eyes widened.

"Now then," Sena kneeled on the high platform they were standing on, and closed her left eye. She leaned forward and grabbed the magic weapon. She started searching the area using her enhanced eyesight with the scope. "Gojou can you hear me?" Sena spoked.

"Yeah," Gojou replied from the other side of the communicator.

"There are 3 B-rank boss approaching 10 o'clock towards you. Permission to shoot." Sena humbly asked as she pointed he weapon at the said monster.

"Shoot? We're 800 kilometers away from the main battle. Don't tell me–" Yuya mumbled.

"What's the identity of the enemies approaching?" Gojou questioned with some screaming sound from the background.

"A giant, gooey..." Sena stopped for a moment, couldn't describe the creature. "A slime, or a zombie-like disgusting thing." Sena make a disgusted expression while talking.

"Okay, I'll give you permission to shoot. I don't want that thing to come and mess the squad position." Gojou ordered.

"Aye, sir." Sena replied with a fired up expression before wearing her ear gear. "[MA-bullet] switch!" She chanted before hitting the trigger without moving other parts of her body. Yuya caught a glimpse of a magic circle at the weapons barrel before, "Baaaangg!" a deafening sound echoed inside his ears. Unlike other snipers, this weapon produces so much sounds that comparable to a cannon.



"Impossible, at this distance?" Yuya couldn't believe that Sena managed to his the target until a notification screen appeared in front of him. "Awesome, she did kill the boss. In one critical hit." Yuya mumbled, looking around him and noticed some skeletons climbing at the tall building. "We got companies," Yuya told Sena.


"That's your job, I'm counting on you." Sena grinned before firing another shot directly at the monster.



"Summon [Holy sword Micael]! " Yuya chanted, summoning his magic weapon. "Sena, can you lean back a little, just to get away at the edge of the building." Yuya spoked, preparing to launch an attack.

"Huh?" Sena stopped for a second and looked at him without turning his head. "I see, am I a bother?" she jokingly replied as she stepped back a little from the edge of the building.

"I only learned this one recently, but... might as well give it a try." Yuya grinned expressing his confidence. "Second offensive form," Yuya raised his sword and positioned it upside down. "Cleansing flame!" he took a full thrust and buried his sword down the structure he was standing.


The whole building was engulfed by an overwhelming amount of scorching yellow flames. It was overwhelming enough that even the monsters in the area can't get close to it. The flames was too hot that even the iron bars supporting the corners of the building started melting.

"Gah, ahhh... ahhh." Sena began gasping and running out of oxygen. Yuya's flame burned almost all of the oxygen on the area, taking no room to breath. After seeing her struggling, Yuya pulled his sword from where it was thrusted and worriedly ask Sena, "are you okay?" looking at her with worried expression.

"Yeah, somehow." She nodded. "We need to move and... gahhahh... get out of here." She said while coughing and heavily breathing.

"Why?" Yuya furrowed his eyebrows.

"The enemies, their coming." Sena looked at Yuya with a serious gaze.

"Huh?" Yuya tilted his head and still confused. Not too long before he heard the notification sound rang, indicating that someone from the communicator disconnected. "What the–"

"What was that..."

Yuya recognized the voice speaking, it was Ryuga. "What's happening in there? Someone disconnected, who was that?" Yuya began worriedly asking.

"That was the main damage dealer, we...wuzzzhh... got separated." Taiga spoked from another line, hearing some strange noises in the background.

"Rai and Gojou?" Sena widened her eyes. "Where are they? I can't feel anything with my ultra perception. What's happening over there?"

"We don't know where they've gone. We on the other is fighting this giant skeleton that releases a strange gas." Taiga replied and started freaking out.

Yuya worriedly think of a plan and spoked, "We need to move now or–"

"Swoosh, booOOMM!"

An echoing explosion of something blasted inside the building where they're standing was heard. The building shooked in the process.

"What the..." Yuya tried to regain his balance by swinging his body left and right. "What was that?!"


"Where the hell are we?" Rai whined as he stared in the darkness and felt his feet soaked in liquid. "And what's this?" he looked down on his feet and makes a disgusted face.

"I think we're," Gojou looked around him. "Underground?" he tilted his head as if he wasn't sure.

"It must be a magic trap," Hayato mumbled.

"Magic trap?" Rai furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yeah, but only skilled wizard can use it though. I haven't heard anything about monsters using it. This is pretty strange actually." Hayato stated and shrugged his shoulders.

"All of our comrades are also gone," Rai took a one last glance around him. "Including the ones from our team."

"Must be because we're strong," Gojou looking up and self praising himself with straight face.

"Me? Strong?" Rai pointed at himself with a doubtful expression painted on his face. "Don't screw with me. I still haven't forgive you for dragging me along on you team." He narrowed his eyes and shifted his angry gaze at Gojou.

"That's not something we should be arguing about." Hayato mumbled and slowly shooked his head. "I think we should find a way to... " he looked up, hoping that there was something they could broke to have access above the ground. But he saw nothing but thick rocks that is definitely hard. "Never mind," he whined and shooked his head in defeat.

"Let's start walking forward, maybe we could find something." Gojou suggested and started walking. "March onward my soldiers," he shifted his walking style from a walk to a march, causing the strange liquid to splash everywhere.

"Hey, stop old man," Rai madly muttered. "You're not helping."


"Yuya suddenly disconnected too, What the hell is happening inside?" Ryuga worriedly asked as he stood in front of the perimeter line. "Should I go?" he turned his head and looked at the comrades behind him. "No, Gojou entrusted me this duty. I can't abandon the back lane." he straightened his resolve and looked forward him.

"Captain, permission to leave." A female voice suddenly spoked from beside him. He curiously turned his head to face her. "Haru? Why?" he looked at her with pitying look.

"Me too, I need a permission to leave." Ao stood from the crowd and raised his hand.

"You too," Ryuga uttered.

"We have lost communication with guildmaster Gojou. We're one of his strongest allies. Whenever he's gone, we're the only one you can rely on in battle." Ao humbly spoked in soft tone.

"Yeah, and besides my technique won't shine if you're around captain Ryuga." Haru chuckled.

"Okay," Ryuga let go a deep sigh. "Permission was given, go ahead." he opened his hand and pointed at the battle field.

"Are you sure about this guildmaster?" Rein who's sitting on the ground near him spoked.

"That's the same question I was asking to myself." Ryuga just smiled. "By the way, aren't you worried about your little brother?" he looked at Rein with curious glance.

"He's old enough, and besides he's strong enough." Rein grinned. "I can't leave this perimeter to begin with."

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