《The Adventures of an Otherworldly Man.》Chapter 8: Aiden's Rush.
The sound of voices and metals pieces banging against each other disturbed Aiden in his quiet sleep. After blinking a few times, he opened his eyes and looked around to see that the tent was gone. He quickly shuffled out of his bedroll and with his mind still foggy Aiden sprang up. “Have we been robbed?! Where are the bandits?!” A splash of water met Aiden’s face as he was speaking. “Good morning lad. Don’t alert yourself, you’re such a heavy sleeper that we took care of the tent and most of your stuff.” Duran pointed at Aiden’s backpack that was secured and seemed ready for the journey. “Now lad, get ready because we need to go as soon as possible. Also, I advise you to keep your sword ready at all times.” Aiden nodded at Duran and looked at the girls that were waiting for them on the dirt road. Elianor wore her armour and equipment, this time though her kite shield was strapped on her back while she held it with her left arm using a grip located in the upper part of the shield. Serena was next to her and seemed to have a loaded light crossbow hanging from her thigh instead of an empty one like yesterday. Duran himself was using his claymore as a walking stick. Aiden decided that it was probably the best thing to do with a sheathed greatsword, so after wearing his armour and gathering his night clothes and bedroll, as well as brushing his teeth, they were all ready to go.
The sun shyly peaked over the hills and trees right of the group as they made their way towards the Moss filled bridge. They stepped on the stone, arched bridged as the stream below them rushed towards the south-eastern side of the valley. As they walked up the stone structure, they noticed two things at the sight of the route they should follow: the stone-paved road was now simple dirt and the trees, that were sparsely grown before the bridge, now were much more prominent. “From now on, keep an eye out for any movement on trees or behind bushes. Small animals aren’t the only beings roaming this part of the land.” Duran took a moment to warn them, especially Elianor and Aiden, before they passed the Mossy Bridge and kept up their pace. Aiden turned his head and stared Northwards, a cluster of mountains were standing tall, their white peaks ripping through the dawn-coloured sky. – That’s where we’re going. It is strange… A mountain that we have to climb… a road we must follow… and no cars, tar or newly made shortcuts.” The two weeks Aiden had spent around these parts were by no means enough to overwrite the strong connection his mind had with his previous world. In fact, a few days ago, the sky went dark and it began raining. As he made his way back to the inn he got surprised by the purity of the water, some of it managed to drip into his lips, and it had no bitter or unpleasant taste.
Aiden turned his widened eyes around only to see Elianor staring at him. She quickly switched her gaze, but he could tell: a look of disbelief and somewhat awe. He paid no mind and focused on the path in front of them.
Once again, the hours passed with few words and with nothing dangerous happening to them. Aiden couldn’t help but think that they must have been lucky enough to pass through the area with no interaction with outlaws, and so thought the rest. Still, even with such optimistic thoughts they didn’t drop their guard and kept to the road instead of trying their luck with a faster, but less secure way. As the sun followed its usual path to the highest part of the sky, Aiden’s mind was starting to adopt a more paranoid approach on their good luck. -What if they’re watching us, and they wait… wait for the moment we relax, maybe for our lunch? Should I ask Duran? Will I sound stupid if I do so...? – Aiden decided he would only bring it up when they are all ready to find a location for a break. Until then, he should walk, and watch his back. It wasn’t long before Duran suggested a few spots for them to sit and have lunch at. After a few suggestions they all settled on an open space with no twigs or bushes right next to the road. As they removed their backpacks Aiden got closer to Duran and spoke with a low voice. “How can we be sure that there is no ambush nearby or any bandits watching us right now.” Duran rested his bag on a tree and tossed a vial of oil at Serena who was helping Elianor with setting up the fire, it was their turn this time. Duran then turned to Aiden and spoke in an equally low voice. “We can never be sure. But Serena and I are fully alert and haven’t picked anything up yet.” Duran shrug and placed his greatsword down as well. “No reason being paranoid lad, bandits aren’t stupid enough to attack a group of wanderers armed to the teeth. They usually go for weaker prey.” After Duran stopped talking, Aiden gave a quick look towards the girls. Elianor had removed a couple of pieces from her armour allowing her to sit more comfortably while Serena had just managed to get a fire going. Elianor looked at Aiden for a moment as she sat down, but realising he was also looking at her, she quickly switched her gaze to the cooking pot Serena had filled with oil. “I suppose you’re right…I’ll make sure to be on the lookout as well.” Aiden turned to Duran and gave him a reassuring smile, but Duran didn’t smile nor nod back. “Remember what I told you lad.” He spoke in a voice low enough so Aiden would be the only to hear what he just said. Duran’s eyes darted and pointed at Elianor and Aiden understood what his mentor meant. He nodded at Duran and took a few steps towards the campfire before sitting next to Elianor.
For the next hour and a half, they all sat around a fire and after Serena swiftly prepared their meal they ate, and talked, and laughed. After they had finished eating Serena and Duran retreated a few steps further away so they could speak about various more serious subject that Aiden and Elianor had no reason to involve themselves with. Since they were now alone next to the bonfire Aiden turned to Elianor and tried to think of something that would break the ice. “So, Elianor… Um, how did you and your brother become adventurers for hire? Was it a childhood dream or something like that?” Elianor looked over, she was a bit caught off guard by that question, and after making momentary eye contact with Aiden, she turned away. “Traynor always had a fascination with monsters and we both seek to become more powerful, so we figured it would be easier to go adventuring together… That is if he actually takes me with him.” Aiden could tell that she didn’t really seem that excited or interested when it came to talking with him, or anyone, about anything that had to do with her and her brother. She simply answered the question and kept looking away. “Oh… I’m also trying to get stronger. Although, you seem to be ahead of me.” Aiden smiled a bit to seem more friendly. Elianor didn’t respond with words and just nodded. Aiden could not tell if Elianor was bored or wasn’t comfortable enough with talking to him about her past. -What could I possibly say to her… She doesn’t seem to be in the mood to have a chit chat right now. I wonder if I should ask her about her knowledge on demons… No, I should let her rest. – Aiden made up his mind and stared at her for one last time. She seemed to be daydreaming, or thinking about something. Her eyes were fixed on the dancing flamed, slowly fading on the pile of twigs that laid in front of them. “Eli, if you’re tired you can take off your armour and go lie down for a few minutes. I’ll make sure no harm comes to you or your belongings.” Hearing this, Elianor looked at Aiden and nodded. She then stood up in front of him and begun taking off her armour piece by piece. In the end she was left with her normal tunic and pants that she wore under her gambeson and plate. “Thank you.” She said quietly as she laid down using her bedroll as a pillow. Aiden waited for her to settle down and then stood up, picking up his sheathed greatsword in the process. He walked to a nearby tree and leaned on its trunk looking over Elianor’s stuff as she napped. His gaze wandering off from time to time.
A few moments passed and Aiden got a weird, menacing feeling. Something inside of him was grabbing his heart, sinking it and then speeding it up. Aiden felt like his instincts were being forced to activate. He begun breathing quicker as the hair on the back of his neck were rising, his eyes focusing on the spot where Elianor was resting. -What is this? Am I going mad? – Aiden begun looking all over the place. His movements slow, not too draw any unnecessary attention by his fellow travellers. He quietly pulled his zweihander out of its sheath and suddenly he felt a rush greater than before overcoming him. His eyes were now staring on the foliage that was located behind him. Aiden turned around and held his sword with both hands, entering a relaxed, low guard. “Thar, if that’s you. Why are you doing this? Is something wrong or are you trying to take control of my body?” Aiden whispered it so he could barely hear it. Then his senses calmed a bit, but not entirely. He looked around with just his eyes and once he gazed upwards his instincts went crazy. His whole body wanted to do something, act in some way. Aiden resisted it for a second but the feeling was simply too strong and his mind rushed to many things that could go wrong. -If I act… will the demon gain control…or is there something dangerous on the tree above me? – Aiden, no longer able to hold back, swung his sword upwards hitting many leaves, branches and something else. As soon as his blade was brought down, he noticed a thick, red liquid on its edge. From the tree above him there was a groan of pain and surprise as the sound of a crossbow being fired and a bolt flying through the air was heard. The bolt landed about half a meter above Elianor’s head and got stuck on the tree next to her. She immediately sprung up to her feet and looked straight at Aiden who was currently pointing the tip of his sword at a man that was lying on the grass in front of him while leaves were falling from the tree over their heads. Elianor quickly grabbed her shield and mace just a second before Duran and Serena rushed inside the campsite with weapons drawn out. Steelthunder quickly made his way towards Aiden and pushed him aside. With a swift and fluid motion his claymore was imbedded into the ground right next of the bandit’s neck. The bandit, wearing green and brown leather armour with a hood and scarf covering his face, was rightfully terrified. Blood flowing out of a wound on the upper part of his left leg. Duran turned to Aiden and shut his eyes. “Close your eyes Aiden!” Serena had just finished telling Elianor the shame thing and then Aiden heard her cry out in a loud and clear voice. “Flash!”
Aiden had his eyes shut, but could still see the bright light through his eyelids. As soon as the light faded, he opened them and saw the bandit on the ground rubbing his eyes while Duran was standing over him with his claymore resting on his shoulder. Aiden then heard another crossbow being fired. This time it was Serena. Her small crossbow was aimed at some bushes that provided cover for another bandit, he was armed with a dagger and shortsword, and now, his right shoulder had a small crossbow bolt buried inside of it. By the time Aiden looked back at Serena she already had another bolt loaded and ready to fire. “Please, don’t make me fire another one.” The bandit heard her request, or threat, and dropped his weapons while groaning in pain. Elianor and Aiden darted their eyes all over the area, but they couldn’t see or hear anything. Also, that funny feeling Aiden had was now gone, but he himself was not completely calm.
Duran held his sword ready to strike and stared at the wounded bandit beneath him. “We are people of importance. Warriors send by the Lord of Pinewood with a mission from the Royal Guard. If you dare to get in our way you shall answer to them yourself. If you survive that is.” Both the bandits seemed both intimidated and displeased by Duran’s words. They carefully stood up, leaving their weapons behind, and ran away, disappearing behind the bushes and trees of the forest. “Why did you let them go?” Asked a surprised Aiden. “We should have learned where their camp is located!” As Aiden finished his sentence, Duran turned around and shook his head. “It’s not that simple lad. Bandits are afraid of their captains, and would prefer to die than to get on their black list.” Duran paused and looked back to make sure the rest were fine. Serena was currently asking Elianor if she was hurt while she was donning her armour. Duran then turned back to Aiden. “A failed ‘hunt’ their captains will accept. Ratting them out is another story.” Duran finished and grabbed Aiden’s shoulder. “You did well Aiden. I’m glad to see that you’re growing.” He then turned his back and walked away, leaving Aiden to sheath his zweihander and get ready to resume their journey.
Their walk resumed and once again Aiden found himself pacing next to Elianor. He was feeling kind of guilty for the fact that she was unprepared, so he made up his mind and turned to her. “Elianor, I’m sorry. If I had known better, I wouldn’t have egged you on to rest. I knew it was a dangerous area and…” Elianor placed her hand over Aiden’s mouth for a moment, just enough to make him stop talking. “There is no reason you should apologise. You’re the person that saved me after all. You managed to get that bandit before he shot his bolt straight through my head.” Elianor smiled after making that last, pretty grim, statement and then turned her head back to the road. The trip continued and there were no more bandits or weird instinct rushes for Aiden. It took them two day, in total, to pass through the woods and get a clear view of the mountains again. The temperatures were now lower and that was considerably true during night time. But, even though the rest of the party would comment on it, Aiden could barely feel a difference. In fact, on the third night after they had crossed the Mossy Bridge, Aiden woke up to Elianor having pretty much climbed on him while they slept. When she woke up, apart from being too embarrassed to talk about it, she simply said that he had some much-needed warmth. During the first week of the trip, Serena and Aiden hadn’t really spoken too much. They were always exchanging words and had a few conversations, but compared to Duran, who was his mentor, and Elianor, who Aiden was trying to befriend, Serena was on the bottom of the list in terms of time they spent together.
Not that it mattered much, they were friends anyway and now that they were on the first day of climbing up the mountain, there would be no more potential attacks from bandits or wandering monsters. For at least a couple of days, they would have the time to talk about more than just what route they should follow next, or if that bush moved because of a fox or a rogue goblin.
Chapter 8: Aiden's Rush.
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