《My Otherworld Gate》Chapter 10 – Alchemy training


"First choose a fitting container, then fill it with a base, with the recipe of a basic healing potion I will use a small vial and water. You obviously want everything to be clean, impurities will immensely lower the effectiveness of the potion and can even stop its effect completely.

Next, you add the ingredients, these could be anything, but usually, it should be herbs, mushrooms, and monster cores. The timing is equally as important as the temperature. Add the ingredients in the correct order and water temperature and adjust them as you go. When adding the ingredients, you need to dissolve them using your mana, it takes very little mana but high control over it, that is why everyone could eventually become an Alchemist with enough practice. For this basic healing potion, we only need these two herbs, pay attention to the water temperature, timing, and my mana while I do this."

To me who is seeing this for the first time, and doesn't even have any Magic Circuits, it looks like she is just staring at the vial in full concentration while adding the herbs very slowly.

"Once all ingredients are dissolved, you either have to keep it heated up for a little while or just let it cool, the recipe will tell you. We are done here so I'll just put this vial on the holder and let it cool down.

Most potions have a grading of F to SSS similar monster cores, but they also have a purity grade, an F grade healing potion with a purity of 90% is better than a D grade healing potion with 5%-10%, so don't let anyone fool you when someone just tells you the grade and not the purity of a potion! The recipe decides which grade the potion has and the execution and ingredients decide its purity. Also, you shouldn't have a problem once you get the [Appraisal] skill, if you have enough experience grading even a single potion type the skill will start showing the purity for all types of potions."


Walking over to a shelf with incredibly thick books, she picks out a few, handing them to me.

"For now, you should memorize these if you want to know the basics of alchemy along with a few recipes."

You say that but after you stacked these books on my hands, I can't even see you anymore!

"This- H-how many pages are these?"

"These shouldn't be too much, maybe about 10,000 pages in total?"

"Maybe I'm not made for alchemy, I should just quit right now..."

"What are you saying? Where did your enthusiasm go? How can you give up with only such a small task, this shouldn't take more than 1-2 days!"

I miss the old Silvia, the timid Silvia, the blushing Silvia. Oh, old Silvia where did you go? Why did you leave me behind? Why do I have to suffer all alone?!

"While you read them, I'll prepare some practice sets for you, if you put your all into this I'm sure we can get you up to par in no time! You might even start making potions here in 1 or 2 weeks! Mm!"

No, why are you nodding so proudly?!

"Actually, I just remembered I had to do something really important!"

"What do you mean? Your training just started!"

"I'm sorry! I really have to hurry back!"

I quickly pick up my armor, sword and put the books in my trusted potato sack, and run out.

"I'll be sure to read these until next time, bye!

"Hey! Stop right now! Stay here!!"

Hah, even if I'm like this Silvia has no chance to stop me with my superior stats! Strategic retreat success!

* * *


I'm lost.

I trusted my stats too much, I thought I would be able to remember where I exited the forest. But it all looks the same to me!



No, even cursing can't remedy this situation. I need to find an actual solution.

I already know. If the intelligence stat fails me, all I have left is my luck stat.

This place looks good enough for me, Mm! Here I come Black Devil Forest!

Let's avoid as many monsters as possible, fighting only slows me down in this situation.

* * *

T-this, just where did I go wrong?!


Golden Fury Ape















Huge! Scary!

It either didn't notice me yet or doesn't care about me. I should use my chance and escape quietly.

But just as I thought that, the beast turns around and looks at where I stand, or rather it looks directly at me!

I quickly dash away with all the strength I can gather in my legs!


The monkey brain is ignoring the trees in the surroundings while chasing me, at least they somehow slow him down a bit.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!"

Even slowed he is extremely fast, I'm managing to evade his slams for now but I don't know how long I can continue this. Is this my end?? Where did all my luck go?! Curse you, fake stats!


The monkey brain seems quite angry for not being able to kill me yet, I expected as much just looking at his name.


I messed up, in front of me is a clearing with a stone hill. This wouldn't have happened if I had that stupid mapping skill!


During my frustration, the monkey jumps ahead of me and lands on top of the hill on the side facing me. But falls down, no, flies away. Eh?

The stones where he landed fall down, opening a cave entrance. THIS!

I quickly dash into the cave, full of hopes and expectations~

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