《Greater Beyond》Vol. ∞ Ch.2: Clarity
Sometimes, untangible reminiscences flow astray inside my own world. The kind of reminiscences so unconquerable that even its owner cannot reach them.
"What's on your mind? You've been daydreaming every day now! It's like you're living in your own world again."
"Huh? Uh...Yeah, yeah. Sorry about that."
"Don't apologize, silly. Say, what's on your mind right now?"
"What's on my mind? That's--"
Hm? What is this? Why can't I remember anything?
"Oh, hey! Are you okay?"
"S-Sorry, it's just that..."
"Just that?"
"...Who are you?"
"Hahaha... What's with that question? It's obvious! I'm---"
9 am
"Hm... Wh... What the hell was that vision? A dream?"
It's weird. I thought that I was dead for sure. Yet to contradict that predicament, I'm right here, lying on my usual bed. The lousy noises my brother makes in the morning are there. He loves to watch anime before going to school. I never experienced such a feeling. To me, going to school has always been a drag. So I never looked forward to it. From time to time, I thought that staying in bed was the better choice. Not because it's more relaxing. But because it's better to do something that I'm fine with instead of doing something that I'm not fine with. However, this mindset of mine could be viewed as a nuisance, especially when it comes to modern society.
"Kuesa! Wake up! You're gonna be late for school, y' know!?"
"Bakengan, how many times must I say this to you... It's "nii-chan," not "Kuesa."
"Sorry 'bout that! But you're seriously going to be late! It's past nine!"
Yeah genius, thanks a lot. Though, he's right. This short intermission has to end, otherwise, I'll really be late.
"Got it. Tell mother that I--"
Wh-what the hell....
"Nii-chan? What's wrong?"
The moment I open my eyes and look at Bakengan, he had his name above his head. That's very unusual. No, calling it unusual would be wrong. It has never happened before.
"Did you always have your name above your head?"
"...Sorry? I don't follow you."
He seems totally clueless about this. It wouldn't be wrong to assume that this is a side effect from my meeting with Kan. I should assume that at least. There shouldn't be any reason to assume otherwise, only for the following reason: there are still open wounds all over my body. Mainly in my left leg. Thus, those past events might have been real. However, if so, how did I get here? It should be impossible considering that I was on the verge of death. Nonetheless, it's not just Bakengan's name that's on top of his head. His name was only visible by focusing my eyesight. Without Bakengan noticing, I focused my eyesight even more. Some noticeable features appeared.
"It's nothing. I'm just sleepy. Don't mind me." I respond to him lately as I get up from my bed.
"You're weird."
"Being weird just means that you aren't normal."
"You always say those type of stuff. Like how it's important to only rely on yourself and not others. But, can you really rely on yourself all the time? Won't you have to end up relying on others at some point?"
It's unusual of him to stay this long and chat with me. Especially when I'm here just grabbing some clothes. I need to do laundry pretty soon. Although, his question is rather obvious.
"The moment you end up relying on others is the moment you lose. Do you like losing?"
"Well... I don't think anybody likes losing..."
"That right there isn't necessarily right. Anyone can just accept defeat as long as it brings convenience to that person. The purpose of achieving a victory is to win. However, what most don't consider is that losing only holds meaning when you cannot win. If there is a time when you can win while losing and you accept that, then you will never walk under the hall of victory again."
"I... Wh-what? H-Hall of victory!? Thahahah!! Nii-chan, you're still sleepy aren't you?"
"Yes, that's right. Now get the hell out of my room. I wanna dress up."
"Roger!" Says Bakengan as he swiftly closes my room's door.
I really mean those words. As soon as I recalled those memories from yesterday, I felt agony. The rage of losing. The pain of not receiving one's desire. All of that, filled up inside my dark heart. Nevertheless, shortly after dressing up, I went to school. I finished my breakfast while going to school. But, by the time I had reached school...
9: 30 am, Katarakis Highschool, Class A, Block C.
"Students, you only have five minutes left. Be sure to review every question and make sure you fill your name and all that. I wouldn't want to give yet another accident zero to someone again-"
Interrupting Sensei's brief warning, I enter the classroom, almost devasted by the fact that I had to run eight kilometers. Damn it, this wasn't easy...
"Oh, Kuesa-kun. You are exactly twenty-five minutes late. We are having a Mathematics test. But, since there are only five minutes left, what I just said holds no relevance. You will receive a negative mark."
And that's not good...
"Can't I do the test now?"
"Kuesa-kun. There are only five minutes left. What part of "There are only five minutes left" did you not understand?"
It's you who doesn't understand it.
"Let me do the test. I'll finish it in three minutes."
"What? That's impossible, Kuesa-kun. You won't even be able to--"
"Can you please stop talking and just let me do the test? We are wasting precious time just by chit-chatting like this. Is that a test sheet, over there?"
She's seriously getting on my nerves... Is she doing this on purpose? This fucking bitch.
"A-ah, yes. Take it..."
Without giving any sort of response, I sit right next to the closest desk, completely ignoring everyone in the room. The desk was located to the most left. I could feel everyone else staring at me. Of course, that includes him. However, I couldn't care less about that right now. I had to do the test. To my luck, there is always something that allows me to climb to excellence when it comes to tests or exams. They always follow the same pattern. These teachers are so damn lazy. They don't even bother to create alternative routes, it's always the same. So fucking sickening. It's no wonder this place is rotten with boredom.
"Y-y-y-you've done it in two minutes? But how?"
"You yourself made that possible. Can I leave now?"
"Kuesa-kun, don't you think you are being a bit rude?"
"How was that rude? You made this test so damn easy. It's an offense to anyone who has studied seriously for this. How will you compensate for their efforts? By laying out kind words? Bullshit."
I don't know what's going on with me, but I can't hold my inner temper quite well today. Goddamn it... Ever since that vision I...
"Kuesa-kun! To the principal's office! Now!"
If there is one thing I hate about human beings is how when they are scared, they will always abandon logic and reasoning. They give up on persuasion and will always resort to secondary methods. Mainly violence or strict punishment. This time it was the latter. I realize I was also in the wrong for being late, but she was literally fucking around with that test. What the fuck was that even? A fifth-grade entry test? And there were some of my classmates who were even struggling with it. How the fuck is that even possible? You've got a brain, don't you? Use it, otherwise, you won't ever achieve anything.
Principal's office.
"Kuesa, was it? Natsume-sensei has told me about you. Yesterday you beat up one of your classmates and just a few moments ago, you were rude to her, right?"
"None of those statements are true. I never beat up a classmate, to begin with. Plus, I was never rude to Natsume-sensei. She has really poor control over her emotions, that's all. You can't call that being rude."
It's getting really old having to justify such trifling actions. I swear, if he starts lecturing me, I will literally ignore him.
"Kuesa, you can't think like that. When you finish this year, you will move on and enter a new world. A world where you will become a member of society, just like me. And--"
Blah, blah, blah. By pretending I'm thoroughly listening to him, I mark my gaze on the gigantic silver watch on his back. This is a good time to reflect on some things. Over my way to school, I did some experiences. What got me curious was, in this morning, Bakengan's name appeared right above his head. I wondered what that meant.
"Through hardships, you will become someone who can understand the difficulty of being a human being. Life is not always simple--"
So I decided to sit on a café for about five minutes just so I could do this experiment. The experiment revolved around analyzing every person who came across me. Normally, their names up above wouldn't be visible in any circumstance. It's common sense to ask for a name if you don't know it. However, somehow I can see names.
"You always score quite high on tests. You shouldn't waste your talent like this. Have you ever wondered how there are others who wish to be in your shoes right now? Not only that--"
I was surprised. It was like I was playing video games. Mainly fantasy ones. They have levels. Usually, a character can only level up until level 99, but just by simply focusing my glare, I could see other features. People have levels. However, so far, I've only encountered level 1's. Which begs the question, could it be that I'm a level 1 too? I can't see my own level for some reason.
"Not many can achieve your usual feats just by studying and practicing. Therefore, using your skills to the best of society would do you good. In the near future, you can start to contribute to the greater good of this country. Of course, this isn't to say--"
There was another feature as well. People also have status as well. Though, they aren't the same, unlike levels. I can only see these following four: Strength, Defense, Attack and Velocity. If a woman passed by, she would have all her status quite poor. Seven points in strength, 5 points in velocity and so on. To my luck, a baby passed by with her mother. The baby had 0 points in his four status. However, he wasn't even level 1, he was level 0.
"Haven't you thought about it? How sad you are making your mother and father by behaving like this? I won't deny your abilities. Some even call you a genius, but that arrogance of yours is a big flaw. However--"
How strange it is, really... I keep on recalling those moments when I was with Kan and he told me some words. However, I can't remember his words. And I don't have a single memory after that. Yet it feels as if I'm forgetting something crucial. Something that should not be forgotten. On the other hand, my curiosity erupted. How can I level up? How can I raise my status? What relevance will this bring me? Can I get my revenge on Gekidoshi if I'm a level higher than him?
"With that said, you will receive a warning. If you try and disrespect your teacher again, you will be suspended. Understood? Kuesa? Are you listening to me?"
"Why, of course. I indeed understood what you just said. I will firmly reform my arrogance and turn it into full fledge obedience. You can count on me, principal."
I feel bad. I didn't listen to any of his words. I was simply too focused on my inner thought. Still, that was bound to happen. Listening to an old man's words isn't exactly my cup of tea. Most of all, when it's a lecture.
"I'm glad you could come to terms with your mistakes. You may return now, Kuesa."
Slowly bowing to the principal, I look at him this time around. My intention was to analyze him. Sakusizo Kurile. Attack 23. Defense 19. Strength 31. Velocity 11. He holds more strength in contrast to his other statuses. Plus, his velocity is really slow. No, that's really wrong to assume. How can I know that his velocity is slow? I can't. If I want to analyze how supposedly fast someone is, then I should watch that someone run.
"Kuesa? Were your eyes always red? I thought they were green. Ah, this old age is getting to me."
That's something I've taken notice as well. Every time I analyze someone, my eyes go red. But, that's far too irrelevant, I think.
"I'll be going now. Thank you for the wise words."
Not having another reason to stay, I leave the principal's room. Soonly after, I return to the classroom.
Main Classroom.
"Oh... It's the morning interval now."
Intervals are always so boring. I don't even like them that much. Weirdly enough, I prefer classes. At least my classmates shut the hell up. But no, in these stagnant intervals, all that happens is chit-chat for the most part. Most of the boys in my class always talk about girls. What of them? Are you this lonely to the point that you need someone on your side? Someone, who you only admire for their appearance and not from what they are? Ludicrious. How can such a thought process even begin to take shape in the first place? If you are going to be with someone then shouldn't that person's personality come as a greater interest? Why do people value their own appearances so much? That value is only ephemeral. Meaning it's short-lived.
Furthermore, you are only thinking about that person. How that person looks. Do you seriously think that just because that person has a good appearance that he/she will immediately be someone who you want to end up with? Think for a second. Shouldn't someone who makes you laugh or just makes you feel happy with such consistency, be the one for you? It's so triggering to see such stereotypical mindset all over the place. Nevertheless, why is this so infuriating to me right now? I can't understand.
It's not as if I didn't notice her. I was just hoping she would leave and perish out of my sight. But apparently, some people lack the intelligence to realize that if you are being ignored on purpose then there is a very huge likelihood that the one who you are trying to talk to doesn't want to talk to you.
"Gee, do you live in a different world or what?"
"I wish I did. Because then, I wouldn't have to deal with existences such as yourself every day."
"That attitude. I like it. You were always silent but now you've started to show your true colors, you are quite the outlaw, aren't you?~"
I know where this is going. Girl gets interested in a boy just because he was different from the usual and so on. But, my patience today just isn't at its best.
"Fuck off. Go bark somewhere else."
Perhaps I said that too loud. The boys are starting to look at me right now. The girls too. How ironic. As if this concerns you. However, it's somewhat natural, since people desire an interesting topic to constantly gossip upon.
"I liked how you talked to Natsume-sensei back there! Tell me more about y--"
"Bitch, did you not hear what I just fucking said? Go bark somewhere else. Can't you see that your presence is irrelevant? Go suck someone else's dick, will you?"
"W-what's with you!? I was just trying..."
Time to try something.
"Trying to what? Annoy me? Don't worry, you are already doing that."
Quickly after my retort, one of my classmates comes in and intervenes.
"Hey, Kuesa! Knock it off, will ya!?"
I suppose an introduction to these two would be necessary. First off, the annoying bitch, slut, whatever. Juya Savarego. She comes from Europe, Sweden. With her naturally attractive body, she is the most attractive girl in our class, according to most of the boys in this class. Her blonde hair just makes these virgins droll all over her. Second, the white knight in shining armor. His behavior is so predictable. He always gets "pissed off" whenever someone tries to differ this bitch's opinion. It's not surprising since he literally has a huge crush on her. However, she's too much of an attention whore to give a damn about him. So he finds these type of situations to mark his presence. Fucking disgusting. I can't even bother to recite his name. White Knight is a better one, in all senses.
"Oh, look! Your white knight in the shining armor has arrived. Now, kiss the princess and have a happy ending. Thank me later."
My sarcasm here was beyond intentional.
"Why you...! I didn't know you were always this bullish. You always kept silence but in reality, you must have thought we all were stupid or something, huh!?"
"Well, no. Calling you all stupid would be an insult to stupid people. At least they have a few redeemable qualities here and there. You are all fucking retarded. There is a difference."
"I've had enough of you...!"
Perfect. The scenario that I had in mind is coming into play right now. Now, fulfill your role.
"Kuesa! Since you are so confident of yourself, you must be ready to take a beating, right!? Look! There are no teachers here. Nothing personal, but you will... Well, get your ass kicked right here."
"Wait, was that your best speech? HAHAHAHAH!! God, that's hilarious. I expected more from you white knight. Where are the usual protective words coming from you? At this rate, even an ant would pose more fear than you!"
That's right. Get angry. I just need ten more seconds. Ten.... Nine...... Eight.....
"Enough with your shit! Nobody here will defend you ya know!? Just apologize or else you're gonna get your ass beaten right here and now!"
Seven..... Six....... Five.......
"By you? You never have beaten someone up in your whole life. Stop talking like your some hot stuff when you're clearly not."
Four.... Three....
"......I warned you..."
"Oh no. I'm sooooooooooooooo scared."
Two... One...
Swinging his right arm violently in my direction, more precisely, to where my face is, he tries to land a punch out of rage. However, the scenario had come into play. The clock was exactly on time. 10 am on point. The time for the class had come. With that said, the one who had to direct the class had to show up at this exact time. Of course, some teachers like to arrive late, but not our homeroom Natsume-sensei. She's always on point. Plus, given that she might still be angry about what happened earlier, this will most likely be a success.
His shock wasn't very strange. It was only natural because I cross countered him. The cross counter only works when my opponent sends a huge jab straight at me. Then, by lowering my torso and emerging my left arm into this guy's right arm, the cross counter was visible. Without any seconds to be spared, he was utterly defeated. I even made sure to apply enough strength to the point where it would hit the chin. The main purpose of hitting it was just so he would stay down. Thus, the ending pieces were coming together.
"And that's that. So much talk and nothing to give. Wuss."
I proposedly made that provoking statement.
"What's going on here!?"
Her presence had come into play.
"Natsume-sensei! H-he punched Naruyo-kun!"
Of course, the one who said that was no other than Juya. But that was already to be expected, ultimately, to be predicted.
"He started off by saying rude things to Juya-chan! He's a sociopath."
Sociopath? I'm kinda hurt. But oh well. More fuel to the fire, keep it up. Nevertheless, the one who made that accusation was another classmate of mine, Beatrizia. Just like Juya, they had iconic features. I don't even need to mention which.
"Kuesa! Is it true!? Did you do this?"
"What the fuck? Are you blind or something? Did you not see that I demolished him?"
Another provoking coming from my part.
"That's it! You are dismissed for the day! Go and reflect, please!"
"With much pleasure, Natsume-sama."
Once again, I purposely made yet another provoking statement. By adding the "sama" there, she should be pretty angry about it. Furthermore, as I was grabbing my case, I lightly laughed my way out. Of course, this had an ulterior purpose. One purpose that would come into play, fundamentally. Needless to say is, those furious glares coming from my classmates came biting right at me. Though, since they've seen what I can do, they won't dare to approach me. They value their appearances too much, therefore they will never interact with someone like me. What a feeble pattern.
Main Gate.
"Yo! You sure were on fire back there. Had a change of mood or something?"
The last piece has come.
"Just bored. What would you've done?"
"To be pretty fucking honest, Naruyo always pisses me off with his hypocritical attitude. But you know, beating someone inside a classroom like that? Are you nuts?"
"Maybe, Gekidoshi. Also, how are you here? We are having class, no?"
"I just told sensei that I was gonna take a piss. She's too good-hearted to ever question things that deserve to be questioned, most of the times."
"Don't stay out for too long, or else she will give you a scolding."
"Yeah, yeah. By the way, I forgot to ask..."
"Why are you not dead? It's really bugging me. I'm fairly sure I did the job right. So, how are you here? Care to explain? I'm really down to listen."
"What are you talking about?"
"Yesterday. I killed you."
"If that was the case, then how am I here, right now?"
"That's what I would like to know."
"You aren't making any sense. Are you suffering from exhaustion or something? They say that if you don't rest properly, you will start to hallucinate things, even worse, imagine them. Take better care of yourself, man."
As soon as I said those words, Gekidoshi closed our distance, this time around, he had serious eyes. His playful mood was gone as well.
"I'm not really in the mood for your jokes, Kuesa. You did something, didn't you? I clearly remember yesterday. You can't fool me. How did you survive? Tell me."
"I really have no idea what you're talking about."
"You blatant fucker... I've got no idea how you did it, but the very fact that you are here just proves that something happened."
"Again, what are you talking about? Are you alright dude?"
"I'll give you a warning. I will find how you came to life. Then, I will end your life. No matter what it takes."
"H-Huh?! W-what the hell are you... Gekidoshi, do you have a fever or something?"
"Hahaha!! Damn, you're good at this. Gotta go back though. Also, try to not be such an outlaw, will you?"
I find it ironic the fact that he is worried about me after threatening me. Just to show how psychotic he can be.
"Oh, and... Have your eyes always been red?"
"No, just trying contact lenses."
My act was dangerous, however, it worked out fine. Normally, leaving school when there is a class going on would be impossible yet to break that impossibility, there are certain factors that create an exception. Someone who is dismissed by a teacher due to bad behavior can leave school. Of course, that student must present a paper that has the teacher's confirmation. Right before I left the classroom, Natsume-sensei handed me the envelope.
"Hey! You can't leave school. Go back."
"Here." I hand out the confirmation.
"...Go on."
"Thank you very much."
Poor watchman. Having to obey the permanent silence just because I handed him a paper. I find it funny and sad that things are solved like this. Of course, as soon as I left, I didn't go straight home, I made a stop first.
11 am, Katarakis main park.
"Strawberry, vanilla and oreo please."
"Right away. Wait just a few moments."
Spending summers away without ice cream should be illegal. Hence the sudden decision. Plus, I'm really addicted to this trio. The divine pleasure one gets from this combination is downright enigmatic. How can such taste come to life? A sear sensation would come every now and then, but that was mainly because the sun was steaming me. More so, as I wait for my ice cream, my appetite just kept on increasing. While that's something good, that's really questionable, if it's even good, to begin with.
"Here you go. 125 yen, please."
Scrapping through my pockets, I manage to discover a few coins. Ultimately, it was enough to cover the whole ice cream. And for that, I'm glad.
"Aye, here. Thank you very much."
"No, no. Thank you."
The young lady made sure to be as polite as possible, by the looks of it. However, the ultimate goal was just to relax and uncover some things. To do that, I sat on a deserted seat amidst the park. There were some kids playing around. One was all alone while the other three were playing lively.
"Ah...... This is... paradise."
This ice cream, this moment, the fresh air, the clouds surrounding the burning sun. Although the cerulean sky soon went a bit dark.
"Hey, mister! Mister, mister!"
As soon as I thought I would have peace for a while, one of the three kids comes and bugs me.
"What is it, brat?"
"We need a goalkeeper. Could you be our goalkeeper, pwease?"
"Hell no. Go away."
What kind of nonsensical favor is that? I'm holding an ice cream cup right now. It's plainly obvious that the last thing I want to be is to is a goalkeeper.
".................uuu................ guuh........."
Oh no, is he... Oh, goddamn it.
And he's crying now. Is this karma because of what I did earlier? Not to mention the other people looking around.
"C-Calm down... L-Look, you see that kid over there? Why not ask him to be the goalkeeper!"
"P-Please don't cry...! I'll be reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally sad if you do!"
Crap, this isn't working. Damn it, why are kids always so...!
"You seem to be having problems. I see I see. You are bad at dealing with kids, aren't you?"
Just who the hell...
"What's your name?"
"Guuuuuuh... Rudo... guuh..."
"Rudo! That's a very cool name. Rudo, do you like Ice cream?"
".......Only if it has strawberry in it......."
Although I can't see her face because she's on her knees, a girl managed to stop the kid from crying. That's really praise-worthy. Now, time to savor my ice cream...!!
"Today is your lucky day, Rudo!"
"It is!?"
Where the fuck is my ice cream?!
"I-it's...............delicious!! Thank you, onee-chan!"
"Ah, don't thank me! Thank him."
"Thank you mister!"
"What the hell are you doing!? That's my ice cream, you!"
Just as I was about to snatch the whole ice cream away, seeing her face brought me specific reminiscences.
"Hey. It's been a while--not really. Just a day huh?"
"You-- What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school?"
"That should be my question. But then again, you went out of your way and made that clear to everyone else in school. You're quite the celebrity you know?"
Please tell me this is not real.
"Yeah, okay, fair point. But that still doesn't explain why you aren't in school, though. Go back."
"My homeroom teacher isn't present today. So I went out for a walk and guess what, I found you."
Fuck, this isn't good. I just keep on reminiscing. The worst part is, I couldn't remember her for some reason. No, that's not the worst part. The worst part is, I just recalled that one embarrassing moment. And now, I have to live with that. I can barely look at her in the eye. Oh, the agony.
"I-I see."
"What's wrong? Why aren't you looking at me? Is there something on my face?"
I swear I don't remember her being this talkative. She was so taciturn. Just what the hell happened!?
"Hey, kid. When are you giving me back my ice cream?"
The real question had to be made.
"Now, now. I'll pay you one if you insist, just let him have it."
"...Well, don't worry about it."
More importantly, I need to leave this place. Just being in the same place as she is giving me an existential crisis. Not because she's bad to be around, but precisely the opposite. I'm also pretty sure that I'm not supposed to feel this way...
"Mister! We also want ice cream!"
"Go ask your parents instead."
"Ehhhhhh!? But my dad never buys me ice cream!"
"And I don't whave any yen with me!"
"That's just too bad."
It's already been two times since the kid said those words in the wrong way. Yet I'm seriously broke. I can't afford another ice cream. Therefore, this isn't necessarily an evil thing to do. I'm just laying out the truth as it is.
"Don't worry! Onee-chan here will pay you all ice creams! Just tell me what flavors you kids want!"
Hold on, is she...
"Hey, are you insane? That's outrageous."
"Oh, it's nothing. It's from goodwill."
"Even so, you will be wasting your yen just for some brats! Plus, the ice cream price tags are literally a scam, you know?"
Meanwhile, the kids kept on dancing around just because they were about to get their mouths fed. Ungrateful twerps...
"Why are you so worried? Could it be that you are... jealous?"
I'm the type of person who would get jealous over ice cream, to be honest, however...
"Listen here...Why are you going so far?"
"Hm? It's just ice cream."
She doesn't have an economic balance, that's for sure.
"Ah, whatever. Well, see ya around."
Gotta go. Gotta go. Gotta go.
"Why are you leaving so early?"
"Got chores to do."
"That's the lamest excuse ever."
"You're right. Besides, I don't even do them."
"See? Even you said it."
That was a bad excuse entangled in a bad lie.
"I'm still leaving. Bye."
"Hold on! Again, why are you leaving?"
"The mood got spoiled. I'm gonna find another place."
"Was it me...?"
Definitely yes. But not in the way that you are probably thinking.
"No, it's just... I've got a lot of things to think about. After all, I did that..."
This isn't a lie. I really ought to think things through after this. Mainly how I'm gonna make that fucking Gekidoshi turn into dust.
"Then, let me know what you are thinking. That way, I can help you with your problems."
"No, thank you. There really isn't any necessity for that."
"It's not about necessity. It's about what I want."
Yeah, well, thank you so much. You are just enforcing me to leave even more.
"Bad mister! Listen to what onee-chan has to say!"
"That's right! That's right!"
"Shut up, you damn brats! You're only saying that because you will get ice creams."
Eventually, she went and bought those three kids an ice cream each. Even to the kid who ate my ice cream. The audacity. I, however, did not leave my seat. For once, I had the ability to think freely. Now that I think about it, this was far too overworked. There was no real necessity for what I did. My plan revolved around the essence of getting an excuse to leave school. My rage around Gekidoshi is stronger than the usual. Who knows just what I would be doing right now if I was there, in that classroom. The first moment I felt something like that was when I finished the test. When my eyes and Gekidoshi's eyes met up, I could feel a burning flame rising up inside my soul. I wanted to rip his head off. To break his spine in half. To shatter his knees to the point he couldn't walk. To gobble his eyeballs just so he would feel the pain of not being able to see. To destroy all of his five senses, ultimately bringing him the greatest of all despairs.
In order to prevent myself from emerging with that desire, I had to create a strategy. Firstly, I provoked Natsume-sensei, since her usual punishments revolve around sending us to the principal's office. Once there, I got scolded and then I returned to the classroom. From my previous observations, I could predict how Juya would act. She seeks those who show tenacity and will to revolt. Knowing that her attention was for surely guaranteed. Right after, Naruyo came into play. His protective attitude was really handy, without him, this probably wouldn't work out. He got provoked and started the fight. And thereafter it was child's play. Lastly, Natsume-sensei got angry and gave me her approval to leave school. That should have been it, however, my true goal was to find information about my target for vengeance, Gekidoshi.
Gekidoshi would want to have a word with me, for sure. His curiosity about as to why I'm alive must have been something else, that's for sure. Nevertheless, I played dumb, which worked out perfectly. Furthermore, I could achieve good information about him. I almost lost my composure when I found out that he was level 47. Just... how wide is our strength gap? I don't even know my level, but just how relevant that is anyways? That's something I'm bound to find out. I will run a few experiments over the upcoming weekend. I will learn how to reach above level 47 and go above his status. Is, what I would like to say, but I'm currently lacking information... Asking him that is out of the question, realistically. His statuses were something else too. Attack 87. Strength 128. Defense 71. Velocity 154. Though, calling them "something else" might not be the correct measure here. I don't even know how to determine such things, that's the problem. I'll find out, though. Knowledge is never beyond my boundaries.
Perhaps my own thoughts started to overflow, but it took me a while to notice that my eyes were wrapped around gentle hands. Hands so beautiful, which can hold any life in its grasp and transform it into elegance. That's how gorgeous and charming these hands were.
"Guess who?"
"I know it's you..."
"What a terrible reply. Minus 40 points."
We're playing this game now?
"So, how did it feel to get your yen ripped off by some selfish kids?"
"It's not so bad. Also, I've been meaning to ask..."
"Do you.... remember about yesterday?"
...This topic was bound to be brought up. We both knew that.
"How could I forget, right?"
"Hahaha, I really thought you would forget, to tell you the truth, our meeting here wasn't a coincidence. I followed you, sorry."
Figured out that much. This park is quite deserted. And nobody in their right mind would go to this park in the middle of the summer. Only a lonely man like me would inhabit it for his own fabulous solitude.
"No, I should apologize as well. I forgot to ask you that. I would go to your classroom and see you, but I really have no clue what class you are in."
"A-ahaha... That would be embarrassing... But still, you could've looked for me."
"Well, if you didn't run back then maybe I could've done something to prevent that."
"I'm not at fault y' know. You were the one who didn't chase me."
"Now listen here... I have something called pride and a big one at it. You can't just expect me to blindly chase after you..."
"Then, you and your pride are at fault. Double fault for you." She points at me.
"Double! Double! Double!"
Midst our conversation, the little brats started to form and circle and dance around again. What's worse is that our conversation was being eavesdropped. That is really disrespectful.
"But you know, I was kinda expecting this conversation to be awkward. It feels almost too good to be true."
"I don't have a reason to lie. I confessed my love to you. Nothing I say and do will change that fact, right?"
"...You are awfully honest you know?"
Not really. I just enjoy making you blush because you look so cute when you do that. I wish I could tell her these words, but I'm not that honest.
"Honesty is a necessary quality for understanding, I think."
"That's true. People who lack confidence in their own words will never be able to break the barriers around them, will they?"
"You are asking questions that you are answering at the same time. Hahaha, I can't even."
"That's the first time."
"That's the first time you laughed."
Without noticing, I was slowly opening my own thoughts around her. Unlike my time in school, time begins to advance instead of sporadically freezing itself.
"My laugh is something that only happens once a century. You are lucky."
"Hahaha, what the hell, that's funny."
"So, what now?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you did say you would tell me what you felt didn't you? I still haven't heard the answer to my confession."
For some reason, I'm confident about this. How strange. Would your average person be this forceful and persistent? Maybe I'm simply desperate for her to this point.
"Ehhhhhhhhh!? You two aren't a couple, what!?"
"Which means they haven't kissed yet!"
The three kids just kept on spreading those words. However, seeing her smile made me think that there was no way that this situation could go wrong. In fact, I would do everything within my power to ensure it would go right.
"Hmm. Before giving my answer, tell me, do you think that people should fall in love with somebody they know nothing about?"
"They probably shouldn't. But, I think that those rules were only created by fools who never took the right initiative."
"Is this the right initiative?"
"I can't tell. Only you can."
"What made you chose me?"
"You were like the sun hiding behind the darkening clouds in a storm. Although that sun was barely even visible, that sun was so rare that it was unfathomable. That's what made me chose you."
"Quite the poet, aren't you?"
"Ah... Ignore what I just said."
That was over the top, really.
"Nah, I won't ignore it. I want you to say it to me again. Slowlyyy~"
"Only if you tell me your name."
I still haven't forgotten how she's keeping that as a secret from me.
"Then I'll just.."
In an instant, she closed our small distance and told me her name right in my left ear.
"That's an unusual name, I think."
"Why is that, Kuesa?"
"Oh, you're finally calling me by my name again."
"Sorry about that."
"I'll excuse you if you say those words."
"What words?"
"Oh, you know, those."
"Be more specific."
"...You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?"
I really was. This feeling of being content was irreplaceable, or so I thought. I really thought that this moment would go on and on.
"Zira Zira!"
That's an unfamiliar voice. His voice is from that kid, the one who was all alone. He always kept an eye on us. Of course, these three kids are just goofing around, but that kid was always observant.
"Hey there! What's your name?"
"Zira Zira! Zira Zira..."
"That's weird. I never saw someone say the word "Zira" this much. No, I've never heard of the word even."
"Maybe he still hasn't learned how to speak properly?"
"I find that impossible, somehow. Look at his size. He's at least 7 years old."
"Good point. Then, what is he saying?"
"I've got no idea..."
We kept on pondering what the green haired kid was saying, yet all he kept saying was the word "Zira". That really wasn't helpful. I would just ignore this kid, but she takes an interest in everything.
"So, your answer?"
"About the confession."
"Zira Zira Zira!!"
Not now, kid, you are far too loud right now. Especially when such a crucial moment is going down.
"Of course, my answer is--"
"Zira Zira!!"
"Kid can you n--"
Without having another moment to say a word, the current reality that was visible to my eyes completely disappeared. My mind drifted from my past location to another just like that. I couldn't even say anything to her even.
W-what? What is this voice... It's so loud and noisy...
"Wake up, sleepy head."
"U...Uhm... Where am..."
"That certainly took you a while. I thought you would'va stayed asleep forever or something. Come on, rise and shine, now!"
Who the hell is this..? I couldn't help but wonder yet that question was short lived. It was no other than a familiar face.
"Kan... What are you doing here?"
"What am I doing here? Nothing special. But the fact that you are here, somehow is what surprises me. I didn't expect to see you here. How did you get here anyway?"
Recall... The last time was with her and that kid..."
"That kid!"
"Oh? Found some clue?"
"Well... That's irrelevant. Kan, just what the hell is this place?"
"This place? It's your world."
"No, that's impossible, this is not my world."
The place that I'm in right now is not my world, certainly. This whole place is disfigured and deserted. There is no Sun here, only huge dark clouds. Plus, just what the hell is Kan doing here?
"Ah, you're right. It's only partially. Allow me to answer your question. Welcome to Survival mode, also known as the world of growth, Parsek."
"Kan, I've got to get back to my world, or the place that I was in not so long ago!"
"That's not possible right now."
"Then, when will it be?"
"In a couple of hours."
"How many?"
"It's not about how many, but rather, just for how long you can last here."
"What? You aren't making any sense. Fine, I'll find my own way back to my world."
Seems like it's about time I start my endeavor. I wouldn't want to keep her waiting. Gotta find a way out of this world quick. Damn, it's not even the first time. Back then, Kan was there as well. Maybe there is some kind of portal that will allow me to leave this world and return to mine? No, I should look for the kid. He's bound to be somewhere. When he touched my palms, I was teleported. With that in mind, I just have to find him and I'll be back, perhaps.
"You'll die. Don't do it."
"...What did you just say?"
"You'll die."
"How the hell will I die?"
"By dying. Just like you did, yesterday."
"....So I really died yesterday..."
"Well, don't fret about it. You will be able to go back to your own world in a few hours if you cooperate."
Smirking while looking at me, Kan delivers those finishing words. Thus, began my unfortunate visit on this partial world called Parsek.
To be continued.
- In Serial19 Chapters
Artemis The Celestial Beast(Hiatus)
Royal Road is a game developed by Unicorn Corp. It is a full immersion VRMMORPG that has 99.9% realism, and is set in mid-evil times in a world that has magic, and monsters roaming about. Time inside the game is 5 times faster than real life. 1 hour outside is 5 hours in game.Our main character's name is Artemis, and, for reference, she isn't human. Artemis happens to be a cat. And, """"Why is a cat inside Royal Road?"""" you ask? Well her owner, Anya, gave her up in an experiment to help her father, who just so happens to be the biggest stockholder in Unicorn Corp. What will happen to Artemis? What will her destiny contain? Join us and find out!Warning: in the future may or may not include sexual scenes,intense fights,adult content, language, etc Also the main character WILL be OP but i will still balance it so its best of both worlds.
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