《Greater Beyond》Vol.2 Ch.11: Noxious Judgement
"Hey, did you hear the rumors? He bombed 27 people two days ago."
"People these days are totally insane, I tell you! Who would bomb that many people anyway? Just for what reason?"
"Hell if I know. I certainly wouldn't commit such crime for sure."
"Yeah, same. Regardless, he will receive public judgment. The bastard's gonna get it. He had it coming."
"He truly did. It's always exhilarating yet horrifying to see public courts."
Not so long after the menacing rain that surrounded the skies of Kralima, a cerulean sky ascended. Even so, this is fairly crowded. My original goal was to extract information from a jury yet that's very unlikely. There are no juries here, only a judge. Taking this risk worthy gamble today, in the middle of the afternoon, the preparations have begun.
"Excuse me, do you know when the trial is going to start?"
"Good question. The trial can only start with the presence of a judge. As you can see, the one that will be judged is already there, crucified on a metallic St. Peter's cross. Is this your first time assisting a live trial?"
Debonair wouldn't even begin to describe him, a tall masculine figure standing right next to my right answered the question that was clearly directed to him.
"Yes. I've taken an interest because I've never been present to a real trial before. Also, it's a really interesting method, to do a live trial like this."
"Well, that's true. But, there are special rules to live courts, you know."
Perhaps my next words might have brought upon a gullible attitude, but resisting here would be useless. Denying my own interests isn't exactly my maximum forte.
"Could you tell me about those special rules... Huh..."
"Roger. Roger Francis."
"Zakarias. Only Zakarias."
It seems that my doubt was ephemeral since Roger managed to easily persuade me through his words. I'm partially to blame for not asking the name of someone while talking. Then again, it was a blunder to not ask, after all.
"Zakarias, was it? Strange name, not a common one for sure. Well, not like mine is any different either way. There are three special rules about this live trial. Each of them is concomitant with a calamitous essence. The first being, only people like we can enter it. Remember the guards at the entrance?"
"I see. So they were checking my level, in other words?"
"Precisely. But, not only that, but they also checked your criminal status. If you have committed at least one crime and you are registered inside the Crime Registration System, CRS for short, then the guards would have arrested you. Though, the fact that you are here proves that you aren't a criminal."
It didn't happen too long ago, but right after engaging with a certain loquacious girl, my agenda was pretty much busted. Running towards here was a no brainer. Nevertheless, to make my own entrance in this public mini-stadium where the live trial will occur, it was indeed necessary to pass through two guards.
"I knew about the CRS already. When you meant by 'only people like we can enter', were you saying that was the first rule?"
"No. To get to my point, people who are below level 15 may not enter. I'm level 26 as you can see, so I didn't have any difficulty entering. You are level 18, so you didn't either."
Thus comes a quick-witted double remark from Roger. He stops not there, though.
"Anyway, those things are not issued under the rules, because the rules aren't visible anywhere."
"Wait, if they aren't visible, then how do you know them?"
"Instincts, my boy. Always trust them. A man without his instincts is no man at all."
Essentially, he has confidence but no supportive evidence at hand. I'd do well to keep that in mind.
"The first rule is, all the spectators will get the rewarded with a respective quota of experience points from the one who will get trialed. That's literally one of the reasons as to why many people come. Free experience points. Who the hell says no to that?!"
"That's true. Saying no to such an opportunity would be ludicrous. But, there is a drawback, right? This is too good to be true."
"Well, that's where you are wrong. It isn't necessarily good. From my previous experiences in life trials, I've always analyzed the criminal's level. Now, this is just a secret of mine, but I have something that lets me track down the total experience points from my target. In other words, I can literally extract a valid amount of information from my target. During my last time here, the criminal had a total of 67,850 experience points accumulated."
"W-What? That many? And that's rewarded to every spectator?"
Lightly smirking, Roger once again, outwitted me.
"That would be a sweet walk in the park, am I right? But no, last time there were over 47 people, myself included. What do you think happened exactly?"
Putting aside my feckless answer, he mentioned that there were 47 people, so there might be a connection, and this is nothing but a random guess but...
"Were the criminal's experience points taken off him for another purpose?"
"So-So. Here is the thing, I got 1443 experience points just from that. Out of curiosity, I decided to ask what the other 46 also got. They got the same as me. 1443 experience points. Now, why do you think that happened?"
"I'm not the greatest mathematician, but if you divide 67,850 experience points by 47, then the result should be exactly 1443, I think."
Mathematics is one of those die-hard habits that remain deeply locked inside me for unique occasions like this.
"Man, you think fast. I bet if you asked those two old men up front this question, their heads would be running on fumes at this point."
Although I and Roger remained exorable throughout this interlude, the old farts up front would not shut up even for a second. It was already obvious that the criminal was a bomber, it was enticed under the main poster outside of the stadium. Not to mention the casual trifling conversation going on.
"So the first rule is that the criminal's experience points will be shared equally to everyone who is present, right?"
"Yeah, it will be a division essentially----"
Suddenly, the arrival of an elderly figure made the whole mini-stadium atmosphere silent. Just like that, it was indeed friable. At first glance, the elderly figure seemed to be completely hubristic, unlike the criminal that is being hysteric for some reason. That reason, I'm about to find out. By contrast to these occasions, there were a few things to capitalize. Keeping up with his invidious looks, the criminal kept on arousing the spectator's anger by heavily reflecting a nefarious smile on his face. That was not the face of a confident man, but rather, one that had fallen into noxious depravity. Of course, taking that into account, I analyze his level. With this information, the experience points retribution calculation can begin. One last regret would be, Roger did not tell me the other two rules. I suppose I was somewhat intrigued at some point. Ultimately, a minatory silence fell pendulous amidst the stadium.
"Good afternoon, gentlemen. I must lament my tardiness. Without further ado, the live trial will begin."
Silently murmuring those words, I active my original ability. With this, the requirements for me to obtain the form a Judge will be laid out to me right now.
"Balthazar Guadio, you will be allowed to appeal every time I accuse you of a crime. Are we understood?"
"Bullshit!! Murders like him shouldn't have the right to appeal!
"Damn murder, go to fucking hell!!"
I must admit, I wasn't expecting such uproars this early, but, the criminal at hand seems to have gained the anger approval from some spectators already.
"Order. Order."
Knocking the wood hammer right into the table, the Judge allows the trial to continue.
"According to this report, it states that Balthazar Guadio, in other words, you, blew up a bomb detonator inside a mall. The victims were no other than 27 people. It also says that this happened two days ago."
"I was not the one who detonated that bomb."
Posing a meretricious stance towards the judge, Balthazar denies the statement without any sort of appealing words behind it.
"Do you have someone that can confirm your alibi?"
Once again, the precipitate silence invades the stadium.
"Is that so? Then, may the witnesses step forward please?"
Balthazar's risible attitude quickly vanished the moment he turned his head to the left. There, he, along with the rest of us, could witness two girls who were very young. They were most remarkable for not having hands. Plus, one of them had its left leg completely burned off.
"My Goodness..." Roger humbly regrets.
It wasn't hard to emphasize his feelings right now. After all, all the crowd was erupting in a blazing rage while glaring at Balthazar. Needless to say, myself included.
"Kill him!!!!!"
"Execute the fucking monster! Abominations like him shouldn't be allowed to breathe!"
"Execution! Execution! Execution!"
Thus began the various querulous roars midst the crowd. Although the judge had been quite sclerotic for the past ten seconds, he ceased his rhadamanthine stance and hastily silenced the recalcitrant demands.
Contrasting his age, the judge made his demand loud and clear. Furthermore, the witness's stepped forward at long last, it must not have been easy, I assume.
"Witnesses, state your names."
Persuading with his strident words, the judge faces the current situation head-on.
"...I'm Tattia..."
"My name is Karina..."
If I had to guess, their ages would either be around eight or nine. Their age is irrelevant, what truly bothered me was glancing at their crisped parts. It's controversial to claim that they were lucky for surviving. Just a glaze or a single thought was enough to question the worth of their survivals. After all, they have certain body parts that will be unrepairable for the rest of their lives.
"Tattia, Karina, do you two confirm that this man, right here, was the one who blew up the Kralima mall?"
"...H-H-He killed mother...! H-H-He... H-He......:::!"
Engulfing turgid tears, Tattia could not talk volubly unlike the judge. Plus, the vicious glare from Balthazar who stands on his knees right down below the huge metallic cross isn't helping either.
"Yes, he was the one."
Unlike Tattia, Karina remained flexible and controlled her emotions quite well. That right there is praiseworthy.
"Do you also confirm that Balthazar was present inside the main shopping district, two days ago, which is Nezcualth 67th?"
"Yes. If I may, could I give my own point of view?"
"Excuse me, judge? Can I appeal now?"
"Request denied. Karina, proceed."
It would be an understatement to say that Balthazar wasn't looking for this type of opening. I must say, the judge's adroit judicious flexibility proved to be crucial right here and now. Balthazar would most likely try to wheedle the judge or something, perhaps. He isn't in a position where he can freely wither someone out of luxury. Either way, that was a zealous remark from the judge.
"This man ran into the shopping district with a bombing device under his pocket. However, when he reached the perimeter with the most crowd, he blew the bomb up. My mother... she... sacrificed to protect both of us. But that gave me the chance to see! He wasn't phased by the bomb at all, he used some trick!"
"Judge! Can I please appeal."
"Permission granted, Balthazar."
"What that girl said just now is a lie! How could I have blown up a bomb inside a mall and still be alive? That makes no logic at all. Trick? She's just making up convenient excuses to blame me for the real murderer still out there!"
What Karina just said was something that caught my eye. If by trick, she meant like an ability or a spell, hell, even a skill to protect yourself temporarily, then it could very well be true that Balthazar simply used that to his own convenience. Still, in comparison to Tattia, Karina is far more acerbic yet she can't help but feel abashed by Balthazar.
"So you claim for the second time, to be innocent and off guilt?"
"Yes. I did no such thing as bombing those people. God, who would even think about doing such a thing? I'm not a bad person, I swear!"
Balthazar wasn't even aberrant anymore, his remarks started to have hints of sarcasm in them. His abiding abhorrent words were lacking a true spine to them. It was crystal clear to anyone who was watching this very exact moment that he was lying through his teeth. Even so, the fact remains, there is no concrete evidence for his guilt at the moment. Karina's story could be completely biased hence resulting in nothing accomplished.
"Then, let us proceed into the next phase. Guard, bring the Great Crystal, please!"
"Right away, sir."
Roughly after, the guard descended to the stairwell that would be a basement, along with another guard.
"So, what do you think about it, so far?"
"He's definitely guilty. He probably used a dynamite field to repel the damage away. It doesn't matter the specifics, he could get away with something that had the ability to protect him from the bomb's damage."
While we were waiting, Roger and I, once again, resumed our conversation. Only this time, it wouldn't be so abounding due to apparent reasons.
"That's what I would like to think as well, but it doesn't really matter honestly."
"Why not? Without concrete evidence, this trial will go nowhere."
"Exactly. The moment you present some concrete evidence it's over."
For a while, my own thought process became abstracted yet what was about to happen would clarify my impudent doubt.
"Hey... Is that...?"
"I-It couldn't be..."
Emerging from the bottom of the staircases, two light blue suited guards rise to the surface while carrying a giant crystal on their backs. Ambiguous would be the correct description since its uses are unknown, mechanisms as well and how it would be put to work. Alas, it was a gigantic orange crystal with emerald relics all over its axiomatic shape.
"Great Crystal, break." Says the judge as he fends his right hand in the crystal's direction.
Immediately after, the titanic crystal broke into shattered pieces that were nowhere to be seen. The mystery of the Great Crystal kept on thickening.
"I'll ask you this, one time. Balthazar, where were you on Nezcualth 67th?"
"I-I was drinking a few beers with a couple of friends."
"You absolutely confirm that this is the last and ultimate, vigorous truth?"
"Y-Yes. You can have my word. I will tell you this again, I would never do such a thing."
"Really now? Let's really hope that's the case. Great Crystal, limitless expansion!" Declares the judge yet again.
Unlike the last time, the crystal didn't break, it instead formed a giant screen that was visible to all people amid the stadium.
"Enter cardinal name, Balthazar Guadio. Enter hour, 1 pm. Enter day, 67. Enter lio, Nezcualth. Enter nia, 1445. Enter yonus, 7."
"Connection found. Access?"
These words were listened loud and clear. Everybody was a witness to what was happening.
After that word was recited, the huge screen displays a scene, a scene that would be far too familiar for a certain two, and definitely, most iconically, tragically staggering to one.
"Take this! Take this! Take this! Take this! Hahahahahahah!!!! You people thought you were better than me?! Look at you all know on your fucking knees!! You authentic excuses for a living! Die!!!! Die!!! Let it burn!!"
The scene was self-explanatory. To the point where the judge called it off after he saw the necessary footage that contained the main evidence. Multiple yet alive survivors would scream for their fallen ones while Balthazar was simply having the time of his life back there. So this is the Great Crystal, an ad-hoc elementary stone made to track people down through certain conditions. Ultimately, Balthazar's situation was definitely not looking auspicious for once, since concrete evidence had been rightfully delivered right away.
"T-T-That was not me! You got to believe me! I'm a good person. I would never do something like this. It's unthinkable! We both know it's unthinkable. It's true that I may be a little lost sometimes but I didn't do it!!"
"Oddly enough, after this was shown you unconsciously spilled out the beans when nobody directed a word to you. Balthazar, you are... guilty!"
Administrating the scene, brash words come out from the judge. It was also not long after that the whole crowd erupted in roars yet again.
"Kill him!!"
"No mercy!!"
"Slice his fucking head off!"
"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!"
This scenario was bound to repeat itself over and over, but this time, the judge said nothing for the couple ten seconds as he grabbed a massive book that was beneath his desk. That book was no other than the primal index.
"Order, please. Thank you. Balthazar, as guilty, you will now undergo the punishment of a traditional live trial. It should be clear that no matter the trial, the rules will always base on the primal index and vice-versa. Article number 3: Killing is extremely forbidden. In doing so, it will result in a level strip and the killer will be exiled."
"Whaaaaaaaaaaaat!? Exiled?! That's bullshit!" Loudly complains one of the spectators.
"However! Since this is a live trial, there are no exiles. This is a land of free reign. Execution will be your march."
Persuasive to his calling, the judge settles the hammer down as he announces that there will be an execution. Furthermore, the other people went sorta barbaric for a moment, which was somewhat disturbing, but understanding.
"Zakarias! This is where it gets fun. Aren't you curious about who is going to execute him?"
"Isn't that the guard's job?"
Similarly to the last time, Roger raises an interesting question. With that said, everybody is really excited about his execution. On the other hand, it probably has to do with who is going to execute him. I'm already assuming my question is wrong, so it's probably another person?
"Nope. That's rule number 2 for you, a random spectator will be chosen as the executioner. Also, the executioner will get the criminal's original ability. How sick is that?"
"Wait, while I am exultant and honestly elated about this, do tell me, what is the third rule?"
"Have you not noticed yet? The third rule is that this is a free execution trial. The executioner gets to kill the criminal, thus he gets to escape the article three, which forbids killing. The reason for that being is, as long as the judge gives the permission, you are free from the index's peril."
Capricious to the hidden information that Roger just handed out, a few more things could be at sight. The first rule is, all the spectators will gain a certain amount of experience points. That quota is based on the criminal's total experience points yet it must divide with all the spectators according to their number in total. Right now there are only 21 spectators. Unlike Roger, I can't see how many experience points he has in total, only his level, which is 16. Asking Roger about that right now would ruin the climax as he is looking forward to something, just like the other. Continuing on, the second rule implies that a random spectator will be chosen as the executioner.
A cloistered thought comes to mind right now. The guard at the entrance gave me a notification immediately, saying that I was number 4. The likelihood of the executioner being chosen like a number is chosen in a lottery sequence, is not small, by all means. Lastly, the third rule allows executions. A person who is craven would be dreadful for this task, though, by the looks of it, that's not going to be a problem any time soon. Oh, one other factor is that the executioner gets the criminal's original ability. However, I don't know Balthazar's original ability, therefore determinating its worth is beyond my reach, unfortunately.
"Order! Order! We will now begin the executioner's selection. Best of luck to you all." Finishes the judge while giving away a mischevious smile.
Even though this was quite divergent from what I had originally in mind, one of the guards brings up a golden trophy that contains 21 coins in it. It goes without saying that those coins will be what will determine the victor here.
"Yo, good luck."
"Thanks, man."
"Not gonna wish me luck?"
"Well, no. I believe in luck. Therefore, I don't want to wish it to my opponents, even if it's just for a short intermission."
"Fine words. Game on."
Innate to our conversation, Roger faced forward and marked his eyes on the prize. Balthazar, on the other hand, was definitely obsequious for once. His loutish pose was gone and he was no longer transmitting an irate vibe. It wouldn't be much of a fallacious understatement to say that he has accepted what is to come. Some were overwrought while some were ossified, posture-wise. As for me, I couldn't care less. My form was already gone, the only thing left was to leave the stadium. I couldn't give a damn about the outcome. What's so important about it? Killing someone that has already given up on life? Earning the ego boost from dominating another? The pleasure of killing? Sure, he did unforgivable things, but he's going to die for them either way. Worrying about details feels too onerous, even for an executioner.
"....And... He-Herm, number 4, please step up."
Compelling to the judge's decision, which was made after he blindly drew the coin that was on top of the trophy midst the other coin, everybody starts to check on each other to see if they got number 4. It was not such a rare sight. There was nothing to be gained from it. I'm fairly sure that whoever got number 4 will have to present the notification to the judge anyway.
"Hey, are you number 4?"
"Nope, where is number 4 at?"
Furtive conversations ceased at that moment as everyone started to embrace the fact that they are not number four.
"Oi, Zakarias, what number are you?"
Then it occurred to me. I was so persuaded with the thought of not giving a damn, that I was the "lucky" person in the middle of these tryhards.
"Looks like I'm up."
"Give 'em hell!"
Getting up from my seat, which is a rocky one, the intense glares from the other spectators could entirely be felt within me. Furthermore, they would send chills down my spine, occasionally. More so, some even cursed me. I wonder just how desperate do you have to be to rely on a criminal to become somewhat strong? No, that's wrong. They most likely just wanted his original ability. You can only get one original ability, normally. However, this is indeed the first time that I'm hearing that you can get more than one original ability. I wonder if it will have side effects or anything... Ultimately, I end up descending the whole staircase to where the judge would be, who is alongside a guard. The guard was holding the decisive factor to this outcome.
"Kudos to you, executioner, what might your name be?"
Normally, the answer would be simplistic. Saying "My name is Zakarias" is simple, it really is. But, do I really want to? What if I get myself into a similar situation, like Balthazar's? It's not impossible. I can't foresee the future. Maybe this was a nebulous decision. I'll never know.
"Teneb, sir. My name is Teneb."
"I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Judge Zekt. Here, take this. This Ascelonion will provide you the necessary lethality to deliver the execution. Onwards."
So, let's recapitulate one last time. By killing him, I will gain his original ability. That's really not bad, depending on how useful it is. Strange...
"Why am I..."
I'm shaking. I can't stop shaking. Why? I've killed another person before. What's the difference right now? Is it because he didn't harm my village? Is it the fact that I have no reason to kill him? Does a person deserve to simply die for my own greed? Can't I simply hand this job over to someone else... No... People like him will just keep on feeding off from this liberty if given. Once rotten, always rotten. Change is only possible if one wants to change. He doesn't want to change. I know that. The way he lied through his teeth. It's the truth. However, I will do things different this time, and forever here.
"Please don't kill me........"
Showing a penitent look, Balthazar starts to cry. There is no need to overthink this.
"I ask. Do you have a reason to live?"
"...W-What are you talking about... Since when do you need a reason to live.... Just let me go please...."
"I see. Do you have someone who cares about you and will be sad about your death?"
".....God fucking damn it.... Just fucking end me already!!!!"
His picayune cry started to exploit his weakness. He doesn't have a reason to live, most likely. Plus, he doesn't have someone to give his life for.
"Where do you want your body buried?"
"I.... Is it really alright to grant me that request...?"
"I believe it is."
"Y-You are... A-Actually, bury me whenever you see fit, but just not here... Everyone hates me. I know that I deserve to be hated and that for the eternities that will come that I should do, even then, could you do me a favor...?"
"What is it?"
"Y-You see that girl over there... Could yo- Eh? My head... It's ......ne."
I'm still soft, apparently. The wicked don't need any banquets. As soon as he said those words, my body instinctively cut Balthazar's head off with Ascelonion. The worst part is, he was directing his last breath towards Tattia, who remains tormented still. Also, as that happened, Zekt raised my arm up immediately.
"Gentlemen! A round of applause for, Teneb!!"
"Perfect head slice!"
"That was awesome!"
Quixotic as it may sound, this isn't the type of world that I want to live in. If I've ever been granted the opportunity to change the world, then only certain people could exist. This world has too many unnecessities living amidst it. In the end, I returned the Ascelonion to Judge Zekt and made my way out. I did get some experience points, but they were so minimum that I couldn't give a damn. Of course, the original ability as well. More importantly, I got what I came for, the form a judge. The requirements this time were that I gazed the judge for at least 3 minutes. However, if Zekt had not said the word "guilty" then this form would have been impossible to obtain. Eventually, I'll give it abilities, which will receive consequences.
Now that I think of it. The time I had with Lil was way better. And wait...
[You have 4 new messages!]
One of them was perfectly reasonable, it was from Rei. I was running late, it was only normal. But the other three are from Lil. I wonder how effective it is to ignore her. Now then, it's time to make way to that place.
Arretbus café
"Hey, what took you so long? We've been here for minutes already!"
Call me cold-hearted, but I didn't miss her voice, not even one bit.
"Yeah, so sorry about that, got some errands going on, you know."
"Zakarias does your errands involve buying new clothes and smelling good?"
Good question, Rei. Yet you wouldn't imagine what I went through today and yesterday.
"Ah, no. This is nothing. Just casual smell."
"Pardon my tenuous manner, but could it be that you have been seeing someone?"
In theory, that's wrong. However, in practice, some might label our little walk into the mall as "seeing someone", perhaps.
"No way."
"That's really strange. You reek of perfume."
Unnecessary comment, Rei.
"Not true. Your nose is simply better than an average one."
"No, no, no. This is a girl's perfume. An expensive one at it. Very expensive."
Why can't they take a hint already...
"You're assuming things already, aren't you?"
To make things worse, I receive another notification.
[You have 13 new messages!]
Taking into consideration the fact that I read Rei's message already, it should mean that, if I hadn't read it, it would be 14 messages by now. This is not going well. Ignoring her is only proving to backfire. And these three idiots are onto me right now.
"You looked away just now! In the direction of your screen! Don't tell me that you..."
"That's just horrible, Zakarias."
"Outstandingly shameful, honestly."
The whole trio gives me pitiful remarks like that. That's it, I'm done with empathizing with them.
"So, Rei? How did it go?"
To be continued.
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8 124 - In Serial42 Chapters
Shadowrun: Blake Island School of Magic
It's a high tech, low life. It's the Seattle Metroplex in 2074. It rises like a steel and concrete cancer out of the earth. Poverty is rampant, corruption is everywhere, crime is out of control, corporations basically control everything, the old United States is fractured, magic has come back and now it turns out that humanity has been joined by elves, dwarves, orks and trolls. The old world ended but the rent is still due. Life goes on. You'd be surprised what people can adapt to, especially if they don't have a choice. One of the places where life goes on is just west of Seattle. Surrounded by the waters of the Puget Sound is an island. On that island is the Blake Island School of Magic. A decade ago it was known for producing some of the most talented awakened in the world. That reputation was hijacked by the wealthy corporate elite who now park their teenage children there. And since it's a boarding school, their parents mostly forget about them. Three young people, who are certainly not wealthy or elite, are chosen this year to attend this school of magic in hopes of revitalizing their reputation for talent. One from the ash drifts of the Puyallup Barrens, one from the most densely populated slum hive in the world and one from prison. This is their story. -- This story is set in the Shadowrun universe. If you're not familiar with Shadowrun, it mostly tells the stories of deniable mercenaries called shadowrunners in a cyberpunk dystopia. Instead of telling another story solely about shadowrunners, this story will tell the tale of young people navigating a world that is indifferent to them at best and actively hostile at worst. Shadowrunners will be in the story and we'll see them operate, but they won't be its main focus. This story originally began in 2017 as a passion project and continues to this day on the Somethingawful.com forums. The unedited version is over a million words strong. There are currently seven books in this series and I am currently in the process of editing them. If you read this story then you won't lack for content. -- The Topps Company, Inc. has sole ownership of the names, logo, artwork, marks, photographs, sounds, audio, video and/or any proprietary material used in connection with the game Shadowrun. The Topps Company, Inc. has granted permission to the Blake Island on Royal Road to use such names, logos, artwork, marks and/or any proprietary materials for promotional and informational purposes on its website but does not endorse, and is not affiliated with Blake Island on Royal Road in any official capacity whatsoever.
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