《Lune Levant》Chapter 24


When the last of the world’s sunlight had finally dissolved into the blank void, Azor emerged from the bucket.

He stepped out of it very casually, as if it were merely the entrance to some unseen cellar, and straightened his tie. Apparently he was trying to appear as unfazed as possible, and yet, the nebulous swirls of his false eyes were clearly a bit more nebulous than usual.

“…I expected you to be out sooner,” said Pitch. “I’m guessing your acclimation did not go as planned…?”

“It might have, if not for this awful rocking,” he replied. “Boats…truly the most abysmal mode of transportation…”

“Oooh, are you getting s-seasick…?” asked Lucy. “Y-you should try to distract yourself. They say conversation helps.”

“Well, there certainly isn’t a lack of it in this group…”

“Y-you have to participate, though! You can’t just s-sit and think rude thoughts about us like you always do…”

“That will be a challenge.”

“Why don’t you just give it a try?” said Pitch. “You may lead the discussion: talk about anything you wish, and no matter how distasteful or disgusting it is, we will all humor you.”

“I certainly wouldn’t mind gettin’ to know ya a bit better,” said Uriel. “I feel like you’re the only one left on this boat who’s still a stranger to me.”

“And I suppose you can’t allow that…” Azor muttered.

“Oh no; it’s allowed…I just think, if you’re gonna risk yer neck and face down the Odsplut with any group of people, you might as well do it with a group of friends, y’know? People you like, at least.”

“There is no guarantee that I will like you if you speak to me…in fact, in my experience, that is more likely to guarantee the opposite…” He sighed. “But I suppose…if only for the sake of distraction…if there is something you would like to know about me, you may ask.”


“Ooh, I wanna ask questions!” Lucy cried. “Like…how old are you? Do you n-name your roses in your rose garden? H-have you ever eaten anybody? And can you or can you not t-talk to ghosts??”

“253, no, no, and ghosts are not real,” Azor answered. “And now you have exhausted your allotment of questions. For life.”

“How about somethin’ more personal,” Uriel asked (while Lucy pouted). ”Like…what’s yer favorite feelin’ in the world?”

Azor thought for a moment. “…Power,” he said.

Uriel made as confused an expression as his face would allow. “Er…wouldja mind explainin’ that a bit…?” he asked.

“There is nothing to explain; it is simple: if any of you were foolish enough to make an attempt on my life, for any reason, it would not take more than a moment for me to cause every vein in your body to rupture and explode.” He switched his tail serenely. “…It is a fine feeling.”

“Are you sure you are describing power, and not simply a feeling of safety…?” asked Pitch.

Azor squinted at her, visibly irritated. “…I’m sure you will understand if I do not accept that as a legitimate question,” he replied.

She smiled. “That’s alright; I have another: how exactly did you end up with that body…? You never did explain it to me.”

“If you must know, it was indeed a curse. I…insulted someone.”

“…I see. Somehow, that does not surprise me in the least…”

“Mock me if you wish, but in truth the magnitude of punishment far exceeded that of the crime. I have more than made up for…whatever I said; in aggravation alone I have paid for it in full…! And in the end, I had the last laugh: despite its imperfections, this form suits me well, and I have no desire to return to being human.”


“Really? Not even if you could?”

“Despite the fact that I could.”


“…It is not important.” He turned away from the group and faced the sea. “In any case, this is beginning to wear thin. I think I’ve had enough ‘conversation’ for the time being…”

“…Wait…I have a question,” said a small voice.

Dreadlilocks sat up and rubbed her eyes. “...Are you feeling any better now?” she asked.

Azor closed his tail-eye. “…Perhaps,” he said.

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