《Lune Levant》Chapter 23


Dreadlilocks found the sea to be impossibly vast.

She had never been on any kind of ocean before, and marveled at the disorienting expanse of the water and sky. Between the energizing novelty of the experience and the favorable current, she was able to row for nearly three quarters of an hour before declaring herself exhausted.

It wasn’t much in the grand scheme of things, but the other members of the group did their utmost to make her feel proud of her contribution, and she appreciated that.

“…You know, I almost forgot that we might die after this,” she said drowsily, leaning against Lucy.

“Well, I don’t mind. I’ll f-finally be able to sleep…” Lucy replied.

“I don’t think you should be joking about your mortality at a time like this,” said Pitch. “Are those what you want your last words to be…?”

“Come on, it’s t-too early to think about that...l-let me enjoy my last few m-moments in the sun…”

“Why don’t we talk about what we’ll do when we get to the moon?” said Dreadli. “Anyone who’s ever been there, raise your hand.”

No one moved.

“…Hey, Uriel, are you n-not raising your hand because you don’t technically have any hands, or because you’re b-busy holding the oars?” asked Lucy.

“I ain’t raisin’ my hand because I’ve never been to the moon,” he replied. “I got close a few times, y’know, but to be honest I don’t think the Odsplut wants me to go. He’s never attacked me directly, but then he’s never made it safe for me to pass either, y’know? But I told you about all that last night…I s’pose I’m happy just to be the ferryman. It didn’t even occur to me to go along with you lot…”


“Oh, but you’ve g-gotta come! You’re one of us now; it won’t be the s-same without you,” said Lucy. Dreadli vigorously nodded her agreement.

Uriel just smiled and shook his head. “…Well…If you insist,” he said.


Dreadlilocks rested for a few hours, then got up to row again. The second time, she only lasted half an hour before tiring, and finally settling down to sleep in the folds of Lucy’s gown. By that time, they were entering the Margins: the end of the True Sea, and the edge of the world.

The sky overhead faded to white. The sea that surrounded them turned from blue to inky black.

And somewhere in the distance, always just out of view, a dark angel waited beneath its surface.

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