《Lune Levant》Prologue


Boys and girls come out to play,

The moon doth shine as bright as day,

Leave your supper and leave your sleep,

And meet your playfellows in the street;

Come with a whoop and come with a call,

And come with a good will, or not at all.


Once upon a time, a woman called Mère L’Oye picked up her magic quill pen and wrote a world into existence. Within it lived many generations of fantastical creatures who did many fantastical things.

Mère L’Oye watched over them from her home in the moon, a place where only a few of her creations were ever allowed to go, and where even fewer were allowed to stay. One of those special few was her son, who was simply named Jack.

Jack was a special sort: he possessed the power to write people and things as his mother did. One of his first creations was a fine goose who laid a golden egg. Mère L’Oye was pleased and kept the goose, and her son kept the golden egg. From then on he was allowed to join her in writing the world, and in this way “La Conte” continued for many more centuries.

But one day, things began to change. The people and things that were written began to randomly disappear. Then dark phantasms began to appear in their places. The people of LaConte began to know fear…they looked to their mother in the moon for answers, and received nothing. Those who ventured out to meet her were never heard from again.

It is said that Jack was the one responsible for the change. That Mère L’Oye had either been killed or locked away, and that all would be ‘unwrit’ to make way for the creation of a new world, a world all his own. So it is said.

But what really happened? What mysterious truths lie beneath the blank veneer of the moon? Why does LaConte fall slowly but surely into disarray…?

These questions will be answered in the journey of one small child…

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