《Wanted: Dead or Alive》Chapter 16 - 'Intent'


[Fall – Moonton]

It had been several weeks since Jennings had overcome his distracting doubts. Penny remained alongside as the group crossed through neighboring cities non-stop to remain ahead of the shadow Agists that pursued them.

For now though, they rested. Soon it was back fleeing, sometimes while Jennings left another body in their wake.

They grew in numbers at every encounter. Jennings had already killed upwards of nineteen individuals utilizing that form of Agi. Sustaining some significant injuries in the process, he always healed. Not once did he lapse into an instance of hesitation as they journeyed through the Moonton outskirts. The duo stood alert as Penny learned along the journey. She had hardened fast to this unsavory lifestyle. Jennings remained impressed.

The sun was setting and glared in through the tropospheric clouds. A multitude of distinct hues of red glowed. As Jennings turned back, he accidentally ran into a hectic young man with buzzed blonde hair and sky blue eyes. His shirt tattered beyond repair, only the wobble of being knocked off balance could snatch his attention from his inner monologue.

“Wh-excuse me kid.” Jennings jumped back to de-escalate the situation. The man regained his balance and brushed himself off without saying a word or making further eye-contact, which seemed a challenge for this individual. His thin, oval face outlined complete dizziness before he readjusted his view and hastily walked back into the relenting glare of the concluding day quickly.

Jennings was slow to process the awkwardness of their interaction, but he patted down on his right side pocket and felt the hint of a foreign piece of parchment. He removed an unexpected note written on hemp paper as he read aloud.

“A threat you can’t contain alone targets you, please help yourself, help Sloan and the entire Western Halfland.” He shifted his attention from the sheet of paper with a bothersome look. Penny noticed the flustered energy and inquired about the situation. Jennings dismissed it initially, before talking.


“That guy...he stuck this in my pocket, was too damn slow to react.”

He revealed the note and continued.

“Could be a fish that just come up out the water but, we'll deal with the immediate threat and then look into it. For now, let's stay focused.”

Jennings jogged toward Poni and shoved the now wrinkled paper back into his jacket pocket. Penny and Poni were as ready as he was to see this through.

[Later that night – Moonton]

The moon was full, Jennings and Penny walked alongside Poni, escorting each other to the meet. They were set to find a tall man named Baron who'd help them find a place to stay for the night.

As their steps echoed through the damp streets, more and more people began to turn their heads and gave vague sense of recognition, the group couldn’t risk it. Penny’s delicate grip upon itself grew sweaty and even began to tremble in the slightest. Jennings noticed the tense mood and grabbed Penny by the wrist, instructing her to follow quickly. They hustled to a nearby news stand that was open late this evening, with its owner kicked back and asleep against the wall.

Jennings awoke the clerk by emitting a cold chill from his upper body. The mopish vendor slowly lifted his eyelids and spoke of prices unprovoked.

“So you still have my bag back there right?” The man running the shop shriveled his foolhardy brows at the question asked. “Remember, was going to run and find ma' dad and then return? It should just be back there to the left I think.”

The older gentleman falsely recounted the events implied by Jennings, then responded while nodding his head.

“Ahh yes yes. Let me go get that for you.”


The man exited behind the makeshift divider he had set up at his business and left sight as the bold yellow curtain trailed behind. Jennings knew he would believe the fake tale and reached over the counter to steal the latest issue of the Noon Gazette that was supposed to be for paying customers. The pair walked away in rapid fashion to avoid detection before he returned and noticed the missing newspaper.

“Here.” Jennings handed half the stack of reading material to his partner. “Look for somethin-,”

“J.J...no need, look.” Penny cut short.

Jennings focused, holding up the second page from the pile. On the front laid Jennings' nickname plastered across the top in spacious, legible font.

“J.J. Cool- The wanted fugitive was recently spotted in Parso on a killing rampage, targeting a local blacksmith. The man named Leeroy Danigan was found at the spot brutally struck down in his workshop,” read Penny aloud. She scanned upward at Jennings to gauge his reaction.

Jennings stared at the headline that Penny held in front of his wavering eyes. He didn't want to believe that people would trust the title, however he knew otherwise. What especially worried him were the Sharks and his old acquaintances from Boythe and Sureal. He knew for a fact that treason within or close to the gang was the worst possible crime, and killing someone that only embraced Jennings when younger, wouldn't sit well with the group.

“This isn't good.” says Jennings to Penny as they proceed forward.

“What about Baron? Are we okay tonight?” asked Penny.

Jennings glanced back to her and theorized for just a second.

“Hmm...we'll have to stick it out in tha' cold night once more Ms. May.”

He answered truthfully and unflappable. Penny didn’t appear happy with the decision but refused to falter herself, responding with a short shoulder shrug. As the two began to climb onto Poni to ride off into the outskirts of Moonton, Jennings grew talkative.

“He isn't backing down. He isn't taking the lazy asshole route this go-around. That bastard Isiah is throwing everything in his pocket at me and he thinks that's enough to fuck up. Ms. May, you're tired of running aren't ya'?”

Penny looked up front to where Jennings sat atop Poni with a befuddled expression before answering.

“Ye-Yes I am J.J., as I'm sure you are too.”

Jennings had met eyes with Penny while she had replied. He felt quite bothered to see her face show such heartache.

“Good, I'm glad you share my feelings on this. Cause' we need time to play this game right. He been tossing everyone he can sway my way to distract me, playin' the odds to hope I fuck up just once, or better yet make my move on him when he expecting it. So since he ain't giving us time, we are just gonna' take it. Since we need information, we are just gonna' take it!”

“What do you mean?” Penn’s wide expression relayed a mixture of confusion and optimism.

Jennings let out with a cold breath, “We're gonna' catch us a shadow Agist Ms. Penny May.”

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