《Wanted: Dead or Alive》Chapter 15 - 'Last Day of Summer'


[Summer – Parso]

After a brief debate between Jennings and Penny, heated glances had been exchanged. The conversation of where to avoid the harsh nature in the Parso night, pertained to where they would be staying, as Jennings walked off while scratching the back of his head. He tilted his head so far back, his hat nearly fell from his head.

“Penny… listen real quick.”

Jennings surprised Penny with how heartfelt the plea was. The confusion subsided as Penny answered back honestly.

“Don't lie to me JJ! I can tell somethin' been bothering you. You can't avoid the- horrible, horrible results we've witnessed. You can't not see whatever guilt you have following you. You- you can't-!” she squealed before being interrupted.

“So you see it too...how I'm to blame.” stated Jennings with a resonating calm.

With a disgusted expression painted on her face, silence became Penny’s natural reaction.

Penny stumbled, but did not slip upon her next words, looking quite embarrassed by having confirmed Jennings projected burden.

”You tried your best. Sometimes I believe bad things happen because you're strong enough to endure it. I know it sounds...stupid. But when things like that happen to me, I try to find the good about the bad. If that makes any bit of sense? I begin to feel thankful that it didn't happen to someone I love because the last thing I want is to see them experience my suffering.”

Jennings looked on as Penny motioned with her hands to fully display her passion on the subject matter. He whispered aloud.

“My brother- I let him down when I said I wouldn't. Leeroy, the man that gave me my first job and a chance, I let him down. Now to top things off, I dragged you Ms. Penny May into this. This isn't some no-name rodeo I got you into. I've dragged you into the eye of the shitstorm lil' lady… just think about what if I fail once more? You understand what happens to you in that-?”


Penny lunged at Jennings with her arms in an arcing form, wrapping him in herself. She postured his heavy head and brought it down toward her heart.

“Stop lying I said. That ain't an option J.J. I didn't know Leeroy but, if you say he was a great man, then the world is going to miss him. I'm a grown woman and I knew what I was doing when I came along with you and Poni back at my family's place. Even before that, you saved me just like you’re going to save Isaac.”

Jennings' mouth fell agape by processing what Penny had said to him.

“Shit-I'm giving up aren't I? Shit. Shit. Shit!”

The deadlock of words eroded. Jennings was only strong enough to speak in curses at first, but his heart drove him further into the uneasiness, preparing him for the tumultuous road that lay ahead.

“But Isaac made his choice, I can't save him if he don’t want to be saved by me right?”

Penny began to shed some tears that trickled onto Jennings at this point, yet she sternly maintained her composure just enough to continue.

“That wasn't a god damn choice. That's- what they callin' it- an ultimatum! He must have taken the option that he thought would save you. You still have him and I on your side.”

Jennings fixed his posture and took a deep breath as if he'd hoped for a resolution from within to expel itself.

“It's your dad right? He's involved and you know it?” asked Penny, already knowing the answer.

“Yes,” responded Jennings with a hushed tone.

Penny cut through the bitter sadness haunting the room with her joyful smile, followed by a gentle laugh.

“You remind me a bit of my old best friend, you know it? You got a good heart Mr. Cool.” she ended.


[Summer – Boythe]

“Ha! This is dreadfully smart if I do say so my damn self. You know Cam, that's your name right, bodyguard?”

Isiah Bahr ended his sentence with a demeaning facial gesture and a sauce stained upon his quivering lip.

“Yes sir,” replied Cam, dressed in a bright blue blazer and hiding his gun in a holster as instructed.

“Well Cam, they always said I was more beauty than brains... but I'm starting to think I'm the whole package!”

Isiah stood behind his well-organized desk while having a self-induced laughing fit.

Cam, the guard listening to Isiah rant about his wit, broke Isiah's concentration with an unwelcome reminder.

“Sir ya' got a visitor waitin’ on you.”

“He can wait!” retorted Isiah, “Shit it ain't a meetin' with me if my fat ass ain't there, now is it?”

Isiah told Cam to exit the room. He then grabbed onto the closest drawer handle to him, ripping it open. He retrieved an old photo of himself posed with Isaac when he was about the age of three, standing proudly beside each other.

He began to speak to the photo by himself, beneath his breath. While stroking his beard he exclaimed.

“You see Isaac, this is what the family picture should be, you and me. No filthy Jennings in the fucking frame. You're doing a good job of playing the running rat you bastard, but let's see how that goes when the stupid public thinks you’re on a killing rampage in Parso? Maybe nearby cities like Moonton and Blue City will be having their families running indoors to hide from the dangerous John Jennings! Oh no, you can't escape your family or your shadow Johnny.”

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