《Don't Touch Me, You'll Die!》Chapter 4: Elf and The Empress


Before I know it, it's already been seven months since my little brother ruined my life…

This hateful being, is really one hell of a killjoy…

Fortunately for me, I still have Mari all for myself. This beauty of an Elf is still faithfully staying by my side. That's right, she's actually an elf, I was wondering why an elf have a human ears when she told me about her being an elf, but that was actually an illusion she cast on herself.

I was quite surprised when I found out about it. After all, I have been pestering her that I want to meet an elf, just so that I could look a bit annoying like a kid should. However, to think that she is an actual elf is not in my predictions.

"Um… Mmmm… My prince, I would be troubled if you keep insisting, and moreover the Emperor is quite busy as of late so…"

Mira said with a troubled expression. Her body was fidgeting the moment i started to pester her. However, i ignored her discomfort and keep shouting at her.

"Nooo~~ want see Eeelllfff~~ want~~~ want~~~"

"…. But you already met one my prince…."

Said Mira while pointing at herself.


For god sake, she made me stunned for a second there, lucky that I was quite quick witted or else my façade would have been blown just then!

I made sure that my stunned look does not look serious at all and made it into one that of a child interested look.

After seeing my expression, Mira then showed me her ears, it looked like any human ear until she brushed it with her hand and it become a long ears of an Elf that was said in the story.

My eyes were so wide right now, I keep staring at her without blinking my eyes!

What kind of sorcery is this?! Did she just deceive me using some kind of disguising magic?! Is that ears a decoration like the one from Earth?!

"My Prince, see this? I am actually an Elf. But an Elf in this empire is not too well received, so I don't have a choice but to disguise myself… Furthermore, I am a slave of the Empress, so I need to watch my image when I raise you up…

"So I disguised myself into that of a human… Well, not that you will understand, so I guess telling you this won't be a problem."

She smiled weakly at me while looking a bit sad. She must've thought that I was really an ordinary child with my great acting skill…

Forgive me Mira, I understand what you said just now, and seems like I can't forget it in a while too.

I tried my best to look confused and look at her strangely. But I keep touching her ears afterward with an excited look on my face.

So Mira is an Elf slave… Is she being forced to serve me too?! Does her kind and smiling expression just an act too!? I can't help but to think of this.


When i was lost in my thoughts, i didn't realize that she is squirming her thigh like she is about to pee. With a nervous and raged breathe, she then told me with a low tone.

"My Prince, I know that you are excited, but for us Elf, ears is a really sensitive part… So please don't play with it too much."

"Noo~~ it good~~"

Her red face told me everything about her ears being sensitive, but my desire of a 22 years old young man's soul keep urging me to tease her!

Ah~! What is this sense of happiness and warm feeling?! I feel I accomplished something I couldn't do in my past life.

"Mmnn... nnngghh... p-prince... aaahhnn~~"


What was that?! Huh!? D-did… Did she just jerked her body just now?! Huh!? Eh?

I froze for a moment when I heard her moan and jerked her body backwards while trembling. Seeing that, how could I continue it?! My inner soul complexion must be pale right now…

"It hurt? Mira~~"

"N-no… haa… ha… My Prince, it's not hurt but… I think it's better if you stop it…"


Perfect!! God please don't let her notice that I was trembling right now!! I moved away from her with a dash toward the book case.

I need to distract her! Let's make her read me some story again!

From the corner of my eyes, I could see her looking down with a red face and breathing roughly…

Her eyes look a bit dim and dazed as she stared into the floor.

God what have I done?! Technically, I am still 3 years old in this world. So my action could be seen as a child curiosity...

However, this guilty feeling is so heavy in my heart! I just played an Elf into an orgasm… And as a child too… This feeling of becoming a perverted child is….

I keep looking around at the book case acting as if I'm trying to find a book. But in truth I've been glancing at her trying to see if she were alright.

There is a wet stain on the floor where she sat, I don't know if that were…. Or just sweat. But I hope that she sweated a lot and I mistook it for something else!

To think that an elf ears were so sensitive. I need to be careful from now on…

Not to mention I need to know her real age, she look like a 19 or 20 years old woman, but with her being an Elf…. That is rather questionable.

Deep inside, I really have so many question I want to ask her but for now, I need to act and fix this awkward situation…

"Miraaa~~ Here here here~~ hurry~~"

"A-ah… Yes, please wait my Prince, i have to go change my clothes first. I sweated a lot just now ehehehe…"

Hearing me start to pester her again, she then looked at me with a complicated expression, and it slowly turned into that of shame. Her face red, her eyes were glittering with guilt and joy(?), i could feel my heart beat when i saw her bewitching expression.


"Nooo~~ hurryy~~~"

She ignored me and rushed out of the room in a hurry… Her face is so red that it could be mistaken as a tomato. Well, I could understand her though, after all, I wouldn't want to play with a kid when my panty is wet…

I let out a sigh as I dazedly look at the door where she went out just now. With a shake of my head I started to renew my acting and letting out a dazzling and cute smile.

But I forgot that mother is watching somewhere with her magic….


This time too, I have been watching foolishly at my first child with a small smile on my lips. Even though I cannot be there for him, I at least should know what he is doing and watch him all the time.

It was my duty as a mother to watch over her child. To tell the truth, I have been feeling a bit strange when I look at my first child, Alexius. He have always been obedient and never cried too much...

He sometimes look at the sky over the windows with a dazed look as if he were watching something.

I feel guilty that I cannot be at his side at all time as a mother, but this is something that must be done. With me and my husband hold a great power and responsibility, if we gave too much love for him, we fear that he would be spoiled!

And beside, I still have to take care of our second child, it was all that man's fault for saying that he want to drink milk all the time… Good grief, I hope that Alexius and Val does not become like their father...

Our second child name is Val Merga Zaxvius, born three years after Alexius and we hope that he could be a playmate for Alexius, but for now, we decide that it was not the time to put them in the same room, something about a caution and wat not...

Me and my husband know that there are a lot of traitors in our ranks, but it is necessary to let them close so that we could track their movement. With that man's skill and foolish behaviour, it should be easy for him to control them.

Although, we feel a bit guilty for Alexius lonely live, so I asked Mira, my best friend and also my slave to take care of our first child.

Mira is an Elf that have been together with me since I was a kid, at first she is not a slave but an ordinary adventurer. But because of her foolishness, she were tricked into becoming a slave!

So I don't have a choice but to beg Julius to buy her when she was sold in an auction...

It was really quite shameful for me to beg… But I don't have a choice but to do so. Nevertheless, he is still my husband so begging him is still acceptable.

Even right now, I am still watching both of my child using my magic . Although this magic is actually for killing and assassination, but using this to monitor my own child is no big deal.

It enables me to watch them at a close proximity without them noticing. As long as the caster has a strong magical power, one will not be noticed when casting this skill.

Although there is a counter for this skill, but it's not like my child is a master at this kind of thing, so why do i have to care?

When i was thinking about those thing, i keep my attention to watching them without losing any focus.

Val is doing fine since he is taken care by our trusted maid. But Alexius is a bit problematic… Why does he want to see an Elf?! Is an Elf really that great!? I can't help but to pout at him, feeling distress that he was so interested to meet an elf rather than me...

The magic could only look and not transmit the sound. But I still understand them by reading their lips movement, so I don't have any problem understanding what they are saying.

"Huh!? Alex! What are you doing!!!"

I could not help but to scream out when I see what Alexius, my first child is doing to Mira right now!

"What's wrong Theresa? Did Ale do something?"

"Ah… Julius, I need to go see Alex for a moment!"

At my sudden outburst, Julius asked me with a worried tone. I however don't have the time to care about such thing!

Honestly, we are in the middle of a meeting with the minister to discuss about the matter with the Urgan Kingdom.

I ignored their strange gaze at me, but who cares?! They can all go to hell for all I care… Ah, except for Julius of course!

My title as a Demonic Empress is not just for show after all!

I hurriedly got up from my seat and then rushed off toward the exit with a pale complexion.

"Oh right… Julius, if they keep resisting. Just destroy them all! I need to scold Alex for a moment! Well then, excuse me."




What's with the silent?! Bastard, I'm going to give them a scolding after I'm done with Alex! I turned around in a hurry and then opened the door with so much force that the door cracked.

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