《Don't Touch Me, You'll Die!》Chapter 3: Three Year Old and Little Brother


I know that even though mother rarely visited me, she has always been watching from somewhere using her magic.

From one time when she visit me, I realized something different from her. It was her stomach, she always visited me at least once every week, unlike that stupid father who never came even once!

There is a bulge on her stomach, although it's still small, there certainly is a bulge in it. At first I thought that she got fat, but I throw away that thought as there is no way an Empress like her to be fat!

Where is her image if she were to be fat?! Father would be losing his face then… Joke aside, i realized that it must be a baby, she must be pregnant with my little brother or sister.

And her visit has become quite frequent as of late. From once in a week to three times a week, she has always been playing with me, taught me words and show me a picture book.

Her time visiting me keep increasing as the months pass by. It has been seven months since her frequent visit, and her stomach is already big enough to be noticed by others.

I keep playing my part as a kid of course and ask her about almost everything. Gotta play my part right, I don't want to be called strange or being possessed or something!

Mother have been staying and sleeping with me for the past 2 months now. Probably going to stay that way until my little brother or sister is born…

Now I know something from my current mother in this world… Ah, I probably should not call her that. Anyway, my mother expression is almost never changing, cold and look indifferent.

But, that was not true at all, she has always smiled and act cutely just to see me laugh…. Imagine a drop dead gorgeous idol girl coming to you and act cute like a kid… it almost gave me a heart attack…

That contrast between a cold and indifferent beauty with this cute and always smiling one is just too great of a different!

And whats more, her trying to sound like a kid is a great shock to me too, just like now…

"Alee~~ Whahth ar chu dhoing~~?"


This is madness… I just can't take it anymore!! I ignored her and keep playing with the picture book she brought for me.

However, I underestimated her persistence!! Where is the cold and expressionless woman I met a while ago?!! Where did you hide her?!! Give my mother back you impostor!!

Seeing her still trying to pester me, I pointed at the picture book to distract her from trying to carry me.

"Maammaa~~ Cwordh!"

"Hmm Yhes thaths a cwordh~~"

What the hell!! Can you talk normally, you… Kuuhh!! Not good, not good. I almost blew up my acting… I stared at her ruby eyes while sucking my thumb.


"Cwordh… Whant!"

"Oh no, no, no. You can't have that! I won't let you have it! That is dangerous for you my child."

Huuuhh!?? What is this, did she just revert back to her cold and cool beauty mode just now? I see, I see… Let's test it out again!

"Whant! Whant! Boooo"

"... Who the hell buy this kind of book… My precious child is tainted now… I need to kill the bastard!"

Aren't you the one who bought it, mother… Is not something I should say, or rather, I can't say it!! And that language, it's not something you should say it in front of a child!

You tainted my innocent too, dear mother! I really want to retort to her, I really do, but I need to pretend for a bit more, next month is my 3 years old birthday, so I need a few more months to talk like this…

Although I can do it and act like a genius or something, but all I want is to be an ordinary guy in here. There's no need to be something amazing, probably? Like, am I not the next Emperor?!

What kind of ordinary is that… But still, I don't want to have all attention on me, I leave it to the me in the future to think about being an Emperor stuff.

"Aleee~~ Look to the window, there is a dragon flying in the sky."

When i was lost in thought while staring at the sword in the picture book, mother then snapped me out of my reverie while pointing toward the window.

"Waaahh~~ Doragoonn~~ Doragoonn~~"

"Heheh… Good job Rudras!"

I heard her mutter something, and Rudras? What't that?! Food? Oh well whatever, but dragon really exist in this world huh. I was using a chair as a stool to stand and look over the window.

The dragon is blue in color and look really like a lizard. Albeit with a horn and wings, even if it were far away in the sky, I still could see it clearly in here.

It must have been a one hell of a big dragon there, like probably Elder Dragon? Hey mom tell me what kind of dragon it is?!

I asked her jokingly inside my mind. Of course i stayed true to my act as a child and started to jump about on the chair while pointing to the dragon.

"Uwaaahh~ Wanth Fhly thoo!! Maammaa."

"You can ride when you are a bit older okay? That is a Dragon King Rudras, your father made him into his servant. So you can order him around when you are big enough to ride it. Fufufu.." Mother said with a happy expression. Her right hand put on her cheek and there is a beautiful smile on her lips.

What!!?? Dragon King!?? Seriously?? are dragon in this world so weak to the point where it was so common to have a Dragon King as a servant?!


My shock was well hidden, I have been training to hide my surprise and holding back my emotion to show on my face. My so called poker face as of right now is to act as cutely as possible…

Like that, we spent our time playing and me being spoiled by mother all the time. As time went on, Father sometimes come and see mother and me too, he visited once every week this time.

When he visited me this time however, they were discussing about something with a serious expression.

Their tone were filled with seriousness and a hint of shame could also be spotted if one were to listen properly. I heard that Urgan Kingdom is no more and what not… I don't want to hear it any further, so I distract myself by playing with a wooden block.

Their talk is just too high for me, for someone who is from Earth, war and killing stuff is just too much. Although I killed myself once, it doesn't mean I could kill others too.

Time wait for no one, and its already my 3 years birthday, in this happy occasion, it was so rare that I could see both father and mother together with a smile on their face.

They were holding a very big cake for me, they said that my birthday this time is a bit special, so they prepared a gift and many toys for me.

Whenever father or mother are around, I could not see Mira in my room, but this time she is here too while holding a crystal like object, her angelic smile is really beautiful as always.

Even though I'm a Prince, I don't remember ever celebrating my birthday in a huge palace or something. I have been wondering over this for a while actually, like why they never throw a party for my birthday…

If it were in a movie I saw once in Earth, a prince birthday is so damn grand and full of people! But mine is just so plain and lonely, i even thought that I was probably forgotten….

But it's looks like I was wrong. In here, at the age of 1 and 2 it is not important to celebrate the birthday, they only send gift or toys for the baby.

And at the age of 3, 4 and 5, they hold a celebration being the 3 and 4 a private one and 5 the grandest and the most luxurious one. 5 years old is where the kid awakened their magic and potential or so i heard.

My 3 years birthday is really a happy one, it was the first time I feel this way. Even the me from Earth is not as happy as I am today.

"Happy birthday Alex~~ Here father have something good for you, look at this, a super rare Ardellin Necklace, it cost me a lot getting this. Hahahaha." Father said while holding a very cool looking Necklace on his hand. His face is full of pride and a silly yet bewitching grin plastered on his mouth.

"Look at you, just because that witch is good at crafting, you requested something astronomical like that… How wasteful! Here Alex, I made this glove for you. Although it's not as good as your father's gift but I worked hard making it."

After berating father for a while with a strict tone, mother then showed me a pair of black glove with a gentle expression on her beautiful face.

"My prince, my gift for you is this robe. I made this using my own Mana, so I am sure that it should be durable enough to hold an attack from a Dragon King. Please accept it."

My Mira is still as gentle as always, even her present is about my wellbeing rather than anything. Although, all i see is nothing but a green crystal ball on her hands rather than a robe...

Their gift is really cool looking! A necklace, a glove and a crystal that turned into a black robe the next moment i blinked my eyes. All of them with black in color and the necklace is in a shape of a dragon head!

And Mira, didn't you hold a crystal just now, where the hell did it go!? Don't tell me that this robe is the crystal... Well whatever, for now i need to express my happiness!

"Yaaayyy~~ Thank youuu, Mama, Papa, Miraa~~"

I said my gratitude in a cheerful and happy tone as I jumped up and down while running here and there to hug them.

We keep laughing and playing together until I got tired and fell asleep. This time, mother and father sleep together with me. It was the very first time I sleep with a complete family like this.

While I get to experience the bliss of a normal family, a month finally pass by. It was the time for mother to give birth to my little brother or sister.

By the time the baby was born, Mira brought me to see them. When I saw the baby, I was a little bit… just a little bit disappointed. Well, the baby is actually a boy, when I was hoping for a girl…

"Alex, you are a big brother now, so please take good care of your little brother okay?"

My mother smiled weakly at me while holding the baby in her embrace. All I can do is to stare at her with a smile on my face.... Hiding the sad feeling in the depth of my heart...

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