《The Shadow Rogue》Assembly of The ShadowChasers


[Adventurer Guild somewhere in Central Cuntersia]

Random Adventurer 1: "Have you heard? The King has issued a summons for the top 3 strongest adventurers in Cuntersia!"

Random Adventurer 2: " What for? Are they going to subjugate an S-Class monster?"

Random Adventurer 1: " I guess you could say that. They and the 1st princess of Cuntersia, Selestina, are going to see The Shadow Rogue, although I don't think that they are going to subjugate him,"

Random Adventurer 2: “They wouldn’t even try subjugate him if they know what’s good for them! Rumour has it that he decimated a whole battalion of 100 soldiers easily!”

[Throne Room of The King of Cuntersia, BigBoi]

King BigBoi: "Selestina, my child. Have you decided which adventurers you are going to recruit for the mission?"

Selestina: "Yes Father, I shall be picking Rindwom, Blarggr, and Eleonora as part of the team!"

KingBigBoi: "A wise choice indeed, I have raised you well, A Tiger Beastman, An Orc, and An Elf. Interesting combination. Selestina, you are the best knight in the Cuntersian Army, do not let me down."

[Rindwom's perspective]

I am currently escorting merchant's carriage from the Eastern Forest of Cuntersia, Pubush. "Why would an A-Class adventurer like me do such a lowly adventurer's task?", You might wonder.

Well, its because I received a summons from The King himself to arrive at his kingdom to join a squad mission with other high-class adventurers to come see The Shadow Rogue and hopefully be able to get him on our side. And since this carriage's destination is the same as mine, I decided to earn some money on the way to see The King.

Suddenly, the carriage came to a halt. "Bandits up ahead," said the Carriage Driver, calmly. "Well, time to do some work," I said to myself. I stood up, unsheathed my sword and ran to the group of 15 bandits that was blocking the road.

"Is this Beastman suicidal?" asked one of the bandits.

"Doesn't matter, we shall kill him and take his skin too. Tigerskin is very valuable," The Bandit Leader said to his subordinates.

And so the bandits and Rindwom (Tiger Beastman) charged towards each other. Rindwom's fighting style was ruthless yet efficient, he first aimed for the bandit's heel, and then his kneecap, to force him to the ground and in the end, the bandit was decapitated with much ease. One by one the bandits were dropping like flies.


"This pussy mad, bruh!" said the Merchant who Rindwom was working for.

"It was certainly a good decision recruiting him to escort us," The Carriage Driver said while relaxing on his horse, enjoying the bloody show.

"Alright, Its done, let's get going," Said Rindwom coolly as he returned to the carriage.

Rindwom reached the Central 3 hours later.

[Blaggr's perspective (Orc)]

"Boss, our men are ready. We shall be able to take out the Nightorc Clan now."

"Alright you may begin, I expect no casualties today since all of the Nightorc Clan are asleep at this hour," Ordered Blaggr.

Blaggr was the chief of an Orc Clan called Dicks. The Dicks Clan started from being one of the lowest Clans and rose to the top, like a steady erection. Blaggr was born with the mind of a master tactician and the body of an apex predator. With the insane talent for battle strategizing, he had never lost a Clan War and kept winning until his clan, Dicks, were at the top.

Blaggr was seated in the Dicks Base of Operations called "The Testicle", while his men went and destroyed the Nightorc Clan, It was an easy task, which is why he did not follow them. His men had many battle experiences and are able to complete ambush missions effortlessly.

Blaggr's sensitive ears heard the faint flapping of wings coming towards his base at a distance. The bird landed on his desk and affixed to the bird's leg was a small letter. He took the letter and began reading it.

"Damn, I can't read," He told himself, even a Master-Tactician Adventurer like him was illiterate. That’s tough, bro.

"Eugene!" Blaggr called out. Eugene, a bespectacled Orc began running to his Chief.

"Yes, Sir?" Eugene asked in a nasal voice.

"Read this, nerd." Commanded Blaggr

" Dear, A-Class adventurer Blaggr, you are summoned to the Cuntersia's Palace by The King for an important mission. Please report as soon as possible." Eugene read out loud.

" Nice, it's been a while since I did some important missions. You may leave, Eugene." Blaggr told Eugene.

"Thank you sir" Eugene replied.

"Oh, one more thing," said Blaggr


"Yes?" Eugene curiously questioned Blaggr.

"Shut up, nerd.," answered Blaggr.

Blaggr began packing his equipment and made preparations to go to the Palace of Cuntersia.

[Eleonora's perspective (Elf)]

Growls were heard from a distance, I had just come out of my cottage in the Eldreal Forest to gather some magical herbs. "Those growls sound like Rockrash Wolves, I'm pretty sure they don't live in this area," Eleonora deduced.

"Why have they come here?" Eleonora thought to herself.

Eleonora is a Forest Elf, also known as the "Guardians of The Forest". They maintain the balance of the ecosystem, protect it from non-native invasive species of animals and also any bad guys doing bad things in the forest, basically.

However, she failed to protect the forest she was born in and it was destroyed by some dark magicians. Blaming herself for the forest's destruction, she vowed to become stronger and so joined the Adventurer's Guild to learn and complete missions to get stronger. Now Eleonora has become one of the top 3 strongest adventurers in Cuntersia. She also has the ability to communicate with animals.

"Why have you abandoned your home, Rockrash Wolves?" Eleonora asked the agitated pack of wolves in front of her.

RockRash Wolves are not so different from normal wolves just that they are 3 times bigger than the average wolf and have rocks growing out of their joints.

"A group of magicians in red have been running around destroying our homeland, killing everything in sight. We were forced to retreat after our Pack Leader died," One of the Wolves answered.

" Magicians wearing red? It can't be! That's the Blood Magicians!" Eleonora exclaimed and rushed towards the area where the magicians were destroying.

Blood Magician is an evil cult of magicians gaining power from the destruction of nature. They do this to 'cleanse' the world to prepare for the impending arrival of their god, Tom. Tom the Bloodthirsty was what his worshippers called him. Such an ominous name.

When Eleonora arrived, she was livid with anger. All around her the forests were burnt to the ground, animals mercilessly slaughtered to death. She could no longer contain her anger, she was no longer about to let another forest to be destroyed by those villains! Eleonora chanted her wind magic and levitated 10 meters off the ground letting all the Blood Magicians see her.





Waves of Blood Magicians ran crazily towards her all of them. Obviously very attracted to the prize they would receive if they killed her.

"Nice they all have gathered in one place, time to use my Ultimate Spell, Destruction of Evil!"

All around her, Evil magicians were all slowly turning to dust. It was such an overpowered spell, nobody could raise a hand against her. But the downside of the spell is that It takes 6 months to recharge. Highly inconvenient, considering the amount of evil in the world.

"Restoration!", Eleonora chanted a spell. Magically the forest turned back into its natural, lush green state.

The pack of Rockrash Wolves approached her and said, " We offer you our thanks, we would have been homeless without you. Take this rock as a sign of gratitude."

"You're very kind, I shall accept your gift." Eleonora smiled, hiding her excitement as The Rockrash Wolf's rock is extremely valuable.

Eleonora returned to her cottage to find the summons letter from the king placed on her door.

" Bwahahaha, that foolish elf. She doesn't know the rock we gave her was just normal rock on the ground." Said one of the larger Rockrash wolves.

“Hehe get rekt, noob. See ya wouldn’t want to be ya!” A Rockrash wolf pup uttered soft enough to not be heard by her.

After reading the letter, Eleonora made her way to the Cuntersia Palace for her mission.

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