《Worlds Apart》9 - A Person


9 - A Person


Steeping on a sharp stone as I walked through the dark passageway, pitch black. I could see no light from either direction as I followed one foot after another when I first started walking I had to run my left hand along the chiselled stone guiding my way forwards.

Why? because during my first attempt at walking through the darkness, I accidentally turned around at some point leading me back to the beginning, I felt like an idiot when I first noticed.

Pacing my steps evenly as I led myself forward I couldn't wait to get out of this tunnel, my legs hurt, my feet ache and worst of all I'm starting to feel hungry.

I could even go for one of those mouldy sandwiches picked out of the fourth street dumpsters. ''gurl'' My stomach voiced out its opinion as the sound echoed all around me, listening to myself as I breathed in and out, I tried to imagine all of the yummy food I plan on eating once I get out of this shithole.

Slapping my head, I remembered the sack in my right hand full of fruit. Picking out the first victim about to enter my lips, I viewed the silver looking apple subtly before quickly taking a bite out of it to sate my hunger. Sweet juices exploded from within my mouth as a soft and pulpy texture raged a war on my tongue, trying to savour the flavour I had already forgotten I had more.

Finishing off eating the silver apple looking fruit I felt a warm rush of energy flow into my bloodstream pumping me full of motivation. I didn't want to walk any longer as I promptly picked up my pace.

My original walk turned into a dashing sprint a few seconds later as I felt my muscles tear and mend repeatedly, I honestly couldn't describe the pain as ecstasy flooded my mind, the natural source of the commotion is the fruit

Naturally, I noticed the source almost immediately after the symptoms occurred.

Seeing the light not too far in the distance, I knew the exit was right ahead of me. Charging ahead as the smell of fresh air was carried towards me by the hollow breeze, nearly there, yes I'm out.

Even though I'm out doesn't necessarily mean I was going to stop running, because I didn't.


Running by a few of the trees as branches hit my face one after another I finally began to slow down, where the hell am I, looking back at the familiar heavenly wall but on the opposite perspective side of where I've seen it last, I turn my head forward into the jungle type area ahead of me.

I could follow the walls or keep walking from my position in a direct line forward until I hopefully come across a path of some kind.

Following the latter decision, I continued forward.


''Noooooo'' she screamed as she watched her only uncle ripped to shreds, her only support strong enough to give her freedom from in her clan.

Tears filled her eyes as she crawled screaming maniacally on the ground, using her left leg to help her propel herself forward as she couldn't put any weight on her other leg, hoping she would have a faster escape.

Fortunately, the beast was to busy playing with the body's remains, giving her the time she needed.

Today was not supposed to be like this as her uncle was strong, enough to safely navigate the area and come out alive if he was careful, and they were careful. However, that thing came out of nowhere getting the jump on her uncle, immediately using the opportunity of crippling his movement.

The instant she got hit and sent flying separating them, gave her a blurry view of a claw slashing the man's waist ripping him open.

She forgets that she is in a dangerous place for someone like herself, mentally shocked by her uncle's death she never forgot to stop screaming before being knocked the fuck out.


Looking at the mess in front of him, a chubby-faced petite teen girl, brown coloured features and annoying scream before surveying his surroundings for anything that may have tracked down the source of the noise reverberating in the area seconds ago since he put her to sleep.

He was just casually strolling through a dangerous jungle he was unaware of, hearing a loud scream not too far ahead he followed the sound. Not before accidentally tripping into an opening in the earth leading to a sizeable space that may have been a giant rabbits nest.

Regardless of how he found it, he ended up dragging her sorry ass into his rabbit hole discovered recently.


Hearing rustling nearby he holds his breath, placing his sack of food on the ground as he creeps up to the opening in the hole, keen to take a look at whatever is outside he takes a peek at the sleek body surveying the area, appearing to be searching for something or someone as it travels closer to our position.

The beast has a similar appearance to a jaguar but looks bigger and Bader, ducking my head, I inch closer to the girl placing my hand over her mouth stopping her ragged breathing.

Time went by slowly as I waited for that beast to move on. Seconds turned into minutes as it then turned to hours, even though it left I was still on guard against anything else that may appear, you could never be too careful.

Seeing the girl wake up, she touched herself all over checking if she was still alive before turning to me with fear on her face saying ''@&!^@$%#($*&''.

''Shit'' this is going to be a massive problem, I thought to myself as she looked at me expecting an answer. I grew up learning the language Bluey spoke to me with causing this predicament.

The Island I grew up on only had the two of us, me and Bluey, Bluey never brought anyone around and enjoyed living on his own, he didn't know how to write and probably killed 90% of the things unlucky enough to appear in front of him.

Assuming I could piece my thoughts together, including what Bluey had previously spoken being.

''I'm not too sure of the specifics about anything from your species since the only interaction I've had is with you... '', this must have meant he has not only never interacted with a human but also includes never speaking to one, that leaves me wondering what language he taught me.

''hello'' I gave her an all friendly greeting with a wave, she immediately once again started screaming annoyingly, the noise increased as I hurriedly stuck a hand over her mouth attempting to shut her up.

She bit down on my hand as pain flooded my senses causing me to scream with her, I quickly kicked her damaged leg that appears to be broken successfully pulling her off my hand as she grabbed her leg screaming in pain.

Not wanting to deal with this I knocked her at the back of her head hitting her unconscious. She woke up later screaming as I repeated a process I found enjoyable and hilarious, was she stupid or did she enjoy getting knocked out, maybe she has one of those weird fetishes. During the time she was out cold I realigned her bones with a firm kick, then I attended to her bleeding, by cutting a piece of her clothing that looked clean, applying pressure on her leg relieving the stress as her unconscious face immediately relaxed.

Finally, she awoke without the need to be put back to sleep again. I even saw a bump located at the back of her head caused by the sleep-inducing therapy method I had created especially for her.

She promptly saw her treated leg as she looked ahead of her, facing me I didn't know what to do so I waved again stupidly. ''@$#^*!^#%^&$*(#'' I had no idea what that was supposed to mean, seeing her point at her treated leg I caught on and just nodded claiming the credit.

Staring at each other in awkward silence as each of us took a closer look at their new acquaintance, she was decent looking I must say, above average, maybe a seven out of a total of ten, eight if you're pushing it, appears to be fifteen maybe sixteen by the standards of my past life.

''Aailce'' she pointed to herself, I just stared at her again before she placed a hand on herself and said the word again ''Aailce''. ooh her name is Aailce, pointing at myself I pause, saying Luke.

Why did I say, Luke? I lived an entire lifetime using the name, introducing myself to new people, writing it down, it had accompanied me for eighty-nine years, maybe I feel attached, maybe its who I am.

I built my character, using the name Luke, every decision I had ever made was by Luke, Argile was a name given to me by the mother that died in front of me, I don't know what she wants, how am I supposed to be as Argile, he's like a different person to the one I know, maybe it'll be easier as Luke.

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