《Worlds Apart》8 - Hitting The Road


8 - Hitting The Road

The silence was what pursued after Bluey dropped that bombshell, looking at me as if I had any questions to ask him. He was quite the awkward fellow, sometimes all he would ever do was stare at me like a paedophile at a kids school and then acts like there's nothing wrong with what he's doing.

Looking at his monstrous face that I've grown used to, I couldn't help thinking of the fact that he's sending me away like some giveaway gift or more like throwing me away, but as weird as the fellow is, he is family.

I've always known that he kept everything that poses a threat to me, well away from the Island. Probably the reason there was no one besides the two of us on it, half the dead things Bluey had brung back from his ''excursions'' had teeth as sharp as razors.

'' You're sending me out there by myself'' It was an important question I had to ask.

''Yes'' a one-word response as I expected.

''Fine, I'll start packing my things ready for first light'' Turning around, I had to prepare, It wasn't all that hard either. Placing my ''knife'' between my skin and the ''clothing'' I had on, I finished packing.

Feeling as if my last night here was about to be a long one, I tried not to think about it. What was the human civilisation going to look like, Is their schools, Whats different besides the giant monsters creeping about and what the fuck is a warlock. Shit, these were the type of questions I wished to avoid, knowing I just pumped myself up I naturally had to cool off.

Stepping outside the cave, I sat to watch the stars. On earth, you could never see past the pollution, and if you did, then you only saw the sky. Light pollution was like a prepared joke you could see every time you went to look up. It was beautiful here, the stars shaped up to have an appearance of a crashing wave, you could almost always see the movement.

Bluey slithered outside and positioned himself to the side of himself also taking the opportunity to gaze onto the wonders of the universe.

''Can you see that bright moon high above us'' he saw me nodding, ''Now can you see the smaller one just peeking to the right of us almost out of sight''. Once again I nodded waiting for him to continue, ''The Moon above us, her name is Myria, she had a husband and son.


Her husband carried the weight of the world on his shoulders as he lifted up those around him, giving those people something reliable to stand on, a selfless man who is always shackled. Tied down into a place she is still attempting to reach, almost always at arm's length.

Unable to break free, he is bound and its where he would stay for the rest of eternity.

Her son, Stripped from her weak arms at birth as she lay weak and dying, he grew up out of sight, without love, comfort, happiness. A bright child, just like his mother, even without all everyone could ever hope for, he prevailed. Until his eyes were forced open and he watched people take advantage of his father's kindness, stepping on his body using it as a stool instead of a support, digging into him as he watched it all. He never really understood at the beginning why they did those things, knowing that his father is going to be the one facing the consequence. They returned kindness with evil. From then he just watched on as his light grew dimmer and dimmer until he became what he is now, nearly out of sight, watching with cold eyes.

At times his light would go dark without a reflection, but he is always there, in hiding, observing, following his mother's footsteps slowly as he watched her look for him.''

''Well that's a depressing story'' saying to Bluey after he finished speaking

Bluey spoke ''Argile it's not a story''.

''We watch as the moon's both come at night and leave in the morning, we watch as her child follows behind her looking at his mother shining her radiance onto his father's body reaching out to him'' seeing Argile no longer paying attention he sighs.

''Ahhhh your still just a kid so you won't understand, whatever just take my words as an analogy''.

Bluey was still sitting or standing, again is there a fucking difference between his stances, as I lay my head against his scales looking at the smaller moon in the distance. Thinking ''looks like we have a few things in common'' before closing my eyes to sleep.

Feeling an itch on my crotch, I scratched it waking me up, Fuck its big. I had a wet dream with that young librarian my past life I met for a good five seconds, she was a wild one, the way she scratched my back, licked my knob, and bent herself over asking for more left me roaring.


Like all dreams though, they come to an end. Getting up I knew it was about time we started to leave, remembering how I planned on making clothing with that leather left me slightly unsatisfied as soon I saw it, I'd probably get some clothes somehow from somewhere there, no point in making them now, packing the wet leather into a bundle I carried it towards Bluey as he approached, holding it up, he grabbed me placing me on his head.

Maybe I could use the leather as a bag or wrap it around my body until I find something more suitable.

Clutching my necklace I saw the Island I spent my days drift into the distance as we headed further away from it, into lands I've never seen, jumping on a ride also known as an adventure.

The view up here was great, I could see as far as the eye could see, we reached the shore on the other side of the lake before we kept on moving. From the island, these trees didn't look as large as they were when I spotted them in the distance, viewing it up close made them look like behemoths, a few even reaching the height of Bluey as we passed them like a racecar.

Along the way, I picked all sorts of fruit looking things in my makeshift bag as we passed all sorts of biomes, desert, jungle, forest and even snow. This caused me to be stumped, I had no idea how this was possible, have you ever seen a snowy desert, the desert biome located right next to the snow gives me the craziest illusion.

Besides that, how is it even possible, the desert was hot, and the snow was cold. Deserts are hot primarily because of a lack of water. When the sun shines on the ground, all of the absorbed sunlight goes into raising the ground's temperature, yet there is snow. Even then I understood there was always a chance for there to be snow in winter caused by an irregular storm, however, it wasn't wintering and there is a visual sight of the boundary between the two, that looks like a straight line of gold and white.

Moving along I couldn't hold my curiosity as I lay on Blueys head, ''why is there both snow and desert'' I asked.

I usually picked up things rather quickly so I could imagine the look on Blueys face once more indicating that I was an idiot, ''Mana, the mana fluctuations of something living there or a certain treasure, buried in our surroundings is affecting the environment''.

''Mana?'' I whispered under my breath.

''You could feel it all around us, in the air, water, earth, even in everyone. It's a mysterious energy'' Bluey says

I responded with ''Am I able to use that mana?''

''Some people can, some can't, it's just like that, but first, you have to learn how to interact with the elements using that thread of energy....''

Before he had a chance to continue, an earthquake heavily shook the ground as Bluey immediately picked up speed, I had to hold onto the gaps between his scales, binding myself to him.

The surrounding sounds just went quiet as I held on for dear life, you could barely see the ground shake at the corner of my eye as I felt the blood between my fingers holding onto scales rush along my arms towards my face.

I know we reached Mach something as Bluey fled without stopping, my arms felt like jello by the time we stopped. Right outside a sea of flowers that lay within an untouched field, I felt the hesitation from Blueys body before we continued on, making our way towards a large wall erected in the distance.

I don't know what Bluey ran from, but it was nothing good, he probably even ran because I was holding him back. Slowing down we came to a halt at the cave I think I was born in before Bluey spoke, ''Quickly leave, don't turn back and under no circumstances come back until your strong enough to go unhindered throughout that land''

Reaching the ground, I don't know what I was supposed to feel regarding our farewell so I gave a wide smile and a funny wave before saying aloud ''goodbye'' before turning on my way.

I knew this might be our final goodbye.

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