《Worlds Apart》6 - Feigning Ignorance


6 - Feigning Ignorance

Waking up before the monster, I set my thoughts free allowing them to run wild while having a childish smirk stuck on my innocent face. Not long before I awoke, Bluey, the overgrown snake, challenged me to a one on one staring contest, so I thought anyway.

To be honest, I was confident in my chances of winning that stare off, but it cheated by blowing snot from its nose all over me leaving me drenched in it. Look at me, a naked child covered in yellow goop, I held my stomach hoping I wouldn't gag before I got close enough to give it a taste of my own medicine.

A good serving of last nights breakfast, puked in its nostril before Bluey sent it back out covering me with another sneeze.

Keeping my mouth closed trying not to get any of that shit in my mouth, my stomach turned to attempt to launch the rest of whatever food I had left in me, back out.

The scenery around me was pretty fucking gross. Cold and covered in a snot/spew mix gave me a different type of experience I'd prefer not feel again, ever. I could see Bluey didn't enjoy the feeling either as it gagged its head back in forth like a jackhammer, swaying its head from side to side giving me a chunky shower. Barfing, my internal organs felt like they were thrown out causing a hungry baby to give out a tumbling rumble originating from its stomach.

Bluey stared at me giving a good look. How the hell would I know the facial changes of an overgrown snake, is there a difference?

Refusing to pick me up using its tongue again, it turned to make its way towards the entrance of the cave.

Sitting there shivering from the disgusting substances stuck to my body I took a look at what I think maybe my future home. Gazing at my surroundings, to see I had to rely on a dimly lit light reflecting off the jagged walls that seemed to be the only light source in sight originating from the entrance of the cave, the wall appeared to be a darker material that was smooth in places and rough in others.

At my bottom, I felt a flat surface with visual lines that suggest Bluey has lived here for a long time slithering along. The size of the cave was large. Big enough to fit Bluey and five more of him.


When I took a closer look at Bluey before he left the cave, he was roughly 100m in length and about 40m wide as an estimate, scales as smooth as a pancake with a mouth designed to swallow food whole, brightly lit yellow eyes and a verticle slit as pupils. The biggest an scariest thing I've ever seen in my two lives.

Speaking of lives, how do I remember my last one, not that I'm complaining, but it strikes me as an odd phenomenon, many questions left with no answers. Interrupting my train of thought, Bluey returns with a giant leaf.


Surprised by the movement of its giant mouth, also the gibberish followed with it I was caught off guard.

Bluey can talk, to be honest, my mind was blown.

Staring at me intently, followed by the leaf, maybe it wants me to get on it. Snickering in my head, I feign ignorance, what did it expect from a child born a day ago, for it to magically understand what it's trying to communicate.

Giving bluey an innocent smile mixed in with a childish laugh, I fell landing on my back with an awkward roll, taking comfort from its abrupt misery, thinking it was a good idea to start increasing the volume of my laughter as the sound echoed in the cavern, I gave him a good stare towards his left eye provoking it.

Quickly becoming annoyed by my laughter, it mumbled a few other words I still could not understand as it wrapped the giant leaf around my body dragging me out of my new home.

Arriving a few hundred metres away from the cave, Bluey threw me in water. Crystal clear water, kind of like looking through a glass with a calm wind creating ripples on the surface.

Submerged within the water as my head breached the surface I could see Bluey swimming off towards the distant collisions assaulting my eardrums from across the lake as it gave me a look of ''stay here''. Turning I could spot that we were on a secluded island separating us from the nearby land with a single mountain surrounded by lush trees, all shapes and sizes with different coloured leaves hanging off the branches giving off the majestic appearance of a tropical paradise


Washing off all that shit on me I felt a bit odd, the weird experience I had in the pool located where I went after I died seemed to follow me here. Almost as if it that feeling fused with my very body. Imagine living in water your entire life without ever knowing how it felt living on land, such as how you feel when you are dry.

This feeling was highly similar, had I never known what it felt to live in my previous world, I wouldn't have noticed the peculiarity currently bothering me.

Is it a bad or good feeling I'm not too sure.

Seeing that I looked clean, as the goop floated in the water before disintegrating into pieces. I hurriedly crawled my way out afraid of disappearing into nothingness like all that snot a second ago.

Rays of sunlight danced along my naked body as I lay flat on the ground waiting for time to pass.

Stomach grumbling I was reminded of how hungry I am, watching Bluey approach swimming towards me, newly made scratches damaged his body as blood flowed out upon reaching shore.

Reaching the cave, Bluey threw me off his tongue into the milky puddle that was full once again, watching Bluey curl himself ahead of me, snoring sounds were heard signifying he fell asleep, probably tired from the awesome fight I didn't get to watch.

Bored from an exhausting day, I just sat there in lonely silence.

Clutching my necklace, I wondered why I'm alone, why was mother exhausted towards the point of death in a dark tunnel? Where was my father? Is there anyone else besides myself? Why am I with Bluey in a cave and not a home?. My thoughts kept leading to more questions I had no way of answering.

Knowledge will come in time, to answer the questions I have asked today.

Not willing to dwindle on the depressing subject any longer, Argile braces himself looking forward to his imminent future as there is no path for him besides the one in front.

Cuddling up to Bluey as a child would, he gently closes his eyes falling fast asleep as he was waiting for a new dawn that was tomorrow.


Blueys eyes opened immediately, staring at the child attached to him. Carefully observing the menacing child that dares to provoke him, a child so fragile, he could kill with a mere thought and pinch of his imaginary fingers attached to his imaginary hands.

The days were like any other when he heard a desperate plea for help in the form of a scream that was this child. When he first approached the women and child, he became instantly attracted towards her smile as he hid behind the blinding light covering him from sight.

A vague sense of familiarity arose within him as he stared at her, one that boils within his blood. An unawakened warlock he thought as he sensed her struggle, he imagined a glance coming from the women if not for only a second only.

Only to sense her heart not beating and her body stiffen, he could've sworn he saw her gaze hit him, it was something that made his scales stand.

Staring at the child attached to the women holding on for dear life, he turned away attempting to head back home, to mind his own damn business because that child was not his problem. Only to find him stuck in position as if his body refused to move without the child.

Stuck in a dilemma, he watched the child cry himself to sleep as he came to a decision that would change his future, wrapping the women and child in his tongue, he could taste the blood covering the family as it flowed down his throat.

Resisting the urge to swallow both women and child, he finds an isolated area surrounded by beautiful flowers, ranging in different colours as they moved from left to right like a dance.

Stabbing his tail into the ground digging a small grave in the centre of the area, he lays the women within wishing her peace, after covering her up he continues to make headway back to his home.

Where both him and the child currently rest.

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