《Worlds Apart》5 - Opening My Once Tired Eyes


5 - Opening My Once Tired Eyes

Darkness flooded my mind as I was too weak to force my eyes open. However I felt an unfamiliar warmth, never have I had this feeling, I felt like all my past trouble were gone as I continued to sit in what I think is a curl.

Nothing mattered, have you ever felt like nothing was there keeping you from moving, allowing you to enjoy the moments fleeting by ever so quickly; almost like waking up to a school day, knowing you have shit to do but too comfortable to move. So you continue to lye in bed ravelling in the comfort of blanket wishing to get back to sleep.

There was also two rhythmic beating pumping in harmony almost like a slow drum preparing for a soothing song. I just wished to stay in this position for all eternity, refusing to budge as my consciousness once again drifts back to sleep.

I kept repeating this cycle for god knows how long, It was near impossible to keep track of time before I once again drifted off to sleep in a heavy slumber. Oddly enough, I was slowly gaining strength. Moving my tired arms, attempting to stretch my limbs that I could hardly feel as if they weren't even there from the beginning.

Once again I woke up listening to the strange beat vibrating my body ever so softly. Some of the other strange sounds I heard after a while slowly gained my attention, sounded like words but that's a kind way of mentioning the mumbling I heard. What a stupid noise, only if it would shut up, slightly pissed off I would always kick my limbs in different directions to shut it off, that usually works shutting that nonsense off.

However this time it was fucking different, at first I thought all the noise would slowly die out like every other time, but fuck was I wrong. But no, that shit just kept on increasing and sometime later out of nowhere it started to feel as if I was jumping. I almost thought someone was going to run a fucking marathon.

Like bruv, gimme a break, try drifting off to sleep as you are consistently getting heaved up and down like a joey in the pouch of a kangaroo. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE. Let me tell you this is starting to feel as if it's going to last forever and I'm getting sick of this.


Feeling slightly energetic, I felt as if it's about time to get moving. Unable to open my eyes I ran into my first hurdle, where am I going to go? I mean try looking for a door in a room without a door, not trying to sound like an idiot or anything but finding that particular door is proving itself impossible right now and since there's no door letting me out of wherever I am, I guess I have to make one.

My second hurdle hit me right away, how in the world am I going to find the energy allowing me to kick this door down, just thinking about it has already started to tucker me out leaving me exhausted. Fuck, I better get started all this hopping is giving me a migraine.

Wrangling what I thought were imaginary limbs side to side, I attempted my escape feeling like some prisoner in a dark cell.

Time slowly passed as I started to struggle back and forth, it was also tiring, so I decided to take Knapp's in between sessions of what I thought were childish outbursts. Waking up in what I felt was the last time in this place, I rejoiced in my mind, yay, slowly feeling pressure against my feet and pushed as hard as I possibly could. Feeling what almost felt like a breeze hitting my head, nearly out I chuckled to myself thinking that my efforts weren't futile and without reward.

Without a sound, I left that dark but comfy abyss. Unfortunately, all the moving drained all the energy I had within me leaving me both mentally and physically exhausted, at least I was out.

Shivering I felt a hard surface with a thick substance touching the skin on my back and as I prepared to open my eyes to take a closer look. I felt a pair of arms as they found their way wrapping around my tiny body. Slightly surprised by the hands the size of my face touching me, I carefully opened my eyes wishing to take a closer look at what was attempting to bind me.

What I saw left me stunned, it was a gaze of a beautiful woman with blue hair that reflected the slight rays of light touching it and her dark blue eyes left me gasping for air thinking I was about to drown, her face slender and her eyebrows sharp like pages from a book. She just looked at me with a smile and exhausted gaze suggesting there was nothing left but me in her small world before placing a necklace around my neck with a ring attached.


I think her gaze looked motherly.

At first, I just observed my surrounding, walls of chiselled stone to both my left and right wide enough to fit a football field in with one direction leading into the unknown since there was nothing but darkness and the other way was a large opening reaching at least 100m in height with a blinding light piercing towards my eyes.

I found it hard staring past the light and beyond the opening, my eyes felt unadjusted. Overall my entire body felt funny, weak, slow, lanky, unresponsive and exhausted, hell I'm even unable to bend my arms.

Finally taking a look at my little limbs I froze, I'm a baby. Slowly remembering how I died, that reincarnation place and that funny ''pool'' I pieced my situation together and sighed.

''Argile, your name is Argile'' turning my head to face the pretty lady who I think was my mother as I did the equations in my head, her calm eyes just looked at me, she never looked away as I felt her once beating chest steadily slow coming to a halt.

I felt tears rush out of my eyes as I stared in complete silence, questioning why I'm crying I started to bawl my lungs out screaming in pain when I felt her heartbeat come to a halt it felt like a spear stabbed through my heart causing it to ache and my lips to tremble.

I never knew her, but I felt as if a large part of my life just disappeared before me. Unable to move my body, frustration overcame me as I Cried my self to sleep unable to stop myself from tightening my grip around her.

However before I shut my eyes in slumber, I swear I saw a Large eye staring at me in the light outside the cave, blah, must be my imagination.

Awakening from my long slumber, images of my mother immediately flooded my memories causing tears to blind my sight, but I never started crying, I honestly thought there was no point and last time was just emotional instability. Watching my mother die before me, made me remember that I'm once again by myself, an orphan without family once again.

Through time the tears began to dry as I could barely dry my face with my tiny little hands when a heavy breeze nearly pushed me over ''how could a breeze be heavy enough to push me?'' turning I saw the reason before I quickly froze from fear looking at the large nostrils breathing in front of my face.

''What the fuck is that''.

Staring at the large scaley blue head in front of me, I quickly rubbed my eyes thinking it was my imagination, nope it wasn't.

Noticing it was asleep, I made quick observations of the thing, but I couldn't see past its head. Taking a look around him seeing before a loud rumble from his stomach echoed around the cave waking the monster up.

The monster sent him a fierce gaze as he replied with a blushed face, what could he do, he was extremely hungry and needs food like asap.

The thing stuck out its tongue looking as if it was going to put him in its mouth as he started to wriggle refusing to go down without a fight, realistically though he didn't put up anything worthy of being named a fight.

Being placed on its tongue, it slithered deeper into its large cave coming before a puddle in the ground as a white substance dropped from above filling it.

Eyeing the what looks to be an overgrown snake suspiciously before it dozed off he flipped his body onto his stomach drinking the contents of the puddle. Unable to produce a proper sentence he tried mumbling ''FUCK THATS GOOD''.

Leaning into the puddle closer, he fell in thinking he was about to start drowning, but it was what it looks like, a puddle. Looking at the monster who opened its eyes, he thought he saw a grin coming from its mouth.

Finishing up his food, yawing he looked at the monster wondering what the fuck's going on before closing his eyes with his last thought ''if it wanted to eat me I would already be in its stomach''.

Not worrying about it any longer he drifts off to sleep.

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