《Worlds Apart》3 - Trace's of Divinity


3 - Trace's Of Divinity

Instructed to take the seat ahead of him Luke sat down as the old man introduced himself '' hey squirt, my name is ..... oh its not like that matters to be honest, what matters is'' reaching his hands out making a grabbing motion in the air pulling out a book, and throwing it in the space above the table as the page's flipped themselves finally stopping as he looked at it '' Luke woods, born blah blah blah, birth parents unknown, huh what does it say; unknown? whatever lived a life of...... '' not bothering to speak Luke saw the old man reading the page as he saw his eyes moved line to line and he flipped the page to continue reading. finished with the page he closed the book looked him dead in the eyes '' well now, that's just unlucky and your last name was taken from your first foster family, well that is also unfortunate; car crash huh.. '' about to continue Luke interjected.

'' Can we just get a move on, I don't need a recount of a life I already know of with hysterical comments about the unfortunate events that occurred old man, I just want to be over and done with this and get a life '' his eyes flashed with a golden radiance eager to live a full life, one he could look forward to, maybe one with just a little bit more, one he has absolute control of, before his eyes dimming down once more recalling the painful past grabbing at his heart.

The old man first stunned by the flash of radiance before he growled '' old man, who you calling an old man, you should take a look at yourself in a mirror sometime and see who looks older, and don't judge a book by its cover. I've seen a sea of people who looked younger than you and still lived a life more than you've ever seen and they would always walk through those doors behind you '' a powerful humph shook the walls with followed footsteps quickly after, appearing the middle-aged man standing to the side waiting for further instructions '' Chris, get this kid out of here and take him to the pool to reincarnate so he can get on with his life '' bowing Chris said '' follow me'' staring at Luke with an awkward face waved his hand teleporting him and himself before a boundless ocean.


Turning his head back to face Chris he asked weirdly '' this is a pool? '' with a chuckle followed by a quick response '' yes, enter the water and just keep walking, you aren't able to swim so do not stop or turn back, just keep treading forward until well, you'll know when it happens, good luck'' and with a wave he left.

Rubbing his forehead and facing the ''pool'' Luke started walking, entering the water, no path but forward left for him he left nothing but footprints with each passing step.

Entering at first it felt like he was touched by water as it ran up his skin with a few slight vibrations, continuing on 10 kilometers in the water finally reaching his shoulders, oddly the angle of decline was ever so slight as such he had to gain a few kilometres before being able to reach this depth.

He was always a relatively tall height reaching 6'3 by 17 and peaking at 6'5 unfortunately due to old age he shrunk a few inches leaving him to imagine his impending doom of gulping currents of water, yet when he was submerged it felt like the water was pressing against his skin without the resistance felt with swimming, so with no obstruction he continued on his path.

Further he walked and more he continued as he felt a slight pressure pressed against his skin that strengthened over time as he counted the distance to keep him occupied finally reaching past 25km stumped to see a 100 degree drop down with no way but forward, it was pitch black as he himself was a torch that brightened the way,

55km slightly wobbly it started to feel like he was falling, non-stop falling yet his balanced stayed true as the pressure increased, moving forward.

75km a burning heat started to run through his inner organs, cycled using his nose and released out as his breath treading forth, 95km approaching 100km, his light started flickering like a candle ready to be blown out, as his strength nearly sapped with his consciousness fading closely, taking his last step he could manage he fell empty since he was both physically and mentally exhausted a hole finally opened beneath him sucking him in, completing his rebirth.

Sitting on a certain chair an old man watched through distorted space as Luke was swallowed entirely, rushing to his feet knocking over the freshly made coffee, wide eyes staring in disbelief ''it wasn't my imagination than'' and with a wide smile sent a voice transmission to Chris summoning him who arrived looking at the spilt coffee that made his heart jump in disbelief '' what a waste, even if it doesn't help you improve your cultivation level it's still a drink which can alleviate the mind nevertheless it still costs 100,000 mana stones just for a cup'' before sinking deeper into those thoughts a question was asked ''do you know why his light was as bright as it was'' with a nod Chris spoke '' Karma, but to be able to receive such a pure light he would'a had to change hundred's of thousand's of lives '' shaking his head the old man spoke '' actually, its millions if not billions of lives using the effect of karmic rebound but that's not the best part'' glancing over to his disciple keeping him a state of suspense ''if im not mistaken, he has traces of divinity''


Looking shocked, he stared at his teacher, the old man before him, Chris's face changing more as he showed utter disbelief raising questions ''didn't those four monsters die?'' ''How can a fragile old man, be one of those? my son at the fourth level of body refinement could surely pinch him to death'' '' it's not like it matters, the chances of him successfully cultivating past each cultivation stage is how its always been with luck, unless he can retain memories after reincarnation but that's only if the legend is true'' listening to his disciples rushed questions he simply answered slowly ''yes they did die, however, it's not like they didn't leave descendant clans branching out and I'm sure they left a way out using the reincarnation cycle allowing them to attempt once more to become the apex of power they once were. A pity they departed a couple of hundreds of billions of years ago before my time'' sighing while thinking '' after all they did create the four planes of power including this one, but that's close to all the information stored on them left'' shaking his head bitterly eyeing out his spilt cup of coffee, tasks a servant to once more bring him another cup, informing him as their last.

Spinning the cup the old man had in his hand, he beckoned '' bring the second one up '' going through a largely different process with bob compared to Lukes interview he sent the person off focusing on the line outside his doorsteps he complained '' this is going to be a long day'' as if forgetting to close his long-range monitoring spell he erected to monitor Lukes progress in the lake, and if by a hunch started to watch bob descend into the water as it rose above his head, on with the walk ahead bob struggled with his balance to the 15km and continued past the 20km, 21km, 22km,23km,24km, and finally the 25km mark as he was literally crawling to a dead stop, soon after a white light enveloped bob synchronised with his light enveloping him till he disappeared deactivating his spell he urgently rushed to his disciple.

Like a chicken on fire, he asked how everyone reincarnates with the reply of his disciple Chris being somewhere along the lines of '' well they enter the water, struggle as they submerge, try there best to walk to whatever distance they can before stopping to a crawl around the 15km mark, eager to move forward trying to get a few km farther and coming to a dead stop at around the 21 - 25km in which they lose consciousness and a white light submerges them ready for a new life'' as if overly nervous for his next answer questions '' so its impossible walking 100km'' Chris nodded ''and you won't get swallowed by the ocean floor as if it was a giant mouth'' nodding once again hit with a realization '' that's right teacher, you've probably already forgotten such trivial things 10,000 years ago when you ascended the position of northern waypoint monastery master''

Returning to his desk, he slowly hit his head on the desk over and over, as if to serve as a reminder of how much of an opportunity he may have missed, once more spilling his last cup of coffee he had the urge to cry. Coming to a halt he also recounted as that child with divinity just experienced rebirth and as such would go on to once more step on a race for power and cultivate, I just got to keep an eye out and ill see him once more.

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