《Worlds Apart》2 - A Bright Light Lit For The Fist Time


2 - A Bright Light Lit For The First Time

In the passing moment of a second felt like a year, as time gave him a punch to his gut and ten more following until the pain eased jolting him to once more force his eyes to open if not for one last time.

''Hey, don't push''

''get out of my way''

''what are these idiots doing''

''let me through''

''looks like another batch causing a scene huh''

''the Fuck is that light''

''whoa never seen one that bright before, shit my eyes''

What seemed to be words sounded like drums banging next to my ears as I immediately flipped my eyes open, noticing the glowing lights flickering all around me as I rotated my position trying to grab hold of the images currently seen through my eyes '' didn't I die? '' I once more looked ahead of me finally getting a clear picture of what seemed to be glowing humanoid figures, some white ones while others black, some show signs of glowing darker while others much brighter.

A dimly lit figure says ''what do you guy's think he did his past life, I reckon he was one of those chosen children under the pope that served the church''

Another darkly lit glow reply's '' hahaha being under one of those corrupted old bones with half their foot in the grave and give off a light 1000 times brighter than hers'' pointing to another light that looked like a old women brighter than most, he continued '' they are as shady as shades in the central continent, one time the church issued orders to massacre an entire generation of children with the hopes to stop the 4th demon lord from Resurrection as a cover of course, and instead for a mass sacrificial vitality-sapping spell to make sure that their other foot doesn't end up with them dragging them into where we are now'' he grinned, ''hey you old hag what did you do to get that light of yours''

The old women seemingly interested responds with a glare '' I worked as a nun in a rural village my entire life, devoid of crimes and atrocious deeds that you've obviously seem to commit'' glancing at his dark figure that gave off an eerie feeling.


Shuffling could be heard as everyone in the endless plane could be seen moving away from the light giving him a 50m distance to the nearest light out shown by his radiance, complaints could be heard as they squished together in what was an already confined area.

''stop pushing us theirs no room''


''keep pushing else we'd all go blind''

''shit hurry up and move forward he's moving towards us'' Scuttling could be heard as panicked voices motivated the crowd to keep moving in any direction other than his, ''shit'' a few people closest to the light turned to look at it, as they shouted '' stop fucking moving towards us, argh, WHAT THE FUCK'' screams could be heard as a few others that looked shouted '' I'M BLIND'', ''HELP ME'', ''MY EYES'', ''I CANT SEE'' as the surrounding lights wondered listening to the protest's ''how are they blind, we're dead'' as a few more thought ''of course you can't see if your blind, what a stupid statement'' till the light reached their eyes and they joined the commotion. The few first blinded, trapped in their predicament as others seeing the incoming calamity charged directly towards the blinding light pushing many to the ground trampling ahead hoping to tackle him and imprison him in his position, jumped right THROUGH the light and passed Luke like an open door.

Screaming as the few who were brave enough to select themselves for the good of the many had their minds collapse while insanity pursued from not understanding why they couldn't pin him down and shot through him; kinda felt like jumping in front of a truck to save an old lady only to find yourself in front of it as the hag waved watching as you feel the bones of your body crushing from the force of impact and the fleeting life force ensuring death..

Luke finally halting after seeing the 1st calamity known to the reincarnation plane, stopped to observe once again as his mind ran through the voices heard since opening his eyes once more in an unfamiliar area to the shouting during the period of time he used to walk a mile, coming to an understanding of the situation he was in.


Blandly put he died, and he assumed he's in the process of a reincarnation cycle, looking around once more aligning the conversations he heard to the faces who spoke the words that some seemed to be forced into the ground from the previous commotion, interestingly enough the darker you glowed the more horrendous your crimes and the brighter you shined, the more accomplished your deeds.

Pretty straightforward till now it seems, yet during the calamity, it looks like everyone other than myself cannot push through others.

Loud laughter could be heard as the talking went thin and the laughter grew and grew and replaced the deathly silence as more and more people turned to face him. ''My life, the sadness, hope, oppression, wrath and anger I faced was all for a bright light and a weird ability to phase through FUCKING GHOSTS'' murmuring was heard as the laughter continued to a screeching roar.

Lost to himself, he started to walk forward grinning as he spoke ''Do you want to play a game'' thinking that he planned on running through the figures of light hoping to blind everyone he ran around as they panicked causing calamity number 2 in the reincarnation plane '' I mean we are already dead so I might as well have some fun'' not before figures dark or bright started to disappear as wisps of light shooting towards the heavens, more and more of the figures which he affirmed to be men and women of all ages, young and old continued to disappear until he looked around seeing that he was the only one left as far as the eye could see. He laughed once more till his eyes teared and his vision flashed.

Suddenly appearing in front of what looked like a to be stairs he frowned, turning his vision behind him to see a long line of men and women moving backwards giving him some space afraid of being blinded like those unlucky few from before and two endless lines of guards in gilded white armor surrounded by space distortions spread 5 m aside from each other on the left and right side respectively making the black and white glow appear as an orderly fashioned line. With his attention distracted for but a moment he heard a cough in front, causing his eyes once more to be placed ahead of him onto the guard with brighter armor than the rest and distortions at least five times larger with the face of a middle-aged man, as if Luke was waiting for him to speak the guards stood to attention and all repeated.

'' You have died, we are now guiding you ahead to reincarnate. Please take a step for every person entering the Monastery individually. Patiently wait in line as you gradually approach the head guard and he has instructed you to enter. Any individuals who plan on disrupting the process will be punished ''

''You may head inside'' the middle-aged man spoke as I begun to walk up the stairs, hearing a loud boom, glancing behind me seeing how everyone was one extra step forward, i shifted my eyes back to the line with a lingering gaze watching a white figure step out trying to get ahead only to be stabbed by a guard, immediately vanishing causing panic to the people closest to the incident, curiously I asked the man '' what happened to him '' with the reply of a shrug of his shoulders '' sent to the back of the line '' while pointing his sword which was attached to his waste further down the line. The end of the line being an unknown amount of distance but one could imagine, or try.

Casually asking another question tugged on his mind '' weren't there dark figures mixed in with the white ones from before, where are they '' keeping his sword pointed at the line he continued '' further down the line'' looking at the line of white lights in the distance that had no signs of dimming he shivered but only for a split second not the least surprised by the power demonstrated before him '' I'm dead, I can blind people, pass through them and I'm going through reincarnation, cant get anymore surprised'' before he continued up the stairs and through the massive doors. following the hallway and approaching a chair with a desk in front and a bearded old man with white hair looking at the approaching Luke with notice '' Interesting ''

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