《Edean World Online》Chapter 4 : New people, New perks
Back again, and guest what it’s Sunday. Okaa-san always treat me dinner outside after her work and go sightseeing but what really matter is that i`m with her and before the day ends, I always have an ice cream.
I should have used the forge while i’m there but that baka-inu showed up. We made it back with not much attention, but the forge inside the guild is a disappointment.
I don’t have a choice either, I have to cold down first so I won’t get into more fight. It’s also my last log in day, might as well you it for research to gain more NWA.
“Leyla, this will be my last day before going back and I might take someday”
I said at we entered the scrapyard and start preparing my weaponry.
“Is that so but don’t make it long, you’re still weak you know and everyone is getting higher.”
“I know but rushing to the unknown without much preparation mentally or physically will take you to your end.”
“Fine, i’m be waiting but where will you keep your body.”
“Well, there`s a few inn just about few meters away from the guild with army outpost and its quite popular from what i`m hearing."
“Okay then, I will take a look at you every day but not too long okay.”
“Yeah I got you. And start your magic were here.”
We arrive at the last battle ground and looks like they just replenish their ranks but no siege for now. Thank Minea for this. After series of battle, i’m still at 3. Maybe my experience double every level or maybe I need to hunt new machine type.
While collecting the loots and Leyla is starting to learn how I do things like dismantling the parts. She might be my new assistant or a new secretary, Jean-san is not here anymore.
Before night fall we start going back to the guild to sell some parts that I got from the drones. We got inside the guild that is packed with returning players and I know who they are just from hearing their conversation.
I don’t stand out because of the tattered cloth and I pass people going straight to the trading desk.
“Good evening and what you’re trading for today.”
“Will you accept machine parts?”
“We most of the monster are machine or part machine, so yes we are accepting them”
“Are weapon parts good for trade?”
“Of course every weapon like parts are welcome even the plates that’s not too damaged are accepted.”
So my loots are in good chance for trade. And not too damaged he said, maybe people here likes to destroy monster parts because they just pop up. I have doubts about spawning process because of my experience.
“Okay but can your desk handle the weight?”
“Yes, yes of course this is an enchanted building after all and most items are tough so even some members fight inside the building wont be damage, *sigh* but mostly the higher ranks do the trouble here.”
“I know, I just saw it this morning.”
“Not now Leyla.”
She should’ve learned to not always say things but then again she has her nature of being a mischievous. I open my item box and pick things that is sellable like the soldier claws, pinchers, their plates, and legs. For the siege, maybe after my upgrade.
“That’s a lot but mostly not inside the request board coz it’s a common loot here.”
“Don’t worry I just need to have some space for my item box because it’s already cramp.”
“Would you looked at this plates and claws, almost in perfect condition, your team do their work nicely.”
“I don’t have a team”
I got a shocked looked from him from what I have said. Great, I just raised another death flag.
“That would be hard to believe knowing that most of the drones are hive connected and even if they lose their lives they will always send signals.”
They don’t know how to dismantle and disable drone, quite a perk for being a clockwork.
“I know my stuff that`s all.”
“Okay Sir and here`s your money sir, 25 silver and 56 copper in all.”
I don’t know if it`s big or not but it might be.
“Big exchange, why is that?”
“Well almost all of them are iron or refined iron so the exchange gets a bit higher than the usual and the plate that are not damaged it will fetch a good price from blacksmiths here.”
So he got an identify skill that is higher than mine. He even know what it is made of. There are two options for me and it’s either get a better scanner with specific program or learn metallurgy and maybe geology.
I still hesitant on asking if I can sell it directly to the blacksmith but this is the travellers main branches so there will always take advantage on being illiterate in trade.
“Is there a forge that can I access free or I have to pay for it?”
“We have it inside the guild and its underground also but you need to at least finished 3 quest and be at iron plate if not you have to pay for it.”
That iron plate is 20 finished quest with 1-2 star rating. But I’m a tin plate with no quest and most of the quest I can get is non-star. But most request are subjugation, research, delivery and exploration that have ratings.
“Can you recommend me an inn or this building itself has an inn.”
“Well we do have rooms but it is only for high rank only sorry. But most of them goes to the Crafty inn. And the thing is the family that owns the inn is craftsmen, but their grandfather named it as that for some unknown reason, maybe just so you know they are crafter.”
“Yes that might be so. And thanks for the exchange I’ll be back after several days”
“Thank you sir”
As we left the guild, Leyla started talking to me venting her anger of me ignoring her or ordering her around. You’re still a brat that don’t know the things I’m taking care of.
And even I told her that in much longer and not to offend her flat pride, still she rant her stress. As we got inside the inn that marked on my map that almost parallel to the guild. We are greeted by a chubby not fat clerk-chan and those two have a thin line of difference.
I pay up for a whole week that is 1 silver and 75 copper and I denied her dinner offer. I don’t eat normal food, I drink fuel and water. Well water would be nice if cold. As I get my keys and start walking upstairs to the 2 floor of this large inn.
Yep, quite big or they do expansion because of increasing travellers. Anyways, I get inside my room and lock it then place the chair to the door to stop someone going inside.
“Why would you block the door that would be suspicious?”
“They know who and what we are so no worries.”
“What are you doing now?”
“Going back and taking a good rest.”
“Then I will also be back and take a rest and don’t worry I can return anywhere you are if you return early.”
“Okay thank and don’t worry about me.”
“What?! I not worried about you or anything, tin head.”
Lines of a true tsundere, wait lemme scan you first.
Tsundere detected
Yup, even the scan says she`s a tsundere.
“Good bye”
I open my menu and log out and my vision has been snatched then the next thing I know is i’m staring at my pod. I open the hatch and move my legs.
“Being able to move them again feels nice.”
Anyways, I have to relieve that thought or it will get to me one way or the other. I help myself with my chair that is quite convenient because it is costumed so it have its perks installed.
It’s already pass 9 am and my log in is 6 so half day or so and we spend 3 in game days. That’s a lot of time. I quickly rolled to the bathroom to take a shower and use the toilet then after drying and changing clothes. I grab my card and move out of my condo and goes down the lobby.
I ignore some people staring at me. I mean I looked creepy with the long hair that is down casted. I approached the Ojou-san in the assistant desk and ask if there is a cafeteria or something.
She said it was on the 3rd floor and meals are served for free every day or go out of the facility but have a giant chaperon. I take the former because it’s free. And I’m still not comfortable having their big agents following me.
As I got to the cafeteria, its kind a busy and looks normal like the ones back in my high school. Not as big as the conference for Minea knows how big. The Minea have a good ring to it. Better keep that expression.
The breakfast is eggs, bacon, burger, sandwich, pancakes, and more. Not too heavy for me to eat but I need at least eat some rice. As I moved getting my servings of my orders in my tray like the stir-fried rice and eggs, I starts to notices that most people here are their employee. Looks like no early bird from the beta department except me.
Most of them don’t pay much attention for me and it’s a good news for me. And even if it was Sunday there are still many people here. As I finished getting my servings of food. I find an unoccupied table and start my day.
After my hearty meal with a silent environment, I decided to explore the city and window shop or two. As I got the elevator descending down, I plug my earphones and start playing music because it’s one of my escape road from anything.
Then I approached the receptionist onee-san and told her that I’m going out of the facility to have a stroll until noon. Then she called someone and in a few moments an agent approached us.
She introduce me to him and goes outside the building to wait for the car. My chaperon’s name is Kale and a junior but he looks reliable unlike that certain speaker.
He doesn’t really talk much and just told to me his duties and things I shouldn’t do like escaping or roaming around with permission, what the fuck are you serious.
Even if i’m on wheels it is still hard to move around you know. As our service arrived and got inside the car going out the facilities, I just realize how big this place is.
The factory of Neos pod or warehouse with trailers, their research or development area like place, the recreational facility and it even have an Olympic size pool that’s inside that big dome, come on, really it looks like a city inside a city except theirs no specialty stores here and street vendors.
As we got outside, I quickly look for a place to buy books and read one and the best place is a mall. My guide also agreed with my decision, maybe he also needs to buy and relax. In the mall, he helps me when the crowd thickens, its Sunday so it is understandable but to be crowded with people.
As we reached our destination, the book store, I approached the clerk-san and asked for my book and point out their locations and then thanked him.
Libraries still exist but it is far away from the facility than the mall because the libraries are nearer to residential rather than the mall that`s inside the busy streets or open space.
As I got my book stack, I still like this than the virtual although the convenience is a pressing factor. I told my guide that if needed something to buy or to do he may go that he quickly accepts and rush outside. And from the window of the second floor where the store is located I looked down and saw him hugging a little girl and a beautiful ojou-san.
He does missed them so bad that he almost cry, it is still different from talking to people than holding them in your arms. Well he does deserved some family time and I hope I didn’t receive a red flag for both of us.
I saw him looked up to me then I signal him a one sign and tap my non-existing watch telling him one hour. I know myself it is short but we are in a tight spot. But he smiled back at me then holds his angels then have their family day.
As for me I keep stacking books related to mechanics, robotics, electrical and other technical things necessary for me to create a better body and hope my NWA be useful this time.
I also included books for other miscellaneous things like metallurgy, psychology, rocket science, physics and even that alchemy theory that gives vague lecture but I don’t matter, materials are materials and I have to make the most out of it.
As the time past an hour and I’ve finished dozen of book but I didn’t read from back to back, I only read some important parts then list the books I find useful for me and have a virtualize copy of it. Kale comeback but not with his family, that was sad I’d liked to meet them also.
“Why not take them also with us, it’s Sunday after all.”
“But i’m in my work and I just break the rule so if I got caught I might get punishment.”
“Like what torture or firing you? I ordered you and you’re just following, so I order you to take your family with us and besides you looked happy with them.”
“b-but i’m in duty –“
“I said go now before I change my mind and don’t support you”
I glared at him and move towards the clerk san with my order list of books and hand him my phone to proceed with the download. I’m still hesitant to use the company card for payment so I use my own card to pay for the books and wait for him.
There`s quite an increase of people going inside the store and even onlookers. Damn they already figured it out that was fast. My guide is still out so I retreated inside the store that has a blind spot from the outside. Damn where is he, things are getting out of hand.
Then an ojou-chan approached me. She`s quite cute and beaming with enthusiasm, her sienna brown bob cut hair and those big chocolate brown eyes adding her wide grin made my heart flutter a bit. Wait she look like the chibi of that beautiful ojou-san that kale-san is hugging. Damn, raijuu just explode.
“Kaila, please don’t run inside.”
Crap I just heard a beautiful voice that will pull my heartstrings.
“Sorry, mommy I just found daddy`s boss.”
“Sir Tadashi, please excuse my daughter sudden appearance”
He said as he pick up chibi-chan and behind him was her Okaa-san really looks like her but the older version. He’s really lucky.
“No worries, a sudden cute surprise won’t make me mad or anything. And hello to you ojou-san”
I lower my head and greeted her, and she looks confused but she greeted back and even bow like me.
“It was a tradition but don’t worry about it.”
“Umm… okay… I forgot i`m Catherine and i’m his wife”
“Nice too meet you too, i’m Tadashi Rishido”
“Daddy, why does he say his name backwards?”
Oh right I forgot about this things. But kale-san fill her curiosity and after our greetings, I said that we should proceed to eat some snack before going back in which Kaila-chan agreed quickly.
The peanut gallery becomes dense outside but kale-san do his job and we continue our way with little problem and that is murmurs and paparazzi.
I glared at them and told them to make some distance and threat them to not disturb us or the two ladies. Kale-san even show some agitation towards them but I held him. It might go out of hand even more.
As we eat some snacks like pizza and pasta from a French resto, the paparazzi is still there but the manager shoo them away because their blocking the way.
Before lunch, I told them that we need to go back. Kaila-chan look sad but her Okaa-san told her that we just escaped just to meet them which she understand and hug her Tou-san while having tears.
After that dramatic family exchange, we got outside but it is getting harder to move now. I don’t want to use this but… no it is still early and paparazzi might fuzz about this.
I saw someone with a mic and like see he is reporting or something so I approached him from behind then tugged his coat as he turned around I snatch it and clear my throat.
“Alright people, you just hit my limit now. I want to stay a bit longer but your presence is becoming a nuisance for me and my company here. If you’re asking about the game, we tester can’t release any info. If why i’m here, i’m enjoying my Sunday that all of you just spoil just now.”
I tossed back the mic to the dumbfounded guy the moved towards the exit and go inside our car. But I told kale-san to take his family to their home just to be safe. He protested at first but I told him I will cover for him when we get back.
He is hesitant but agreed. When both are car on the move, I relaxed myself and breathe deeply.
“You sure are different from all the people I work with.”
“Not really, I just can’t take the chance for them to be together. I’ve been there also and end up like this.”
This driver-san sounds like an old hermit but not an empty talk. I will enjoy this ride while talking to him.
“So you end up bad, that sure hurts every time.”
“I know but i’m man so I just need to suck it up. Besides there are more this in life than this”
“Very positive outlook for a young man”
“I need to live in this harsh world after all, so I have to keep it tough”
“Then I wish for your safety on the road of your choice. This is coming from the one that seen many things already.”
“Thanks and we both know that it is not easy right.”
“Not really but are you sure you can handle his superior”
“I can don’t worry, and I don’t have time for that we are here anyways.”
As I open the door someone help me and looks like i`m in deep shit, why because the one open is their superior, why again because it got a damn badge stating her position and yes her. I hope Minea blessed this body for what will happened.
I was taken to their office that is at the inner place of the lobby and into their lounge where we talk but it was a tough one like fighting a boss-class with yourself that have 30 level differences.
But I pulled it off after the circumstances that I stated like kale-san family always goes to mall every Sunday but what hit her is Kaila-chan. Yup I have a photo of her as my last resort if this happened and both of us slip, but with no next time. And she deleted my photo of her saying she’s confiscating it. Tsk she’s stingy. No more tramp card.
Anyways I quickly go to my condo to do some research and looks like everyone is already up. Other pass by when I was in our floor, some are in the lounge chatting with their peers and chillin. I miss it but not now.
As I got inside my room, I arrange some books that I bought but no so related to the game just trivial books and some that do just to fill the shelf.
Once I’ve finished changing to a more comfortable clothes, I slipped inside then plug the memory stick that have my major books then log inside my virtual space where I can read five times more because of the delay. Really cheat like for lazy students.
As I gotten virtualize and called my memory stick folder, I saw different file that pleased me. But first I need an atmosphere just for me to ready. I think there’s option for this but just the basic but looks like Neos real spoiled us having good virtual space items like house part and items.
But I just put a door standing out of nowhere then make the floor looks like a trimmed lawn then trees that have some space apart. Then random growing flower bushes and have some insects, birds and small critters to roam around so it won’t feel desolated.
And after all of the things I added, I just sit in my garden and read non-stop on a much faster pace like flipping the page then view ever content and turn. I hope my memory scan will work hard for me or all of this will be non-sense.
After finishing my major books and some topic I already needed, I log back. When I`m back to Edean, its pass midnight already and I still have few hours for me to racked my memory to juice out what I get from my reading.
‘Memory scan and new world scan’
Memory scanning please waitMemory scan completedNew world ability acquiredTraitsHyper data processingQuick shiftMetallurgyInnovationEnergy conversion and conservation????????????AbilityBody engineeringProgrammingBlacksmithingAlchemySalvage[/tds2][td2]Metal works
Alright everything paid off… wait what’s that question mark trait.
Unable to identify due to lack of data, abilities and resources
Great!!! I hit something good from there. Better read first the requirements, I hope it won’t be tough. As I read my traits and abilities, I frown a bit because of restrictions. Nothing comes free anymore this days.
Some traits and abilities are connected one way or the other like the hyper data processing that required a programming skill, I don’t get why I have metal works or blacksmithing but hey it’s free so i’m not complaining anymore. I first take programming and it’s on basic 5. Then I take salvage and body engineering then a window appeared.
Pre requisite abilities have been acquiredCollectorcollector is unlockedWould you like to change you class?
Wow… finally my first class but it is the bottom feeder. But I might get something out of this class anyways. I tap yes and now my class is a collector, well as name implies so no more to ask. The good thing is it gave me +1 all stats plus bonus stats as long as i`m a collector which is +5 Int, Wis, Dex.
Would you like to integrate body construction to body engineering?
I just tap yes and wait for another boost. I feel like a kid opening multiple gift at my birthday.
Integrating abilities
Then the next one is innovator which aid me when working on weapons, body parts and tools to locate repair, defect and possible upgrades. And when I have I look at my tool arm then scan, my arm is painted in red, yellow, and blue.
Red is for repair, yellow is for defect and not functioning well, and blue for upgrade. Then I look around just to be sure but I don’t detect anything. Maybe later on.
The combo trait of metallurgy and metal works gives me ideas for my materials and their uses and even here that have magic will greatly help me forging my body and weapons that can`t be done in earth.
The energy, processing, and shift gear required advance body and bigger energy capacity. While the blacksmith and alchemy need a teacher first to properly learn them.
After checking my stats and abilities, I tried to do the programming at a simple circuit that a drone worker have. At first i’m having a hard time figuring out things because of symbol and language differences.
Luckily my programming helps me a lot when doing this because of system assist that’s keep showing pattern or path for me. It’s good to have both system and personal touch of doing things, system assist just point things out and not really do the work and yes how or where to put this or that.
I keep tinkering until i’m able to increase the capacity of one system and tried to copy it at more sophisticated format for my head. As I looked outside, the sun is peeking out, I started packing my items then view my notification for news that keeps blinking.
This programming is giving me tons of stats like wow. I mean just for finishing from a simple command of repairing and scavenging is worth 20 Int and Wis plus some Dex. Maybe I could make my own drone but I still don’t have a mother system if I will create one. Maybe later after my hunt to collect more required items for this project.
Leyla haven’t been back so might as well go back to the scrapyard. But when I check my weapons, it made me cry. The halberd can`t take another fight because of the damage that’s unrepairable. So I need to do craft new one but I bet it will be better because of the new abilities I got.
As I walk out of the inn that still sleeping, I find my way towards the guild then ask someone to where I have to pay to use their forge. An elf-san help me with this and guide me downwards to their forgery after the payment.
It is still desolated so but not for long, I quickly unload the necessary items that can be used for ingots. Then I start my work by melting the metal that have iron properties after I disassemble them to much smaller parts because some contain mineral ores like copper, bronze and some alloys.
After melting I pour it down to the ingots casting block then repeat the process until i’m satisfied.
Threat detected level 10 non hostileSafety precaution is highly recommended
“You’re early for an old man to get out of the bed guild master- san”
I pulled back the ingots from the furnace to speak with this old hermit that’s a master smith according to the peanut gallery. This old man is a half giant pack with muscles and battle scars, bald and moustache with a grin made me think is he an anime rip off or inspired. Plus he`s always wear a rip denim vest and pants with a leather boots plus working gloves.
“I was my part of my daily routine to forge some ingots and for you, is it your first time down here.”
He said as he grab one of the ingots and inspect it. Early evaluation for me but if I pass he might give me some lesson to fulfil the blacksmith ability.
“Mind if you teach this forgotten clockwork some process in blacksmithing”
“Okay then, so basic process won’t hurt but don’t expect for techniques or anything because you have to be a traveller first and an intermediate blacksmith to learn them.”
“No worries, shall we start.”
He just nodded and begun instructing me how to forge the ingots and craft weapons and also how to maintain them. It takes time to learn but my system indicates that i’m at 34% percent and were just getting started.
After an hour or so, I have finally able to have blacksmithing and start downloading, while waiting I inspected the halberd that with the guidance of guild master
Iron beheaderAttack50-90Durability200/200Pre RequisiteStr 40, Dex 20Bonus statStr +20, Dex +10
Yes, my first weapon is awesome from the start but that strength requirement is high and from my stats it’s just around 30. Crap.
“Good one for the first try, mostly the first weapon being forged is a sword but as expected you can learn much faster and good quite a fit.”
“I can’t do this halberd without your guidance sensei”
I bowed to him as I held my halberd.
“I don’t know what the last word means but if it’s a title for highly regarded person then thank you.”
He pat my shoulder as I raise my head looking at my new weapon.
“Well then I will proceed upstairs for my meal”
“Okay sensei, I will clean this up but I will proceed to the scrapyard to hunt.”
“Say, what are the monsters in that scrapyard? Last time we clean that up its just some ant and scavengers.”
“I haven’t seen a scavenger but the ants are there and I can solo it out and not being disturbed by others.”
“Then take care, maybe team up with someone it will benefit you, besides not all members are rough like Luin and Shark.”
Then he bind his good bye and walk upstairs as I start cleaning. Then read my notifications.
BlacksmithBasic 1Art of crafting with metals and other materials to produce weapons and armours.Improved crafted items depending on ability, materials, and other factors on crafting phase.Enable to equip all type of weapons and reduce damage and weapon incompatibility by 5%Fusing crude blacksmith to blacksmithBlacksmith basic 3bonus stat STR +11Body engineeringBasic 1Improved system that allow clockworks to repair and construct body partEnable to construct other mechanical type body parts and systemIncrease durability of body parts depending on how it is crafted.ProgrammingBasic 5Enable the clockwork to create program to improve or create new program assisting the systemAs programming increase so thus the complexity of program being availableInt +9 Wis +9Creating a unique or complex program assistance provided by 12%SalvageBasic 3Enable to retrieve and repair tool and body parts from destructionRepairing broken parts become much faster.Retrieving parts from being destroy increase chance 7%MetalworkBasic 1Improved crafted body part and weapon that crafted from metals or have some metal parts.Improvement is ability, material and performance dependent.
TraitsMetallurgyLearning the nature, structure and uses of metals.Aide system towards metal works, blacksmithing, miningMetalworksImproves crafted items and tools. Also improve crafted body parts for clockworksBlacksmithingImproves crafted weapons and armour. Depending on the skill and ability of the crafterMiningIncrease chance of mining high tier mineral and ore, small chance of mining gem and magic jewelsInnovatorHaving thirst for improvement and innovation you gain this trait that will assist youSystem assist indicatorRedRepairYellowDefect/non-operationalBlueUpgrade??????????????
so here is the fourth one and now we got some real life going on and guys some here and there but i will keep adding some real life just not to be stuck at VR world anyways studying and playing Vr is kinda hard but i will pull it off but not so soon because we are still on beta test and i will keep adding some RL interaction.
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