《Edean World Online》Chapter 3 : New Things, New Goals


Chapter 3

I`m back. When I was still a child, i`m not good at talking to people and I even had a hard time making friends. Maybe it was just my cold attitude that keeps people away and I really hate having bullies picking at me.


New world abilityAvailable Abilities and TraitAcrobaticsPerceptionPresence recognition

Alright I can download 3 out of 4, this will help me a lot but that presences recognition is don’t par to my sensor well I can delete it but retrieve it back so i’m taking my chances.

“What are you doing now?”

“I’m checking my system and upgrading myself so it’ll take a few minutes”

“Fine, but after that we will go hunting again, Okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, I got ya`h.”

After our exchange she just sat on my shoulder and start humming. I take all available then a notif came to my view.

Downloading new world ability 1/3Downloading new world ability 2/3Downloading new world ability 3/3Installing new found data 10/100%Installation completed

AcrobaticsBeginner 1Skilful exercise of dextrous body coordination while movingAbility to evade incoming attack: 10%Dexterity +15Required proper body coordination to perform evasionPerceptionBeginner 1Ability to intercept incoming attackAbility to block/evade/counterattack: 10%Agility +15Required proper body part and system to perform the abilityPresence recognitionRange of detection3 meter radiusIntelligent +10 Wisdom +10Required additional system, upgraded scanner and sensors to fully utilize this system

Would you like to merge Presence recognition to Sensor Antenna?

Woo… that’s new. Let’s see. ‘Show result from merging of two traits’

Hhmm…Additional features from existing one, upgraded status, additional range, system assist to ability involving movement, evasion, blocking, and counterattack, many benefits can be received.‘Merge two traits’

Merging traits 5/100%

Wooh… that will take time, better keep moving.

“Leyla, help me with my cans again.”

“You really worked up to that one right?”

“Yeah, my energy capacity is still small and doing additional work on my engine and gear really burned me.”

“Okay, okay now open up.”

I open my hatch where she will pour the fuel and water at my back. It feels like eating but damn, thinking of the taste will be like you’re just drink a warm soft drink. Bleh.

“Thanks Leyla, you might be a good assistant for a clockwork or maybe create your own robot.”

“That would be easy because i’m your guide after all. Fu fu fu fu”

Damn here we go again. I should stop praising here from small things. When I look at my bottom left of m visor the merging is now 8%. Too slow.

“It’s noon already, let’s go back to hunting before sun goes down.”


Easy scared but too excited, she really need a counselling about her attitude and mental issue. When moving back to where my last fight is, we saw another one still on solo. Might as well take the chance before their hive send groups or higher threat.

Now I do full frontal assault now that I have better equips. The drone run towards I but I utilize my new ability as I jump overhead while evading its claw that will slice me in half. It’s really useful having warning flashing for 2 sec before the contact. I slice its neck to finish it quickly, it will be troublesome for me if it send signal towards others.

“Is that your upgrade that you’re talking about?”

“Yeah, quite useful because I can see incoming attack and evade unlike me yesterday that can’t move this fluidly.”

“Then can you hunt stronger ones now, I like to see big battle.”

“Fine, but you have to fight too you know.”


“Why would I do that? Hmp”

“If you can’t fight or defend yourself, you can’t go outside so here catch”

I toss to her a pierced worker ant in my halberd.


“Use your magic.”

“Nature ball grip”

So she can do chant less magic. And that ball fly towards the drone before vines that crushed it but not really powerful because the drones already dying.

“That was dangerous you know!”

“But you need to do it at least a hundred more.”

“What are you saying? You’re higher than us fairies you know.”

“Oh. I forgot about it. Anyways better to teach you, so you can be better that the others.”

“Hmp. But I`m just training with you just for myself and not helping you or anything. Stupid tin can.”

Tsundere loli fairy detected

What the fuck really? My scanner just displayed that. Calm down, breath in, breath out wait I don’t need oxygen i’m a robot.

I just shrugged off and start throwing pierced drones and after my 15 toss she shines for a bit. Looks like she level up, wait does everybody shine when levelling up.

“Yeah! the goddess said I become stronger. Fu fu fu.”

Then I scanned her if I can help her with the points or maybe its auto locate.

Compannion StatusNameLeylaRaceFairyClassMagicianLevel2Health120/120Mana205/205Health regen0.025 per secondMana regen0.275 per secondStrength11Intelligent19Agility15Dexterity13Wisdom19Luck11Vitality11

Oh so they have all stat increase and additional bonuses depending on their class.

“Let’s get going then.”

As I look away she’s puffing her cheeks and cross her arms. *sigh* I won’t praise you. We continue our hunt and thank Minea she’s helping me now. So the hunt run smoothly.

As the night starts crawling at the junkyard we made it back to my so called base. And here i’m preparing the scanners that will alert me when someone or something came nearby. Leyla also helping me with her magic by binding the useless scrap as I make a cave that will fit my body. And it’s cramped but I can’t say anything.

As the night falls, she return to her home while I connected all the surveillance scanner and sensor to my arms and shut down my system to sleep. Tomorrow will be my third and last day before walking up in RL.


*yawn* last day before logging out. I need to hit level three before night fall or maybe find something other than ants. But I can’t just go inside the village looking poor or anything.

As I start my engine and go online, I look at my sensors and scanners and I does scan a lot but mostly the workers drones moving around then it picked up life signature around midnight.

Tsk, someone’s roaming around and also at midnight that was suspicious. Maybe going to the village is inevitable. I kicked the block able of my mini cave and see Leyla with her beaming smile, but I ignore her and proceed towards the hunting ground.

She’s on her good mode today, looks like something good happened to her while on her town but I refrain asking coz she will talk nonstop. I saw increase of soldier drones patrolling around and looks like their queen send their commanders.

Autonomous siege drone antDurability600/600Level 5Drone ant created to hold its own drone soldier network and workers to give orders if threat is found. It can also send signal to the hive if the collection site is dangerous. If it detect threat, soldier ant and siege will chase enemy and the send signal to hive for support to take down threat.


Wow that’s a lot and now I see a better engine for me, but what I hate is the hive system it had.

“Are they too many?”

“No just fine but we need to finish this quickly or we will get surrounded.”

“So what’s the plan?”

“You’re just going bind them with your magic as much as possible while I take that big one. Got that.”

“I got it but I can’t bind them all at the same time.”

“Just bind the ones attacking me from behind and my sides, I can’t evade multiple attacked at once or ill burn myself.”

“Let’s go”

Then I start running towards the enemy even though its 2 versus 6 we can managed so soldier but the siege is a problem. Then an alert came in signalling up I didn’t think I just move sideward.

Fuck that scrap ball is as big as a sofa. Then I saw the siege making another one. Crap need to move fast. On my single glaze to Leyla she starts firing nature ball and trapped or tumbled soldier ant.

As I evade another ball that is fired at me, I jump on one of the ants then throw one of my spear that I made after yesterday’s hunt. I connects towards the siege`s leg and disrupting its balance so the ball missed me an inch or two. I really need to go inside fight I will be smashed to bit by this.

I bisect other ant that attacked me then go inside the siege`s claw range. The siege is as big as a full grown horse and i`m running out of time also. I move faster than the soldier as it slams its claws towards me and keep evading. I need to have a clear shot on its neck to defeat it and also stop it from throwing signal.

Then it slams both claw then I saw its neck wide open and take the hit with my halberd blocking it. Damn it’s too heavy for me. I keep getting lowered to the ground and a soldier is approaching to me.

One ant break from Leyla`s binding this is not good. I look back at the siege and it’s going to bite my head off so I lower myself to gain momentum from my feet then burn my energy to make a push upward removing the claws and evading the soldier ant claw by going under the siege neck then smashing my halberd so hard that I almost break its handle.

Damn this one, the halberd only travel haft of its neck and it’s stuck. But what I did is gripped its neck and pull myself up to disable it.

The siege starts to shakes me off its neck but I need to focus or I’ll gonna die. After I disconnected its wire and dysfunction its operating system that I always see in other ants, it stop moving and slowly lower its head. The soldier ant stop also, maybe I hit the hive connection.

I didn’t waste time and one by one I disable all of the five remaining. And I saw Leyla panting and hiding the scraps. She exhausted herself for this, I need to thank her at least.

“Are *pant* we *pant* done now?*pant*”

Yep super exhausted. But hey, it was a good hunt though so it’s a win-win.

“Yes battle is done we win so take a rest for a bit”


She just lie down on the dirt while I start dismantling the siege drone. While doing it, I turned on my notif to see what I gain.

For disabling the siege ant status gain has been achievedInt +3, Wis +5, Dex +5]For disabling the hive system of drone ant’s status gain has been achievedAll stats + 2.......

Very nice, I gain a level, a Dismantle ability, and a title it was a truly a good hunt for the last day. Maybe Leyla level up to after this battle but first I have to bag this thing first.

I carry the siege first but by parts while Leyla is guarding the other loots. And after gaining some distance and safe place for upgrade, I start my work for advancement.

First I attached my new and more powerful engine and battery to use my core as a smelter for my new head part. The faceplate that have scanner is quite big but it can be bent and cut when heated, so I make a helmet like head with half of it’s covered by the eyes scanner that’s under the face plate. From the looks of it, it was like mask with no hole just a mask covering the face then I mould the heated plate like a helmet that I saw on TV.

I also prepare my OS that is the combination of the siege and some of mine. It’s quite hard coz I have to shut down some system and keep working on my new head. After i’m done half way I ask Leyla to help me with my head. I extend my cords that connect to my body to the surface where I was working. It looks weird seeing your body without a head.

“Leyla did you get my instruction. It was colour coded so the cords will not go to the wrong slot you go it.”

“Yeah, yeah, i’m genius at doing this.”

That’s what I fear the most.

“If you fail, I die so do it right. Good bye.”

I shut down my system but not the engine after my data transfer to my new head.

Connecting to the new system stand byScanning headScan complete no abnormalities detectedConnection complete, synchronizing with the bodySynchronization complete, all body parts detected and operationalNew scanner, sensor system, memory bank and OS has been synchronizeIdentificationRaiser QantIdentification accepted[/td4

I feel renewed again, my body feels great and moving my arms and legs don’t feel anything weird except for some that needs replacement for burning them to work.

“My head feels light and great.”

“I told you i’m good at this.”

“Yeah, yeah, you just said it a while ago.”

Then she start laughing and praising herself. Better start my other upgrades and maybe I should go inside the village now to have a proper workshop to craft my gears.

“We are going inside the village so get ready. I`ll just finish collecting this and repair then we move out.”

“Finally, when can get out of this junkyard.”

I store the limbs and other parts like the body and claw and eats about ten slot in my upgraded item box. I just change the gears from the soldiers and take some extra parts and repair myself. Crap my merging skill I forgot to check it.

[td4]Merging status completeZone detection (upgradeable)Enable the sensors to detect every biological and non-biological presence around the bodyAble to perceive possible threat and their level. Also aid the scanner and sensor to perceive movements that threatens then body.Enable to perceive intention towards the system.Give aids towards movement, evasion, blocking, and counterattack ability and traitRange for detection6 metersRange for perceiving threat movement4 metersIntelligent + 15, Wisdom +15, Dexterity +5, Agility +5

Awesome!!!... But my strength and toughness have been left out. Well I need to change part to increase my toughness and strength.

“Are you done? I’m ready to go.”

“Yeah i`m ready so let’s go then.”

“Yeah! We’re exploring the village.”

“Stay on my shoulders and don’t use you magic and shut your mouth, I don’t need trouble because i’m already a walking one.”

“Tsk fine, party popper.”

“You’re my guide so where to go first”

“The TEA guild”

“Tea guild, you know i’m a non-biological sentinel being right.”

“I don’t know what you’re saying but it`s not a tea for drink but of travellers, explorers, and adventures guild.”

“Aren’t they all the same?”

“Yeah but there are some pecks and it is also groupings of job classes. Like if you register as a traveller you should have me chanting skill or crafting skill. While the explorer and adventurer have a little difference. Explorers do dungeon hunting and ruin excavation but the adventure do well adventuring the land and sea like mountain mapping and threat estimation.”

“Can I register them all?”

“Yes but you have to gain the required rank to have another one.”

“Let’s talk later. I have to cover myself and I will instruct you when we have to talk.”

“Why is that?”

“I need to register first so I won’t get hunted down”

“Yeah you’re the sole clockwork traveller after.”

I grab the cloth that I saw will going to the exit and cover my head and all the way down my feet but the holes are not help better find it fast.

“You ready?”

“Wait I’ll scan first and mark my route for easiest way and not crowded path.”

My scanner can reach up to 350meters but this village or rather a city is much bigger than I think off. The guild is one the east side and easily seen because it’s on the main roadway.

The town or city looks like diamond shape except for the scrapyard that is not connected from the town. There is also some settlement outside the walls and the slums must be there. There will be always people in need even in other worlds.

As we walk inside the town, there is no guards stopping me and most people I see hear are human or the half breeds. How depressing but I have to keep walking and besides I don’t have feelings or anything. As I turn right I can see the guild but its noon here I don’t think its summer season as I look at my temperature gauge at my screen.

Is looks like what would you see in some rig games. The reception is built from stones but the upper part are all wood. The banner have a sword and a wand making an x a shield behind it then an three arrow positioned horizontally then from the bottom of the shield is a dragon claw with a scroll or maybe a map with the other one is like a feline paw with a potion.

Then building has 5 floors from the windows that I see and inside are lots of people that I pick up when I scanned the building. The fun part is that it has dungeon or a basement that has 2 floors below and there are quite a few people. My sensors give me a yellow warning, meaning there someone or a group watching me. Please leave me along and don’t raise any red flag.

As I walked inside I quickly proceed towards the counter for registration. By the way this floor have 3 section, first is the trading post where you report or trade your loot then the registration post and last is the lounge and request board.

“Good day sir, are you a traveller or a native.”

“Leyla do your work”

“Hmp. Stubborn lazy can.”

Then she flew from the hole that is in my face and towards the receptionist onee-san.

“Oh so you’re a traveller, I see but I know that travellers need to register once they got inside the town right?”

“Yes I know because that’s my job but the thing is, we don’t end up inside the town.”

“Sorry I didn’t know.”


“Oh sorry sir, ohh… I you could please remove your cloak and held your arms out, when hum... it is part of the registration…”

Looks like they develop photos and finger print but i’m a clockwork I can change my face and hands anytime.

“Can you contact you guild master here because i’m in predicament about what you said.”

“T-the guild master... b-but I don’t have that power sir…”

“Don’t worry I can feel it to”

“What did you say sir.”

“Raiser you’re scaring the lady!”

“I said don’t make commotion right? And here you are shouting even my name.”

“But your scaring the lady don’t you see.”

“She was just scared from what she don’t know, that’s all”

Warning threat level 1 detected

“Oy! Did we just heard your scaring our beautiful Sheena?”

Warning threat level 5 detected from aboveWarning threat level 10 detected from above

So the guild master sense me, well love the make some anime like scene here. But better ignore them first or I might break one or two bones.

“I`m not scaring her, i’m just requesting to meet the guild master of this town.”

“Heh. And who do you think you are? You even have a weird voice.”

“You’re the one making commotion now raiser.”

Why can’t she just shut up?

“Your even like us, don’t you know the rules. And if you think you can beat me and my crew think again. We are level 5 even if were jobless, we can beat you. And the highest right now would be at least 15.”

These ruffians talk too much. My gears are raging to beat the day out of them.

“Shark please don’t start a fight here. The guild master won’t like it.

Why does he even name himself shark if they are all human according to my scanner.

Warning threat level 5 detected far leftWarning threat level 10 detected from far left non-hostile[/table]

Let the show begin.

“Don’t worry Sheena we will just teach him a lesson.”

As Shark grabs my left shoulder, the threat moves fast going at my back. Shit I have to make it. As my system received my command, my whole body starts pumping up more energy. Let’s do this.

I grab Shark`s arms with my left hand then pulled him at a fluid movement and let’s hope not to damage my gears for this, I connect my right elbow to his midsection then do a back pass using Shark as a ball. Double shit it evade him, need to block.

I plant my foot hard from the incoming attack that give me a breath time of 2 sec, too fast. I cross my arms luckily the scrap shield is still on my left arm or I will gonna find another arm. Then it connects to my shield.

Enchanted blow -120

Fuck that hurts and enchanted blow, I don’t even have magic resist. I might get scrap if I got 2 more hit.

I got push several inches from my original place and my shield just got destroyed.

What the hell? That shit might be armour pent guys. Nerf please. As the attacker jumped back and prepare another fist of hell someone grab his shoulder. Please stop that beast or he`ll break my arms you know.

“Luin, stand down he`s a traveller even you kill him, he will just come back to life.”

What the hell, you didn’t even care if he’s going to kill me. My scanner can’t identify the one beside him maybe identify inhibition or my scanner is just low.

“Sorry for his sudden burst he just got a bad taste from your presence.”

For such thing, he just attacked and almost break my arm.

“Then at least put a good leash or a mouth guard to him, he might hurt somebody just because of trivial thing.”

“WHAT!!! You think I`m dog you insolent being.”

He`s hot headed just for being teased what a childish upbringing or maybe just his nature after all he`s a beastkin of canine.

“Luin, I said stand down”

Oh the old man gone cold now. And his grip might break my shoulder coz the mutt starts to wince.

“From my perspective, you already know who am I right *sigh* show ends now.”

As I removed my tattered cloak everyone face got a mix of amazement and surprise. I expected this one, you don’t see an independent clockwork nowadays.

“Yes, I already know when you step inside this building.”

“Then I want to be registered to be an explorer and adventurer.”

“Quite a request but you have to pass the exam for dual registration. And you also need to be at least silver with 3 quest that had 4 star or be gold that needed more than the silver.”

Tsk. That would take too much time but i have to figure it out before the beta ends.

“That would be hard.”

“Heh… and do you think you could get a silver, I bet even going at bronze will take you a year or two.”

Quite cocky but his punch does say a lot. If I get stronger, I`ll challenge this mutt for another fight.

“What if I just register and don’t pick my field what will happened.”

“Well you won’t have additional skills given by the said field of work then you can`t do field oriented job orders like dungeon exploration commissioned by the guild.”

“Can I change my registration from none to adventurer or explorer?”

“Yes it’s possible but you have to start by a level lower from your current rank.”

“Thank you guild master Arth”

“Oh so you know me, I’m flattered.”

“Not really just heard someone saying your name.”

“Hey you’re ignoring me.”

After my talk to the guild master ignoring his mutt, I turn my attention towards Sheena-san and Leyla who`s eyes are sparkling. What`s so amusing just to make her like that.

“Ojou-san I would just like to register to the guild with no field.”

“Okay sir…your right hand please and release your mana on your hand.”

“I’m a sentinel being that doesn’t have mana”

“Sorry I didn’t know.”

I looked down and being ashamed about what I said. Come on this isn`t your fault.

“Wait a moment”

Maybe I could do it with my energy but it will be hard to do with energy. Maybe I could pumped my energy in my hand, alright all or nothing like playing poker. I start pumping my energy focusing to my right hand. Fuck this is hard, how can I do this. Light bulb!!!

“Ojou-san! I can’t keep it for too long or ill shut down.”

Then she quickly insert the plate then I remembered that she might get hurt.

“Drop the plate! Or you’ll get burned.”


Looks like she got startled for a bit and drop the plate right in my palm but the next moment the plate shine bright that even I have to shut down my vision for a bit. I feel Leyla that has been silent for the whole event at the back of my head.

“I’m scared Raiser… muhh...”

“Don’t worry I just used half of my energy so don’t worry”

“Whaa...My eyes hurt.”

Noisy mutt, I didn’t even know what happened.

“Looks like mister clockwork release too much mana or whatever it is called.”

“Looks like the registration is a success.”

The guild plate is quite amusing but the colour is somewhat whitish blue.

“I will just confirm the registration”

She look at my tin card plate then it shine for a bit, maybe confirmation skill or something.

“Yes the process is completed, welcome to the guild Sir Raiser.”

“Raiser only Sheena-san”

“Okay… Raiser”

Then the guild master Arth approached with his business smile. That will gives me the chills but I`m a robot.

“So now that you’re registered will you take some quest?”

Quest is really something because I can receive more rewards but I like to explore more about my capabilities.

“No, I will go hunting solo again.”

“Then come back if you know what field you will take first.”

“Thank you Sheena and guild master but we will be back promise.”

“Leyla lets go”

As she rushed at me I looked at my status.

STATUSNameRaiser QantRaceClockworkClassnoneLevel3Durability340/340Energy200/200Energy regen0.27 per secondStrength27 +3Intelligent75 +3Agility52 +3Dexterity60 +3Wisdom74 +3Luck12 +3Toughness24 +3Free stat points5



Hello again if you`re still reading this and thank you,, and about that part where there are some text that is in the center..

i can`t edit it out without doing damage to the whole thing sorry.. okay so stay tune and enjoy,,

rate and review please..

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