《World Jumper》Chapter 40


Alex couldn't believe Jet had given her half his magic. Even if it had only been twenty percent. She was going to argue with him. But she had an ice dragon to deal with. That had completely ignored her and started to fly up and dive towards Jet. Her wings spread and with one flap of them Alex slammed into the ice dragon knocking it off course. While she was at it, bit a chunk of ice off its neck. But when she spit the ice out, it melted then flew back to the dragon refreezing on the spot she had taken it off. She didn't think that was fair at all. When a piece got torn off her, the magic would fade away.

The ice dragon had decided to fight Alex instead. It gained altitude to take a dive at her. Alex to the dragons surprise over took it easily. While she overtook the beast she wrapped her tail around its neck. Then dived for the ground. The dragon tried to struggle during the fall, but Alex had cut off a wing while flying past him. So it couldn't prevent itself from hitting the road and shattering.

Alex watched the pieces of the ice dragon flew in all directions as it exploded. Even through the window of stores and walls and light poles. Yeah she figured Jet was going to get in a lot of trouble for this. Then she groaned as all the ice melted and reformed into the dragon, turning back to ice. However it wasn't all for nothing, she had noticed the water had surrounded a small core before shaping back into an ice dragon.

This time the dragon ran right at Alex. 'So the dragon thinks it has a better chance on the ground.' Alex watched as it run clumsily towards her. Then stared in disbelief as it changed forms in front of her. Now there was another version of Alex running towards her. 'This thing is so stupid. Does it realize no matter the shape, it's still made out of ice.' Alex thought to herself.

Moving out the way Alex struck the clumsy piece of ice. But it had made ice spears out of its side hitting her at the same time. Then it turned around and tilted its head in confusion at her. "Sorry, did I mention I'm just a magic based creature too." Although, she didn't regenerate like this creature. If it come to an extended fight, she would lose.

Alex's horns started to spark with electricity as she ran over to the ice creature. It shattered before she reached it, then flew off as a smaller bird with the ice following after the thing. Alex frowned while watching the bird she had no chance of catching up with. But that hadn't stopped her from trying. After following the thing up, she noticed it was getting ready to dive towards Jet. The ice creature changed into a long pointed bullet and flew towards Jet at a frightening speed.

As she started to warn Jet, she saw him on the ground. He didn't even look like he was conscious and not only that, Amanda and Jeff were there. However Alex didn't have time to figure out what happened. Then she looked around as she dived after the long spike bullet. Then a plan flashed through her mind and how much damage she was about to cause. Her body started to rapidly shrink as sparks of lightning rapped around her form. Then she looked at the Pizza Hut, that happened to be on the other side of the ice bullet.


Alex was hoping this would work, lightning was a very temperamental magic. Hopefully the Pizza Hut would end up being her target. She reached out with her lightning to the electricity in the building. That wasn't all the plan, she wanted to evaporate the water, or destroy that core. The town lit up for miles as she turned all of her magic into lightning. Then with a blink of an eye, the Pizza Hut blew to pieces. Parts of the store flew in all directions from the bolt of lightning, knocking all the power out in town. Transformers all around town blew from the backlash of the bolt of lightning. Making the night light up just for a few seconds.

Getting up Alex looked around, she had managed to completely evaporate all of the ice. Unfortunately there was a small core hovering a foot off the ground, in the middle of all the destruction. Alex took note that she had gotten rid of its water. But with the water mains broken, it started to slowly pull the new water towards itself. Without thinking she leaped at the core and swallowed the stupid thing, in hopes her magic would negate the cores own magic. Well it had worked, but she fell over spasming and fell unconscious.


The cops hadn't listened to Jet and were shooting at the woman. It did no good, she just formed an ice wall from one side of the street to the other. Blocking them from being able to shoot at her. So now they were both staring each other down.

The stare didn't last long, the ground shook as ice started to shoot out of the ground. Jet twisted the ground around him shattering the ice. A small smile crossed his lips as the woman started to choke for air. He had been pulling all the air away from that spot, because Jet was tired and didn't feel like fighting. His body was creaking with every move and the blue cracks were reforming on his body. Not only that, he had given Alex almost all of his magic. Jet had found a way to trick Alex, so she wouldn't know just how bad his body hurt, or the fact his magic is still not working properly. The biggest issue was he couldn't create anything far from himself.

The woman in the meantime found out what was going on. She run from the spot she was at and could breathe again. Then when she was about to get more serious, ice flew in all directions knocking them both off there feet. Neither one having time to block the ice flying at them.

Jet started to get back up and thought. 'What the hell is Alex doing over there.' He decided to let her be, not wanting to distract her. Then decided he should try and get that woman before she got back up. That is until he took a step and collapsed, a little piece of ice stuck in his knee. So he did his usual fix, pulled it out and cauterized the wound. Then he tried to get up again, ice wrapped around his body holding him to the ground.

"Finally got you." The woman walked over to Jet.


Jet just sighed and let out a deep breathe. "Sorry, what was that. Your voice a little hoarse, something wrong mam?"

She kicked Jet on his side cracking a rib. "I'm not a mam. I'm only twenty and my name is Jillian."

"Oh, my bad Jill." Jet said burning away all the ice and hitting her with a regular fireball. Then he got up listening to Jillian scream while she rolled around on fire. 'Ok, why doesn't she use her water magic.' Jet thought while dousing the fire. Then he heard a rumbling noise and looked towards the ice wall. "What is that noise?" Jet asked aloud. The ice wall exploded as a swat truck run through the wall. Unfortunately for Jet, the truck hit him and he went flying. When he landed his vision went blurry.

Jillian was pissed and fixed her wall, then used the water on the ground to freeze the truck solid. She limped over to Jet to put an end to the fight.

"Jet." Amanda yelled towards them. She stood there with tears streaming down her face.

"Well, well, well. The girlfriend is back. Now I can kill you first, then let him see your body." Jillian grinned. Which sent chills down Amanda's spine. The woman looked scary with her burnt face and one dead eye. Not only that when she smiled her burn marks cracked, blood running down her face.

Amanda froze as an spear of ice formed in front of her. What could she do? She wanted to protect Jet but couldn't. She was a fool to even come back. The world seemed to slow as the spear headed right towards her. Then sped back up when she flew sideways, just before it hit her. Someone landed on top of her, but he rolled off and jumped to his feet.

"Amanda, what hell are you doing here? You trying to get yourself killed?" Jeff yelled back at her not taking his eyes off Jillian.

"I just." She started.

"Wanted to protect Jet." Jeff finished. "I don't know if you realized this Amanda. Jet has magic and we don't. So you get up and run, I'll hold her off." He walked forward unafraid.

Jillian frowned and sent another ice spear at the new guy. Jeff didn't stop moving forward, side stepping the ice and pushing it away. Making sure it went away from Amanda. Three more ice spears shot at Jeff. He moved with a grace that put ballerinas to shame. Without missing a step Jeff knocked all three spears out of the air.

Jeff wasn't sure what he was going to do. His hands ached and blood started running down them. Then a bright light started to shine in the sky. He looked up to see a giant bullet of ice flying down fast towards Jet. What could he do? There was no time for him to grab Jet and run. But then he looked at the ball of lightning in the sky. A thought crossed his mind and he turned and jumped onto Amanda.

Jet was dazed but not unconscious. He was getting tired of being beat half to death. Trying to move just shot pain through his body. Then he saw a bright light in the sky. Along with something blue headed right towards him. Then a bolt of lightning flew through the sky destroying the Pizza Hut. Debris flew everywhere as the building blew up. After a few seconds a orb flew from the the rubble and entered his body.

'Jet you need to get up.' Alex spoke to Jet in a tired voice.

'I'm tired, just so tired.' He replied just as tired of a voice.

'Amanda come back.'

Jet's eyes flew open, then he turned his head. He saw Jillian getting up and pulling a piece of wood out of her thigh. Then he looked past her and saw Jeff sprawled out on the ground bleeding. Amanda was sitting up looking down at Jeff, tears streaking down her face. But Jet's magic sense saw something else, a small purple spec on Amanda. She had no magic yet there was some in her. Jet knew immediately what that little spec was.

Jillian used all the magic she had left and started creating dozens of ice spears above Jeff and Amanda. Jet got to his feet and started to walk towards her. World Breaker formed in his hand as he moved. He watched as her magic move through the air. There was a chance if he killed her the spears would still get them. So he walked up right behind her and grabbed her shoulder. Before Jillian could release her ice spears Jet jumped to another world, taking Jillian with him.

Just as Jet had hoped her magic had come with them. Then Jillian turned to him with a shocked look. Then panicked when she saw the sword in his hand. Before Jet had activated the runes on the sword she tried to jump to another world. Jet didn't let go and followed her jump. His body screamed in pain and his head ached from the jumps. But she didn't give up as the world's kept moving by trying to get away. When Jet finally got World Breaker's runes activated she stopped jumping. With no hesitation he plunged the sword right through her chest. He watched as she looked down in shock and disbelief. As she died Jet watched as she slowly slid off World Breaker.

Jet turned as he heard a scream. The scream come from a woman taking a bath. That's when Jet realized he was in a bathroom, and he just killed someone in front of this woman. But before he could try and defuse the situation. A man barged into the room and shot Jet with a taser. Him being able to control lightning, the taser didn't really hurt to much. However the punch to the jaw knocked him out.

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