《World Jumper》Chapter 21


As Jet walked down the hallway to the great hall for his ceremony, he had a lot on his mind. He could feel the slight tingle in the back of his head. His time in this world would be coming to an end. If he had to guess, he had about three months left. At first, Jet thought the headaches from the potions were getting worse. He had already stopped taking the potion because he felt he could no handle his magic. Therefore, he came to realize his time in this world was coming to an end.

"Well, this is where we part. I need to go to the kitchen. I'll be rooting you on." Jet watched as Relo smiled and winked at him before walking off.

Jet turned to the great halls double doors and stood in front of them. The two guards on both sides of the doors started to bow to him, then froze in place. "I'm not a noble yet, and even when I get a title. I would prefer not to have people bow to me."

Jet put his hands on the doors and pushed them open. He saw people standing on both sides of the room, and King Garent sat waiting on his throne. Jet put on a completely neutral face, then walked down the center of the room towards the King. When Jet got to the steps just before the throne, he then bowed before the king.

King Garent got up and reached his hand out. Todly had been standing at his side and had the King's sword. He bowed and held the sword handle out to King Garent. The King grabbed his sword leaving the sheath in Todly's hands.

"Jetsford, I have thought long and hard to find the right title for you. There is land to the south needing a Duke. However, that title won't work for you." Garent put his sword on Jet's should. "I Knight the Jetsford guardian of worlds."

Everyone in the room had a look of confusion on their faces, except for the royal family. They, however, did not interrupt the King as he finished.

Garent touched Jet's should with his sword then put it back in its sheath. "Rise, Sir Jetsford of house Gardner."

Murmurs filled the silence in the hall. Not only was Jetsford knighted, but he had been given a house name as well. Knights were not given house names. Then there was the strange title the King had given him.

"Let the festivities begin," Garent said.

Jet got greeted by a few of the great houses, but just a handshake. A lot of the lower nobles without a house name were more talkative.

"So, you should consider investing in the new mill at Tree Town." The man had been going on for a while.

"I will consider that. However, I would need a more detailed plan." Jet faked a smile. It sounded like a failed plan to him.

"Sure thing, I will have some paperwork sent over for you to look at." He said. Then he noticed someone coming up behind Jet. "Well, I need to be off, have a good day, Sir." Then walked off quicker than Jet thought was necessary.


Jet turned around to see who was walking towards him. It was a tall skinny man with shoulder-length Green hair. He had turquoise eyes and a kind smile on his face. When he stopped in front of Jet, he put his left hand out.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Sir Jetsford finally. My name is Duke Fane of house Thiry. Fane said.

Jet shook his hand and cocked his head. Where had he heard that name? "Have we met before?" The name sounded familiar to him.

Fane chuckled at Jet's response and smiled at him. "No, we have not personally met. However, I believe you know my daughter." Fane moved to the side and let Jet see his daughter.

He looked at the girl in front of him now. She looked to be around twelve or thirteen. She had long brown hair and a round face. Her eyes were also brown, and she had a grin on her face.

Jet put his hand out to shake her hand. "I apologize. I can't remember our meeting."

She took his hand and shook it. "That's ok. I was covered in blood."

Jet's mind put the pieces together. She was the girl he had helped. 'Know wonder I didn't recognize her. Last time she was covered in blood.' He thought to himself.

"You look much prettier without the blood." Jet smiled at her.

Rasen blushed slightly. "Yeah, I'm sure I do."

"Rasen has been wanting to meet you again, and thank you for saving her," Fane said.

"No need for thanks. I just did what anyone would do." Jet gave her a small smile. He knew that it wasn't true. A lot of people wouldn't risk their lives for others. 'But a lot of people don't have a father like mine.'

"Thank you for saving me," Rasen said anyways. Then Jet watched as she pulled something from a small pocket on her dress. "It's not much, but I had this designed and made for you." She held out her hand with a small coin on it.

Jet gingerly took the silver-looking coin from Rasen's hand and took a look at it. The details on the coin were amazing. Both sides were the same. There were what looked like turtles around a creek. It had trees in the background and rocks around the creek. The turtles almost looked like they were playing. His mother had loved turtles when she was alive. Jet knew she would have loved this coin. He had always thought she was weird for collecting such stupid stuff with turtles on it.

"Sir Jetsford, is something wrong?" Rasen asked.

"No, why?" Jet asked curiously.

"Your crying," Rasen had a worried look on her face.

Jet reached a hand up to touch his face. When he wiped his face, his hand came back wet with tears. "Sorry about that. The coin just brought back a memory of my mother."

"I heard you had been memory wiped from a mage," Fane said.

'Crap, I completely forgot about the memory loss thing. The memory of my mother caught me off guard.' Jet's mind started to wander as he thought of a lie to get out of his situation.


"No, his memory was jumbled when my brother found him. So he can get flashes of memory." Garent had been eavesdropping and helped Jet out.

"So if you got a memory of your mother. Maybe you can find her." Rasen said with hope.

Jet had accepted his parent's death long ago. However, looking down at Rasen, he could feel a pain in his heart. His mother and father will never come back. Then a brief memory flashed through his head. The site of destruction and snow stained red with blood. Jet shook his head and was just about to tell her maybe, but the King talked first.

"I had an investigation. I wasn't going to tell anyone, but Jetsford's family is dead." Garent said.

Rasen lifted a hand to her mouth and gasped. "That's so sad."

Jet gave a smile and patted Rasen on the head. "Don't worry. I have accepted my parent's death already."

Before Jet could say anything else, Rasen had slammed into him, wrapping her arms around him. "Nobody should have to lose their whole family. I don't know what I would do without my parents."

Jet embraced Rasen, "thank you for the gift Rasen. I will cherish the coin forever. As for a family, I got a new family now." He let her go smiling down at her.

"Rasen, be a dear and go get us drinks," Fane asked after Rasen let go of Jet.

"Ok." She walked off with a smile.

Fane looked over to the King. "Your Majesty, pleasure as always." Then walked off without another word.

"Well, that was rude." Jet cocked his head.

"Leave it, Fane's sister was my wife. He has every right to be angry." Garent watched as Fane walked away.

"Still, you are the King, and Queen Haley died during the war." Queen Haley was assassinated during the war. According to the history books, she had died while Garent was off fighting. Jet thought it would be stupid to hold a grudge for that.

"Thing about history books. They're written by the side that wins." Garent walked off with a saddened expression.

Now Jet stood alone and decided to get something to eat. Taking a quick look at the coin Rasen gifted him, Jet put it in a pocket and started to walk to a table. Then Rasen popped up in front of him.

"I got your drink Sir Jetsford." Rasen almost spilled the cup on Jet in her excitement.

Jet grabbed the cup before it spilled. "Thanks, Rasen, and please call me Jet."

"Ok, Sir Jet," Rasen said, smiling. "I didn't know what you drank, so I asked princess Ileana."

The drink stopped just before Jet's lips. 'Crap, if Ileana picked the drink. What did I get?' Jet was still hesitating to drink. Then he heard giggling from Rasen.

"Don't worry, Sir Jet, I got the opposite of what she said. It's just juice." Rasen's said with a smile and gleaming eyes.

Jet took a drink, and sure enough, it was juice in the cup. "I asked you to call me Jet."

"No, you need to start using the titles of others. You have insulted five people tonight." Rasen said.

Jet had to admit he has been ignoring Relo on some lessons. He was sure the only reason why he got away with his manners most of the time was because of King Garent and Rick. 'And now I am being told off by a twelve-year-old.' "Whatever you say, Mademoiselle."

Rasen cocked her head, trying to figure out what Jet had just called her. "Madam, what?" She said with confusion laced in her voice.

"I'm just messing with you. Don't worry about the title. You're not French anyways, and I need some food, let's go eat." Jet smiled down at her, then walked towards a table with food.

Jet ate and mingled with the nobles long enough. He decided to head outside on the balcony. The cool wind lightly blowing on his face was just what he needed. Jet set down the glass of wine on the railing and took a book out of his pocket. Jet read the title for the hundredth time, then flipped to a particular page.

The Bases of Magic Theory

There are four basic elements, fire, earth, wind, and water. Ninety percent of citizens are born with one of the basic four elements. Nine point seven percent are born with no magic, and point three are born with rare elements. The elements magma and lightning. The old language used to cast spells has been long forgotten. Only the words passed down over the generations are all that remains. As the generations go by, more of the language is lost.

Jet flipped over a few pages to another section of the book. Then started to read the page.

The magic wall can be broken, then causing a person to use magic without the old language. When this wall is broken, some people's appearances change, and studies show that those who change have greater control over their magic.

Jet put the book down on the railing then sighed. He had read almost all the magic books now and was seeing a few problems. First, magic in this world wasn't understood. Second, the old language didn't actually form words from what he could tell. Third, they call It breaking through the magic wall. Which he is certain don't exist. Jet's opinion, the magic wall is nonsense, after what he had done with Jace that morning. It was more like the person learns how to make the magic flow through the body.

Jet held both his hands out, then proceeded to make a fireball. After he had one done, he used the old language to make one in his other hand. Then to his astonishment, the fireball made using the old language was twice as powerful at half the cost of magic. 'Why hadn't I tried that earlier.'

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