《World Jumper》Chapter 10


Jet awoke to a bright room. It had to be late morning. He slowly opened his eyes. It had been a rough night. You don't realize how much you move around until you have an injury that wakes you up every little bit. Jet turned his head and saw Relo. She must have opened the shades on the windows. They must have let him sleep later, which is odd. They never let anyone sleep late.

Relo walked over to the bed and sat down. She put her hand on his head. "How are you feeling? I see your temperature has gone down. Mother has been worried. Everyone was taking shifts watching you all night." She took her hand off his head and smiled at him.

"Hard to see your mom worrying over anything." Jet chuckled. Dory was a life's tough kind of woman.

"Trust me, Mother is always getting onto Todly and Rick for injuring you. Mom may never admit it, but she has taken a liking to you."

"So, I can laze around all day?"

"No, you stink and need a bath." Relo got up and went to a dresser. She took out a robe and set it down on a bedside table.

"Harsh. In my defense, my water-bowl attacked me." He got out of bed then reached for the robe. Relo helped him get the robe on. He had given up on being embarrassed about being nude around the servants. It was beaten out of him by Relo's grandmother. The retired head servant, who only does stuff for the king now. Except when she decides to check to make sure the other servants are doing their job correctly.

"Judging from your hand, you lost to the bowl." She chuckled. Then she went silent when she realized it wouldn't be funny to Jet.

However, Jet just broke out laughing. "You're right. I definitely lost that fight. Also, I thought baths weren't available for another few weeks?" Jet asked. Surely the king wasn't doing this just for him.

"His majesty sent out a decree yesterday afternoon to open the bathhouses. Crops are starting to be picked, so they don't need the water. Also, the reservoirs we have are still half full." She said while getting stuff around.

They had quite the system here. Even have a sewer system. The problem was some years the mountain, well Jet, would call them geysers, but the mountains didn't shoot water out. Water just flowed out the top of them. Some years, the water slowed, so they would have to conserve it, and the people like the sewage system. So on the year's water slowed down, they would use less water for washing to keep the sewer system operating.

"Jet, do I need to get Mom?" Relo was waving her hand in front of him.

"No, just lost in my thoughts."

"If you say so. Let's go take a bath. You really do stink." Relo had a bag and his casual clothes.

"Those aren't my workout clothes."

"Jet, you get the day off. Roan said, you are not to do anything strenuous for the next week." She got behind him and shoved him towards the door.


"Are you sure I can take a day off? I still have a tournament to go to next week." He was going to need all the time he had left to get ready. Jet was looking forward to the tournament, after all. He was almost as good left-handed with a sword. If he had another week, he might be able to get as good.

"Jet another word about training. I'll sick Grandma on you." A very deadly sharpness to Relo's voice.

Jet was quiet the rest of the way. That old lady is scary. He had asked her what her name was. She just said, call me Grandma everyone else does. It was true even the king called her that. Rick had told Jet to respect her or live with the beating grandma would give him. Her husband had died in the war, but the servants made it clear she didn't change after that.

They had stopped at the door. Jet had been by this door several times. He hadn't been in it, but there were several doors he hadn't gone in yet. He followed Relo in. While, she set stuff down. He took a look around. The bath was a modest size, could fit two people. So at least, it wouldn't be a complete waste of water, unlike mansions from his world. That was so big it was a waste, but that was the rich for you. The arched windows had stained glass in them. They both had flower designs on them. It also had a fireplace with the usual Zenobia statues on both sides.

"Jet, get into the tub before I come over there and throw you in." Relo was tapping her finger on the table. "Every time you see a new room, you have to walk around and look at everything."

"Have to make sure there are no traps. Ileana tends to keep me on my toes." Jet guessed he didn't need to worry. Ileana probably won't for a while, if ever.

"There are actually rules for pranks in the bathrooms. Princess Ileana took some a little far, so his majesty put a rule on her, no pranks in the bathrooms." Relo was getting some vials out of the bag she brought with her.

Jet let it be and took his robe off. He climbed down into the tub, making sure not to bump his hand. The water hot on the his skin and felt good. The water almost went up to his chest. He wouldn't mind deeper. His bath from home was deeper than this one. However, he is more of a shower person. 'I wonder if I described a shower to Garent's scientists. Maybe they could make one. Showers use far less water than baths.' Relo was making some shuffling noises, so he looked her way, and his eyes went wide.

Relo had got undressed while he was deep in thought. She was grabbing the bottles off the table. She turned and walked to the tub. He had never noticed how her body flowed before while she was in her dress. As she walked, her hips would sway, but when her feet hit the ground, it was like she walked on air. There was no shock from her movements, so her breasts never bounced. This may be why he never noticed her modest-sized breasts or her voluptuous curves.


When she got to the tub, she put her legs in it and sat on the edge. "Give me your hand. I want to clean it before the water gets dirty." She held out her hand for his.

"What." Jet stuttered out the word, finally looking up at her.

"Jet, am I the first girl you've seen naked?" She had never even considered it. Relo grew up with brothers, and all kids shared the bath until they were married. Parents went first. Then the kids shared the tub before the water got cold.

"No, I'm not sure." Jet's thoughts were a jumbled mess now.

"I forgot, you lost all your memories. This is likely your first bath, you remember." Relo said, giving him a warm smile.

Jet, in the meantime, was getting his emotions in check. "Sorry about that, Relo, and I don't know. As you said, I lost my memories." He lifted his hand, letting her take it in hers.

"It's sad that you don't remember your family. I wouldn't want to forget my parents or brothers." Relo couldn't even imagine life without her family.

Relo started taking off Jet's bandages. She cringed when she saw the state of his hand. The whole hand looked deformed. She could see where they must have sawed through the bone. She dipped the rag in the water and started to gently cleaning his hand. Even though she had tried to be gentle, she could see Jet visibly trying not to cry out. He had his eyes closed, leaning back in the tub.

"You know I wouldn't mind having a little sister or brother." Jet always did want a sibling, but fate decided to take most of his family away. Then send him to another world.

"You can think of me as your sister if you want. Well, an older sister."

Jet opened his eyes and looked at Relo. She looked at him with a smile that shined. "What do you mean, older sister?" There was no way he was younger than her. He was almost seventeen when he got to this world.

"I turn seventeen in two weeks. Taking in your height, I'd say your about fifteen to fifteen and a half years. So yeah, older sister." She said with a matter-of-fact voice.

It wasn't fair. Jet was short for his age. He had been hoping for a growth spurt. It was just wishful thinking at this point. 'What makes no sense is, I am from a tall family.' His father was over six feet tall, along with his grandfather, and his mother's side of the family was above average. Of course, he couldn't tell Relo that.

A jolt of pain shot through his hand, and he sat straight up. He had a death grip on the side of the tub with his left hand. A tear rolling down his cheek. 'That fucking hurt.' He cursed in his mind.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry." Relo kept repeating. She had accidentally rubbed her fingernail against his hand.

"It's ok, Relo, the pain will pass." As the pain passed, he relaxed and leaned back again.

"Ok, I am done washing it now. I'll apply Roan's ointment now." She grabbed the clean rag and spilled some of the vial on the rag.

It felt good. Whatever was in it helped with the pain. It didn't get rid of the pain but felt cool as she put it on his hand. Then as he relaxed more, the door flew open.

"How is he doing, Relo?" Dory asked while barging right in.

"Just got done washing his hand. Applying Roan's ointment right now." She looked up to her mom, lifting Jet's hand to show her.

"Looks like you got this handled. How are you doing, Jet? The other girls are worried about you. Having to keep them busy to keep them from checking on you." Dory reached over to check his temperature. "I see your fever went down."

Ok, this was getting ridiculous. Relo was naked with his hand in her lap. Now her mother is checking him over. They did see him as a kid. He may be short for his age, but even in this world, fifteen-year-olds worked.

"Mom, he isn't listening."

"What are you talking about." Dory started looking him over more carefully.

"Personally, I think his brain stalls, but he says it's just him thinking." Relo put his hand aside to get up and grab the new bandages she forgot.

"I'm all good, Dory. Tell the others there is nothing to worry about." Jet tried to give her a winning smile.

"Nothing to worry about. Did you forget we were there? Several of us had to hold you down as you screamed. As you asked just to be put out of your misery, We wished you would pass out from the pain, but you never did. There was so much blood, and you were as pale as a ghost. Of course, we are all worried about you. All of us wanted Ileana punished for what she did. However, after all, that you asked the king not to punish her. You don't need to act like you weren't hurt. All of us think of you like family." It would be a long time before Dory forgot about last night. The sounds of Roan sawing his bones still rang in her mind. Her heart had broken for him.

Jet didn't know what to say. He had no idea they had all felt like that. He had gone out of his way to learn all their names. Even talked to them about their day. Relo had said they all took a turn watching him all night.

"See Jet. It's ok to think of me as your sister. After all, we do consider you like family." Relo sat back down to finish working on his hand.

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